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.. _ , __ a <br /> /��, . . . ;.`.,',, :�::•;,�,, ., . . .„•,T <br /> t� ' , . . , <br /> . .. '..�.., . '�. <br /> ��;� .Iroi ..a�:�:�if': <br /> . <br /> �:: <br /> � ��-. ..w�+tinvv�i � .. .. . .. . ...... . ...,.:_...- `- -"--.—"'_---.__. <br /> . , . ;. _ _. � .� t :.��F .�-wr`�.'�.�`. <br /> , . . - ' _ .�5,..� <br /> � ' , � .� � 1';�'[9�.�Y. � `�` <br /> - - . ' - . . .. .. _ . . ., �,�- . .r - � . .i[Ci-.��„h�tte�' <br /> � � • .� �o��' . .. � <br /> S.Iloinrd or Pe�c►perty Ir�urana. 8arrowcr shall kxp 6hc i�nprovcmcnts now oxis�on c�rcaftcr crcctccl an tho Propcny � • - <br /> � n ,. <br /> insutal agninst loss by tiro,hnrnrde includcG within th�tcrm "cxtcndcd oovcmgc" nnd nny othcn c�v�rds, including tloods ar " <br /> . j tloodfng,for which l.cndu roquiras insurnnca.7his insuranco shall bo maintwincd in the amounu and for Ihc perlods�hot Lcndcr �.,, <br /> I rc:qulres.'Ihc insuran�cc cunicr providing thc insurancc shall bc choscn by Uorrowcr subject w Lcndcr's ap�roval which shap na1 �• '. � <br /> � ba unrci►�anably withhcld. If Barrnwcr f�ILs co maintain covcrago dcscdbed abovc, Lendcr may. �t l.cndcr's option. otiusin ,, , , <br /> covuagc w pmtACt Lcndcr's righu in thc Piroperty in aocordAnco with pareg�aph 7. <br /> ., ..� .,..,w�°� All insurancc policics and ncncwals sh�ll bc accc�tabla ta Lcndcr ond shail includo a stnndard mortga,ge cl�use. Lendcr sh�11 �• ' <br /> , •.•• �� have tha right ta hQld Iho policics an�rcncwats.If l.cncf��rcquire,v,Aarrawcr shall promp�y�ive to Lender all receipts of paid � <br /> prcmium9 ernd rencwa!nadas.In thc cvcnt of loss,Dorrowcr shall givc pmmpt notioe tn thc insurancc carrier and Lender.Lcnder <br /> may mdcc proof of ioss if not msdc prompUy by IIomower. , ' . �• <br /> Unless Lender end Borcower oiherwise ogroo in wnidng, insu�nce procecds shAll t►e applied to restoratian or rc�air of the ,;�.,;;.,;;���r����„•'`.. <br /> ,, Property daonagal,i6 iha restoradan or�epair is ccanomically fcasibk end Lendcr's secudty is nat lessencd.If the reswration or ' ' ��,�y;;r:��. <br /> rcpair is not ex,orwmically feasibk or L.ensler's sec�rlty would be Icsscned,tbc insu�ance procccds shall be appUcd to thc sums ''j"+Y y��-�-- <br /> 'r <br /> sccwcd by this Socurity Inswment, whcttur or not Ihcn duc, with any cxccss paid to Botrowcr. If Bomowcr aba�edons the ' �:s:��;•G..1•---- <br /> Property,or docs not or►swcr within 30 duys a nasticc from L,cruler that�he insurancc carrier has offered to setUc a claim.then �.`??°A-'�=.---.- <br /> ,_.-_ <br /> l.en�kr may colkct the inswrance procoeds. Lendu may use the procoods to repair or restore the Propeity or to pag s�uns secured ,`�;n::� <br /> by this�sturitp Ins!,tvhtlhs.r os ao!ehta due.Ths 34-dsy ptri��vill h�;in whes�tho nosic�is give!a. �'�':;=::"�__ __ _--- <br /> � ,; Unkss Lender and Horrowce ottkrwise agreo in yvritin8,enY ap¢llcatia►of procoecl�to ptjncipal shall iwt txtend or postpone ;''•-, <br /> the d�e dACe af the monthlY PaY�ts refaral t�in pnrn��h91 end Z M chAnge the esc!ount of t�,c�y+insnts.If und�pa:�^�,pt► � '"�`5��-.�� <br /> =`�..r:�M:� <br /> 21 the Proputy is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to eny insucance policies and proceais resulting from dan�agc¢n ttre ._+'_.;;�,_.:—� <br /> Propaty prbr w the noquisitbn shsU p�ss to I.cndu to tho extent af�he sums sscund by this Security Inmwnei�t immediately <br /> � ptiot to the acquisition. -1„s-;�___. <br /> 6.Occupa�.Pnservatbn�Maintenanoe and PrMectiw of tbe Proptrty: Borrower'a l.oan Applkatbn;Leasehold�. . <br /> Bamwu ahall accupy�establish,and use tltie Pcoperty av Bannwer's principal ceside�ce wicbia sixty days eftu the excc;�tion of . <br /> ' this Sa;urity Insuumt�t and shall coatinue W occupy the Ptopetty as Aorcower's principal residenc�e for at least une ytar after the - <br /> daie of occ�ancY. I.uider otherwiso agrees in writing, which oonsent shall not bc �mreasonably withheld,ar unkss d <br /> e�tu►uating circumst�nces caist which are beyand Bonrowa's contml.Bonowa st�sU not destroy.diunage a impair the Property. . ;� <br /> ° ' � allnw thr_.Pnr�rltlr �n rlesrrwrnr�, rur cY►mgnit wACtr m tM PmKlty: Rnrmwel chall he in default if any fotfeiture actlon or �-= ■ . <br /> pc�,oaling.wM.tlxr civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good twth judgman could result in[orfeiwre of the Pro�ty a <br />- othawiso mateti�tly impair the lkn creattd by ihis Socurlty lnstnunent or Lruxkr's�ocurity int�escsL Borrowa may cuc�e such a ' <br /> dc!'wit aad�r.insWe.a� provided in pera��h 18. by cau�ing the actlon or prooeeding w be dismissod with a ruling tt�t.ia <br /> .. . '> Laider's good fi�th daennination.Prccludes fafeipuc of the Bamwa'a interest in the Pnopaay or ott�er matai�l impairmait of �;,. <br />-- the lian cxeated by this Securityr Insuunxnt a I.endrx's securiry inux�esG Barow�r s�aSl also be in default�f Barower.du�ing the ,a L <br />�'' .���� , � {oan apQlkation p,ocess.pPve�na�a�itillq�alsn or inaocuraus informati�,or statanent�[o I.ender(a faikd w provide L�der with ' _- <br /> r;r:.�a..,.,.. :1' <br /> . eny msk7i�1 infomsadon) in ooanoct� wunh the baa evklenood b�v the Note. incWding. but not limited w� n�msen�ns <br /> "',,-. � ."...,� c000erning Bamwer's occupaocy of t{'�e Pu�o�aty as a principal residenc�e.if this Sacurity Instrument is on a{ea9el�old.Barower " <br />�,.-;,:` �.:, st�U comply with all tbe provisions of the lca�e.U L�s�NU acquires foe tiue a the P,roperty.the leasehold ac�d�he fee dtle shatl - <br /> - n�ml merge u�a{ess Iu�det sg[Ces W tt►e mesger in wrLmua,g. �:-- - <br /> :�,��_~_� 7.Pr�ot�ctba of I,enskr's iti�6ta io t6e I'roperRy. IIG Bocmwei fniLs to pufoim the ooveaant�and agrocmo.tils oontained in ��� <br />- :-_;;;�'�*�.� • this Socurity Inswmeat,a tha+e is a fegal Proca�in8 tliat may s�bmiticanuy at�'ect I.eader's rights in tho P�vperty(�ch as a _ <br /> :_�.-"-r'.:.:�.. P��B��P�Y.Pro�.far condemna6on or fafeiwr��r ao�nfocr.e laws ex reguladons),thra Lend�x may do and PaY =._. <br />- _-�==-•�•, far whateva i�nooessa�y to protocd the valuo of ihe�e�aty and Ir,�ida's righis in the Propaty.L�endrr's x�tia�s may include �.. <br /> _ ?.�..��.� <br /> -'~.,•.` �� P�Y�B Y y � P��n2� �rrei Uiis 5ecurity Instr�rt�►t�aDP��B ��. Pa}nn8 reasonabb <br /> :�:rr:-,•, AQ SU[R4 BDCIYO��, a�1CY1 w}IIC�I f18S - <br />?"`"`�'�:..'`. attartoeys'fxs end enldi�g�n it►s Pcopaty to malrx Q,�its.AIlh�gh Let�da may take actlon nndcr this p�h 7.I�esdrr <br /> __=a_urdri�,;;;�, �.- <br /> -- -_. ,,.. docs not 6avt t�do sn. =•- _-�-- <br /> ,�.�`K�••�'`'��. Ax�y auoo+�ats dis6+�rsed by Ir.t�dcr uo8ra this�rag[aph 7 sha9R�:�a•sa�ne additional debt of Borrt►wer secuncd bY this SEC.ast�' -- <br /> f:.�:.,.�:�...,, - <br /> . r..:, <br /> - '-•,l,�3�° tI151lUIIICIt. Uf1�SA BOR�OWU 811d Lt71dl'l f0 QAIhCT kx1:19 OI� _- <br /> -�..:;,'='--�� �EC �YIIIt'lll. �ICSC all10il11iS St181� bCB�IIIICCS'L fiOlil I�iC dBSC Of —. <br /> �`_.��' d�sburspueat at the Note rate 3nd st�all be PaYablc,wcTh itm�cst,upon notice from Lendcr W Bartowea ccqnesti�g paymatt -_ <br /> -- a.Mprt�e In�nnnce. If I.eitik,r roquirod Q��ge insurance as a condlrion of m�oking tt�e loan securod b�v�his Securiry = <br /> u <br />��.,"'"�.:.: Hnsuu�ra►t, Bosrower ahall pay the prerniums uired w mainCain the m y ",:.- <br /> - .::.;,�::;: r�l ortBeBe insuronce in effoc� If, for an rcavo��, th- <br />—=-�•�.__ . . mo¢tgage icisiunnce cavrrage roquired by Lender lapses or ceases tta�x in effect,Bosrower shatl pay tfu per.miums�equx�d!tro <br /> __ ., c�biain oovuage svbst�►tially equivaEent to the mor�t insuranee�pravi�usly in effecc,u a cost substanw�lly equivala�t to�s �` <br /> _ � �t"st W Bntrower of It►e a�ar,.:�a8e insivance prea,iID�s9� �n e.ffec4 from an alteru�ate Q►ongage insuru aip{xnval by Lenrla. If ��. -� <br /> substanW�lly eq�ivalc�t rnatt�l,b8e insuranoe oaverag�us mot available.Boirow�r s2�a�:��to Lender each month st sum equal w FS -��_� �. <br /> %;�.. �ti�r:::;'_ <br /> one-twelfth of tbe yearly rncat�ge ins�„e prcmn�.m be3ng paid�,r�a�rowex w�c,n�he iasu►anc�e covc�age lapsal a ccasoGl�o � ,.• < <,,�-r-==: <br /> ?,�'`!", bc in efterA. will } � r�ve ��� `� ,��r`��'.�SS�;u''u���. <br />_ , ,a II.cnder aocept,use�,d ve;,�.n et,ese paymeats tis;u!la�s xe�;rve in lieu of rraar�g e inswance. Loss r�• <br /> i 1%'!'''�,t � .;;1,,�;lt•.�.'�,;,+�a ;• <br /> I�'i.�tii; , .��,�.5;,,�ti;tt.�..,.."o'�;� <br /> e:�; <br /> . � 6,�rm 5028 O/o0 � �a.: ��t; . <br /> -!R(NE7cet+2�.o� ra•9me ��,' � ���",;. <br /> o mm.u: . �,x,.. �..:�,.. <br /> :i� .,r �"'"1"•,�:-'`� <br /> �J 'n�••;��i.Y.�v'• . <br /> . ",�l `` �, y+ k': .c•j�� 'f'� <br /> � • • ... <br /> ... <br /> • ... . <br /> .i • �� � .��� . <br /> _ <br /> • <br /> J L. <br /> . .. . . <br /> — I'.� . _ __ — —_ ___ <br /> T. .�r�.y��.,°'-T�'nv .. -..._� .-.----�•--T-,--.....�-r_�w..v�x:�c�..w�..�..�.-'.__ .T....--..�.a.r-�—z-.�p'_�.��Z!y!PWt�_:� ._._._-_ T__ _-._ <br /> YL <br /> . . � .. - ..� . � ' 1 • <br /> � � <br /> . • <br /> �.__. " ._ . . . .. __ ... � <br />