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'�� . . ,. . � <br /> ��� . .� . <br /> �.►M..�.. ., ..,,.. . ... <br /> ..•�wni , , . ;,,- .�.. • � _ . . <br /> . . ...�.. ,. r. . - .-h+:[:r.f:..r•.fi.?;�,,;1.. . <br /> , .. .. . . . .�,.�������'F,Vkiyk�'�- .. <br /> _ � n•�.1%!'•:-. <br /> . .. . . - ..i:.Lir _ ... . .,..l.. - _ <br /> �P����� . .. <br /> M <br /> 'POGfiTHBR WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erccted on �he propeny,Und nll easements,E►ppurtenanc�.s,and . <br /> � ' Cxtures now or hereaiter e part of Iho property.All replaceinents and additions shall also be covered by�►ts Sccurlty lnstrumen� . <br /> � All of U►e loregoing is rafcrrcd u►in thL�5ecurity I�strumcnt os the"Roperty." ', ', .�-. <br /> BORROWfR COVBNANTS that Horrower is lnwfuqy seised ot tho cstntc hcreby conveycd suid h�thc right to grnnt u�d y <br /> canvay tlw Propeny snd tl�at the Propeny is unencumbered,eacept for encumbranoes of re�cord. Borrower wnrr�nts and wiil ' <br /> dcfend generally Ihe dde to the Pcoperey aSvinst+�11 clei��s anci d:�s.�+�ds-subj:ct to any encumbrances of record. - <br /> THIS SHCURII'Y INSTRiJIu�NT combines uniform cover�nt� for natlonal usc and nomunifortn�its with limited , , ;'��� <br /> ,�;�,.:;� variations by jurisdicaan to cansdtute a uniform security insuument covering real property. , ° , � _ <br /> . .,•n L]NIFORM COVSNAN'1'S.Borruwer a��d Lendcr covenant amd egrs�as tolbws: <br /> 1.Payment ot Priectpal end Interest;Pirepayment and l.a�e C6araes. Borrower shall promptly pay when duc the _ <br /> prtnsipal of end interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and sny prepaymei►►end late charges duc under the Note. ,, , , . <br /> 2.Funds tor l axes ond Iasuv�ece. Subjccc eo eppUcablc law ar to a written vmiver by Lender,Bonower shall pay to , ��•"`i`• <br /> u � , _c,. �:.ti�; -�-s� <br /> L.cnder on the day monthly payments are due undcr tlae Note,until the Noi�i�paid in f�ll,a sum(Funds')tor:(a)yearly taues ,*,•�..;,�;.ti.•.� f��a��^ <br /> �ii�iti;�-: <br /> and ttssessments which may attaln priority over l#�Security Ins�umerit az a lien on the � ''"�- <br /> tt n PropeitY:(b)Yea�ly leaseawld paytnenu .��,�z�,�`--_ <br /> - �. '?�J:.: <br /> or gmund rents on 1he Property�if any:(c)Yearly hazard a property insurance premiuros;(d)Yearly flood ic�sucance pccsm.i;uns,if .. - :_,_ <br /> enY:(�) Yea�lY mortgagc insuranr,e pr�miums.if any:and(�an9r su�ns pa�rable by Bonawer to Lender,in aocor�with the ',,: �:Y:`.::,,._._ <br /> provistons of para�aph 8. in 6eu of the payment of mortgagc insesrance premiums.'Ilnese itsms are calied"Fscxow Itcrr+s." ,���,y;,��;�° <br /> [.ender may�ai eny dme,collect and hold Funds in an amount not w eaated the maxim�un emount a leieder for a fedelaliy nlated ti����^; <br /> '" mortp,age loam m�y require far Bortov�er's escrow eccount undcr Ihe fed�al Reai�state Seulement Procedures Act ot' 1974 a4 •.;;. <br /> �� amcndod from dme to time.l2 U.S.C. SecHan 2601 er s�q. ("RBSPA"),uzaA,^,ss a�wther law that applies to the Funds se,ts a lesser ��::,'••.-.=•- <br /> ' r amounG If so,Lender rtwy, at a-ray dme,collect cu►d hold Funds in an ara�ount nat to ea�ceed the lesser amoun�. Lernder may :'==— <br /> _ri_��_ <br /> ,� estimace the amount of Funds dae on the basis of cucrent data end reasmna�le estimates of eapendiwres af fuwre fisc►row Items or --� <br /> otherwisc in accordance with applicable law. `:;r�x. <br /> 1he FY�nds shall be held in an i n s�iwtion w hose d e p o s i t s e r e i n s u r�d b y a f e d e r a l a g e n c y,i n s t r u m e n t e l i t y,o r e n ri c y(i n c l u d i n g �x� <br /> L.ender, �f L,ender is such an tnstiwdon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay ihe Fscnow °�=— <br /> Items.L.ender may aot ctiarge Bornower for lsolding and applying the Funds,ennually analyzing the escirow aocoeue3,or verifying ,.=: __. <br /> the 6scrow Itans.unless L�nder pays Bomower interest on the Funds and applicable law pecmite Lender co�rwice s�y a charga ' <br /> How�ver,Lender may requir�Bocrower co pay a one-tune chnrgo for en independent m,�l estate tax re�orting sesvic�e used by �� <br /> Lender in connec�c�n with tt�is loan�unkss applicab3e law pmvides otheiwlse. Unl�,s an egreement is made or t�pUcable lavi <br /> �'. � cequires interest tm be paid,Lendcr shall not be rcquired to pay iiarowrr any intc,�s�or earnings an tnc Funw. BiKivwo�w r; <br /> • LWedcr may s�gtce in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funda.L.endel sha'll give to Borrower.without ct� ,,, � <br /> tgt n �•::� <br /> ,r;��r <br /> . an¢eual a000unpng of the Funds,stawing crodits end debits to the Funds and thc putpose for which each debit to the Funds was .l�,: . <br />�.- , . mnde.Tl�a Funds arc pk:dged aa additional sacurity for sdl sums s�xured by thls Securiry Instrument <br />� '.-�- If the Funds held by Lender eacceod t1�e amounte pernucted w ba heW by epplicable Iaw.Lea�der sha�!ecoount w Bomower fa <br /> the excess Funds iu accordance wiU�the requiremente of ap�licnble Iaw.1�1�e amount of the Funds hel�by I.e�xler at eny dme ix ��' _�_. <br />�r,--- • not�ll'icient w pay the fiscrow Itams a6en due.Ler►d�ec mr�y so norify Boirower in wdifng,s�nnd,in such case Bomnwer st�aU pay _ <br /> '�:�.:. .. m Lender the amount necessuy w make up the dehcicncy. Bortower st�all anafce up the deCiciuicy in no rteora th�n tweive . <br />''�`• ..!•• • RiODt�l1Y p8S�I11C1113�8t I.CfI(�C7�S SO�E dISCICtjOR• <br />=F_ , Upon paYment in full of all sums socured by this Sccurlty Ia�swmat, Lcnda shall Rmmptly nfund to Sort�owa any Funds _ — <br />_%'"_ . ':i� t. 21.I.ender shall acquiro or setl ttie Property.L.ender.Prior to t)xe acquisidon a sale of the ��� <br /> -_:,::r�.�,t; • i held by Lenda.If.unda paragi�ph <br />-�,��;�1' propaty,shall apply any Funds luld by Lender at the time of acyui.,�ieon or sak as a crodit against the surt� secured by this � <br /> � Security Insw�nenG =,_—_ <br /> - • 3.Application ot Ryments. Unkss applicabk law provides ottwwise�all paymeuts rooeivod by Lencler under par�graphs <br />�=�:`�:7`°T � 1 and�shall Q�e applied: first,ta�►Y P�I�Ya►ent�har6�s due und�r�he Note:second,to amounts payabk undu paragraph 2; ---- <br />-__-p,a� <br /> -_, :r�. third�to interest�1�0; principnl d�e:ond any tate eharges due aacl�r the Note. <br />_:.c��`z,;�;: . 4.C6ar�esi Lieas. Bomnwcr ahall ps►y all taxes.assessments� ci�ar,�es,fines and impositionons nt�ributa6lc to the Pcoperty = <br />�-'�;,�� which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument,and�easehoid papments or grou�cl rents.if any.Bonower shall pay Ihese �-=�-.- <br />�:,_�..n.,.:. :. ,. . �;�;.. <br /> --- ��;.�___ obligations in the manna provided In para�ph 2.or if not paid in that manner.BoiroWer shall pay lhem on bme din�cdy to tha �;4; <br /> .--.::°.�--=�' person owed paysnen� Barowc�shall P�P�Y furnish to I.enda all nc�tices of amounts W be paid under this paragreph.If , u <br /> --a�:-� Borrower makes these payR►ents direetly.Sorrawer shall promptly furr�ish g€�Lender receipts cvidrrcing d�e paymrnts. -.. <br /> - ;"�""�'` . Bo:rower shall promptlY dischar8e an'l lien which hav prioriry over tPiis Securiry Insuument unkss Borrower.(a) agrees irn = <br />.- -` :�,."-..: � writing to the payment of the obllgation sccured by the tien in a muener acaptable t�Lcnder;(b)oontesis in gaod faith the licr� �- — <br />_ � by. or defends agatnst eafo�e,ment of the liea� in. legal proc�din8s which in t2�e Lender's opiaion operate to prevent Ihe �.— <br />-- enforoement of the I�en;or(c)secuoes fmm the halder of the lica an��emer�t satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien co �=�T-_�- <br /> • . this Sc�aucity Instrument If Lender deLamines that c�r►y part of the Pro�is subject t�a l�en which may atmin prioriry over�� �:�7;�:..�=__ <br /> Socurity Instrument,L�enda may give Bomower u noticc identifying thc�ien.Borrowcr shall satisfy thc lten or take one or Pnor�. ����"�°� <br /> ;�ra�sn�u=°..�..�. <br /> � � of the acdons set focth abo�e within 10 days of the giving of noace. ;�{."�""�,� '�±�=-"• <br /> � �or�,sa2a or�o ;��..< <f.:'=;�:�:. <br /> t�:,,�: A=_--�_:` <br /> P, .2oie innNU: t'�'�'`�f,�•.`��" "f'i` <br /> _ . ,� �•eR(NE)�oz,s►.o, n - - ..� <br /> �'_ <br /> ���.� . :f.� <br /> C�_.. 'r t_�iG.: <br /> • � .�>�.-r;��. ' ar., �Y <br /> . ,., ; - ----- °— ._-.�.......-,,._o_.._...�._,r_._,._..-......—.--,._.� ��_..��-__ _. _ <br /> �,..-. —-. ,.,.-._ �.._-. x --r <br /> . . � , .• . <br /> 3 ' . _ � __ � � _ _ — I . ' _ <br />