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..�1►YI <br /> ` 1•� ` . � ' . .� � ... ___' -... <br /> . /� <br /> ' ��.-•.. . �� . <br /> �.-.��. <br /> . i� . <br /> �74�����)'l \. - . ...._��__.�.'+J'�.t�� x 'l�h�l='�_ax- __— � . <br /> » • " <br /> _ . _.. . _� ._....._ _' _..._. . _ .__ <br /> 45tiy] <br /> _.. . .'_..__ -.___ .— y' .� <br /> . . . . . . ...;ry,�w 'fw►iB i s�p.:nS4� � . . . .. ... � _ .�-, _ <br /> � .�. .. .......... . <br /> ' � V•' _.y+!MbflRRdlLV`..t'. _,--._._. . . � <br /> , .. � .i, .. : � ' i :-.. <br /> l P.•>>'_'_: ..._ - ...... _ <br />��./;,I��� �.� ...,..... . . . �^ ��� v� <br /> ` ` � .� 8orrowi�r muy cure :uch n delaall ��nd rein3lnle, es provided �n pnm�rnph 1�, by causing I e netion or proceadm�� In ho ` .�, <br /> ' ' d�sml�ned with a nilin� Ilial, In Lcndr,r's r{ood lallh delr_tnunatlon. prechides �orlcituru ol Ihe Borrmve�s hrierust in Ihc Propcity ui t <br /> other mal�:rinl Impalrmenl 01 Iho hun crenl�d by�hir� Sf-'cuuly Insl�umcN o� Lender s :,F�cunly �:ilae:;i Hoirowcr ;;hall alsu ht� m <br /> detnull it FJt��rowCr,dutin� lhu lonn npphenUon procuss {�am matennlly I,d�,e ur innccurdu mlot�nahun ur :�Ini��nicnl� lu lenilr� (ui <br /> lallad to prov�du Lender �viU� nny matednl intorm�imn) m eaunucUon wdh lhe lonn widwic�rd hy ihe Noto mcluduig Gut nul <br /> Ilmllud to. reptesonlationa conc�rnfng Borroweis actupi�ncy ul Iho Froperty u� n pnt�cipal rusidiucn II tlu5 tiecunly <br />'� Instrumcnl is ori n leasohold, 6orrower shnll compry wmi ull Ihu provisions ol tho Ieas�� II Do�rowur acyuu�s leu tuh: w the + <br /> Properiy. lho Icasehold and lho leo Iltla shall nol nicige uNnss Lcndu� npruos to U�o mcr{�cr m wnIII1tJ <br /> � ' 7. Protection o4 Lender's Rlghts In thB Ptope/ty. It Horrowcr lalls Io pertorm tha covr.nunls and agrecmuniti <br /> contninnd In Ihls Socurity Inspumm�t, or lhero Is a IcQal proccoding Iliat mny siqnllic�ntty a114c1 Lendor's nglits m Ihc Propc�ty <br /> (such us a proceedlnfl In Lankruptcy, ptobato, lar condemnotwn or lu�teituto or lo cnforco law::or rapulatlons�. then Lencfe� �»��y <br /> .. ,, do �nd pny lor whntover le neaossary to protuct iho vralue o1 tho Property and Londer'a dghl� In Iho Property. Lender's nctluns _ <br /> mny Include pnyln� nny 3umo securod by n Ilen whioh hc�s priodty over thls Socurity InslrumeM, appcaring In court. puy�n(� <br /> reasonnbla nitorneys' fees nnd entedng on tho Prope�ty lo mako repalrs Although Londer may Inko action undcr Ihis pnrngraph ,_ <br /> �:.•- <br />- --- 7. Lendcr doos not havo to do so. <br /> ,4 Any amounis disbursed by Lender under pn�ngmph 7 ehall becomo ndditfannl debt ol 6onuwer secured by this Securdy �,., <br /> " Insirumont Unlass Borrower and Lender agrca to olher lerne o1 paymont. lhe:,A mnounts sha�bear interest Irom the datu o� - <br /> disbursernent at Iho Nota rate end shall be payebla.wiYh Nterest, upon notico tram lendm lo Boirower requestiny paymcnl _ <br /> 0. MOt'fig8ye Insurance. II Lnnder requlred mortgagv Inauranco us a r.onditlon of nwiking tlio lonn seeured by lliis _ <br /> '. Securiry Instrument. Borrowor shall pny the premiums requlred to mnlntaln tho mortg�ge insurance in eifect II, lor any reason. ihe _, <br /> mortga�o insurunco coveraga requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in otloct. Borrower sh�ll piry the prem�umy ruyu�ied to _ <br /> . •„ , obtaln covemge substantially equivale�t to Ihe mortgagc insurance previously m f�t .� r.usl �ubstrmUally eyurval�nl ro Iha � <br /> �f'^'"%' cosl to Bonowe� of the mortgage insuranco pre�lousty n etlecl. Irom nn alternata mortgay�msurar approved hy Lend�:i u <br /> __"•F, �� <br />-==��,s��._._,. substantially equNalent mortgage fnsuranco covera�els noY °ald�b1eBonower when theyin urancaecoverage/apsed urnce sed lo <br />=. `:.;�:;,_r one-iweltlh ul the yearly mortgago insurnnce k�eing p y . <br />.;,,.jh.�.;�1µ be in e8ec1. Lender wlll uccept, u3e and retaln these payr.�ents es a loss raserve fn lieu of moRgago fnsurance. Loss re�erve <br /> :�,•�,_ payments may no tonger be required, et the optlon of lmder,if mortgage Insurance coverage (m the amount end lor the penod _ <br /> ,. ,-�f,t:tr that Lender requfres) provlded by an Insurer epp�oree!by Lender egain bocomes avaflable and is obtafned. Borrower shatl pay <br /> --.� --� - tha premiums requtred to malntaln mortgage insurance N etfect, ar to provide e loss resene, uNit the requirement lor moAgage <br />'_<<�"�`-�' Insurance ends in accordance with nny wdtten egreemenl between Bortower and Lender or upphcablo law. <br />=_«:,i�t 9. 1115peCtlan. Lender or Its ngenl may rnuke reasqnubie entries upon and Inspeclions o11he Property. Lender shali grve <br />,�'�";.f <br /> Borrower nolico et the time of or prlor to an fnspecuon speaifying reasonable cause for the inspect�on <br /> .'"���' 10. Condemnation. Tho proceeds of any eward or clnim tor damages, direct or consequenpal. in connecUon with any <br />-"'��fi-•y� condamnalion or other taking of any part o1 the Properry. or for cornoyance in Ileu oi condemnation, are hereby nssigned and <br /> __ -�.:�,:L� shall be paid to Lender. <br /> _.°:-,;� In the event of e toi-�1 taking of the Properry. �he proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secunty <br /> -���;.:�� Instrurnent, whe�her or not then due, with eny excess pald to Bortower. In the event of a panial taking of the Property in whfch <br /> -�`� the falr maiket relue ot the th�operty immediaieiy �etvicii�m 1o��t.�t:� ��°• �y!��^ ����?"tar iha�ihe amnunt O}tr18 SUO1S 60CUf0tI <br /> ---:�",L�'� by thfs Sea.�ry Instmment immedieteh before tt�e taldng, unless Borrower end Lender otheiwise agree fn wdtinp, the sums <br /> _;�;.� securad by th"ss Seourfty Instrument shatl be reduced by Ih�emount of the proceeds multiplted by the tollowing fract(on: (a) the <br /> ---- total smour.t of tt�e sums secured immediatey bP1ae the taking, divlded by (b) the tair market value of the Property Immedlatety <br /> hatore the tntdn9.My batance shall be paid to Bortower.In ihe ovent of a partial teking o1 the Property tn which the fulr marlcot <br /> _�'��.�,rw� valuo oi thn Prope►iy Immedietely beforo the teking Is kss than the emount oi the aums secured immediatety betoro tho tekfnc�, <br /> -���w� untess 8orrower and Lender otherwlse agreo in writing or unloss applicablo Iaw olhenvise provldes, the proceeds shall be <br /> - applied to the suma secured by thls Security Instrumenlwhether or not the sums are then due. <br /> - If the Property Is abandoned by Borrov�er, or il, afler notice by Lender to Borrower that the candemnor ofters to make an <br /> -- awara or settle a clalm for dnmages, Borrower tetls 10 respond to Lender wtthin 3U days after lhe date the notice is given. <br />----��-- Lender Is authodr.ed to coflect and apply the proceeds,st its option, elther to restoration or repair oi the Properiy or to the <br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or �ol then due. <br /> ----- Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any applicetlon ot proceeds lo pdncipal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the mnnthly paymenis relerred to in paragrephs 1 und 2 or chnnge the amount ot such payments. <br /> — t i. Borrower Not Released; Forboarance By Lvnder Not a Walver. E�nensfon ot the tima tor payment or <br /> modification o1 emoAizatlon of the sums secured by this Socurity Instrume�t grunted by Lender to any successor in Interest of <br /> Bortower shull not operate to release the IIablGly ol tho original Borrower or Borrower's successors In Inte�est. Lender shell not <br /> •— be requlred to commence proceedings against any successor In Interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise <br /> __°y,.m� modity amortizalion ot the sums secured by this Securiry I�sVument by reason ot any demand made hy the original Borrower or <br /> ------ Bortower's successors In Interest. Any torbearanco by Lender in oxerclsing any right or remedy shall not be a waiver ot or <br /> preclude the exercise of any right or remcsdy. <br /> -- 12. Successors and Assigna B�und; Joint and Several Llabit(ty; Co•signors. Tne covenants and <br /> egreements ot ihis Security Instrument shall bind end benefit the successors and essigns of Lender nnd 9orrower.subJect to tho <br /> provlsions ot perayraph 1�. Borrowers c�venant5 and egreements shali bo Jofnt end soveral. Any Bortower who co•signs thls <br /> Securiry Instrument but does not exocute the Note: (a�Is co•signing thls SecuNty Instrument any to mortgage, grant and convey <br /> that Bortower's Interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Instrumeni; (b) Is nol personally obligated to pay the <br /> sums securod by this Security instrument; and(c)egrees thst �ender nnd any other Bortower may agree to extend, modily, _ <br /> ---= torbenr or rn�lco eny occammodatlons w(th rega�d to Ihe terms ot this Security instrument or tha Note without that Borrower's <br /> ===-= consent. <br /> __ ---- —= 13. Loen Charges. Ii tho loan securEd by Ihls Security Instrument Is subJect to a law which sets maximum loan <br /> � charges, and that law Is flnaly Interpreted so tt�at tt�o In4erest or othcr lo¢n charges collacted or to be co�ected In connacUon <br /> ��'���'�a w�th the lonn oxceed the pertnitted fimits, then: (s) nny such loan charge shnll be raduced by the amnunt necessary to reduco <br /> � "'"'"�� tho charge to the penn(tted Iimit; and (b) eny su►rs already collected trom Borcower which exceaded permitted Iimits will be <br /> -Y��;; ro(unded to Borcower. Lender may choone to make this reiund by reducfng tho princlpal owed undsr ihe Note or by making a <br /> `"`;���%�^'�' direct paymenl to 8orrower. If n rotund reduces prindpai, the reductlon wlli be treated as e partlai prepayment without any <br /> _�.-R:'t:`.•� <br /> -_.��_.�Y��. prepayment cherge under the Note. <br /> --`:.u•�"'��. 14. NOtICes.Any notice to Borrower provided lor in this Security Instrument shall be giren by delivering it or by mailing it <br /> ' ��� � by tirst cluss mall unless applicable law requlres use ol another method. The notica shall be direcled to lha Property Address <br /> `���,�� or any oihi+� aJ�iress Burcower dcs.gnates by oclicc lo Lende• en� .,.,��rp tn �Pnder sha0 be qiven by Ifrst class mad to = <br /> r_........ n.... ..,..a........,.ia.... �... , in.� <br /> ` ' yK Lender's address stuled herein or uny other aoaress iendcr ucoiynaiba �r ���::.e :� ..,,�..-.... ...v ••.-.•..-r.-••--- ._. i�. ...._ <br /> , �F.x'{`�"' � 5ecurity Instrument shnll be deem�d to hnve becn givcn to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paregr�ph. - <br /> _ " '"' ; , 15. GoVOrililtg Law; SoVBrabilil}I- This Security Instrument shall be govemed by tederal luw nnd the law of the <br /> J �utlsdiction In which tho Property is located. in Ih� event that any provision or clause of this Security Insirument or ihe Note <br /> . • ' con0lcls with appficribla law. such conilict shnll nol aNect o[her provisions of this Securily InsUument or the Note whfch can be <br /> . . �� piven effect w;thout tho con(licting provislon.To ihis end the provisions ol tiils Securfty Instrument and the Note are declared lo <br /> _ � be suverable. <br /> „ � 16. DOfrOWBt'S CO�y. Borrower shall be glven one conformed copy ot the Nuie:�nd oi Ihis Secunty Instrument. _ <br /> ~' � u,rn , •,t'� _ � <br /> .�.r` ,,,,�i�a��,rw� - <br /> •��. ... <br />' ?G�9[1 <br />