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_� . . . . . <br /> �:: . . , _�w.. , <br /> - - - ---- -- -- — <br /> ., ni�A�'��F"'. .. -- -- . ' ' ------ — -- - — - -- <br /> __"-'_--'--'-...._ ��___.. _ . � � H <br /> . <br />.. ' . „ . . .. ... . �. . . .�.�.w OFThi9�IW71a43'iR'I . . . . . . . ��p�, .. <br /> � •Sti�Al�l�ctL:�'a,..� .. � . .qV`}�+A . . '- ... . . <br /> , _ �._... _ � ... <br /> istri kotYi•r}.n. � � ,p.- <br /> �i �r� — _ <br /> - . .,. . .. .. .,... ..._._.. ._. «.. --, <br /> , � �� �t, <br /> y ' � � 17. TrAnefer of tho Proporty or n E�oneflalal Intereat In Borrowor. u au� n��l Ihe Properly or +�'•� <br /> ' pny mlarosl in il IS sold or Iranslerrad (or it ii benolfclal intcrosl in F3orrowcr is so�d or Itan�lerrod nnd Barrower i� nul a natural <br /> per.:an) wilhuul I.ender': pnor wnitcn r.ansenl. Lendor mny.N ds opllun. ioyulro immoclhdo pnyment ui lull ol .�II sums secured by <br /> .. , I Ihla Secwily In:�liuinenl Howover. lhis opllon ;h�dl nol liu uxrrr.e.ed hy Lundcr il ux�:rcis�• I�. pruhlhi�ed by Ir.deial L�w��:, ol Ihe <br /> datu ol lhls 3ecurity Instrumenl. <br /> II Lender exerclsns this option, Lender shnll �Iva Bo�TOwer nolicu ol ncr.eloratlon. The noUca shnll provide n penod ul nol <br /> Ie�� Ihnn 90 dnys from the dato lho nollco Is doliverod or nmiled wlihln which 8o+rowor must pny all sinne sucurod by Ihis <br /> Secwlly Insirumont. Ii 9Arrower lail� to pay those sums prior to lho uxpunllpn ol thlo penod, Lendor may invoke uny rvmedw:. <br /> �� pennitlr,d by thls Secudly Inslrument wrthoui tuAher notico or demand on Borrower. <br /> �$. QOPPONlO��.�'. Rlght te Roln�tnte. II Borrower mee�is a�rtnin conAitions. Rorrowor sh��ll have Ihe n4hl tu htrve <br /> ,�� enforcCnl�n1 0l lhis Socurlry InsUumont d�scontinued al any Gmv pnor to tho earller ol: (n) 5 days (or such other penud as � �- <br /> - upplicnblu Ww may speclfy lor rninslnlemon�) bolorn sala ol th�_PropeAy pursuant to any powur ul �ulu conwmed in IhiS Sucunty <br /> •e. <br /> y��� Instrument:or (b) eniry o1 a jud�ment enlorcing thls Securily Inslrument Thoso wnditfons uru Ihat �u��uwei (a) paYs L�ntlei all I <br /> sums which then would be duo wider this Sawnty In�trument und the Nole us il no acceleralion hnd oc�urred. (�I cu�es any '.� <br /> detnult ot any other covenant or agreements: (c) pays all oxpenses inewred in ontorr,ing lhis Ser.unty Insiruinenl includmg bul `�,�.��' <br /> : not hmitod lo, rt.�sonnblo nllorneys' Ie�s; and (d) takes such action as Londer may r�asonably inywru tu.r..����u lhal Ihe hen ol , <br /> � ' Ihis Securily Insttument. LCnder's rlghts fn lhe Property and Borrower's ob�iynlion lu pay p�r aume oecurud by Uie: Secunty _I•�,�,-. <br /> '� Instniment shall contlnue unchnng�ed. Upon refnstatement by Borrower, lhfs SeCUrity Instrument and the ubhyations sewrad �_�- <br /> �t hereby shnll remmn lully etlectivo as it no acCelomtion had occurcad. However,this nght lo remstate shall nol apply m the case ';_ <br /> of occcicrallon under pnragreph 17. ���. <br /> ��. �._ <br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Cha�ige of Loan SefVICe�. 7he Note or a a pnn�ai �nieresi �n �ne Not� I�ocjothrr w��n �n�s �:,_-- <br /> Sacurity InslrumeM) may 6e sold one or mora times without pnor notice to Borrow[tr.A sale may result in a chanc�e in the enUty _ <br /> (known as iho 'Laan Servicer")Ihat collocts monthly payments due under the Note and this Secu�iry Instrument. There also mny — <br /> ' ._ be one ar more changes of lhe Luan Servlcer unrelated to a sale ot tho Noto. II thcro I� a change of Ihe Loan Senio�r_ __ <br /> ,.. Borrower wiA be given written notice of the change In eccordance with paragraph 14 above and applicabla law. The notice vr;ll ! <br /> • stote lhe name and uddress of the new Lnan Servicer end the eddress to which payments should be made. The nouce wfll also - <br /> , .y;�` <br /> contafn any other informaiion requh•ed by applicabla law. <br /> :. � 20. Hazardaus SubsttinCes. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal. storage, or re.leaso of <br /> ;�'!�,t eny He2ardous Substuhces on or in the Property. Borra�ver shall not da, nor ellow anyone else to do, nnylhing aftecting thu <br /> •���? Properly that Is In violatlen of 2ny Envfronmentel Law. The preceding two sentences sheli not epply to the presence, use, or <br />_.,-_�;�;{ � stontge on the Property ol small yvantities o1 Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to bo appropriate to normal <br /> �.j� <br /> rosidential uses nnd to�naintenenco o}the Properiy. —_ <br /> 8orrower shail prornptly give Lender wrltten notice of any Investigation, clalm. demand, lawsuit or ott�er aclion by any <br /> "�"' ��� ovemmental ar re 4l�io a enc or rivate a mvolvin the Pro e nnd an Hazerdous Substunce or Enviranmental Lew ot <br /> . � 9 9' JY 9 Y P P rtY � 9 P rtY Y �-- - <br /> - � ��• which Bortower has actual knowledge. H Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmentel or regulatory authonty, that uny <br /> ,.�=..:'�_ ... <br /> n_�........ ..ti�n u.. �w4n ol� . <br /> 'i��{,�y removal �f otner rememaaon Ot any i-iazardous ,Ud�J(9fIGtl 1111C�iUI1J r1U�Jt'.I�Y �y ��C�.C�JO�r• u�/���/^�� `+ • Y"""Y"7 " <br /> ��;����` necessary remedial ar.tions in accordance with Envlronmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hezardous Substances" ere thoso substences defin��d as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> :;_'�%�.'� <br />_-.>-�i•,;,�{� Environmental Law and ihe tollawing substances: gasolino, kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petroleum products. toxic <br /> �N''ur pesticldes and herblcidas,volatilo solve�ts. materials aontaining ashestos or formsldehyde, end rr�dio�ctiv4 matedals. �s used in <br />-"".:�'��,-;;;� paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" means tederel laws nnd laws ol the �urisdictlon where the Praperty�s tocated that relale to <br /> �,��1�� haallh, safety or environmental protection. <br /> °—�`?��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender further covenant and ttgreo es tollows: <br />—�=•�'�� 21. Accoleration; Remodies. Lendor shnll give notiao to Borrower prior to accaleration <br /> � �i`'�"° follurrfi�g Bo�rower's breach of any covenent or agreomont in this Securtty Instrument (but not <br /> _....� _ prlor Eo acceleration und�r paragraph 17 unless appliQable law provides otherwise). The notico <br /> ""`�"� shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the actlon required to cure tho default; (c) a date, not less than <br /> -----�-� 30 days fro�re lt�o datn the notice is given to Borrowe�� by which the default must be cured; and <br /> -�L---�- (d) that fafl�r� 4� cure tho default ore or bofore the date specifleai In the notice may result In __ <br /> - --== accele�atton of the sums secured by thls 5ecur(ty Instrurtient and sale of the Property. The notice <br /> =-_- sha11 further Inform Borrower of the right to relnstate after acceloratbn and the rlght to brfng a <br /> ����� cour2 actlon ta asse►t tPno non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrowor to <br /> acceleratlon an�l sala. If the defau{t Is not cured on or beforo th� date spociited In 4he notice, _ .. <br /> __,._._,�� Lender at tts �ption may requlre Immedlate payment In full o? all sums secured by thla 5ecurity =.--- <br /> ---���= Instrument wlihout further demand and mny Invoke the power of sale and any other remedles <br /> ,,���;�.� permitted by epplicable law. Lender shall bo entitlod to aallect all expenses incurred in pursul�ig <br /> ---�-�-� the �emedies provided in this paragraph 21, Including, but not Itmlted to, reasonabl� attorneys' <br /> �--� fees and costs of title evidence. _ <br /> M^�_��= If the power of sale Is Invoked, 'fruatoe shaU record a noilce of default in each county In <br /> F:��,y;�?��i which any part of the Property Is located and shall matl coples of such notice In the manner <br /> ,,:,.:��.:,.,. . <br /> --•.�.;�.:. prescribod by applicable Inw 4a Borruwer and 4o thq othor persons prescribed by eppilcable I�w. <br /> ''1���::•,: <br /> �}�. Atter tho Ume required b� applicable law, Truotee shnll give public notico of sala to tNe persons q <br /> "';`a "� and In the mannnr prescribed by appliaoble law. Trustoe. without demand on Borrower,shall sell <br />�'i;=':;�r�:•V� tho Property at pu�lfc auctlon to the hlghnst t�idatar at t6�o timo and place and undar tho terms �- <br /> `- � ��• deslgnated in thv notice ot salo in ono or moro par�ols and tn any order Trustee detormines. `" <br /> Trust�� may postqone sato ot all or any parcol of tho Proporty by publl� announcement nt tF�o - <br /> � �- , time and place af any proviounly schoduled salv. Lendor o� Its dosignoe may purch�ae tho _- <br /> `•` y; ' Property at any sale. �:-- <br />"�; " o� Upon receip4 of paymont of tha pr�eu btd, Trustee shall delivwr ta the pu�•�h:�ser Trustee's �_�r�_ <br /> :_: _ <br />�-*�- ___ •_.'t_ • • •' .�'" w"'__.i" �L_ ___!�_�_ �� �L_ T_'"�__I_ J_��! �V�II L� r.lrr� Qwnlw w..1.J�www w� ��'.--. <br /> � - -- Oeeo citiivtiy�ng t�tv rroporty. ���n rocna�a �u ucv ��oaaoo a �oov a�.o.. w p.....o . .. o.. �.....o ... <br /> ... '`�c �, 47�e truth of the statomen4s made therein. Trustee shall apply the procoeds of tf�e sale In the � <br /> fallowing order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising thc� powor of sale, und tho sale, <br /> Inclu�ing the payment o4 the 1'rustee's fees actually Incurred, not to exceed three <br /> � ryo of the principal amoun4 of the <br /> note at the time of the declarAtldn of detault, end reasonablo c+ttorney's fe9s as �sermi4teci by law; <br /> (�)to atl sums socured by thls Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons '� <br />. ' Iggally entitled to it. <br />.. , Fti1u�Mli�Af9G1 4 r•• _- - -- � <br /> t ' <br /> 1 <br /> ��.. <br />. Yb 1 JU <br />