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:� . . ' - �. ....'r � ... I • . . .:.�.n. ,. . <br /> � .A�v . �.�ry� •� .. . �y�-'. .a�,.-V W'vf,RlYrNa�_,a.e •�••.w�illi���" <br /> . � <br /> . . _" '__..�. ��._ " __�. � _ — -_ " _ _ .. __" <br /> . ��i.i1�l�l�ASWY11fM�Y.rt. �:S����_fC�1�9r�� � <br /> - a`�'�.s,.-.`.:i'T.._........ .....i . ��._ ... .�� ...� .�... ... . . .... •- . _.. . . . . ... .. __..�. .. 'hr._.Y•.:.�wr�u � <br /> •��:. . . . C�•� �Q�� � <br /> . :,,.:.+,, , , TOGETNER WITH ell Iho Improvements now or heieaft�r wr�cle4 on tho propuily, und ull L`LSEfilC11I5, appwteuunc��. unQ �-- <br /> ' (octure;s now or hereattcr n part o1 lho propeAy. All replacements nnd odditlons�hall nlso do covered by thls SccurNy Insiniment. -- <br /> Ali of the tore9olnfl Is rofcrrod to In thi� Socurity Instrument es iho "Pronerty' r `. <br /> E30RROWER COVENANTS Ihal Borrawcr is Inwlulfy scized ol Iho estiHO haeby cunvcycd rind hiis Ihc ughl lu qi,urt anr, <br /> convey Ih�r Pioperly und thnl lhe Property is, excepi for cneumbrancc:. ol reconl Upnuwrr�, ,uul r,dl <br /> dn,lanU 9encmlly Iho Ililo ta Ihe Property ugalnst nlf clalms and demands, sub�ecl lo ony cncwnbranc�s ol racoid <br /> �, THIS SECURITY INSTflUMENT combines unllorm covenents lor nntionnl usu �uid narumlonn c:ovc�mnts wiih Imulci! <br /> , vadations by jur::,dictlon to con:,U�ulo n uNform security instrumunl covcmn{� rc�d propcity <br /> UNIFUFM GOVENANTS. Borrowcr nnd Lender covenant and Uyroo as lollow:,. <br /> . :� 1. Puy�nent e�f PrOnclaal and Interest; Prepnymont and Late Charges. eotro�ve� •.n.,u p��mNUy u,�y wi,�•�� <br /> duo Iho pnr�cipal ol und interost on Ihe de�t awdenced by the Nolo.�nd any prepaymenl and Inte char�e; due undrr Ih�� Nu1e <br /> ' 2. Fund� for Tar.o:� and In�U��tiCO. Sub�ect to applir.,�blc hw or In n vrntten w�rver by L�ndcr Darro;�c� :h,iu pa� <br /> ,�,�,�,p�: to Lc�nder on Iho dny monthly payments aro dun under Qio Noto. until lho Notn is pa�d m hill, u sum ('Funds-1 lur ��q y�.,�iy <br /> �'��` toxns end :�ssessmenls wi9lch may attaln pdority over Ihls Security Instrumenl ns a Ifen on the Property. (bl yemly luasehold <br /> _ paymenis cr graund rents on Ihe PropeRy, II any; (c) yeady hazard or property Insurance premiums: (d) yeady Ilood msurance <br /> premfums, if eny; (o) yearly mortgngo Insuranco premiums,il nny. nnd (t) uny sums pnynble by porrower to Lender m accordance <br /> �•�: wilh tho provfsions o1 paragrnph B, In Ileu ol tho pnyment ol mortgage Insurance premiums. Those rterns are c;alled 'Escrow - <br /> _ items." Len�er may, at nny time, collect nnd hold Funds m nn amount not to exceed the maximum amount +i lendei lor a -' <br /> " � tederally retated mortgage loon may requirQ lor Borrower's escrow uccount undor the federul Real Estuta So111ement Procedums ��:- <br /> • � �, Act of 1914 as amended Vom timo to timo, 12 U.S.C. �2601 et soq. ("RESPA'), uNess another law Ihat �pphes lo tho Funds - <br /> , seis a lesser umount. II so. Lender may, at any timo, collect and ho!d Funds In nn amount nol to exceed Ihe lesser amount <br /> Lender may estimato the amount ol Funds due on tho basls o1 cunent detu end reasonable estimates ot expenditures ol future <br /> Escrow Ilem:or otherwlsn In uccordancu wfth npplicable luw. - <br /> The Funds shull bo held in an mstitution�vhose deposits are Insurud by a federul agency, fnstrumentality,or enlily pncludmg <br /> ,,r . Lender, ii Lender Is such nn fnstitution) or in any Federal Homo Loan Bnnic. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow � <br /> __;�,.•; Items. Lender mAy no!charge Borrower for hotding end apalying the Funds, annuolty enalyzing the escrow account, or veritying -- <br /> tho Escrow Ilema unless Lender pays Borrower Interest on the Funds and uppiicable luw pertntts Lender to maku such a —_ <br /> : - � ���•- chatge. Howeve�, Lender may requlre Borrower to pay a ono-time cfiargo tor an independent real estete tax reporting servlce <br /> used by L�ndes In connectlon with this loan, unless applicabio law proviCes olherwlse. Untess an agreement is made or �. _ <br /> � ' ' • appticablo lav�requires interest to be pald, Lender shell noi bo required to pAy Bortower any Interost or eamings on tt�o Funds. <br /> - Borcower a�d Lender may agree fn writing, howover. that Interest shall bo pnld on the Funds. Lender shali give to Borrower, =- <br /> ��.;_`i.•`•'.4� without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose tor which each <br /> �;`� dehit to Ihe fureds was madu. The Funds aro pledged es additlonal sscurity for nll sums secured by lhe Secunty Instrument. — <br /> �':�vl���;� It the Funds held 6y Lender exceed the amounts pertnftted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds In accordance with the requirements ot applic�.blo law. It tha amount ot lhe Funds held by Lender at any — <br /> ��^�:r.• funo is not sufficlent to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may so notiiy Eiorrower in writing, and, in such case Bo�rower <br /> _- ' �:+y';� shall pay to Lender thn amount necossary to make up the deficiency- Borrower shall make up lhe doficiency m no more than <br /> -�°�.�'�'"• •� twelve monthy paymenis. at LEnder's sole discretion. <br /> —._= tr,:� <br />='�_ti` • Upon paymenl in lull ot all sums secured by thls Security Instrument, Lender shap {�rompty �efund to Borrower any Funds <br /> -"`="',3''� .. held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21, Lender shall ecqulre or seli ihe Property, Lender,prlor to the acquisiliore or sale ot the <br /> 4;�,� Yroperty,st�au appry any runas he�tl by Lentler at thq tlme ot acqwsldon or sale es a creult against the sums secured by this <br /> -"'';�+;.�� Securiry Instmment. <br /> �.y ..t <br /> -:�^.,�;��}.;� 3. Appllcotion of Paymernits. Unless appflcnbla !aw provides othr.rwiso, all payments received by Lender under <br /> _--_"_?�:;:_ parngraphs t and 2 shall be epplied: first, to any prepaymenl char�es due under the Noto: seconci,to amounts payable under <br />— --—`"'.,;� pamgraph 2;Ihird,to fntcrest duo:}ourth,to pdncipal due;end last,to any late charges due undar the Note. <br /> --�="= 4. CI"18�ge8; Liett9. Bortower shall pay ail texes, essossments, charges, flnes end impositions ettributnble to the <br /> °'"� Propertyr which may atteln pdority over this Secur�ty Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if sany. Borrower shall � <br /> =_- pay fhese o611gaUons N the manner provided in pamgraph 2, or if not pald in thut manner, 8ortower shall pay them on tlme <br /> ___�_ directty to !he pe:son otivad payment. BoROwer �hall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of emounts to be pald under this <br /> _.___= paragraph. II Borrower mnkas ihese payments direCtly, Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender recelpts evidencing thv <br /> --- --- Paymenis. <br /> — �--� Bonower shall promptty discharge eny Ilen whlch has p�iodry over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower. (a) egrees in <br /> wriling to the paymenl 01 tho obflgatlon secured by the Ilen in a manner acceptablo to Lender; (b) cantests In good faith the <br /> '-- lien by, or delends against enforcement of ihe Iien In, legal proceedings whlch fn the Lender's opinl�n operete to prevent ihe <br /> entorcement of the Ilen;or (c) securea irom the holder o(the Ilen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinuting the Iisn ta <br /> _ thls Secudty InsUument.M Lender detarmines that any pt�rt ot the Properry Is subJect to e flen which may attnin priodty over this <br /> `_� Security Instrument, I.end[r►mey gMe Botrower n notico Identitying the Ilen. Bortower shali satisty t'�e Ilen nr teke one or more oi <br /> - - .�°' the actions set foAh above wfthin t0 days ot the gYlny of notice. <br /> � 5. HazareJ ar Property Insuranee. 6onower shall keep the Improvements now exlsting or hereafler erected on the <br /> � Properly Insured agafnst lo�s by fire, hazards included within ihv term 'extended coverage" and any other hezards. Inoluding <br /> _ ...=-= tloods or flooding,to�which Lender requlres Insurence. This insurance shell be maintained in the amounts und tor tho periads <br /> - --"� that Lander requlres. The Insurance eartler providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval <br /> _'"� which shall not bo unreasonnbly withheld. It Bortower tafis to mainteln coverege described ebove. Lender may, at Lender's <br /> --- optlon, obtatn coverage to protect Lender's dghts In tho Property in accordance with paragreph 7. <br /> _ �,_ .� All hisuranco pallsles and renowals shull be accepteble to Lender and shall Include a standard mortgapo clause. Lender <br /> =_ shull have tha Hght to hcld the poiictes and renawais. If Lender requires, 8ortower shall promptly givo to Lender nll receipts ot <br /> __- pald premittms and rennNai noUces. In the event o}loss, Bortower shall give prompt notice to the ins��rance carNer and Lender. <br /> --" "-�'�� Lendc-r may make prool of loss ii not mado promptly by Borrower. <br /> --_�;� : Unless lender and Bortowet othenvlse egree in wdting. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repafr ot the <br /> =:a��=..� , Propertyr damaged,fi the restoratlon or repair Is ecanomlcaily teasiblo and Lender's cecudty is not lessened. II the restoration or <br /> -��": ,�`-�,s ; repalr Is not economically teasible or Lender's socurtry would be lessened, the fnsurance proceeds shall be appiled to the sums <br /> __.-_- �^= — secu�ed by Ihls 3ecurity Instn�ment, whether or nat then due, with any excess pald to Bortower. If Borrower nbandons the — <br /> :,��:��;�'��. Propertyr,or does not nnswer within 30 days a notico trom Lender that the Insurnnce eartier has oitered to settle a claim, then — <br /> _`�:��,':G,. - Lender mny coliect the Insumnce proaeeds. Lender mr+y use tho proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> -`+,�° f..` secured by ihls Securfty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30•day perlod will bogin when the notice is gfven. -- <br /> �,' '� y Y Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise e ree in writin an n ucatlon oi roceeds to rincl al shall not extend or <br /> -:s'u=5::'��� 9 9• Y PP� P P P -- <br /> -''.5"�'#�±� � postpone the duo date of the monthly payments refeRed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount ol tha payments. If -�- <br /> �'-''..'„``*'4' �r� <br /> : • • - , under paragreph 21 the Property Is ncqufred by Lender. Borrower's dflht to any insuranco policles and pmceeds resulting from `-�•- <br /> { '� "-` dnmago to the Properry prlor to the ecquisiUon shell pass to Lender to the e�dent of the sums by this Security Instrument � '- <br /> ;�,t . Inunediatcly prior to tho ecquisition. � _-_ <br /> = - -.� 6. OccunanGV. Presen+a2Eon. Maintenanca and Prt�tortlnn �t tho a..�.�o.n.• a.,......,e.�.. �...... �_`�� <br /> 3��;:--`��- A lication; ------ -- •-�-••,• - _ <br /> �-;�. pp �Leasehoids. Bomower sholl ocr.upy, establish, and use the Property as Bortower's princfpal residence within <br /> --••�x sixly days a(ler the executfon ot this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propeity t�s Borrower's principal <br /> ' residence tor et least one year aiter the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvlse agrees in wriUng, which consent shall not � <br /> bo unreasonably withheld, or untess extenuating citcumstances exist which are beyond BoROwer's control. borcower shall not <br /> , destroy,darnage or Impalr the Property, nllow tho Property to dete�lorate, or commit waste on lhe Property. Borrower shall be in <br /> - detault ii any lorteiture actfon or procaeding, whether civd or criminal. fs begun that in Lender's yood faith judqment could result <br /> , ° ., In Iorteiture ol ihe Property or otherwiso matedally Impalr the Ilen cre2ted by this Security Insirument or Lender's security interest <br /> �, . . ,�n�� �.,,�� �.�.�. . • � <br /> i.µ'_ .. "_ � <br /> ��`•wY_'tit <br /> 9679: <br />