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<br /> "� ' � ` "Procaeds�in conncctlon wlth condomnation or athor tnklnp ol tho PropoRy or pan Ihoroo},or tor aonvoyance In Ileu o1 condemnat!on. __
<br /> l.and�r chall t�o cntltt�d�4 lia optl�n to cummcncn� apponr In nnd pro�ocuto in ito�•r;n nnr�to nny octlon or�rocuodind�,nnc�shnll nt�o -
<br /> , � bo entilled to make any compromieo or serilemont in connectlon wlth ouch taking 0r damage.In the ovent any portion of the PropeRy Is -
<br /> ;r sa taken or damaped,Lendar ahall havo the optiQn In ita sole and�bsotute dls�retloe�,to epply ell such pn►G+bBds, after deductir►�
<br /> � : i therofrom all coete end expenao�Incurred Uy It In cmnectlon Nrith auch Proceedo. upon any Indebtodnesa�cured heroby��d In euch
<br /> ordar as Lender may determino,or to epply atf such Proceads,efter euch decauctlons,tn 1he reatoratlon of�he Property��ach con-
<br /> �i ,+ � dluor+s es Lender msy dstermine.Any applicallon ol Proaeeda to Ir►tleDtede�ese sfnaR nat extend or poetpone the due data of anyµ�y
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure any deta�dt thereund�rur herounder.Any unapplled lund�ehatl bc+pald to Trustor.
<br /> 8.��rtormanc�by Lmdsr.Upon the occurrer�ce o1 an Event of Delault C�ereur�de�,or fi any ecl Is teksn or{epal pro�ading -
<br /> � �� carromenced whkh materl8fy ettect�I.ender'e intereat in the Properry,Lender may In Its own discretbn,but withaut oWlaatbn to do so,
<br /> " -�""� ) and wilhout notice to or demend upon Trustor and without roteasing Truator trom any oblk�atbn,do any act wh�h Tru�tor has agreed
<br />' 'M'•'!'. :�,ti
<br /> but ta�iled to do Qnd may also do eny atlier sct i2 deems necessary to protect the security hereot. Trustor shall, Immadiately upon
<br /> ���' damand theretor by Lender,pay to Lendar all costs end expanses Incurred and sums expendod by Lender In connecqon wilh tho exer
<br /> cise by Londer ot tho Foregoing rtght9,topother wtth Intere�t thereon at the defauiQ rate provlded In the�Jute,whlch shall be added to
<br /> ,� the indebtedness secured hereby.Lenck�r shali not incur any Uablllry because of enything It may da or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> ,� 9. Hu�rdous btat�rl�ii.Trustor sha►I keep the Properiy In compllaace v�ilh all appl(cab!:lawa, ordinances and r��'a►t4�na -
<br /> ,, reGi*.��►g to IndusMal hyplane or environm�ntal protocttan(coltactively reterred to herein as"Envlronmental Lswe').Trtrstos e.f►AVl kaep
<br /> - � �, .x,r�f?cnperty tree from ell �ubstan�na cioamod to be h�trdaus or toxlc under any Environmental Laws(collective�y reten•ett tn he�eln
<br />�',° . �;,"�Oarardous Materisl9").T�ustar h�raby H�ar�nnts entl represents to lender th�t Viore sre na Hazardous A��ate►ia!s on ar under Me
<br /> � ta;o��y.Trustor has�by�grQas 4�Enclamnity and i�old harmtess Londer,Its direct�ore,officors,employees antl agants,and any sua:es-
<br /> ^.�•-�j+.�7 , ��;rs to Lender's Inte»st, �rom ared Agxlnst eny and all clatms,damages,bsses and I'�bilfttes sdslnp In connectbn with the presence,
<br /> „:;,•�:.a,,
<br /> F•;:,, .•c� r.��,.4'�S�9al OI'1�RI13pOK OT dS1y C'�9L1ffI0U9 M81Bt'�8I9 Ofl,under,from or about titis Property.TH�FOREQOINO WAHRANTIES AND
<br /> �,.. . C�:v'YJ�1iVEYANCE OF 7HIS DE�E�42��TRUST.
<br /> :�.���'' 10.Atslgnrt»nte of Rents.Tnrstor h�rab�asslgns to Lender,and prants lender e secudty interost tn,all present,future and
<br /> ' �aJ�dstnfl rente,Issues and proflte oi the Pra�a•rHy;provlded that Tn�stor shall,until Ihe occurrence of an Event of Detault,hereunder,
<br /> �=��'� � t'�e�Ight to collect and retatn euch rents,Issues and proflt�as they become duo and payable.Upon the occurrence of en�vent ot
<br />_=°:,„•.;:e��� '�vs �
<br /> ' L4`:�:9,l.onder may,elther In pers�n or by agoni.wlth or wlthout bringing any acUon or prooeeding,or by a �eceiver appolnted by e
<br /> '_""'���— cccr.'.t a���wulthout regard to the adequacy oi fis secudly.entor upon�nd take poss�sslon of the Properly,or any paR thereof,In Ito own
<br />..��;;�� name or in the name ot the 7rusiea,and do sny acts whtch It deams necessary or deslrable to preserve the vatue,ma�Cetabillty or
<br /> rentablllty ot the Propedy. or any part thereof or In4ereat thereln,or to(ncrease tha Inoome thtireirom or protcct the security hereof end,
<br />- -—� wltl�arwlthout taktng possessfon of the Property,sue for or otherwlse collect iha rents, Issues and profita thereot,lnclud(ng those past
<br /> --�.��""rs�'� duo and unpa:d,by notltyfng tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may appty�ents,lssues and profits,less oosts and expens-
<br /> es ot operation and collACtlon Including attomey�s tees,to any(ndebtednoss ser:ured hereby,all In sucb order as Lender may deter-
<br /> -�-�--J=u�� minc►,Thw antednn unon and tak�na oassesslon ot the P�opelty,the coller,tlon of euch re�te, Issues an�proflta, and the eApl�atlon
<br /> :�;"�� thertjof as eforeseld sha8 not cure or wAive any defeult or notice of default hareunder or InvAlldate any act done tn rosponse to such
<br /> .�_ �''� detault or pursuent to such notice ot default and,notwlthstanding the cantlnuance in posaesalon oi tha pruperty or the collectlon,
<br /> --_-- -- recelpt end appl�aUon of rents,Issues or profita,Trustee and Londor shall be entltled to exerclse every�ight p�ovtded tor In any ot the
<br /> - =-= = Loan Instruments or by law upon occarrence of any Event of Detsult,lncluding wlthout Ilmltatlon tho rlght to exerGse tho power ot eale.
<br /> Furthor,Lender's righte Q�d remedi�a under thla psraflrflph shnll bo cumulative with,and In no way a Omitatlon on,Lender's righto and
<br /> _._._.._._.� �emc�dlea under any asafgnment o}leases and rents recorded agalnst the Properiy.Le�der,Trustea and the recelver ehAll be Ilable to
<br /> °-�--� eccountonlyforthoserenisactuallyrecelved.
<br /> ------- 11.EvsnU of D�fau�.The following shall constitute an Event of Deisult under thla Deed of Trust:
<br /> -_-���=� (a)Fallure to pay any Installment of pdnclpal or Interest of any other surn secured hereby when due;
<br /> �-��_���� (b)A breach of or default under any provlslon contatned In the Note,this Deed oi Trust,any of the Loan tnstrumenta,or eny
<br /> :;;;� other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> � (o)A wrft of executlon or attachment or eny slmflar process shall be antered agalnst Trustor�vhkh ehall become a llen on
<br /> -- the Property or Any poRlon thereof br Interest thereln;
<br /> - (d)There shalt be filed by or agalnat Truator or Borrower an ectl�n under any present or tuture federa�,stste or other statute,
<br /> — lari or�egiilatbn relaUng to benkruptay,lneolvency or other reltef for dabtora;or there shall ba appolnted any trustee,recefver or
<br /> Ilquldator of Tn�stor or Borrower or of all or any part of the property,or the renls. Iasues or profits thereol,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> shell make any pene�al esslgnment for the benefit of credltors;
<br /> (e) l't�e sale, transfer, leaso, asslgnment,conveyanco or fuRhgr encumbrance of all or any paR of or any fnterest In the
<br /> ____ .__�s Propertyr,elthar voluntadly or Involunta�lty. wNhout the expresa wdtten oonsent of Lender,provlded that Truator ehall be pertntt-
<br /> ted to execute a Iease ot the Property that does not conteln an opUon 4o purchase and the tertn ot wh(ch does not exceed one
<br /> � yesr,
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> � (g) If Trustor Is not an Indlvldual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,asslgnment, conveyance or encumbranca of mora than(It a
<br /> —.� corporatlon)a total of percenit of tts Issued and outotanding stxk.or(if a paRnershlp)a total of_ per-
<br /> ___- cent of partresrehip Interests,or(If a Ilmited IlabUily company)a total of percent of the Ilmited Iiablllty compa•
<br /> � ny tnterests mr voting righte dudng the pedod thls Deed of Trust remalna a lien on the property.
<br /> --�'; 12.R�medieo;Aac�leratlon Upon QsM�tt.In the evont of any Event ot De(eWt Lender may,wlthout notice except as requlred
<br /> y""'-; by law,dectare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due�nd payablo and the same shsll thereupon become due and payabte with•
<br /> -- -- out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of eny ktnd.�areafter Lender may
<br />- --=_ -°—' (a)Demand that Tn�stee exarclse the 6�OWER O�SALE granted here0n,and Trustee shall thereafter causa Trustors Intar-
<br /> ---==��=�*-� e5t In tho Praperty to toe sold and the pracaods to be dlst�ibutad,aU fn the mennor provlded In the Nobraska Yn�at Doeda Act;
<br /> -_
<br />