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Box 1507 Grand Ieland, NE 68H�2 (here�m"Tnss3sa"D,�nd <br /> � the BeneBciary, Fxve Pointe Bank <br /> whose mailing address is z0.15 N. Broadrell Grend Ioland. HE. 68802-1507 (herein•Lende�. <br /> - FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,InGuciing Lertd�rs oxtension oi credit fdenYtled hereln to <br /> Tanaa �- flanh�nar <br /> (oerein`oorrurrni;��oth6r sst�t�j 3s�!*h°t^-'�hprnin cra�3»d.Hhti ra;�ipt <br /> — ot which Is hereby acknowtedged, Tmstor hereby IRevocably grant�, transtere,conveys and a�signs to T�ustee,Ih7 TA�D51.ti111TH <br /> ---� POWER�r a!�1�,for the benei{t and���stiy of L.ender,under and subject to the terms and condilfeves hereiru�fter se!fo►�h,4ha real <br /> �,.n; ., , p� <br /> _-_:aar�;�'r,�?1 p�0�����`�G��}� y� nCADON LANE SUHDIVISIOH� IN HALL COUHTY� H��'+RA�KA. <br />-_ ;•� <br /> �::::� <br /> .�`x� Together with all buildings,improvements,fixtures,streets,alleys,passageways,easements,�ights,privllepes anq appurtenances <br /> tocat�d thereon or In anywise pertedning therelo,and the rente,issues and profits,reverslons end remalnders thoreot.end such per- <br /> sonal properiy thst Is attach�d to the improvementa so ea to Constitute a fixlure,including,but not limited to,heating end cooiing equip- <br /> ment;and together with the homestead or ma�ttal inte�esta,Ii any,which Interests are hereby released and waived;ell oi wh�h,tnclud- <br /> ing replacementa and addtUons thereto,Is hereby d�clared to be a part of the real esta4e secured by the ilen of thls Deed oi Trust and <br /> ell of the foregoing betng reterred to herein as the"Propertyr'• <br /> This Daed oi Trust shall secure(a)the psyment of the pdncipal sum snd interest ovidencocl by a promissory note or credit agree- <br /> �� ment dateei_._ Toe•nteh 3�+r;q9�. _,having a matudty dato 01����}.�ggg-----' <br /> in the original principui amount of S_ 7.179.14 — , and any and all moditicatbns,extensiona and renewais <br /> lhereat or thereto and any enti ail future adirances and readvancea to Bortower(or any ot them If more than one)hereunder purauant <br /> �_�, to one w more promissory notos or credit agreements(herein calisd"Note"�;(b)the payment oi other suma advanced by Lender to <br /> protect the security of the Note;(a)the pedormance o1 ell covenants and agreements of Trustor set torth herein;and(d)eil present snd <br /> (uture indebtedness and obligatlons at Borrnwar(or any af them If more than orte)to Lender whether df reci,indirect,ttbsolute or oantin• <br /> pent snd whetlx�r arisinp by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,thls Doed ot Trust and any and ail ather documente that <br /> secure the Note or atherwise executed In connection therewlth,including without Ifmltation guarantees,socuriry agreements and <br /> assignmonts of leases and rente,shall be roterced to horeln as the'LoAn lnstrumonts". <br /> ,� T�ustor covanante and agreea with LAncfar ae fo!lowa: <br /> 1. Payment of Ind�tednqs.Atl indobtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due. <br /> _-_- 2. 1'itl�.7rusto�is the ownor ot the Property,has the right end eufhodty to convey the 1'roR+�►tY� and warrants that the Ilen creat- <br /> - ed hereby(s a tirot and prlor lien on the PropeRy,except tor Itons mnd encumbrancea set forth by 7rustor in w�fUng end delivered to <br /> ---- ___= Lender betore executlon of thls Deed of Trust,and the execution and delivery of this Deed ol Trust doeg not violate any contract or <br /> __ �_,,� other obligation to wh�h Trustor Is subJect. <br /> 3.T�x�s�A�sKSmento.To pay betnsa delinquency all teucea,epeclai assosoments and all other charge9 agatnst the Proporty <br /> "���''`�'��� now or Nereaiter lavied. <br /> ---=_= 4.insunnce.To keep the Property Insured agafnst damage by fire,hazards includad wit�in the terrn'extended coveraye',and <br /> - -- such hezards as Lender may require,in amounta aRd e�.rilh compantes accopt�ble to Londe�,naming Lendar�s an additlonal named <br /> _��� insured,with loss payabte to th9 l.ender.In case of ia�.s ur�der such po1(cies,the Lendor Is euthodzed to adjust,coilect and compro• <br />- -_°��� mise,eti�;p)rnq ihereundar and shall haya the opUan of apptying a!I or part of the Insurance pmceeds @ to any indobtedness secured <br /> .o�.o:..; <br /> T --^:a...� h�srby��:t]n such or�Ar es Lender ma3r de'termine, (Iq to the Truslor 10 be used tor the repaU mr reataraUon of the Properiy dr lili)iar <br /> v��� .. .i...: II o.....�...i:,c'v�ra.'1 AArAt:V <br /> T y;;;;�.�'�- any other purpose or obJect sattstactorgi to Lonaer wiinoui aiiecung i'r�d iivn'v'�����s.;.�; .:.���..�••�.•�••-�•-^------•--• -�--• <br /> -==- betore suah payment evsr took place.�►ny anpllcattons ot preceeds to Indebtedness shail not ex4�nd or�stp9ne the due date o!any <br /> -r=�• paymenta under the No2e,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder. <br /> �"''� 5.Escrow.Upon writton demend by Lender,7rustee shali pay to Lender,In euch manner as S.erscler may dasignate,sufticfent <br />:-.�'i�=��,,�,:. <br />' ��`��. • sums to enabte Lender to pay as they become duo one or more ut the following:(i)alf teues,essess�nents and othor charges against <br />'y�;'''"'`y`� tho Property,(ilj the premtums on the property Insuranco required hereunder,(Ilq tho premlums o�any mortgage Ins�renca roqulred by <br /> �;rt�''E�; Londer. <br /> _ - •,r. 6.M¢intenance, Repalro snd Compltenc� wltN Lewa.Trustor shail keep tho Proporty In good coro8itlon and repair; shall <br /> • • promptty repair,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;shall not comml4 or permid any wanta or deteriora- <br /> '�`" tion of th�Property;shail not remove,demolish or substantlally alt��any of tho Improvements on the Property;shall not commit,suNer <br /> , . ,�, . �� <br /> :� or permii a��y act to be done in or upon tho Property in vlolation of any law,ordinai�ce,or�egulz�tion;and shali pay and prorrtptiy dis- <br /> �-�'����'4 charge at Tc�atnr's cost and expanse all Il�sns,encumbrances and cherges levied,Imposed or accessed ugainst the Propeciy or any <br />--°�.'''•:. <br /> :�r�r �?�'�;�„ patttheroof. <br />���tiy'W*'�� 7.�ra3lnert�maSr�.Lender Is hareby acsigned ali compens�tion,awarda,damages end other payments or rellef(herolnafter <br /> nocs�sia+o�+.�r4su�,aai cu..nRs <br /> 0�uee wumY avu a l�mKC�tn.�u+a s++++w w,.odeom.ur.un r+�a.w <br />