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"".' _��._"" .._.�- - ' <br /> - -aHMC1�rl�M�NP14. .�a,ii�.J,' 1 1Tr _ "�11��:�>�A�t������J�!;�?' ��r ���!..�: <br /> .� .....�— �_ AW�y - — __—_ _..�13�4FI�WY�MN�:l.YIfYWY���+l.W+a�Q�:1� <br /> �-r_-Twv�a�i ___ __'---_�-c.».�M1CSa'�°w'a-�..-a�CLo9!f�i/II911L1111C.:T�[ui_zaav�+.�...��--�•e�•��.-_- — <br /> _. _ ... . . ._. _ �..... <br /> 9�- �,U��'� <br /> psinclpnl c►mount of ti�a Indebtodnean socured by thite Daed o}7n►ot,n�t��d�sum�ad�hic�t0 Pe pecator9.e�������hls Rood of �- <br /> Yn�sL nxcond Iho oripinal principnl nmount ctated he�aln, nr S ' <br /> t(i,(�I�c�lO�nww Rrovlalons. �_ <br /> (fl)Bonowtr Not iiolentsd.Extenslon a1 th4 Ilme for paymont or mod►tication ot amortizatlon of the sums cecured by this __ <br /> Daod ol Tnist pranted by Londer ts any succosac�r In Interest al IBarrnwer ehall no1 op�►ate to relesso,in any mecnnor,the Ilabiil- <br /> t� of tho orifllnal Borro�var end Borr�+nror'e euccessore In Interest, Lender shall not be requlred to commer�ce proceed�n�ie <br /> epalnst auah succe�sor or retuse to extend tlmA lor payment ar otherv�iso modity amflrtix�tion of the eums sec�c�ed by thlo <br /> a <br /> Deed of Truat by renaon o1 eny demands made by the orlpinel Borrower anu BoROwere successore In Interoa. <br /> (b)I.�nd�r'�Pmwa�e.Without aHec:tlnp the Ilability o1 any other pereon Itah�e for the psyment o1 any obligation hereln men- _ <br /> t�oned,and without atieCling the Ilen or charge ot this I�esd of'fruat upon any poriian c!th3 Prop�rty nat then or thorAtotore �° <br /> releesed aa exudty tor tha(uil amount ol ail un�akl obligntions, Lender may,from tlme to Qme and wittwut no�CO(I)releaso _ <br /> e <br /> any percon so Ileble,(II)extend the matudty or elter nny o}tho terma ot any such obllgetlona,(III)p►ant ott►er indutgencee, <br /> releass or convey,or cause to be released or reconvayad et uny tlme et Lendere option any parcel, porUon or all ot the _ <br /> Property,(v)tako or rste�su any olhor or additbnal seaudry or roconveyad at any tlme at I.endars option any parcef,poRion or = <br /> all ot the Properly,(vf)tn{;o or rolease any ather or adtiilionnl security for any obti�atlon here►n mentbned,or(vii)meke compo- _ <br /> sitlona of other arrangemanto wlth debtore In relatlon thernto. <br /> (u)�orbe�nt�a by Lendsr Nol�Wriver,Any(orbearancfl by Landsr In exerclsing any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- � <br /> erwise aftorded by app!laab181aw,ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise oi any such dght or remedy.Tho pracuro- <br /> ment of Insurance or the paymont o1 taxes or other Ileres or ahar0as by l.ender shall not be a waiver or Lender's ri9►►t ta acceler- <br /> e�te the matutlty o1 the indabledness secured by thle Deed of Trust <br /> (d)Succ�aon end Aalpns Bound;ddnt and Saversl Llablllty;CepUons.The covenants and agreerr�ents herefn con- <br /> tained shetl bind,end the �ights hereunder ahn11 Inure to, the respc�ctive successors end aesigna ot I.ender t�nnd Tmstor. All <br /> covenants snd agreoments of Trustor shall be joint and several.Tha captbns and headinga af the paregraphs ot tfiis Deer�oi <br /> Truat are tor conveniei�ce only and are not to be used to Inte�pret or detine 9he provlsions herect. <br /> (e)R�q�ast tor Ploticsr.T'f�e�a►fies hePeby reGusst that a capy ot any notic�ot deteEilt hereunder and a copY af an�c�ot3ce <br /> uf eale hereunder be mailed to each paity to this Deed ot Trust at tho address set forth ebave In the manner prescribeol by <br /> applicable taw.Except tor any ather notice requt�ed under appllcabla taw to be given tn another manner,any notice pra►ided for <br /> In this Deed of Trust shall he given by ma[iin�such notica by ceR�fled mafl edd�e.ssed to the other parties,st the address set <br /> torth above.Any notice provtded tor in thfs Deed oi TNSt shall be eNective upon mslling in the manner designated herein. If �:' <br /> Trustor{s more than onu psrson,notice sent to fhe address set foRh abovo shall be not�e to all such persona. �_;- <br /> (�Insp�ctlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonablo ontries upon and fnspections of the P�operty,provided <br /> thet L,ender shall give Trustor notice pdor to eny such Ins(secibn specitying reasonabte cause iharefor related to LeridePs inter- <br /> est in the PtopeRy. <br /> (g)R�conwyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shalt request Truatea to r,ecornvo3�the <br /> Properly and shall surrender thia Deed ot Trust and all notea evidencing indebtedness secured by thls meed ot Ta�at to <br /> Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Prope�ty,without warranty and w(thout char�e to the person Iegaily entitln�l tliereto.Tn�star <br /> shall pay all costs or reCOrcatlon,If any. <br /> i�j a;.�;.��o__...�; ca,�ls{�► �►orAqmnr►t.Aa addiUonal secudty for ths payment at the Note,Tn�s�ar horeby pratlts <br /> �sed In connectlon with the eai e ta e or tmprovements located the eeont and not othen�Ise�d�eclared or a9�eT�t be e p�art oi <br /> the real estate securod hereby.Thls instrument shall be conatrued as a Secudry Agreement under sald Cocl�,end ths Lender <br /> shall have all the 8ghta and remadies of a secured parla►under said Code tn additlon to tho dghts and remedies under thls <br /> paragreph shall be cumulaNve with,and In eo way a limftation on,Ler�ler's dghts and remedles under any other sQCUrity agree• <br /> ment signed by Borrower or TNStor. <br /> p)Uon��nd Encumb►anca�.Trustor hereby wanents end represente that there is no detauft under the pro+ris�ons ot ar►y <br /> moRgape,deed of trust,lease or pu�hase oontrect ciescribing ell or any pert of the Pr���Y i other contracl,f nstrument or <br /> egreemant oonstltuUng a Ilen or encumbrance egainst all or any part ot the P�operly( Y•'��1� e���9���° <br /> dete of►hts Deed ot Truat,and that any end all oxisting Llens rematn unmoditied except as di�o osee�ofLTmst�s obilyatloos, <br /> ten disclosuro ot Uens and encumbrances provided tor hereln.Trustor shatl tlmely pe <br /> covenants,representaUona and warrantie�under any end ali exiattng end tutura Llena,shall pnanpdy forwerd to Lender coptes <br /> o(all notice�of detault sent In connecHon with any and all existing or future Uens,and shall r�t without Lenders pr►or wrtttsn <br /> consent tn eny manner modliy the provlsiona ot or allow any tuture advances under any existing or tuture Ilens. <br /> (�)Appllcatlons ot P�ym�nU.Unless olherxise �equireci by law,sums pak!to Lender he�reunder,Inchidinp vrNhout Irt►ka- <br /> Lond r o the afmpounte due nd owing trom Truator sr�iddborrowe►n su�ch porde�glendes InaR�sdpe dia�xe��on d�eem�e d�ea� <br /> eb{e. <br /> (k)SgV��bllFty.It any provision oi this Deed ot TNSt confitcts wfth ePp�ir.eble law or(a declared invalid or otheiwise utwr►- <br /> eNect w�i �thou�t thhe�con ictinp proiv s�iw��and to his end the pruvPr�ons of 1�ts q Ieed�Tn�st and chetN e a�dedered Do be� <br /> ereble. <br /> p)7�rms.The tarma"Truato�'and'BoROwet'shall lnciudo both slnpular and plvre6 and when the Tn+s►or and Borcawer are <br /> the same person(s),those terms as used in thls Deed ot TNSt shall be interchangeeb{e• <br /> (m)OowrMn� Deed of Trust shall be govomed by the Iawe oi tho Otate ot Nebr$ske. <br /> TNStor has oxecute�i this Deed a}TNS3�s�of tha date written above. <br /> _ G���.�rrr.�s- v`Z �r���j <br /> - _ Y�y,...,�„_._�....�.,_ . tr r—__" Tni.stor <br /> i wacvT <br />�•i <br />-'� r-----'—�" Trustor <br />-� Tmstor <br />-� <br /> w� <br /> Y <br />� <br /> S 2 <br />'�'� • <br /> �� <br />�� <br />���,� •---•—..-�--�..r�n���-�- � --__ __. . <br />