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Truelor she8 pay each Inetelimenl al ell loMee s��d opecl�l n�etemmU ol evary klnJ, nuw wr IiereNUr = <br /> levled epelnet ll�e Truat Eet�te or eny qert tl►ereol, b�lore delinquanoy, wlll�uUt nOt�Oe pt d61n0�K1. <br /> 3, /ntwlr�c��nd Rspilra. sruaror ei�ell melntaln Iba end er+IcnQcil covc�apo Incurartco In�udn�tlso Improvcm�nte <br /> constitut�np pert ol the Truat Eetete lor sucl+amounte�nd on euah terme ra��on�bly •�llil�oto�y to Bendictfuy, 60 lonp u th� <br /> Propdrty I�seowed by e Ilret deed ol truet o�morlqepe, cornpllu�ce wltl�llie Inaunnce requlrementt ol the Iliet deed ol trwt or _. <br /> mortpepo�hall 6e eutilctdnt to�sttdy the rsqutrement� ol Uda pernprnpN 3 reletinp to Inaunnoe, _ <br /> Trustor shelt prompllY�epetr end reptece the Tru�l Estete or eny part thereol ao lhet,ex�ept lo�ordinory weer entl teer, <br /> fhe Yrust Estete siiell nol�ateitorete. In no event ei�ell the T�uator�ommit wsite on or to the Tru�!Esiete, or comml6 sulle�or • <br /> perrrolt any ect to be done In or upon the Truat Eet�te In vlotatlon o1 eny Isw,ardir►onue or rapu�otlon. Truntar ahail pay ond p�ors�ptly <br /> discherpe et truator'e�oat end expenre sll�len+.envumbrenaea snJ ol+er�cQ tevted,linpoaod o�oesased npoinrt ti�e T�ust E�uta <br /> or ony part lhereol. <br /> 4. AcUons Affsctt�x,�Tivaf Eafate. Truetor ahall appeor In onJ aonteat any ootlon or proceedlnp purporlinp to ellact <br /> the security here�l or tf�e riphts or powero ol Beneticiary or Truatea,end ehall pay sll coati end expenaes.Inclu�ilnp eoat ol evidence <br /> ol titte bnd eltorneys' leee.In eny sucfi actinn or proaeedinp i�which Benetlqiary or 7ruatee mey�ppaar. tl Truator Ieita to meke <br /> any �naVmGro4 or to dtf ony eCQ e�and In!he menner provided in eny ol lhe I.oan I�Rtrumenta, denellciery endlar Truslee. eech In <br /> lhe�awndlscretian,wtthout ubx9stio�so to do and witi�out r.otice to or demend upon Trustor and without releaainp Truator Irom <br /> a:+y obx�alton,rriey make or 8tl f�ee eame In auah mannnv t+n)lo euah extent ea aither�ney deem neceasary to protect lhe aeaurity <br /> IK�eal. TrusMr shell,Immedlate'y upon demand theretor by eennllclecy, pay ell costs end expenses Incuned by Benellciery In <br /> connectlon wtth the exercl�e by 8eneticlery ot the Ioropalnp riphts, inctudinp wEthcu4 Fcnitetion co�ts ol evidencn ol lilte,cowt <br /> costs,Bpprai6815, surveys end attarneys �e�es• <br /> 6. EmTnntf f7omaln. It the Trust E�lete,or eny part thorevi o�interest tiseretn, he t�ke�a dameped by reeson ol <br /> eny public Improvement o�aandemnation proceedinfl, or In any olhnr manner Inatud�v�deed in lieu thereof �'ConJemnatfon"1.or <br /> il Tru�tor recelvea eny nottce vr othe�Inlormetlon repatdinp such proceed►np, Truato► shali qlve prompt wriRlen notice li�ereol to <br /> Benettclary. Trustor shell be entttled tn etl cnmpensetlon,ewerds end other paymenta or�ellel thereol �nd ahse be entilied at Ite <br />- optton to commence. eppeer In end prosecute In ite own name any eciton o�proQeedlnpe. Tru�tor�hsll dao be er.titled to m�ko <br /> any compromise or settiemenl In conneoNon wtth such tekinp or dama9e. <br /> g, Appof►tfmazt h9 SuCC�88or Trust�s. ees��)clary may. Irom time to 3�me,by a wtitten Instrwneat exeauted cnd <br /> ecknowledpvd by 8enetictary,enalled to Trustor end recorded In the Caunty In which rti�a Teuat Estete Is loceted ar+�by otherwias <br />::; complyL+p with the provistons of the eppifcable lew oi the Stete ol Nebraske aubsUWte e sucaessor or successoe�Qo the Trustee <br />=� nameJ he�otn or aotinp hereunder. <br /> �' <br /> ' 7. 5ucc�:aors�rnr�Aaalgnt. Thl�Second Ueed of 7rust eppfla�to,Inures to the benelit of snd binds ail qartlea hereto. <br /> lhetr helrs,leqeteea,devisees,peraonal representstives,succeseora end ass►pn�. The Rerm'Beneflc{ary"thslt maan the vwner end <br /> holder at eny D►omissory note piven to beneficlery, IW�tl�er or not named a�8eneftxlmry hereinJ. <br /> , g. 0l7sry�r, Contellditlon. Sa/ss or Leaa�a. Trustor cove�ante/hat 7rustor wlit not telt,telse or olherwise dtspose <br /> 01 eny oi the Truet Eatate. In tl�e event lhat T�uslor sella,leesea or otherwiso disposes of�ny psit o1 the Trusl Eatete,Benelic��ry <br /> � msy at Its oDtton dectere tt�e Indebtednen� seaured hereby tmmedlatety due end payeble, whether o�not eny del�ui►exttts. <br /> �e�neiictary si��11 consent to a transter ol the Trust Est�te ta a third pe►ty to the ext�nt such tht�d psrty meets the requfrements <br /> co»toSned tn,end assumea tho mbllqatione eet�orth In the Fitsl Deed ol Trust. Thn aovensnts aonhined hernin shetl run wE1h th� <br /> Propecty end ehaV rametn in tuti force and et7eat until lhe Indebtedness 1�pald In(ull. <br /> ' 9. Bvents of pelsutl. Any ol the loifuwinp events shatl be detmed an event of defeutt hereunder: <br /> lo) dutault shall be made In Ihe payment oI the Intfebtedness or eny other sum aeeured herebY when due: <br /> o. <br /> fb) Truetor shail per(orm eny ect tn bankruptcy; ar <br /> tc) e court ol competent�urladtcUon sNalt entnr en ordnr,�udpment or decree�pprovtnA e peNdan tited epein�t <br /> Yrusto�seektnp eny rearpanitetlon, dissotutlon or aimtlar re►fe(w�der e�V D�esent or tuture lederet.stete or other ctetute� <br /> law or reputatlan retattnp to benkruptcy. Insoivenoy ar other reltal tor debtore, end auch order,�udqment or decree ahatl <br /> remain unvaoated end un�teyed lor en epgrepate o0 sixtY(801 daVe Iwhetl�er or not consecuti�el ltom the lirstdete o1 entsy <br /> tl�ereol;or any truetee,rnoelver or Ilquldator or T�u�tor ar vl e1!or eny pa�t ol the Truat EsUte,or of any or ell ol ti�e <br /> rayetttes,�evenueer,rente,(�suoe or prolits thctroof,shall be eppolnted withoul the conseot or ecqviesaenae ol T�ustor�nd <br /> • such eppotntment ehnit romatn unvaaetad end Unsteyed lor on agp�epate of stxlY(60)clays (euhether vr not consocutivel; <br /> or <br /> 2 <br />- .�.i <br /> __ — — — <br /> ,�:-----.��.: . -°;,� .. ' . <br /> a r o ti iK c: . � , ,�i.... <br /> 1� .. . ,. . . . ' l.l:�?1' •!�,a � . , . �.d��- <br /> -- i , . . .. . - .�.w .�w • r . , . . ^- <br /> ., . , � '�d� er�,.t�t�r. ?. <br /> l � .. .. ' .. - , . � ��!'��`��'�-4-1, h�t _ .. � - .. '�i�-� <br /> , <br /> , . <br /> . + � � <br /> ,Y. L�j �,. '�._ �,a.,�,.-4 . . �'. <br /> ;�. .. .. .. •� ' .. _ . . „N,ti,�y.�,, w, � � 'r' ' ` ,�• <br /> , ... . - .i_.d$ 'r •�p••'P� . <br /> . . .. . .. '.i�', -♦.'f�. �1�.h� � <br />- . .' .. ' ' .� '� �� �� � - .' . b. �.,�.:: <br /> i�. . ' ' . , , .. /t�,:a.�' �y y3�j* ,;�` {aa�� <br /> ~�:: '" V . t Q , y f�g ' <br /> •� ° 1,s.o , ".<� , , 1' : .�•r '3,r��t�''r�i5+�`�'!;,;Le` <br /> ,� �. . . �� �� '.�:,,,�K'�fM4 ,a.��1 •r�. ., � � <br /> ,� � . . . . . , . �'y � �4 -.�M.7.:..ilE'f';' � t�' . �r- <br /> . ,_ . . .''1', ' . , , .. . . .,. :i.i.rt'!y�,.,1`y _ �\'. • .�ti, . <br />