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Y ' Ei��. <br /> L' � . <br /> I �� � 1 1 � �n''"• <br /> � �i ` Cp Cy V� �� <br /> � i► i i � �� � �-' y !� + <br /> �r� � (�► C, x rn t� �i. <br /> I'� -1 -- <br /> '� \ n � p 4 � N -- <br /> <,� �. <br /> G.7 "^ x ►"' <br /> �'� � z rn a � -- <br /> �{ � �' � r � c n <br />' � m (, ° � P� U�'� � � a�_� <br /> v � � 7� _ <br /> � <br /> CZ `�' �' �D' � - <br /> � "N :Ii o <br /> NEBRASK41 W � <br /> SECONO DBEO OF TRUST <br /> (�� T'0�� DECEMBER 12 6 <br /> lhis Second Deed ol T�ust (thle "Seaond Oeed o( 7rusl" made es ol . 199,by And amonp <br /> LESLIE W WILS�Y AN� 8ECl��__E_�AS�� HUSBAND AfVD WIf E � � - <br /> PT�uator'1, w iose me � s 606 EAST 11 fH STHEET� W000 RIVER <br /> CQtaF1EAC�D,L FEDERAL BRNK� A FEDERAL �e K , whaae meilinp edd�eea t� d <br /> . OMAHA Nobreske; end Nebraska Investment Finance Auihority �— <br /> �'Benelic�ery►,whose melllnp addreas Is 200 Commerce Court, 1230 0 Street.Lincotn, Nnbraska 68608-1402. <br /> f0A VALUABLE CONSIOEFiATIQ�N,Yrustor I�revocably lronsf�rs,conveys end asefpn�to Trustee.IN TRUST,WITH POWCH <br /> OP SALE,lo,tho benellt end aecurity ol 6�neitclary, �1er and sub�ect to the term�end conditions ol tlita Second Deed oi Trust, � <br /> tl�s roet p�operty. lepally deecribed on Exhibit A attached hereto enJ Incorporatad hareln by�e/erenae lthe"Property"1:end <br /> � TO(4ETHEti WI1H. sll►ents.proltts,royaltiee. income and otlier benelite derived from the Property(collectively,the'�ents"1� <br /> olt teaseaor sublease�covbrinQ llie Proporty or eny portlon lhereol now or hereafter exiattnq or entered Into,and ell ripht,lille end <br /> �=i;�l��*g!Tinal�r!hw�e�xedet, ell dnht,title end I�terest of Trustor In end to Any preeter aatete!n the P�aperty owned or here�lter <br /> ' 8equired,etl hderests. estate or other clelms,bolh in lew end in equfty, whiCh 1►Ulto►nOw�nea vi �i�o�ha=a'a <br /> Si�i�Cl3!!!t�!n thw <br /> propercy,ell eaaements,riphte-ol•wey,tenements,hereditemente and eppurtenar�cea thereot end thereto,ell wate�rlpht�,ell rtOht, <br /> � 11tte end Intereat ol Tru�tor,naw owned or hereelte`ecqulred, In end to eny land,tylnp wltMn the ripht•ol-wey of any streat ov <br /> � I�iphwdy edjohiiv�p lhe Property,end eng end etl elteye end strtps and poras ol land ed�ecent to o�used In connnotlon with the <br /> �� Pteperty,endan�r end ell bulldinpd. (Ixhnes end improvemenls now or{iotetollo�ereated lhereon(the'lmprov�ments'1.anti ell the <br /> estete. hRereat, �Ipht. litle or eny clatm or demend whlch 7ru�lor now ho�or may hereeiter acqutre In the Property, and eny end <br /> !he Trv�SEstete,rinctudlnpkw�hout IlmitaUon eny�ewerdatles tinp t o'm e chanpeeot prsde t et eet and awa da forese erence <br /> demap�ee. <br /> " tlao Prpperty end the enlf►e estola and interest Qonveyad to liie Trustee ere reterred to Colleotively as the"Truat Estate". <br /> � Fo►ths Pn►po�s ol Sacurtnp: <br /> � A. PeymenC oI�ndebtednesa evidenced by sr►y promiseory note of Trustor in fevor o1 Beneflciery; end <br /> 8. Peyment ot all sums edvanced by Beneliclary to prot�at the Trust Estate, wilh tnte�eet thereon at lho rate ol <br /> ; sixteen percent !18%1 per ennum. <br /> The�ndahtednesa described!h pnreqr0nhs A ond 8 e6ove Is relerred to ea the'Indabtedneas." <br /> Thl�Second Deed of Trvst, any proml�aory note of Trustot In levor of BeneliClary end eny other Instrument Q�ven to <br /> evidonca or furll�er secure lhe pebme�fl and pe►formence o�ony uUtlgatlon svcured hereby ero relened to collectively es the'Losn <br /> instrwne��ta'. <br /> T•u�tor covenenia that(�)7�ustor holds titie to the Trust�stote and hes lewfut 0uthority to encumber lne 7rust Estete. <br /> (ii)lhe Trusl Estate is trev end clear o!all Ilens end encumb�nnces�x�opt 1or aasements,restrlctiona end covenants ol record end <br /> tha dced o(7�ust trom Trustor encumborinq the Prape►ty dated on ai obout the date heresol Ithe 'Flrst Deed ot Trust'1. end _ <br /> (iti�Truslor witl detend the T�ust EeteZe epainst lh�lawlu)clolms ol ony psrson. <br /> 7o P�otee!t::e Securily ol llrl�Senond Dood oi Tru¢l: <br /> 1. Fsyment ollndeb¢ocf��ass. Trustor nhall pay when duo ltie prineipal of,end tho(ntaresl on,tltie lndebtCdnos�end - <br /> all oNier sums as provlded In the Loan Instrumenis. <br /> NIrA 2f96 <br /> _ 1 <br /> -------- -- --- t-.,�, �- '�'�� -- <br /> �._�-�-s�*�+�+ve-� ., ,._� _. .. . -- �a.��'.. .. ' �f. . ,. � - . '�E� - <br /> � >� ,� 2l ,` 6 I V )� r . <br /> �� . �r :�„�7rA[ , � ,q-�,; . s. . . . . '� <br /> "`� ' • . .. •F, '.' �� �''t �� `' + " . .. �`�' <br /> ,�. 6 . a � ..�y` '; t�M��6.�v;'-';.,," :. r . <br />-:1:`.a . 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