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. . . .. 11 . .. <br /> � : . .. � <br /> ,�1 ..1 `J� '+ • ..�..c... - .� " . �_�:�...___-. <br /> -• _ <br /> ..J�,., . . _... � � ••IJ.._ -....___ --_- <br /> - __' . __ "�.��'��""�_`_'� "'�' ' -_-".....' <br /> '" __ .. . .. .. .. n�'.�)iiQ'MVr�r\ . � • .� . .- .._._.��.. —c.�. <br /> � . ,�A, I -.... �' (�'+!y'�Y►'t*etw.- •a_. .W.a�• -.,��:,� .. ��w,..e:.::i;t'�I�IFpp��(.'�,�w�fai�L.'�.l�.q'^ .-YpTY .n -.�,.w+.enn�n-_ <br /> �:d: U�':"N7Y4r' �"� i�Y-i}� �f -�,��.�.1M. �f^`.9��!if.. , r . . . .'t:+x�� . �x�� .. �% �.._-Saa��' <br /> _ � r.�<�{�y...c,.t.t tktjl ..Yry?��'_'�:'., . . i . - .t. .. , r. . - .. - .. . . ��-- _.c.T --. ._. <br /> .. �1 r'. .. .,�f. �. - ��,�'....�.�.,o.��s.o.n�.L�� <br /> 1 '. - ' '�'.. ' - <br /> .. .. .•t . .'{: . `.y. • :. . . . . _. -�.�vn�a+'V3e8PMi�9!'l:"'`. ...'--. . _. <br /> .. <br /> � , <br /> . . � . .., <br /> . .:: '+ <br /> , ,. <br /> .. , . . ..,�.•r�w+a•nr,vn�,:. , .�. . ' -' ' .. .. - .. . .... .. . _. .. ... . <br /> _ . .. � .. . . . ..., _.. Y �. <br /> �< 9�- ��9�'��! <br /> � , �.�. <br /> : , , ;.� <br />.-µ�±�,,,� (d) •wr(t ol exonution or nttechment ol ony s�m��or proaeee ehafl be ente�ed oysin�t Truetor wliich ehall �,,,�R <br /> • �eOCtisO OI'(UdBlrlttlll Ip nOl�OI0088tIO6O71�(J,�r6U�I�IIEIJ,evecoteJtor stay'edrwllhln sixly'1801 deVS oltar�lts'ent►y arrlevy;�or . <br /> . p <br />_'ti{�,�;.r;^� -_:�' <br /> �e) t6ier�!hns aatstnrod e btROGh ol or deleu�t under eny term,coven�nt, aproement, condflion, piovislon, �',��_ <br /> renresenieUon ot worrontp cantn{nHt1 �n 9v►Y D��nr tleed ol trust or morlpa0e 011ecQ�p the Trust Estele. <br />:.•.��.�,m.�� �n'.� <br /> �� 10. Aceeleratlan upan De/+�u(r; ACdltfi�nn! Rsm�dfes. II en event ol deleuit occu�s,Be�ellclary mey decla►e the <br /> presentm�or t domond. U�o°��or noitnn atRany ktnJb'Therealt�, 9nne1 clary�mey UpOn becoma due end peyeblo wilhout eny �`L`- <br /> . L �..... <br /> ` (Ip eisfa�r i�r per�nr�n►t�y o0ent,wlth or w�U�out btin0inq eny aatlon or proaeedinp,or by e roceiver oppointed �"� <br />;_'�tfi,, ;. ; by o court end w�thu�jr.v��t�r.t Qo ti•��adoquaay ol Its security,anter upon and teke po�sesalon ol lhe Trusl Estate, or any _• <br /> - ;...j:, • part tNereol, in its awn nnmy qr Fi�the name ol 7�u�lee,end do eo�y ects which It deem�neceasery or destrable ta preserve _ <br />'�::•.,•.,... <br />:�,�J�"y,c�_ lhe velue,merketebtlltY or reisq���l,�'ol the Trust E�tate,or part thereof or Intereat lheretn,Inc�eeae the Income lherofrom <br /> ��;;;,� or proleat lhe seataity hereol ar*.1,W�lh or without tekinp possesslon ol the T�u't E ry�o Q�e lesa coats e expe'nses ol = <br /> -"�- �e�ts,Isauoe �nd p�o��ts lhercol,Inctudinp thoae past due and unpo�d, end epD Y <br />�"'•'�'at�� ope�allon end coftactlo�tnGiur3bty altornays'foo�,upon any Indobtodness securad hereby.�����such otder ea Ben�tllciary _ <br /> u�•:c.....: <br /> the co{Ioction ol such renla. issues en <br /> ..�,.�� �»ay determine. Tho entsrA�d t�on end tektnfl possesston al tho t►ust IEalato, <br />.�:;.-,��'-' ' pro�lts and tf�e app�lantlon thvrvoi ee etoreseid shall not cure o►waiv� a�y delaull or noUce of delault herounder ar c <br /> '.;�•;;;�'�� Invalidate eny eaR�lona tm r�nponse to euch deleult or pursuant to such �odce ol de�eult snd, notwlthstandiny tha -_ <br /> - eontlnuanae I��ponsoaelon q1 the Tru�t Estate or the calleotton, recetpt e�d ipaticetlon ol rente.leaue�ar prolit�, <br /> 3rustee <br /> -�'._.�.��,� o� Beneliclaty shr�ll 6onn entltted to exerc►so every ri0ht Provided lor In eny ol lhe Loen Inflrumenta or by law upon — <br /> _=�_�=° occurrence ol eny event ot delaeiit.Includirry the flqht to oxerctse the power ol sele; <br /> +�t�i <br /> ,,y��y;;;--- pq commence eri acHon to loreatoae lhVs Deed ol Trust aa o mortgepe. eppotnt e rocelvar or 1pecltlaslly <br /> en(orce eny ol the covenanta hernoh, <br /> — �;�,�;� plq deltver ta Truatae e writtcn d'ecleretion ol deteuit and demand tor sale end s writtnn noUce ol daleult snd <br /> - — o�a�s��„ �n�.auso Trustor's Intereet in the vc�st Estate to be sold, whi�h notice Trustee shall ceuse to be ButY filad Ior <br /> �ec��d in the apAropriete o111Ce�of lhe Couniy in wlilch ti�e i rusi�siuie io=u�siad;:s . � <br /> � ----- Ifv1 oxerGise such other rtyhle or remedtes at law or In equity. <br /> � i t, Fonc�asa�n by oow�r ol Sel�. If 8e�+eileiery eleots to lorecluso bY exereiae ol the Powe►ol Sele he�eln eo�lEined, <br /> 8eneficiary sh`II no�t�nt Jy ev[dnnce ot ex�tndku�es ma�de�end seau?adehereby as T usteetmey require e evtdenc!nq the I�debta�neae <br /> end such rece pts , <br /> �8� Upon reoeipt oi such notice trom 8eneficlary,Trustoe shell aevse to be recordad.pubilahed and dativered <br /> to Trustor sucl�NoNce ot Defeutt end Notice ol Sate es li�en requlred by lew end by thle Seaond Deed ol T�uat. Truatee <br /> shell.without demand on Tru�tor,etter auch time ea mey then be raquired by law encl aller reca�dattan ol such NotiQe o( <br /> Oeleuit end elter Plotice ol Sete hnvtnp been piven ea requtred by law. �ell the t'ruet Eetete�t the time and plece oi�sle <br /> � 4�xecl by It In auch Noticn ol Sele.elther se e wtwte,or In eeperate tota or parcel�or Itev*+e�e Trustee ahsll deem expedlent, <br /> and�n euch order es It mev determine,at pubtto euctlon to the htpheat bidder Ior eseh tn I�wlul money ot the Untted Stetes <br /> payebte st tl�e ttme ol eate. Trustee si�etl delive� to such purchaser or purohasers lhe�eot lit Oood and sutliclon!daed or <br /> deed�conveylrg the property so aold,but without any covenant or warrenty,exprees or implied. The reciteta 1n auch deed <br /> ol eny mstters or tacts shvll be co�+a�ustve proof ot lhe truthlutnea� thereol. Any paraQn,Inctudinp without Iimitelton <br /> Trustor,T�wtee or�eneltcisry,may purchese�t suah eata. <br /> (b� Ao may 6e permitted by taw,elter deducting oll cost�,ieee end eXpenses oi Trostee end o1 this Trust. <br /> Ind bted eeetliil all othe eume then aecured hereby"e d(Iti)lhe remah da�r�.pp'eny,to the pe ton ar�po►aona leflally entitted <br /> U�ereto. <br /> , (�) Trustee may tn the mnnne► providod by law PostPOne 801e ol ell or eny portlon ol Ihe Trust E�tate. <br /> 12. Re»>adfas Not Excluslv�. Truateb and 6enetictary, and each of them. ahe11 be entitied to entorco payment and <br /> ` pertormanoe o(any indabtednesa or oblipatta�s secured hureby and to exerc�se all righta end powers under lhis Secorxl Deed ot <br /> ` Trust or under eny Loan tnstrument or uther 0proement or eny laws now or herea►tor In lorce:notwithstendinp, some or ell oi lhe <br /> �-- — �`' auch Indebtedness end obllpatlona securad hereby mey now or horealtur be otherwlae aecured.whelher by mortgape,doed of trust. <br /> ��'� pledpe.tien,essldnment or otherwise. Neilher the ecceptence of this Second Dned of Trust inor IW nRforcemei�t,whother by cou►t <br /> oCtlon o�pursuant to the power ot eale or Other powers hereln contelned, <br /> shall pre�udice or In eny menner eliect Trustee'a or <br /> ,�.o eenelictery's ripht to�ealize upon or enfoece eny other security naw or horeetlor held by Trustee or Beneliciery,it betnp apreed that <br /> -�^��� Truateo end 8eno��c�ary,end each vl them,ahall be entitled to enforce this SQCOnd Deed ot Trust end eny oti�er security now or <br /> .�i�Lil:li�_Y <br /> "� �l <br /> _°`� 3 <br /> __�'�;_,`'t#�e'�� <br /> ;=r•vy,%�:�, . <br /> �� , --. =.�.Ww�„ �. <br /> _HF`�°t7±s -,�,�p ^ --- -- , . � - ' � '•4�2.� ' i� f ti . . ..� - <br /> � ����$. Y��F . . - ' � .�Y.��; �br -e+� . <br /> i. .�.�A1 � . . .. _ ' .. Mr kY�}i..'��1 � � ,� ' . �'G�. .. <br /> �� <br /> - � � �{, , . . 'AlYf'� b.y�.�� W' ' • - , <br /> t f-A: i - - Y . <br /> a;t�',� j'{ . .. . �`R . .±�.•s. . „ :i. <br /> L.�... ' • . � ..«• .. . .. <br /> 1r- .....T.1 ' - .. . . 1 . ' . . -,. � '<f.,#_ Fi„ �' <br /> -t -;S.�t`� ,� � - - •- . '4'•.L�. „��f����i n �.�\. <br /> � - -i�d' �My.�-:: - i . ' - .. �- , �:4'f!'C',�'M'� � •:(��.�,?, .� c� <br /> ` � �. �„. <br /> n-s°y.c�+r�sX r " - . . � . <br /> �-'^ti����,a+,k_u . . . � .. Y..f �i��r• . . <br /> 1 ��� , , Y -�• �:,:��••�".f�A �'.�� . <br /> i .,.e,. . <br />.. -' •� � ♦ .,v11r_ . <br /> .. . �. <br />: • .. ' �� • • ' , <br /> . ��.„'"_�... <br />