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' .. . . . <br /> ( <br /> l'- <br /> . :� y�tti <br /> :� �' 11�9f�5:� ; <br /> ., <br /> - �::_,..:. �; �: <br /> (i)All or part of the Proper�,y,or a beneftclal interest in a trust owning nll or pan of tho Lpropr.ny,is sold • <br /> ���r�re� or oth.erwise traicsferred(other than by devise or desant),anA , , <br /> (i!) The Progsny ia not or,�upicd by the purchaser or grantee as hia or her princigal reaidencc, or thc <br /> purchaser or grantee dona so occupy the Property but hie or her credit has nat been approvcd in : ; <br /> accordance with the requiremr.ate of the Secretary. ' ��� <br /> (c)No�'Yafvcr.If circnmstances occur that would permit I.ender to requin imm�diat�paymcnt in thll,but t �.• <br /> � � ` I.ender does aot requlre such paymente,Lender docs not waive iss dghte with reapcc:t to subsequcnt events. �'."�`_ <br /> '�4�r�•>.�.�'.' t i��„ <br /> ;s��,..:��.; (d�Regulatlons of FiUD Secretary.In many circumstances reguladona issued by the Secntary will llmit <br /> ---�����.:;:� Lender's the case of paymcnt defaults, to require immediato payment in full and foreclose if nat �-' <br /> -�;. , . <br /> ::r--• . . paid.'i`his Security Instrwnenc does uot authoriza wcceleration or foreclosur�if not perxniaed by regulations *_-�- <br />_=:::��,;ii� ' Of LhE SeCtetazy. �",- <br /> `�•�'� (e)Mortgage Not Iasured.Bosrow�r agrees that if this Security Instrument and tha Note are not detcrmined -- <br /> _��?_�.��� to be cligible for insurance under die National Honaiag Act within 60 duys from the date 6creof, L.CII(IE1' �,_; <br /> ••- � � may, at its option, requirc immctliate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Insuurutint. A -,:: <br /> - writtea statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dntetl subsequent ta 60 daya from the date herec+f, �•,:`- <br />--=~-=4"'.�'� declining to insure th�s Sceurlry Instrument wd the Note, sh�ll be deemed conclusive proaf of sur� <br /> ���':"�°r-� ineligibility. Nornitbatanding the foiegoing. this option may not be eaercisod by Lender whzn tbz <br /> }=�=-�'� unavailabtliry af insurance Is solely due to Lender's fnUnre to remit a mortgugo inaurance premitun to tha <br /> _`�'-,T�'��' Secretary. <br /> `y``����F� 10. Relnstatement. Boirowor has a r3ght to be reinstated if Lender has requi�td immediate payment in gul! <br /> �,F: .ki� <br />�.,:•. • <br /> -__�=�i�� ox�use of Borrowcr's �+Stae�ta�ay r.a:.�avns dus�dtr the?`?et�er rt�ia Security Insuvment.This ti![kt aPP es <br /> - - "^��,'y� eten after foreclosure proceedings ere instituted• To reinstau the Securlty Instrument,Borrower shall tender ln a <br /> - -=`��?�;%;� lump sum all amounta nquired to bring Borrower's account current includuiB,to the extsnt thay are obligat'sons of <br />—°..����� Boaower und�r this Secur[ty Insmuneat,farxlosure wsts and reasonnble and customury attomcya' fees end eapenses <br /> II---^s properly associated with tha forcclosure proceoding. Upon reinatatemant by Bortowor,thia Securtty lnstrument end <br /> �"� the obligations that it socuna shall remain {n effect as if Lender had uot requi�ed tm�mediate payment in ft�.11. <br /> However. Lender is not required to permit eetnatatement if: (i) Leader has aocepted neinstatemant after d�e <br /> ---- cammenr,ement of foreclosure procealiags within two years immediately preoed'wg tho comrn�eneement of e current <br /> -- fore�lotiure pracea�ing, (ii) reinstatemenc will preclude fareclosure oa ditfarent gmunde ui tice fttture, or (�iq _ <br /> — reinstetement will dvereely affoct the prloriry of the liea created by this Sxuriry Instr�amont. <br /> ---� 11. Aorrowex Not Rdeassd; Forbes�rnnce By I.eader Not a'V6►atver. Eatcaaiaa of tho ttaio of payment or <br /> modifleation of aAnortiutlon of the eumg secumd by this Security Ine�ument gcanted by Leader to any succassor ire <br /> --- interest of Bonower sbnll not operate to reloos�tho liabiliry of tha oraginnl Borrowcr or Borrower's successor in <br /> �. inurest. Lender shall nat be nquired to commoncc procealinBn agaittnt any sucoeasor in intarest oz cefuse to extsnd <br /> tiuu�e for payment or othcrwise modify am�rtizatioa of cha sumu accured by thin Security Inctnuveat by ronsoa of auy <br /> demand made by the origiaal Borro�ver or Boaower's succcssors ia iatcreat.Any fntbciaraaco by Lendet ln exercisir� <br /> any right or cemedy shall aot be a waiver of or precluda the exercise of any right Ar remedy. <br /> - --- 1Z. Succ�sots aud Assigns Bound;Joint an�l Scveral Ltabfli�ty; CaSig�ccrs. Tha covcnanta and agruma:ts <br /> — og this Security instrument shall bind ancd benefit the auccessore and assigna oB�Lr.nder aad�rrovmc,sub;act to the <br /> provieions of paragraph 9tb). ��wer's covenants and agraraents shali ba jo:nc und sevcral.Any�orrowc.�who <br /> — ; �o.sign,g tmie Security Instxument but does not execute the Note: (a) is w-signing th:s�.."ity�uutt�ant only to <br /> mortgege,gcant smd convey that Borrower's inurest in thc Property under thc urmu of ti�a S�uiity ln�uum:7u� N) <br /> � � is not persona'lly obligated to pay the sums secured by thia Securlry Instru¢LCnt; and (c) agrees that I.�ndar und any <br /> other Bonower may agree to eatend, modliy, forbear or u�ako any aecommodations with ngard to the ternus of thi� <br />— ---— � Securlty Insm�ment or thc Note without that Boaowes's consent. <br /> _-�:�� — <br /> .-- .��s�7J � -- <br /> . -._ _.:�F.�� . � � <br /> _-'='-r�� j � _ <br /> "r:+.�.�'� ��4R(NEI tseo�i r.o.a o+e wua.•.�� _ <br /> ,";�;':R'�� � - <br /> �;�:: ::;,.:.�; P <br />_ _.—_,,:.�� C,` <br /> ,�:r�;��. � f_ <br /> __ jM'r� ' <br /> ` � <br /> . �-f1•�.1�1' <br /> :14t. <br /> ., . . � ,�,4%'�����5�. • , ���," � . . _ ._ - ' r�,�� � ,i� ` ' <br /> rl%� �r; <br /> i V'�: (�.:;'a•, . <br /> a� + , ,:1 . . , . � „ i S''� �. � -,� . <br /> , ,�`. �. .��; . , ,.� �(: � �, r • <br /> z �, , . ,Z • ,. . . . : , �;<,',�, <br /> .. . . ;,,, :,i�;r� , . •..,,,,,;. . <br /> . . . , . .. . � �1�',l':ir .. � ::.::'a . . <br /> .'� .. . � . `r�, .h..,t;s. : <br /> � '''". . ,r, '� '';t- t�% :.. . � . <br /> ° {,,,,.. `': .' � ' . ,•�. ;F:� .y �. <br /> _ . . .� ,.5'�.,. `�::� , 2�� <br /> ._ . .. f , u- , - �,,:tl�� Yk,�,-�..�. . � <br /> . . -_ - . 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