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" .'. , . _ , ,r�nr�/rl.y7t� - <br /> . <br /> ' � � " ..�..f. _ - ' <br /> . .. . .. ,. . .. . . .. � 'r <br /> � .j: <br /> � , . :Fi <br /> 1 � <br /> �F �; ' <br /> ��i��.-� Vrr �MVi/� ' <br /> "' � <br /> 3t� abandoned Pro Bozrower ahall alao be in default if Bonowcr, durin che loan a lication rocess, gave !� <br /> .'_,��%,_.�`� � P�nY• B PP P <br /> materially false or inaccurate informatIon or statements to L,cnder(or f�iled to pmvide I.ender with any material <br />_� Infotmatlon) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, iacluding, but not liinited to, representations� �� <br /> � . conr�rning Bonower's occupancy of the Properry as a prinsipal residence. If this Security Instrument Is on <br /> '� leasehold,Borrower shaU comply with the provlsions of the lease. If Bonower acquires fee title to the Property. the ' '- <br /> �•. <br /> ' leaschold and fee titlo shall not be raergal uuless Lender agcces ro the nierger in wrat�ng. �:.- <br /> ,p; 6.Condemaatlon.'d'he proceeds af any awazd ot claim for damages,direct or consequential, ia connection with f•�- <br />' aay condemnation or other taking of any put of the Property, or for conveyance in place of condemuation, are � <br />��'�':::�;•:,�.� ' henby asslgned and ahall be paid to Lender to the eateat of the full amaunt of the �ndebtedness that remains unpaid <br />:=r�;r:i;_�t under the Note and this Sxurtty Insu�ument.Lender shull apply such proceeds to the reductian of the Indebtedness K-- <br />_��:;�..��+-; uadar the Noto and thiE Sccurity Insttument, first to any delinquene auiouuts appllecl In tUe order provided in E�: <br />•:�;•'+�u pazaSraph 3.and tlten to prepaymeut of pr[ncipal.Any application of the procads to the principal shall aot extend or �- <br /> '� �' postpone the due date of the monthly payu►enta. which are refeired to in paragraph 2,or ct�ange the awount of such = <br />_-�T'ra:�;'� �' paymente. alny excess proceeda ovc�r.n atnount requircd to pay ada outstanding Indebtedness u�der the Note and this �" <br /> ,-�:���=�;.•'� Secudty In�trument shall be paid to the endty legally entitled thereta. �;„ <br /> - ' " . 7. Cb�ar�es to Borrower and Protectton of Leader'a �tlghts lo �ha Property. Boaower shall pay all �- <br /> y'' govemmental or municipal chuges, fines and imposidons that are not inclu�led in paragraph 2. Bonower shall pay <br /> _'?.�;k:;��,. ,�. � : <br />:;;,,,�1,?uf these obligations on time direcdy to the entity which is owed the paytnent. If failure to p�y would adversely affect �A <br /> ='°'�'y—�— � I.ender's intcreat in tha Property, upoa Lender'a request �orrower shall prompdy furnish to L.ender receipts --- <br /> �:��r�_+ <br /> �• �,; evidencing these payraents. <br />,��, .�y��„" If Boaower fails to make these payments or the payyment�nqulted by paragraph 2,or f�ils to perform tu�other �`_ <br />-`-='�...���•� "' ___ ' _ "_" '_ 'a t n. t 4..�..7� 1� �.. —__ <br />—_.._.�..�`; wvcuaui�iw�ng�cciuui&�3Ai&L�w i�iuls �. ��•.�sm�cst.,�r�Mir�O O I4ga1 pr�:,.,:,�iag ihat m:�y sigr.itic«n , _—_- <br /> _ �:°''��:�., affect I.endar's rlghte in the Properry (such aa a prncadiug In bankcuptcy, for condemna4ion or to enforce lawe or - <br /> ___--_- � ngulations), then I.ender may do aad pay whntever is necessary to prouct the value of the Proporcy and L.ender's _ <br /> __:�,;�: ; righta in tha Property,including payment of texes.hazard insuranc�and other icems mentlon�d ln parlgraph 2. <br /> - Any arnounea disbursod by Lender under this paragraph shall bacame an addidoaal de'bt of Bonower aad be <br /> secured by thls Security Insnument. These amouate shall bear inurest from the date of disburscmeat. at thc Note <br /> � rate,and at tho option of I.ender.ehall ba immediately due and payable. <br /> . Borrow�r shall pmmptly discharge uny llen which ha�priority over thia Security Lismiment unlesa Aotcower: <br /> . (a)a$ras in wriNng to the payment of the obligation securcd by the lien in a manner acceptablo to Leader, (b) - <br /> contaxs in good f�ith tho lien by. or defenda againet enforcement of the 11cn in, legal proaedinge wuich in tho <br /> � Leader's opinion operute to pr�vent thc onforc;ment of the lien; or (c) sxurea from the holder of tho I[en an - <br /> • agmaxat sadefactory to Lend�r enbordinating tho lien to this Security Iastnunent. IP Lcnder determines that any put <br /> , of the Property ia subJect to a lien which may attain pdorIry over this Security Insuument, Lcnder may give <br /> . I3orrower a notice identifying the lien. Bortower shall satlafy the lien or take one ot more of the actlons set forth <br /> -- above within 10 days of the givtng of notice. <br /> S.Fe�.Lender may collect fe�and chuges authorized by the Secntary. <br /> 9.Grounds[or AccderaHun of Aebt. <br /> ----- ' (a) Detanit. Lendex may,except as limited by nguladons issued by ths Secretary, in the case of payment — <br /> defaults.require immaliate payment in full of all aums aecund by this Secur[ry Inatcument if: <br /> (i)F3oirowar defaults by failing to pay in fuU any moatlily payment re�uired by ttds Securiry Insrivment <br /> � prior to or on the due date of the ueat monthly payment,or —_- <br /> (ii)Bonower default�by failing,for a pedod of thlrty days,to perform eny oth�r obligatfons coatained <br /> - In thlo Security Instrumeat. <br /> (�b� SAIe VYithout Credlt Ap�mval.L.end�r ahall,if permitted by applicable law(including Section 341(d) <br /> of the Garn-Ss. Germain De{►ository Institudons Act of 1982� 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) and with the prior � <br />;;�,�;� approval of We 5ecretnry,require immediate paymcnt in full of all suws secured by this Security Instmment —_ <br /> .�. °---- if: ��=: <br /> '�"'t`�iY\1\ — <br /> ..�v <br /> —�/R/� .. <br />- ——�eae�:k� � °_ <br /> — :�'_� �RiHE1 te6osi Fp�4o18 i�nra:� • — <br /> —�k•��r:_ , <br /> __';:,?f,: , _.. <br /> �Y���!r <br /> ��ti�f:'-• " _' <br /> �:��ti- . , � . <br /> _ - ��;• <br /> ��_�. . �t; <br /> � �*�+• �;;;, <br /> y�T't' '. . � <br /> , •��� � , '' ' �� \'� � ':. �" - t •�i:' f. '� <br /> _ . � �� . _ .��- ..1� a�;l,i � 5 <br /> �� ' '�� '1�` � �, I� i <br /> _-�t .. , , ..� ,,. - '.. - . :t���'�, � , .. - � ,� - � �. ;:.t� . . .Y'. <br /> - � � • � . .. . •.e,-. . •,�:.•.1_ , � . ... �.. . � .. '�` - 'i <br /> � ' ._ . � . .. ' .. ., . � �i''M' -X. i �_ ' ' . •�.il,;, <br /> - , .�. - ,. .. , .. . ����vi•r,;�^� <br /> - Y^�f -��: ' . . �� • � , . 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