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Not�crs.Aay notice to Bortower provided for in tl�ia Securlty Instrumeat ehull be givet�by delivertng it or ° <br /> . . -: �- by raalling it by first class mail ualess appUcable law�equtres use of another method.The natice shall be directed to <br /> tlie Properry Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shell be ��� <br /> ., giv�n by firct class mail to L.ender's address stated he�in or any address Leader designates by notice to Borrower. �`. <br />�, Any notice providerl for in this Securiry Instrument ahall be deemed ta have bcen given to Borrower or I.ender when �' _ <br /> -_{ ; given as provided in this paragraph. �L° <br /> '�;;,,._; 14. Governing Law; Severabflity. This Security Insm�mcnt shall be govemed by Federal law und the law of �,�. <br />�='',_`;. the jurisdicdon in wtdch the Property ia locatod.Ia the event that aay provis'r.on or clause of this Security Insttument ,., <br />=�.� or the Noto conflicts with applicable law,such wn�lict sball not affect other provisians of this Securiry Instrument or 4� <br />,�;�"��:;, the Note w�ich cau be glven effect without the conilicdug provision. To this cnd the provisions of this Sxuriry 4�;_ <br />�:i'ir..�+.... e1•:�.- <br /> Instrumenz aad the Note are declarerl to be severable. �=`��� <br /> �' '��'•• 15. Roreower's C�py. Bono�ver shall bo given one wnformed copy of t�e Note and of tbis Security - <br /> `'���,�:�'� Inauvraent. r ; <br />:-;,:,��... ':, <br />:;;.';;�,;t,;., 16. II�'dou.v Substuncrs. Boaower shall not cause or pernilt d�e presence,nse�disposal,atorags, or nlease ,,.,; <br /> +���� of�n Haxardaue Sbbstances on or in We Pibparty.Bonower shall not do, nar allow anyone else ta do, anything ;�� <br /> "°�'`r ' g that is in v3oladon of any Environmental Law. The prcceding ttvo sentencea ehull not apply to <br /> E•.:�.,,�.'�,r Y _ <br />-�.��,,.� ..1�•,�:,f' affeccin ihe ProPerty <br />_'?'r'"���'���`�' the presrsta. use, or storaga on the Properry of amall quantities of Hazardous Substances that arc generally �?�;:�f <br /> '.--�;': recognized to Ue appmprtate to aormal reaidentlal use+and to ma3ntEnance of We Property. �;:' <br /> �a..v;`�r,;.' <br /> F=�.Y : , Boaower sball promptly give I.ender written nodce of any invcstigation,clatm,demand,lawsuit or other action <br />�`"R``�`�`�' b an overnmental ar ngulatory ageacy or prlvate party involvina the Property end aay Hazardous Suhstance or <br />_.��+,_`�'� Y Y g <br /> '.° Environraeutai oi which Borrowcr uiu+w�iai���t�g�. If°ozza���tr Itsrns.�r 3�n�t�fit�!hy any governmental <br /> -,,,��:; - <br />—�"��,`�' or ngulasory authorlry,that any removal or other remeciietion of any Hazardaua Substauces affocting the Propecty ia <br />_�"�'F�-.�: necessary.Borrower et,all promptly taice all aeceasary r�sne�iol actiona in accordtnce with Envimnmental Law. <br />_�;;;:��=.�� A�s usal in this pa�ragcaph 16, 'Hazerdoue Substances" are chose eubstuices defined as toxic or har�rdou� <br />:`"'_'-'_�= eubataecea by Environmental law wd tho fallowing eubstauces: gaaoline, komxne, othcr flunmable or toaic <br /> _� petroleum prodacte�toalc pesticidee+u�d befilcides,volatfle solvente�mated�le contdning a�besto�or foanaldehyde, <br /> u�d r�dioectivo m�ted�le. Ae usod in thb pangmph 16, "Environmcntal' means federal lawe and lawa of the <br /> Jud�dtctlon whero the Property ia locatod that nlate to health.eafery or envimnmentel protectlon. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Leader f�rther^.oveua�nt end agree as follows: <br /> -- 17. A+ei�nmwt ot Reute.Sorrower uaconditionally essigns and transfere to Leader all the rents aad reveaues <br /> of the Frop�rty. Botrower authorize�i.ender or Lender•s agents to collect the nnta and revonues aud hereb�directs <br /> - each tenant of the Pcoperty to pay the cents to Leadcr or I.eader's egeats. However. prior ta Lender's notice to <br /> �, Borrower of Bomower's breach of any coveaaut or agreement in the Security Instrumant,Borrower shall collax and _-- <br /> rxetve all reata and revenues of the Pc+opaty as crustx for the benefit of i.ender and Borrower. This assignment of <br /> nata consdtutes ea absoluto assigamenc and not an auignment for addition�l secwrity only. <br /> i If I.ender g6ves notfce of breach ta Borrower:(a) all renta received by Barrower shall be held by Borrower aa <br /> - --- --• uustee for bencfit of Lender oaly. to be applied to the sums aecund by ths Securiry Instn�ment:(b) Lender shaU 6e o:_. <br /> � enritted to collect and receive all of the nats of tha Pc�operty;and(c)each tenant of the Property ehall pay all rents _ <br /> due and unPaid to I.ender or Lencier's agent oa Lcnder's writtea demand to the tenant. <br /> Borrower has not executed any prEar assignment of�he rents and has aot and wiU not�erform any act that wauld ` <br />____—_� pravcnt Lcnder from exerclsing its rlghta iwder this paragraph 17. <br /> —�-•--- Lender shal!not be rcquind to enter upon,take cantrol of or maintain the Property before or after g[ving notice <br /> � of breach to Bonowec. Nowever. I.onder or a Judicially apgointod receiver may do so at any time thcn is a breach. <br /> ___;:=5t;� � Any application of rents shall not cure or waive any default or iavalidate any other right or nmedy of Leader.11ils <br /> - _= ��= asslgnr�ent of rents of the Property ahnll terminate when t�c debt secured by tho Scesurity insuument ls paid in full. _ <br /> _� . <br /> -=-.�;�r:� -- <br />----'=y«7tt;� _-- <br /> --�.:�;;f8±'� _-. <br />-- _�:-._`c=s . � . <br /> _:.�,r`.I�� — <br /> -t.v'�-i;,,. P�p�8 of 0 INdN�:,,� <br />_ .� (��4R�NE1�9so�� <br /> —'=�u�� <br /> z�;�;-T ��� <br />-- :�,:�''�Y',:f�1i� ��. <br /> �",�$�'"";`'� �- <br /> .= W�•wJ�•('()� ��� <br />._ �y1Cl�i"� �! <br /> - •'Y f�1,•f•l -"V�+�+�-+..s-.�'Y+�'^�IY`. <br /> ; ���'-:1�r'. .S� _'_—__ , ; .. 1,�. . . 1, ' ��.�w <br /> �- ��'. .r• ' � �, ,•1. 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