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9/14/2011 12:31:50 PM
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20110571G <br />Defendant shail have summer visitation for a tofial of six (6) weeks to be <br />exercised in three fwo week increments the exacf dates of which are to .be <br />determined by the parties. When the De#endant has summer parenting time the <br />Plainfiff shall have the same parenting time as fihe Uefendant has during the <br />school year. <br />(b} Bo#h parties agree that if they are working or othervvise unavaikabie to <br />watch the minor chifdren during any time the minor children are visifiing with <br />them, they agree to contact the other party fo watch �the m'tnor chifdren before a <br />re}a�ive arthird party is contacted to wat�h the minor children or before the minor <br />chiidren are feft alone. <br />(c) In even-numbered y�ars, the Pfaintiff shal! have the minor children for <br />the even-numbered hofidays enumerated below and fhe Defendant shall have <br />the minor chifdren fiorthe odd-numbered holidays. In odd-numbered years, the <br />Piaintiff shalE have the minor children forthe odd-numbered hoiidays and the <br />Defendant shall have �he minor chifdren for the even-numbered holidays: <br />(1) Easter. The Easter holiday will inc{ude that period of �ime during which the <br />minor chiidren are excused from schoof for the Easter hofiday, incfuding �aster <br />Sunday, an� shall commence at 6:0� p.m. on the day the children are refeased <br />from school and end afi 6:00 p.m. on the day befare the children retum to school. <br />(2) Memorial Day Weekend. This hofiday sha�l inciude only #hat weekend ,when <br />Memorial Day is nafionally recogn2ed, and shal! comrnence at 6:DO.p m. on <br />friday and conclude ai 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Memoria! Day. <br />(3} Fourth of Jufv. The Fourth of July shal! commence at 9:OU a.m. on Juiy 4th <br />and canclude at noon on July 5th. <br />(4) Labor Day l/Veekend. This holic�ay shalf incfude only that weekend when <br />Labar Day is nationatly recognized, an� shall commence at 6:00 p.m. on friday <br />and conclude at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Labor Day. <br />(�) Thanksaivin� This hofiday shall be defned as that period af time ciuring <br />which #he children are excused from school for the Thanksgiving hoticiay, <br />incfuding Thanksgiving, and shall cammence at 6:OQ p.m. on the day the children <br />are released fram school and conciude at 6:00 p.m. an the day before the <br />children return to schooi. <br />(6) Christmas. The Christmas holiday shall be defined as one-half (°/2) of the fime <br />that the minor children are excused from schoof for the Christmas holiday, and <br />shal{ commence at 6:00 p.m. on #he day the chifdren are released firom school <br />and concfude at 12:00 p.m. on #he day which is one-half (%) of said break. <br />3 <br />P�ge�of � 7 . <br />
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