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<br /> __ �- 1���4:9 � n`. ,"`'�`�
<br /> 7'. p�otectlon of �ender'� Riph+u In the P�operty. If Bortuwa(�14� to p�r4ortn the aowmnte and tgc.amsnts cantah�d � � -�
<br /> thl� S�cu�'1y tnntrurn�ni, �r th=ro l3 a ls�al prace�dinp Ihel nsy ok�nHbenty attao0 Landure riphte 4� the PropeAy (suoh ao a proceedtnp In
<br /> I bankruptoy, probate, lor oond�rnnatbn or tbrf�Kun or to snlorc,�Mwo or rpuwtbnq, th�n L�ntler may do and psy tov�vhatever la neceaenry
<br /> to prot�at ths vtlw of th� PropMty�nd Undird riphll in th�PropNty. I.�nd�� aatbm may halud� p�yiny any sums socu�od by a Ifon
<br /> ' � whbh hn prbrky owr ptM &�curily IntbvrtNnt, ap(�rhp in aoun, paying rMtontba ettom�y'�kts and ant�rinq on the Property to mnka �
<br /> � np4W. ARhauph L�nd�rrNy tak�aatbn undw Ihqr pm�pnph 7, L�nd�r do�s nol haw to do �o. .
<br /> -, � My amounta dh►bunW by L�ndu und�r thk pu�pnph 7 thaM b�aorrW addkbrtal dWt o}BorrowK socund by tRb Seaurky lnstrumx►t. •
<br /> � Unl��a [Zartar:;.t end I.:nd:r Cgrc� to othcr terma o� p�yrte�nf,lheae r.mounte ehnN be!r Intereet kom the date of dlsbursam9nt at lho Note
<br /> nt�u►d thaN b�payWN,wkh Ht�rest,upon notic�trom L�nd�r to 8ortoww nqunttnp paym�nt. ,
<br /> _'� 8. MonqeQe IDSUrsnce. If L�ndK nquir�d mortp�pa Inwranc� u � condkton of m�kinp ths btn socund by thie Security
<br /> ��w� InstrumM�t,BortowK�h�M pay ths pnmiumt nquind to mahtih ths matyapo inwruic�In�f(aot. If,lor u�y rsaaon,tha moRp�p�htunnc� ,.
<br /> � Cover�p� rsquYsd by L�nd�r Yipaa or c�sa to b� h �Meot, Borcow�fr OhtM pay th� Rr�mlume roq�:sd to obt�h oownp� substltntlaly
<br /> equNalent to t�+s mortptps hauranc�provbusy In�fNcl,at�cost subsUnttaky aqulvaknt to th�coat to BoROwar of ths mo�tpnpe hsurance
<br /> prevbusy h etteat, kom en ekem�t� mortpap� hcurw a�prawd by L�nd�r. 14 �ubsWttaky �quMaMnt mortpaQa hsunnc� oowrape Is not . ��
<br /> .� avalYbM, BoROwK ahitl pay to L�nd�r �ab month �sum �qual to on♦tw�Mth oP ths ywy moRp�p� haunu�c�premtum befnp pald by �,� �•�',r�.
<br /> EloROwar whan the heunnco eownp� I�ps�d or cMad to b� h �[hc1. L�ndu wW scapt, uaa and r�tth thoso payments 4s a bss ��
<br /> ..�; :`-
<br /> resanro In Itw ot mortp�Q� hcur�nca. Lots nsww Mymmte may no bnpw b� nqutnd, at th• optbn ot l,w�dx, M mortpopo hsuru�cs �=�''�
<br /> coverapo(In the amount end tor ths p�rbd th�t l.ender roqulns)provid�d by an Insura�prowd by Lendar ap4in b000mes Qvaimble snd !9 r����-
<br /> ,�_..-
<br /> obtahed. Borrowor shaq pay tha promqmc roqulroE to rtuhuin martpepo Insuranca h �fkct, or to provide e bss reswve, untu the � _:�,5�°--
<br /> ' roquirem�nt tor mortp�hsunnc��nda b acaorduic�wkh any wrkton ay�wn�nt botwNn Borrow�r�nd Lend�r or appl�abM lew. :�-
<br /> ._ar,�--
<br /> � 9. liii�@G4liiii. Wnt'wr or Iie aqs��tt may maka ra.orubfa enirk: upan end tncp�tl�na ot th9 Prop:rty. Lender ehnN Ilve Borrower .,,_ „M�
<br /> � notica at th�tlm�of or prbr to an in=paatbn spooMytny nwontbM c�uss tor th�hrp�atbn. ����_
<br /> 10. Con�emnrtion. Th� procNd� ot sny awsrd a aYtim for d�m�p�s, dfroct or aoncoquenti¢I, In connoctbn wkh nny '�;�.;.,:_: -
<br /> condertwutbn or othK takhy o}ony paR of th�Prop�ty, or Por conwyancs in Neu of cond�nnotbn,are horeby asslpned and ehau be pald �:_��'==
<br /> to Landor.
<br /> � In ths evmt of a tot�l takinp ot th�Prop�rty,Ih�proCMde ehaM b�appWd to th�sums sacund by thb S�aurky Inelrument. whether or ____
<br /> � not th�n du�,wKh any�xcas p�l�to Bortow�r. M th��wnt of a put�i taktp ot thr Prop�rty In whtah th�faY nwicst valu�o}th�Praperty =
<br /> � Mnrtwdkt�ly Wtoro t�a takinp N oqu+l to a pnabr th�n th��mount of th�sums tscund by thk S�curhy InsUumait imrt►sdis4�y b�ton the -
<br /> takhp,unkss Borr�war and l.�ndK othawlw� In writhq,th�eums seaurod by thb S�cu►Ity Inatrum�nt ehaM Bn nduc�d by th�amount =_
<br /> of th�proc��rxsRipAed by th�toNowlnp traotion:(a)th� tot�l�mount th�of eum� ucuhd irtx►wdkt�y bNoro the takhQ,dMided by(b)the -
<br /> f�M mukat vaYH of Hha Prop�ty hm�dlat�ty bNon th�fakinp.My baiuic�thaM b� pald to Borrowe. In tho evant of a partki t�kha o1 the
<br /> PropeRy in which the tair rtwk�t vsW of tIN Propwty hxr�WMtNy bMon th�takinp k ks�than th��mount o}tho cums sacuad Ymwdl�t�ly '��
<br />- b�fan th�takina.enSass Borrow�r and L.�nd�r oth�rwla aprN h wtk(np or un{as1�ppYaabM I�w oth�rwia providot, th�procNda shaN b� �=y=____
<br /> '� appli�d to th�tum�socursd by thk S�cudty InsDurt�t whKh�r a not th�tums�n th�n dw. [r�--�-
<br /> li tf»Propwty is�bandon�d'oy 8arrow�.or H,aftK notb�by UndK to BoROwor that th�condwnnor oNora to maka an�ward or wttb E
<br /> u oiafm tor d�rr�t,BortowK hY�to napond to Lend�r wRhln 30 d�ys aR�r th�dab th�not��b qAren,Lunder b wthorined to coNSCt and "��.
<br /> appty th�procwd�, �t Itt optton, elttNr to natnratbn a npair of th�Property or to th� suma securod by thla Sacurity Inatrurtw�t,whNhw ����-
<br /> , or no1 thm dw. �•,
<br />',`'��:'��,'� `• Untes: Land�r�nd Borroww otherwM��On�h �h0� �Y aAPllratfon of proc�WS to prY►olpal shaN not aocbnd or postpon�tM dun
<br /> �t
<br /> '��r �' �}�11thBOt10 ef Ot RelA�ifd: FOrbOlrRDC�d 2 or ohe►p�tha anount of suoh paymmtv. --
<br />_ .�.;�,�� p By L�nder Not� We�VN. Exbnslon o}th�tYrN for p�ymMtt or moditic�lion E::-
<br />=��:'.r ^ of�morEtaUon of ths sums s�aund by thk S�curlly Inttnem�nt prant�d by Lender to�ny succ�t:a h ht�rest ot BorcowK ahaN not opKatA i::=
<br />-r'�'�° , t0 roIMN th�IfebMly of tM 6ripinsl BOrrowK o�BoROww� �uoC�tton h ht�res4 Under shuN not W roqulrYd t0 cortWrMnco procwdhps �
<br /> '';`''�" �pah�t�ny succassw h htero�t or rotusa to aod�nd tYni for p�ym�nt or othKwk�modly emorttutton of th�aums soaurod by this Securky R —
<br /> :.,;�•�:-: --
<br />'_,;�;��., IntUummt by nsson oi �ny demand rtKd� by tM afptnat Borrow�r a Bortorv�s aucc�aaom h htenst. My torbeannc� by L�nder n -----
<br /> _��*=;..- wcKCbinp��y dpht or nnwdy ehd not ba a walwr of or Pnclud�ttw�oarok�ot�nY►ipht a nrtwdy.
<br /> °��"�•� 12. Succes�ora arid AsNyns Bound; Jolnt e�nd Se�erai Uebllity; Co-sipner�. me oown�nn and .pn�men« or
<br /> �������� , thk S�curit�r In�trum�nt�ha1 bad �nd WnNlt th�sucassors and attipns o4 Und�r�nd Barow�r, �ubJ�ot to th�provlsbns of poraynph
<br />-n�-.�'� --
<br />__.� . 17. Borrowar� cownmtc �nd opran�nU s!�,N b� joht md �w�al. My Bortow�r who casipns this Sacurky Inetrument bu4 doao not
<br /> �oacut�th�Nob: (q N casi�ina thk S�curky Instrummt ony to mortp�p�,prant,�nd conwy that BorroMwrs ht�nst h the Propaty und�r
<br /> �-:rr:wzN:� � th�t�m�of thk Sacurky(n=trum�nt;(b)it not p�rtors�Ny obNp�t�d to pay tha sums pouriW by thit S�cu�lty Inatrum�n�u►d(o) �prN�that
<br /> -�� LandK�nd �r►y other Bortow�r may � to acctatd,modlfy, forM�r a m�k� �ny �caortrnod�tbnt wkt� reptrd to tams ot thl�6acurisy _
<br />,�'�,�, Initrummt or th�Noa wkhou!thai 8arorr�s cont�n� —_-
<br />:;;:�?,a�;;,:� 13. LON CIWQei. Ii the ben aour�d by thk S�¢wlty InsWm�nt N subj�at to a�w whbh at� m�chwm lo�n oh�rpas,�nd that _
<br /> ��� • �w M fln�My htKpnt�d �o that tha Lnt�ns! a oth�►lau� ohvp� ooNiat�d a to bo caM�cbd h conn�atbn wkh tha bm uoc�ed ths ��______
<br /> .� pumktW Imkt,thm;(a)any wcb ban oh�shaM b� nduc�d by th��mount nsa�ssary to roducs tha oharqs to tha pumkt�d AmM;and ��- °
<br /> � (b) eny tums al�ady colMctW kom 8orrowK whBh rac�d p�mRWd Nmks wIM b�ntund�d to Borrowe►. Lande► rtKy ahoos�to mnke
<br /> - thls rNund by nduainp tha pnc�lptl owwl und�r tha Not� or by m�kinp • dk�at payment to Borrow�r. Ii a roiund raduo�s prinolpa4 B►o
<br /> • .,�; I�n,.=;.
<br /> nduation wIN M WatW ds�P��Pr+P�Ym�nt wlthout anY Wrp+y�n�nt clwp�und�r the Note. ;,b+':;'-:
<br />"=`,;';.:' '.:t,�,:,:
<br />= 14. NOUC��. My nctic� fo Barow�r pro�ld�d loe b thie Socurlty IntWma�t shal M pM�n by deflYerM�p R or by malNnp h by first �«;_�:��-----
<br /> ola�s maN unMa appGcabla kw nqufns us�nf moth�r m�thod. TI»notia ahaN b�dtect�d to tl�e Property Address a eny othK addr�ca ��!'_ ---.
<br /> � � 8arow�►d�slpntt�s by nMia to 1.mdK.My notic� to t�ndu sMl b�9Man by tirst af�u maN to Lendx's addnas sht�d har�M or any --
<br /> - � other sddnss UndK deslpnaMa by notfa to Borrow�r. My nottc�provkfW tor In this Sxurkyr IneVumont shaN ba deanad to have baen �:,,;�.
<br /> pMan to Borrow�r or Lmd�r wh�n phw�as provkMd h thir ptunpr�Ph. ,�;;�_:`''- _
<br /> 16. �overntnp L.aw; SeverY�ll(ty. Thfs S�curRy InsWm�nt ehal b�Qov�rn�d bY Nd�rl law and th�Isw ot th.�,r�d�cc�on r, '� �'_'`.-"'---
<br /> :�..;,.�,-.. -�----
<br /> •<<•;�.,.:�;__
<br /> whi�h th�Prop«ty k bc�t�d. In Uf�ownt that�ny provkbn or elwsa of thlt Soourity Ins�um�nt or th�Note conHicte with�ppACable law, •;'�e�•.�,�--
<br /> U . �• -- --
<br /> wch annlNOt �h�il not �}Nct otMr provitfons of thR 8ocurky tnstrum�nt or th� Not� which can ba pF�rm oit�ct wkhout tha conflbthp � ` `;�:M�.�-
<br /> - -•�t�;; � provision. To thGc�d liw Nnr�Rions nP fnk S�wiiy initrum«it and iPw Noia ora d:�.YL:d to M.:.s:�c^:4�. �. . '=�;;-f'
<br /> _ .4.SS��
<br /> i0. B�Dirower`s�:opy. earow�r�na�w pnrm ona contormed copy oi tn� ivoc�ano oi m+a�auriry ina'vumeai. - '_-,�„v=•
<br /> 17. Transf�r ot fM Prop�rty or � Be��flals! Int�r�st In Rurrowar. It�p or�ny part of tho Propaty or sny heansc n ,,;:,':.
<br /> „ It k sold or bynsNi»d (or Y� bwiMaW ht�wt h Barow�r 1� sold or tr�ti�nd �nd Borcow�r b not a natun►pa�son) wNhout Lenders , �
<br /> prlor writtm consKtt,UntD�r mu�y, �t ib optfon,ropuW YrnrNd�t� payrtNnt h tuN of aR sums acund by thfa Sacurity InsWmant.Howwer, ,
<br /> � _'. thlt optbn ahsM not bo auofud by LentMr M murolits k prohmksd by t�dKel rw as of ths date ot thOs Sscurity Innwmmt. , �-
<br /> �f L�ncMr�xw�¢taa thfs optbn, L�nd�r ehaN p1w BorrowK notfc� of acc�Mrntton.TM notic�shtM provid�� parbd of not leae th�n 30 '.. •
<br /> d�yd kOm th� dat� the notfc� b d�MrN+ad a maWd wlthin wh�h th� 9orroww rtw�tt pay t�M �um� acund by thla Sacurky Insuumont. It
<br /> Borrow�r hib to p�y th�wm� prior to th�ao�tr�tfon af thk pKfod,Unde may hvok�ary r�nsdios p�mitbd by thN 6�curky InsWmant
<br /> wkhout/urtMr notfc�or d�m�nd on Borro►wr.
<br />� . Form 9071 V/00 .
<br />� .. F�OOY.LMO(1Q/NI Vap�0 01 3 .
<br /> aa� f ___
<br /> --� _ -— -- - - - -
<br />