:� .. ".
<br /> ..�.. �
<br /> ...�.. .. __ . . ,_,.___ __ _ . -
<br /> - - --- .. _. . _<.. _ . _. _..-
<br /> ...�.. .. --—. . . , ,r.. �,:
<br /> • ......... .. .. , �y�,. . . , , _ ... .. �. • , � ' . ,M.�rt fwu�,t _-_� -..
<br /> �� � . -�_�;
<br /> 98. F10PPOW8P'i F�IQht t0 Fi6lilOtdtB. II �iorrow�r me`te certaln oondNlane, Daaowar ehstl hnve�O�t�� en�arcwrrmt of �
<br /> • Ihl9 6ocurRy Inoirun�nt dlioontinued ol eny lL��prtar lo t�m aar'�r ol: (ay 6 d�yo (or euofl oth,r perlod a9 eppltcablo k�w may opeaHy lor
<br /> ralnst�tom�r►q bst�ra ub o} th• prap«ty punv�nt to any pow�r of Nw aontaln�d h thti &�ourRy Imtn�msnt; or lb) �ntry of� �udpmwu
<br /> � entorohp thb S�ourky IneWm�nt.ThoN aondkbn�sro th�t Borrow�+: (�)pay�LmWr�M sum� whbl►thwn would bs du�und�r lhlr S�ourRy
<br /> in�WmMit �r.d ih� NOI� h�d no �co�Nntbn occumrd; (b) CurN anj� d�GluM 01 �ny OIhM cownl4nt 0+ nQrMmM►t�; (o) pay� i����'����
<br /> haumd h �nlorainp thM 6�curNy IntWmK►t, Inuludln9, bul not Wnit�d to, rouon�bW aV.omoy�' f�Nn; flnd (d) t�kp tuch �otfon�s Under
<br /> m�y naeonaby aqut� to uwn th�t lh� Wn of thM Ssaurky IntNum�►. undws ripht� In th�Pro(Hrty u►d Bortow�� obllWlbn to p�Y
<br /> tho aums etoureti l�y thh Eeeurky Inewm�nt �h�k continu� unohan�d. Upon nine4t�nt by Bonowu, thM S�auriry In�trurtxnt and th�
<br /> • „ obltpatbnt s�cund h�nby shaN nmtin IuMy�M�cliv� �s M no �cc�Mntbn htd occurnQ. Hawnra, tn►n rpht to nimtat��hnH nol �ppfy�i
<br /> tlu r.ts�of acc�Nntbn und�r per�pntph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oi Notr CIumQ� of Loan �an+laer. rns No:o or a p�n�.i �,unn� h �ne Noca (�oa.ina wKn ihu s.aur�y
<br /> .:�.�^°` Inswm�nt) may b� t01d ona or moro ttna wkhout prbr notfc�to Boirowvw. A t�M muy nsuR h a oh�n� h th� �ntky (known u th�
<br /> . "� 'Loin ServicK')that colMeto monthy paymenta dua unde ths Nots and thb S�curlty Ineuument. Thon tho rtwy b�on�or mon oh�np�f
<br /> ot tha Loan S�v�or unnktod to a aM of tM Nota. if then k a clw�ps o}the Loan Savb�r,Borroww wIN b� pMen wrkton nottc� of th�
<br /> ohanpa h a:oordYnC� wkh panpnph 74 abovi md tppibabi� �w• fie notfca wW sWto tto name and addreee ot th�n�w lo�n SuvkK
<br /> and the addnss to wh�h payrt►ents ehould W rrnds. Tho notfc�wW tleo eonteln any othnr Inlarmetbn nqut�d by�pplbabM law. , 1i�
<br /> 20. Hezardoua Substances. BortovrK �haM nat caus� or p�mk tho pronw�c�, u:�, dispoul, �tonp�, or rolwa ot �ny . � ,J.i:�=
<br /> Ha�r�oua Subst�nc�s an or i� tho Prop«ty. Borrowa shtN not do,no°albw anyann �IN to do, mythhp atl�atfnp th�Prop�ty thtt h In . ;�•,�;,�=��
<br /> „ vbintbn of any EnvkonmaRtal Law. The precsdinp two ssntences ahaA not�ppy ta tl;u pnc�nco, ua�, or�tar�po on th�Prop�rty of sriuA .;;_^
<br /> � guantities of Haurdaus Sl�bstancea that ar� OmKaMy nco0ni�d to bo aAPropr�t�ta nomul rosldrnti�l usot and to mthtomnc� of th� ,,�;=V::_~
<br /> , � Prop�ty. ��:;,T_—
<br /> ' Bortov��r sh�N prompty plw L�nc+�v wrkt�n notk� of �ny Inv�Up4tion� c�atn. d:m:nd�ES�J:12x Qf ONIY eotl�an by eny �ovemm�nGd a „���,-
<br /> ,; ��t«y ��Y a pry�t� p�rty „yo;►^iy�4hs Prop�ly and�ny N�nrdaus 5ubatanc� or Environmmal Law of whbh Bcrtoww hu �otwl , _`. —
<br /> knowledpo. If 8or�ower Mams, or i� nat3Ard by any 9�mm�nta� n► nW�tory authwky, that �ny nrtioval or other �wrwdi�tbn of any ,.:;�.ti,,
<br /> ' Ha�rdouc Substu�ca aft�tinp tha Pru��r I� nec�ssvy, BoROwx shnY prcmpty take aN nacassuy rortwdttl eotbns In 4ccordanc� wMh •.y_-,-
<br /> �' � ' Environm�ntal law. "`'W
<br /> ' As us�d In thi� puapnph 20, "a3n�rdous 8ubsunca' a�s those �ubsWicN dN�ned ao toxb ar harardous substanca by t��,^s•
<br /> • �.; Environmenul Law md th� toMOwYiy sWtrs'nnca: Wselh�� keroa�ne� othe� flormKbls or toxb patroNum produote, toxb p��tbldo� �nd *:��..L=•
<br /> `.':;,�-
<br /> ' � h�bbW�, votatlM sohronto, matui4ls contth6nq asbtetos or Mrmddohyd�, �nd ndbaotlw matwyM. As ua�d In th�t ptnpnph 20. __
<br /> "Environm�ntal Law' meens fadwai lawi �nd kws o} th� juritdiclbn wher� th� PropKty a locat�d that niat� to h�alth, saf�ty or ,. `�__
<br /> environmenttl prot�atbn. --•'�'— ��
<br /> NON•UNIFOf�A COVENANT3. Borrower and I.�►dK turth�r cownent and�prw as foNowr. �""
<br /> i���
<br /> xL /4coaleraUon; Remsdlss. L�nd�r stwli �Ive �oUce b Borrow�r prlor to �acslern�tJon Mllowing ��-•—
<br />_ _ : �-----.... ..._._..�_� .....
<br /> :, �: ...._ ...o� ...t...
<br /> Borrower's breach of eny covenant or ��re�msni in m�s �acu�nr IIN�YW/�at�• tMM• ..... w..... tc �=
<br /> acceleratlon under pars�r�ph 17 unless ep�llc�bie law provido� otherwlae). The notice ahatl apeclty: (e) �_
<br /> _ ths dehult; (b) tQ�e��Zlon rsqulred to cure 8�he dstauit; (c) � date� not lea uun 30 daya trom the dets the _..
<br /> , . notice is plven W Borrower� by which t�e deTauit m�a3 be cured; a�d (d)that fallu�e to cure the detauit en _
<br />_ ��"? o� before thA d�te �pecifled i�e 4hs ooUce may rewK 9� scceleratbn of the aums secur�d by thti Sacurity _
<br />= �.�`'!ti��:��r.� . Instrum�nt�nd wle of the Propsriy. The notlae �hall further tntorm Bor�ower of 4he rl�ht W��InaGits ARe
<br /> T_�> ••a� ecceleratloa ��d the rlpht to brinp � court �etlon to �ssert the non-exiatence ot a default or my other =
<br />?s��Y�� � detans� of Borrower to �cceler�tlon �nd tate. If ths deiwlt ts not cured on or betwe the dab �peci�l�d In ,-
<br />-� �• ths notice� I.endev�t It�optbn may nquk� ImmsdEat�paym�nt tn ful! of dl wm��ecured by thl�Security r:
<br />- � inatrument wlthout further demand �nd msy lnvoke Me power of aNa aed �ny olher rem�dlas permttted =;
<br /> •` by yzplicabls law. Lender �11 b� endU�d �o colOr�t atl expsnM� Incurr�d In purwinq the remedl�� --
<br />�''�'� �'�`�� rovided In thts r �aph �1� Incfudin�, bct not Umit�d W� r�aon�bi� �tt�n�ys' ie�a �nd coau of tlile ��_
<br />�T=� eWdence. p � -
<br />��s—����� If the power oi at� Ii i�voked, Tru�tee al�ll �ecord a notlas of dehult In �rch county in whlch any =
<br /> '` .�� p�rt ot the Propetrty Is loqted �nd sh�ll mall coples o!such notice In the manner preicribed bY epPllIIeble ---
<br /> = law to Borro��r md to tha o4fier p�r�ona pre�l�ed by opp�i c�b l� I�w. A f t er t he dme re q u l r e d b y
<br />=�::�. ..�,"�:: spplicable law, Trustes �II �fve publ� e�oUce of �ls tv the per�on� �nd In the manner prascrlbed by —
<br /> �-`"�..� , epplicable I�w. Ynistee. without demsn� on eorrower. N►fll �el1 ths Prop�rly �t pubtic euction to the —
<br />�,�r.�.�-_ � hiphest btdder �t the time �nd pt�as and undsr the iarms dsWpnat�d In th� natic� of aale In nn�ur mas
<br /> �.:,:y��:�: p�rceb �nd In ��y ord�r Truatas d�tsrm(ne�. Teraae�e� may postpon� wt� of �II or �ny p�rcN of the
<br /> "`�' Property by pu61le �nnounc�ment at ttN tOme an� �7e�e of �ny prevlously �hedutad aele. t.en�er or Its
<br /> ,�::. •
<br /> � .
<br />�•..•<..• desiqne� m�y ;�urehsN the Property�t �se1�.
<br /> °�"w�"•°-'""': `� Upon recelpt o! psyment of 9he priae bld� Tni�tae sNatl deliver to the purchaa�r Trustas'a deed
<br />� ����=�`y'� conv�yin� the Property. The rect0ab In ths Trua�m'� deed �II be prima facle eWdence of t9�e truth of = _
<br />- � ths sLt�ro�enLs mads tltereln. Tru�toa�MII �pPty the Proaeeda of ths �al� U th� tolbwin� order: (e�to�II ,���::__—
<br /> • costs end e�ense� of exenc�sln� tho power of �ele� end the s�le� Includin� the p�ymen4 of the Truatae's F�:�,,;;:;;�;
<br /> . �' , -� teea acwetly i�curred, nat to excaed 3 96 ot the princip�l �mount of ths note at the time ot -:�---�-
<br /> the deciaretton ot default, and rea�onable attornsy'�fae� w permHted by taw; (b) to �II suma secured by °`:'�;___,tl_
<br /> 4his Securliy Instr�m�n� end (c) eny e�cess W the penon or peraons lep�lly enti3ted to IL � ����y_ _
<br /> ..�.
<br /> 22. ReconvsylnCa. Upon psym�t ot aN tums tmcured by thk S�curky inswment, l.�nd�r shaM nqu�tt Trutt» to nconwy ths y�""'��
<br /> +.=,:.�f''�';:--_--
<br /> Prop�riy and sAaN aurrandsr this SecurRy in�dvm�nt end�N not�s ald�ncinp d�bt acund by this S�aurily ImUummt to T�u�teo. Trulta ,,?�'�'°"r''"=
<br />_ .}:�y�r�.`-
<br /> � ahtll roCOnwy th�ProDnrty wkhout warr�nty�nd wkhout oh�rp�to th�psraon or pKSOe�s IqaMY�ntRMd to k.6uCh Eierton or pasont �htq `:F,`���9��.-
<br /> • pay my rscordatbn caate. �'�. '�:-.,-.'`
<br /> .. ,
<br /> -��,.�.
<br /> u����y!`
<br /> 23. SubiUWt9 T�UatdB. lsn0or, Q4 ks apibn, may trom tim� to tYrb nmov�1'ruatM u�d appoht • euccn�or WttN to tny �
<br /> � Truates appohted herounda'by m Inatrummt rocorded In th�County h wh�h thb Saaurity Inttrument k r�cord�d.Wkhout oonwyutC�o! . .. � �
<br /> tha Proparty,succossor bustw ehaM�uccMd 4o tll tha titM,povrK�nd dutias aonf��rod upon TrustN h�roln and by�ppll�abM Yw.
<br /> � 24. ReqUCit f0� NOUCl.�. Borrowor nquasts that cQpba ot tha notic�s ot dNauR �nd stw l»�snt to Borrowe�s Kddns�whl�h
<br /> � ts th�Proparty Ad�tnss.
<br />" 26. Rtderi LO Ulli Sacuroty Instrument ir one or mon ridwt ue execut�d by 8orrowK et►d r�COrd�d top�thM wAh Ihis
<br /> SoCUrity Inetrument, thv covaiont� �nd UprNn►wtts of 61roh tu0h rfd�t shiN b� hiC�pontOd hto �tfd �htN �urNt�d tnd tuppNmw►t Ih� ,
<br /> , aovemnte�nd ayrsemsnls of thb Secu�ity Instrum�nt as M ths rid�(a)were�p�R of thN F�curky Imtrum�nt.
<br /> ' ' Form 902e ili0
<br /> _� F4009.LM0(10/Y6) Pay�1 ot 6 - -
<br /> 7 i
<br /> " 997
<br />