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•.�, . . ' � - .' _ - <br /> � __.._ ---- <br /> � .. ° - - - _=--- -- <br /> � � — - ° ° <br /> ... .._ _ <br /> .,. .. ,.._,�,.,,....., -: �„wti,»,�..�,�.,�,;- .--_ --._ - _ ._—._ <br /> .. .� _._ <br /> , • � _ ,a�.�ro,c�,a;u,?wr,r+±wfx��MF,ll�n!e�'�.,-���i.�_:.•:,, ..... .... .. ............� -- <br /> .. .�_ � <br /> n-- -- Y- <br /> :.':...... .. . - °— <br /> ..._....... .._ <br />_ �: �'�.O�i;4� �_ <br /> L�nd�r mry, at�ny tirrw,oolioot�nd hotd Fundt h �n amount not to wooNd tha maxknum emount •bndrr Por� fsd�r�ly nkted mortpay� <br /> b�n rrwy roquko for Qnaower'o ceCtaw aCCOUnt und�r tfle fodoral ft�fll Eelite Seltiement Procadures Aat ot 1374 ns amended hom lYne to • <br /> tL�nr, 12 U.B.C.2fit19 Wi�oq. (`r'i�?F�''A°),unWao e+cot�sr Ww that nppl:�a tfl th� Fuoda e:to n 4�accr eniounl. If oo, Lend^_r may,at c!ny pr�la, <br /> '� colt�cl and hold Fund� In an �maun4 not to aocce�d lh� I�au amaunt. Lsndu may satYnat� lhe tmount ot A,nds due an the bials of <br /> curt�nt d�U and r�a�onabM MtYn�Ns ol�dRura of Ntun EscroH It�m�or othorwlo� In�caordana wkb sWp�cabb law• <br /> Th� Fundli �haM ba held h an In�tkutlon who=a d�po�lti w tnwnd by o t�dK�l a�ncy, hs4rum�ntsAly� or M1Ny (habdirty L�ndK, Y <br /> � L�ndM N tuoh �n tnstkution) a In�ny F�cMnl Honw Laan Bmh. I.�d�r 1haN�ppy th� Fund�to pty th�Escrow Il�ms. Landsr rruy not <br /> oharpe �orrow�r fot holdhp and appylnQ ltw Fund�,�nnutly onay8ny tM�row �ccount. or wrYyina th� Eeorow item�, unNs�Und+r <br /> ;y, p�y�Bor►owK htenat�n th�Funds �na appNc�bt�kw p�mke L�n6K¢o r�xico cuoh o oiwq�. Ho�r:v:x,L.csid:r mzy rc¢uko Berco�vY to <br /> �� pay a anttim�ohup�for�n ind�p�nd�r►t ntl Mta1o�tuc nportinq sMV1eo ua�d by 4�ndK In connsotbn wRh thb ban�unMas�pplfc�bM Ww <br /> � provldes oth�nvhe. Unlas �n aprMrMn! Is mnd� or �ppWCSbf� kw nauirq Int�nat to b� pafd, L�nd1► ehiN not be nqulnd w p�Y <br /> � BorrowK�ny Int�nst a Muninp�on tM Fund�.8orrow�►�nd L�nd�r may�p!w h wrkho,howw��t ht�st thaN bs paid on th�Fund�. , <br /> Land�r th�ll plw to Borrow�r.wkhout aharp�, �n�nnu�l accounth�of Ih�Funds,ahowhp crodk�and debRa to the Funda and ths purpoae �• <br />- k�� for whioh�oh dM�R tv th�Funds wa mad�. 7M Fund�u'�pM�q�d as adtlRbnat sacuriry lor ill sums s�cund by thk&ocurity InsWm�nt. �� <br /> - II tM Fundt hNd by L�ncMr �oa�ad th� �maunb p�rnil[w7 ta ba har! by aFpHcabb Inw, Lendx ehnN ncaount to Bortowsr for the �._- <br /> �. �xcess Funds h accord�r►a w�h th�nquY�nwnts ol�ppMc�bN law. If th��mount of the Funds hekf by Lender at �ny th�e Is not autticknt -_ <br /> �� to pay th�Escrow INms wh�n du�,�r rt►iy ao notiy Bortowar h wrRlnO� �nd, fn such caa� 8orrowK chil pay to Undx tha�mount _ <br /> n�aasary to m�fn up tM dNlafmoy. Borrow�r stul m�k� up th�d�MntsY In no mon th�n tw�t�» monthy paymonta, at L�ndM'e soq <br /> �, dlacntfon. �_' <br /> �� , � .. UP�WY�t In tuN ol �N wtns `lcund by lhi� S�CwRy lu�trum�nt, L�nd�► �haM promptly rKund to BorrowK any Funds h�id by =. <br />=-�'�' �. =. L�nd�r. II,und�r p�npnph 21,L.�nd�r shaN acquMl or sN th�PropKty.L«►dar,Prio►to th� �cqukltion a saM of th� Propaty, shtN apPry -, <br /> " � any Funds h�{d by lmda at th�th�ot scqubkbn or uM ta a cndR�inst tha sums a�cund by this Socurity tnsWr�ieni. �.'- <br /> � ' 3. Appllaation of Paymmts. unpas a�p�M kw�rcvb.s e�►�srwb.,aN p�ym�nis ncNwd by Lendor und�parapraph� 1 �nd �° <br /> ' 2 shall ba applsesl: fint, to sny pnpaym�nt ahupss du�unat�thq Not�;eacond, to unaunta payabb undx puQ�roph� th�rd to Interest r�, <br /> -:, ; q���", dw;fouAh�!o PrY�opal du�:and lut,to any f�b ChW�e du�und�ih� Nat�. - <br /> � � 4. Cha►QQi; LIeM�. Borroww�hd pay aN t�s,�ssasm�ntc,ohvp�s,Hnas�nd 6npoaRbna attrbutaA�e to the Propaty whi�h rt�y __ <br /> ��•��-~• athh prio�ty owr thk S�curity Instrummt, �nd ��hokl p�yrn�nb or pround�b, M �ny. Borroww �haM pay th�s� obNpatton� h th� -- <br /> �:`�.;�. m�nnK provided In p�rapr�ph 2. or R not pald in lhat mmnar. BortoMnr ahal paY ttwn on tim� dinctq to tha person awad peyrtwn4 <br />_=�_;�,;';,, eorrow.r �nar aompcy n,m�n eo UndK atl notica of Ynounts to b�pald und�r thM panpr�ph. If BortowK mak�s those ptyments <br /> -<_=.�;1,�• dinotty�BOrrowu shaf PranPtlY hxnith to Under�abts wkMnairW N+�WYm�►►.s. <br />-��"� ' Borrowa►thaN prompty dkch��ny Mn wfilch has prbrty ovM' thN S�curRy M�trum�nt unipt Bomow�r:(�)�pr'�ss b+�vrkinp to th� <br /> '�' li .",h'� <br />_-'-'.`- '� ►��w�+.R►n1►h�nhl�.tlon ..g�u�d by tlf�CM1 h a m�nntr�CCM�tabN t0 LMdM; (b)CArlUtti h p00d hlth th0 8en by�Ot dN�td!�pth6t <br /> _____"�.. ��� . <br />-�.��-.�,`� �nforCMnent O}th�M1n In,Mg��W'x�ndY►pt whiCh In th�LMtd�s opNbn op�trlo to piw�nt tM�nfonc�rtNnt Ot th�Ym:or(0)s�CUns kGm <br /> - ,� ."..%t• the hei�er of Gw Mn �n ep�wawnt athhctory to L,�nd�r su�ordfn�thy lh� IMn to thfa CrcurRy Inslrum�nR. II Lendar dele��nMws th�t�ny <br /> _;s..�;,�..• <br /> --""":'�`,�, part o5 4��Prop�Ay k�ubJ�ct to a N1n wh�h rt�Y���P�kY owr thk S�curity ImWmr►t. LwuNr may ptw Borroww a notie� kMntiytW <br /> W�.�=„9•�• f1w Irn. BorrowK sh�M wttsy th�Mm or tYc�aw a mon of th�iclbns�at torth abovr wkt�b t0 diys of tAe pViW of notbr. <br /> v ��—"'�� 6. H�rd or Prop�rty In�u��rtce. Bortow�r shal k�op tfN h�'o�r�m�nts now �lctinp or heronfter lroct�d on th�Prop�rty <br /> --=.;;.�'�;� Nsund �tnst bs�Dy fir�. hwrds inaludrd wlthtn th�tKm '�nd�d covrr�' and �ny otMr Nards. 8aa4dtnp floods or fbodMy�tor <br />�.`::."�� whlah�r nWfn�inwnna. ThN inwnnce sh�l bo rtw�haY�d In tM�rnamta�nd far ttN p�riods th�t Lend�r nqufa. Th�Ins;xenc� <br /> --_=—= oart4r providinp tM hwr��a shar b� choan by Barow�r eubj�ct to I.�ndws rppro+nl whbh �ha� not W unnuonaby wlthhNd. If <br />__=,��W,o, BarowN IaN� to m�hfaN Cowr� d�xbod �Aow. I.�ndu m�Y��t Und�� oP�• ��h cowr�to prOt�Ct L�nd�i riphtt h th� <br /> —:..� PropKty h�ecoM�nc�wkh pu�pnph 7. <br /> ---- A11 Iniw� Polhi��nd rnw�Y sh�1 b�woaP�+bw W I�ndK ind�hall inowd� a�tandud morfp�p�ciws�. l.�nd�r�ha11 haw th� <br /> ----- riGi+t rto hold tM potaiq md nno►v�N. R I.�nder nqufrN,�prompiy oMr. eo 4.ndK.�r•c.pes a paa�wnt�ms and na.wai <br /> notk�. In thi awnt oP b=s,sortow�r�htll plv� prompt notic�to tha Ineunaa car►Mr �nd l.�nd�r. 1.�ndK rtyY m�k�Proot o! bss It not <br /> tnoda D��PtFj by BorrowK. <br /> UnNa Und�t IYtd BOROwK othMwic� ly[�s h wtkhQ, YlsurrlCO prOC�eds shll b�appMd to nttOntbn a nptir of VN PrOperly <br /> d�nap�d, M the n�tonUon a np�k M xonort►tcib f�ubM and L�rtd�s acurky Is not las�d. If Ma rrstontion a nWlr b eot <br /> --°-°�-- oconomic�ty MttDM or L�ndwo aacvrily would b�IKS�d,ths fnwnna proo�ds thsl b��1Md to th� wms acursd by thN S�curky <br /> tntCUm�nt,wMtl►K or not thm dw,wkh�ny�oocM� Mld to Bortowmf H Barow�r�baedon=Ohs P�apwtY• ot dac not�ttwK wkhin 30 <br /> -- - daYa n noUc�Irom Lend�r M�t th� htur�ovrkt has oK�nd to attN�oyim,tlw� L�ndK m�y colrct tM hsunncs proce�d�a. L�nd�r <br /> .�.�_ -� maY ut�ih� Proccads W�Ir a nKtorr th�Pr�perty or to paY �ums Ncund by MiR S�urtf► M�Wm�el, wh�thlr or not B� du�.Th� _ <br /> -- 3Gday pKlod w1N boph wh�tM notiC�M ptwn• - <br /> UnIK��r�nd dorrow�r othMwka�prw In wrkirq. �►y �PP�tbn o!q�ricwds to prYictpd sh�N not ad�nd or pottpoM tM dua <br /> -- — dau o!tM monthy paymMtb nf�nnd to In p�praphi 1 efd 2 0�oh�'�pe tM rnount of tlw p�y+rnnta. M und�r pa�pr�►h Yt lh�P�opKty <br /> ---- i��cqutnd by L�nd�r, 8orrow�s ripht to my hsutmc�poMaiN�nd pro�wds nsullirp kom d�nta�to tM Prop�rty Rrbr to th�soqubkbn -- <br /> --�'R`"�`��' • shtN pus to�r to th��od�nt of tiH suma s�cur�d by thk Sscwky tn�Wmmt MmwdYtW1 P�to th�ncqubkion. <br /> ;�,r'A°;��.a`°�� 6. Occupancy. Pre�ervetion, Matntee�nce md Prot�atbn ot ths Property; 8onoweP� Loan /1pplicaUon; _ <br /> _�'��;�j;'�?:`.� LAiieh0lda. Bonow�t�MM oCCUpy,�t�blNh, ond uw tM PropKty a�BortowK's princ�a9 teaid�ncs wkhtn tbdy day�at�or tha�cutlon _ <br /> '.°:`}".=''�� of thi�S�curky Mstrummt�nd sh4N continw to occuPY th�Prop�rty as Barow«'a pnc�fpd n�sid�nce tor at Me�t on�y�u�R�r th�da2e ot <br /> �;�..� '�q&� occupmoy,unfla UndK othwwia��pr�s h wrRlnD�wh�h cons�nt ahaN not M unro�se�ntby wRAMld,a unM�s sxt�nwtinp aircumst�nces � <br /> �-'�:s.�;_��.'i[�� aalst whbh an Myond F3oROw�� control. Borrower sh�1 not datroy. d�rt�or hiP�M Uw Proputy.abw th� Propwty to d�t�rbut�,or =- <br /> -�.'�',':'y°��=`�-�• commk w�tt�on the Prop�ty. Barow�r ehtN be in Wf�uk If�ny forf�Muro actbn or procMdiny.wh�ttH►ehd or crimina�, a b�Wn thQt In <br />--- .�:�'.r"A;�' Londa'e paod fakh judpnwnt could �ut h torfakun of iM Proparty or oth�wkr maluf�y YnpaM tha Yen cn�t�d by thk Securtty <br /> ��.... <br /> _�i:'.: Instrument ot LM'idora s�atrity�6xocG BorrowK tnSy cure Eych q dMauR�Ind nhsUle.a y?rovkf�d In pua0nph 18, by caushp tM aatlon <br /> - y �s..� �..� n,,..u,,...�. L.�cr..:Y. �e,. <br /> --— Of pfOC6�Q11Q�0 00(1151111�N0 WIITI �NI��Ilii� i�Lonti�fs goou iiim o'iiwi�n` �nwr::v.o ..�..�..��. ... ...� .....�..�._ _.�.�_ _. _._ <br /> _: �.��,�, Rroparty or otha► m�ta�l tryHYmmt ot tM Nm cn�ted by thts S�curky InaUument a L.�ndare securit�r ht�sst. Borrowar shall also be h ° <br /> ;'�"i"'' � dNauk L�DoROwar, dudnp tM loan opp8catbn proc�ss, �aw mstahly hk� or inaccurwh Intomxtbn w ctatMnonte to Lend�r (or(aA�d to <br /> S '.,,. . provtd�l.�nd�r wkh u►y mat�itl htorm�tlon) In aonnactton wMh tha lo�n wJd�ncod by tM NoU,Includtnq,but not NnRad fa,reprosentatton� - <br /> • � cuncemhp Bortowbra xCUpency of th� Properly n � prinopal r�kf�nc�• II thts SocurRy Instrument Is on n IeaseAOtd, Borrower shaY _ <br /> .. compy wkh �N th� provklom Qf tt» loa�. Ii Bortowor acqulys fw tkM to lh� Prap�rty, ths lensahold and tho fw tkla ahafl not merps _ <br /> • unless Lendar�prwa to the ma�p�r In wrklnp. ` <br /> � Form�o2e v/¢0 <br /> ' � �� Ft00o.LMfl(t0/OE) Ptp��ol b <br /> Y.�. . <br /> ' '� _ . <br /> _ , u <br /> 997 <br />