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' ti• ,. <br /> . . <br /> .. .• ..: <br /> . "_� <br /> �-'- . i, . �....—"--. <br /> ..s � <br /> __.. . . ...... — __ _" __.. <br /> l� i�Mlaa�r� '_'_"_"_-_— _' ""' . . �� �. <br /> .. � •�`. .. . •. .` .__._._ ... ... ........_. .. .. _' " _'_ .._..._.._"_"_'_"'__ .'_�_�� _"._ <br /> l .�i <br /> ., y ��wi� .,, r ,. .�`'�Y`' , . . , � " „ �. - -• 't:.`_;`:ljj�5�_"+�-�„._ <br /> _ . .. . . , Y•..M��:n:��ti��.',�ri�,:r��'. <br /> - �. _..... .... - -�L _.^t . •a. i '_.. �_ . . ' . . . - . . . _ . .. . . ' _ <br /> , • �� �V��� <br /> ' payments n�ay n4longer be required. at die option of l.ender, if mottgase Insuranse covere�c(ln the amount�uid for die perlocA <br /> diat I.ender reyuires)provided by an insurer nppraved by L.ender agaiu i►ecomes nv�ilable and is obtained. Banower sliall pay <br /> " the preniiums requirPd to n�aintaim m�rtgage i�Ltiurance iu effect,or to provide a lo�.y reserve,until the requirement for mortgage <br /> insur�tnce ends in accardauce�vith nny written ugreea�ent t�etween Borrower�►nd Leucler or Hppitcable law. <br /> 9.ii►Spectton. Lender or its asenc may make reasonxble c�uies upuii aix!iuspe�:tioi�.y of�lie Peoperty. I.eader sLall �ive <br /> �; 8arrower nodcx at the tPme of or ptIor ro an inspectian specifying reasonable cause for the inspectlon. <br /> l0.Condemnation.The proceeds of any awatd or claim far damages, direct or conseqaential, in cottnecdon with any <br /> condeu►aadon or other taking ef�ay part of the Prope�ty,or for canveyance in Ileu of condemnation,ara hereby assigned and <br /> ��� .a <br /> .�,,,�,,.,�W1r shall tse paid to Lender. <br />•� In the event of a total taking of tLe Prapeny,the proceeds shall be applied ro the sums secured Uy diis Security Inst�umeat. <br /> whelher or not thea due, wiYh atty e4cc.5s paid to Bonower. In the event of a nartlal taking of tlie Froperty in which thc fair _ <br /> `' market value of the Property immediatuly 6¢fon the talring is equal to or grearer dann the amount of the swns secured by this <br /> N Security[nstmment Immediately before the talcing,unless Borrower aud Lender othenvise agree in wrldng,the sums secured by = <br /> ,.; � this Security Insmiment shaU be mduced by the amount of the proce^.ds muldplied by the followiag fraction: (a) the tatal <br /> ` amouat of We suros secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fuir market value of the Property immediately <br /> . before the tal�ing. Any balance sl�all be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial tnlong of the Property in which the fair <br /> � market value af the�mperty immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured Immediately hefore rhe �•- <br /> taldug, unless Borrower and Lencler otherwIse agre.e in wridng or unless applicable law otherwise provides, ths proceeds sba11 <br /> �. <br /> � be applled to the c�ims secured by t6is Securlry Insm�ent whether or not the sums are then due. � <br /> � If�te Pro�e�,ty is abandoned by Boaower,or if,after nodce by Lender to Honower that the condemnor offers to make nu � <br /> • ,•:=- awz�sd or settle a claini for dflmages,Bonower fails to respond W Lender within 30 days aRer the date the mtice is givea, <br /> � . • L�nder is authorized to calle;cq awd apply the p��oceeds,at its opdou,either to restorat�an or repair of the Property or to tlie sums <br />- :=_t.' secured by this Security Insuuraent,�whether or not then dve. <br /> '•:, .� Ualsss I_.entler and Borrower otherw3se agroe in wrldng, any application of proceeds to princlpal sUali vot extead or : <br /> "��-•" postpone the due date of the monthly payments re�rred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payrnents. �, <br /> :` y.r:� 11.Borrower Not Rdeased;Farbearana By Lender Not a Wsuiva.Bxtension of the time for payment or madificadon _ <br />- '"y��� of amortizadon of the soms secured by this Security Ins�rnent granted by Lender to any successor in interest off lAora�ower sUall -_ <br /> _;x:.:.,�• � - <br /> � not aperate to release the ltability of the origir,al�orrowFr or Borroa�er s successais in interest. Leuder shall noz be requlred to _ <br />-"��"`?��' . cnmme�proceedings a�ainst any successor in intexest or refuse w ex¢end time for payment or othenvise moc+tiIIy f►morti�don <br />';:;,;:;.x:;" c of the sums secur�d by this Sec:urity Insttuument by re�son of any den�and made by the orlginal BonoKer or Botrower's <br />-w��;t<`;.r; s►�r�cessors in interest. Any forbearauce by Lender in eaerc�sins any right or nmedy shall nat be a waiver of or preclude ihe <br />::��;��:�: enercise of any right or remedy. -- <br /> _,a�,,,�„ ]I2. Sucr,rssore xnd Assigre Boundi Jolnt and S�verAl[Ilty; Cm�tgners. The covenauts and a�*s�eemente of Ihis <br /> � �s""� Securi¢y Instiuumnent shaU bind ancl bea�efit the successors and essIgas of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> ___�� <br />_�„s',�,� patagraph 17, Borrower's covenants end Agreements shal! be jo�nt and several. Any Bonower who w-slgns tbis Secntity <br /> _ ___— Insmiment but does not exceute the Note: (a) is casigni�g this Security Instzument only W mortgage. grant and convey that <br /> ;�;;;�:�A,,,,�, Borrawer's interest In the Propr,rty under the tem�s of t�h'�s Security Iastiument;(b)is not personally obligaoed¢o pay the sums <br /> --• - secured by this Securlty Instmment;aad(c)agraes thst lLender and eny other Bomnwer may agree to extend,modify.focb�ar or <br /> ----__-= mxi�any accommodadonv with regard to tha tem�s of tlus Security Instrument or the Note without tLat Boaower's conseni. <br /> 13.Lom ChAr�es.If the loaa secured by this Securlty Instcument Is subject to a law which sets niaximum loan charges, <br /> —" and lhat law is finally intezpretal so that the interest or atber loan chsuges wllected or to be collected in eonnectiun with the <br /> _ <br />