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<br /> � � ' ' � �.U�9 � .. _
<br /> � 17.'['ranster oP the Property�r a Beneilcla!Interest In Borrower. If xil ar etny pan uf the Property or any interest in it • �. • -
<br /> is sold or trangferced(or if a beueflcial jnterest ln 9onower is sold or transfened xnd Banower is not n natural pereon)without '
<br /> Lcnder's prior written consent. Lender nu�y, nt its option, �require immediate payment iu full of all sums secureJ by tlus ,- .
<br /> Security I�utnunent.However,dds optinn sl�all uot be exerciseJ by Lxnder if eaercise is protiibited by feders�l taw xs of We date .
<br /> of this Security liutrument.
<br /> If Lender exercities this option,Lender shall give 8orrower notice af acceleration.The nc�tice sh�ll provide a period of n�t ,
<br /> !,�„�,�' less than 30 days from the clats the notice (s dellvered ar mailed within wl�ich Bonower must pay all sums secured by this :
<br /> _.. .:,�.. Security lnstnunent.If Borrower falls ta pay these sums prior to t�e expiradon of�is period. Lender may iavoke any ren�edies .
<br /> pemiitted by this Securiry lnstmment wldiout further nauce or demand on Honower. • , : -_
<br /> 18. �orro�ver's RIEIt! to Retnstnte. lf Borrawer meets certaiu condidons. Bonower slixll tiave the right to hnve •
<br /> enforcement of d�is Secudty Instcument discontinued at a��y dme prior co d�e earlier af: (a) 5 days(or such otlier p�riod as ; • ' ,. , '
<br /> appllca6le law cnay specify far reiiutatement) before sale of the Pro rt ursuant to an wer of sala contnined in th�s , ",�t'^'�•• +
<br /> � Y P Y Pa �,. ...=i�"�:-_
<br /> Securicy InstnuuPnt;or(b)entry of E►judgment enforciqg this Securi lasmrmeut.Those condldons xre that Borrower: (a)pays >�"'.;�:� �s'i�;���
<br /> ty ;,;a:sN,..���..a=
<br /> Lender all sums which then would tre due uuder this Securit�+ Insaument and the Nota as if no accelaration had occurrecl;(b) ;r 9 r,_
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agmemenu; (c)pays all expeuses incurred iu enfocciug this Security lastn�ment, � „ ..•.-•--.---
<br /> � including, but not limited tu,reasonable attoraeys' fees; and(d)takes such action as Lendcr may reasonably reqwre to assure ;,-•:�+��'=-�
<br /> r. that the lien of this Security Insuvraent,Lender's rigdts In the Property and Borrower's obligadon to�ay die sums secured by .:1`�n��_—
<br /> this Su;urily Iusuwaent shafl continue unchanged. Ugon relnstatement by Borrower, thig Secunty Insaument and the �'�-;..`:�•�:
<br /> � obiigadons secured hereby sl�all remain fully efFecdve as if no acceleradon had occurred. However,this nght to reinstate shall '�'���`�_
<br /> � not apply in the casc of accelerndon under paragraph 17. �`;'_°R`= --- ._..-__-
<br /> • ' 19. Sale of Hotei C6ange af Loan Servicer. 'Che Note or a partial interest im thc Note (rogether with tlus Security '•-'*�r-
<br /> �. Insttument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sate may result in a change in the endty(known ___z..
<br /> ' � as the "Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and ttds Securiry Instiumeat. There also may be oae ��
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated ro a sale of the Note. I£there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Hoao�ver will be ;�'��:--
<br /> given written notice of the chat�e in accordance with paragreph 14 abave and applicable law. The norice will state the nanae and ��
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer end the address to wtuch payments should be made. 'ihe aotice will also contain any ot�er __
<br /> infoimadon required by applicable law. ---°
<br /> 20. HazArda� Substonces. Bormwer shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal. stura�e,or release of any
<br /> Harardous Substauces on or in the Property. Borrower sball not do, nor allow anyone else to do, a=ydung aflfecting the
<br /> Property that is in vloladon of any Bnvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use,or
<br /> `�: � �wrngc uu iu�Fiopcaiy oi�ilai2.Zuazttiii�af i-I:,r:s�a•.ss�zbsts�e..�!1�?!3ra oPneraily rer�►oni�ecl to he anQronriate to nnrmal . Fi,
<br /> • residenGal uses and to muntenance of the Property.
<br /> ", Borro«er shall pmmptly give L.endor wnttea notice of aqy inve�tagation, clnim,demand,lawsuit or other acdon by eny '
<br /> :.;:5•;,;;;,;•, govera�mental or regulawry agency or rivat�(►arty involving�the Pro�st�and any Hazardous Substance or flnvironmental Law ,
<br /> r
<br /> '��="'�'t; ' of which Bomowar has actual kuowla�ge. If Borrower learr.�. or 9s nod ed by any govermnental or regulatory authority, that �
<br /> �i�;:�r f;;%;:`;'s any temoval or other remediaaon of any Hezardous S�bstance affecdng the Property is�.:ces�ary, Honowes st�all promptly take
<br /> �'` •�,: all necessary remedlal acdons in accordance with Bavlromneutal Law.
<br />-_T :^;;�y. As used In tLis paragraph Z0, 'Harardous Substances" are those substances defined es toxic or hazardous substances by �.
<br /> .�,,..•� ,T BnvironmenW Law �xl tl�e followiug substauces: gasoline. kerosene. other flan►mable or toxic petrol.eum pralucts, tox'sc ;_
<br /> pesdcides ani!hcrbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbesros or formaldeh�rde,and tadioacdve matenals.As used in ;_�
<br />_-`""�.,,.r tlus para�Caph 20, 'Snvironmental Law' means federal laws aad laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br />_. ,';. .�; relate ta health,safery or anviromnantal protecticn. -
<br />�' .••" ' NON-[JNIFORM COVBNANfS.Bornaw�r and Lender futther covenant sind escee as follows:
<br />=�,�y� ,� . 21.Accderation;Itemedles.I.Ct1(�C!'SAAI�gIVE DMIC!t0 BOTiONlI'pi'IO!t0 eCOC�fi'Q�Oq fOII0VP4r�Sorrower's breach � —
<br /> ->�?': ef any covenant or ngraernent tn thls �er,w3ty Ir►strvme�t @ut iwt prior to acceleraHon uader paraYraph 17 unless
<br /> ,'���:�:�,:;�,�"`°' applicable IQw pmvides o4herw�sc).The notice shall spedfy: (a)the default;(U)the�dion requtred to cure t�e defautt;
<br />-::::,ti s;;;;; (c)a date, not less t9wn 30�►;va t'ram the date tlu notice 8s�iven to Borrower, by�+Eii�the det'atilt mmt be cUred;and
<br />--°;;�t (�that fallure to cure the d�unit on or bd'oce the date specffied tn the notice niay•resWt in�ccderation o�the sw�s
<br /> �,R�. secu�ed by this Sec�nity Lut�m�ent and sale of ehe Prope,�ty. The notice shall further intorm Borrower of th�e��ia6t to
<br /> �.�,i���, reinstate s�fter acce7�tion end tl�e right to'brin�a court adton to nssert the non�stmce of a defaWt or any other �
<br /> =-;,`��:� defense of Borrower to accderatton and sale. It the dd'auit Ls not c�rd on or before the �ate specilled In ttAe notice, - --
<br /> : �,��•�'. La�der, nt ita optlon,may reg�ire immediate payma�t(n full of all sums secvnd by tiils Security Instrument witiwut
<br />-���-'���°• forther demand wnd may inva7ce the power of sate and any other rm�edl�s permltted by appliable law.Lender shall be
<br /> �,,,:�
<br /> �,�'�_'' entiUed to coqed all cxjx�es�necured fn parsuSnB the re�nedlcs provided in this Paragi'aPh 21,lneludlnY.but not limitgd
<br /> ",'�`'�'_ Qo,ra�wnable attomeys'fees ancl costs oP 8���s�vidence. ---
<br />- ���' IP the power of sale is i�vc+ked� Tt�t�e s3�a11 record e notfce of default tn each wwity bo ov}ilch any part of the
<br /> _;..•.-s�:��• --
<br /> �'�°' Propaty is loca►tal and shall�ail coples of s�ch notice[n 4he manner prescdbal by�ppUcable 9;sev to Bonrov�er and to �_
<br /> .,�'�".`. thc other person9 pe+escribed��agrd►licable law.Aka�thr s7me requlrcd b'applicable law,7Yeutx sbaU�i�e pv'bllc ndIoe -
<br /> of sale to the pe�son9 and in t5e�axtnner prescd6�w1 bY$FF���ble law.TYustee,without dermand on Borrowe�,shall sdl �
<br />-- � the Property at public auction to t�tilghest bidder at the time and place and undrr the ta�designated in the notla of ��;_=�
<br />