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1. .. <br /> :r. ) <br /> :� . .. • �. � . <br /> i� <br /> . p."�.�� �� • . . . �� . „ _....ii:a;-- <br /> ... . . /I•-.l�li. �,VIC� :.t � fi�. 7 _ �, r . .. � n�ul�r.. . .. . . ._..__ ..._.��. .�1,'._— ' -----�a �. <br /> , ., ' . "�`,.?�a---' <br /> 'nAn�_� . . . '�.4{4: �/ _ ' r. „ .. . � � . .....='J..f�-�:._�—. <br /> - - , 5_ . .. • . . . . - _---_ _"-- _ <br /> .. � • .. . . . , -. _ :.t+�. <br /> . .. . ' �, . _..AiN11�1 �'t <br /> ., ' .. . .. �- , . .. '�S:•.. <br /> .. /.t . �i ' " .. . ., � <br /> .. �.. �oss�9 �.. <br /> • 5. Hwzard or Prope�ty Insw'ance• Bor*awer Eliall keep d�e in�proveu�etus iww existing ur liereafter erect�J on d�e <br /> Property insured��gait�,t In�s by fire. hazards included wtti�in tiie tenn "eatended cavernge" and any other hazards, including <br /> floods or tlooding� for whicte l.ender cequiees insurance. 'ihis insurance shall i�c u�ai►►txiued iti tiie a,-nounts und foe tl�e p�tto�s <br /> � thut Leuder requires.The insucance carder providing the insuratx;e shall lr cliosen by 9onower subject to Lender's approval � <br /> which shall not be unreasoaably withl�eld. If Bonower fails to malntain cov�rage described above. Lender may, at Lender's <br /> - opdou,abtain coverage to protect Lend�r's dglits in the Property in accordaurx with paragraph 7. <br /> All i�surnnce policies and renewils shalt be acceptable to Le�xler and shall include a standard mongage clause. Lencl�r , <br /> sbAll uave the dght to hold the policies aad renewals.lf l.eixier requires.Boraower sliall}�rampdy give ta Lender all receipts of .�_ <br /> paid�remiwns sud conewtil nodces.In t�e eveat af loss. Bonower shali give�mmpt uv�+ce co the insurance carricr anc1l.�.n3er. �.,` <br /> Lendcr ivay make proof of lor,s if not made prompdy by Horrower. �,,s <br /> • Uriless Lender and Horrower otl�envise agree in writing,Insurance proceeds siiall be applied to nstoratian ar repair of the •, <br /> Property damagal. if the rescoration ar repair is econoaucally feasible and Lender's securlty is not tessened.If�he restoration or ��'q' <br /> r�pair is not ecotwmically feusible or[.endcr's securiry would be les.�eaed,the iasvrance pmceeds shall be applied to the swus -�:i <br /> ' sec�ued by this Securlty Inst�nzeut, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Bonrower abaudons the �,1 <br /> � � Pro�wrty,or das not n�wer within 30 days a nodce from L.ender that the insurance carrier has offered ro sett1P a clai�n,then <br /> l,.eader may wllect tiie iusvrance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to npair or restore the Property or to pay s�ms ��_ <br /> "' secum.d by tlus Security Insuun�ent,w6ether or not then due.'11�e 30-day period will begin when the nodce Ls 8iven. -: - <br /> Unless I.ender and Bonower otherwise agree ia writing, ar�y applIcadon of pmcceds to princip�l shaU not extend or <br /> "�` postpone the due date of tLe monthly paymea�ts teferred to in paragr�phs 1 aad 2 or change the amouut of the gayments.If under '` <br /> paragraph 21 ths Ptoperty is acquiced by Letxler. Bormwer's right to any insura�ce policies and proceeds re�vltin8 frnnt �;"'�' <br /> ,,_ <br /> �''��� damage to tha Propeny prlor to the acquisidon s6a11 pass to Lender to the extent of the sums seaureet by tl�is Security lnsuu�r�ent ' <br /> .,,�• . k,'" <br /> ,;.'::� � immediately prior to the acquisidon. �`== <br /> ' k <br /> -...;,- b.pccuPuticy,preservation,Malntenanoe and Protedton of tl�e Property;Borrower's lAan Applicatlon;I.easeholds. <br /> ;�'. .,��; Boaower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wlthin sixty dxys after the execudon of �°- <br /> � this Security Iastn�ment aud sl�all contiinue ro accupy the Property as B�rrower's priacipal residence for at least une yeu aRer �'=_ <br /> " � the date of occunancv.unless Len�l�r ot�erwise agras i.n wridng. wlrich coa5ent shaU not be unnasonably wIthheld,or unless __ <br /> :�fµ"'" ext�auating circumstan��s exist which are beyoad Borrower's control. aunow�er shall not destroy. damage or impair ttw <br /> :���'n pronerty, aLi{uw the Propeny to deteriorate, or conw�f wastc on �e Proper2y. Botrower ahall t�e in default if any fotfeiture � -- <br /> '-=^•�'���}," acdon ar proceeding,w�ether civil or criminal,is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in forf�iture of the <br /> .` t° � Property or otheiwise m��ially unpair the lien creaud by this Securlty Iastiument or Lender's szcurity inte.oest. Borrower maY _; <br /> '-'�=' cuce such a default and r.�.insmte,as provided in par�graPh 18,by causing the acdon or praceeding to be disuilssecl whh a nilin8 !�' <br />=�=�'����;:t'�'� that, iu Lender's gaal faith detemvin�don, precludes forfeiture of tl�e Borrower's interest�n ths Propexty or other materl�l <br /> �u�"'''�` ir�paim�eni of thc lien cneated by this Sccurity Insuument or Lender's security intenst. Borrower s�U also be in default if <br />_._�,:,�:: _ <br /> -_�;:;� , Borrower�during the loan appllcation process, 8ave materially faLse or inaccurate informatioa or stauments to I�nder(or failed <br /> _ ,.•,� to proyide Lender with any materlal informadon)in connectton with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but noi limited <br /> __--_ ° to,cepresentadons w��ning Bonower's occugancy of the Property as�principal residence.If this Secur�ty Instiument is an a <br /> ' lessehold, Borrower shall comply with all tLe provisions of the tease. If Borrower acquin:s fee atle to the Pcoperty, the <br /> __ =_� • irasehald and the fee dtle shall mt�e unlcss I.ender agrees to tt►e mcrgu in wcldng. <br /> —� • 7.Protoctton o[I.ender's 1(86�ks bn the Propaty.If Bnnower fnils to perfo:m�he covenants and agreemencs concained in <br /> � ., this Security Instiuwent,or�are is a 1e8�P��S that may s3gnificandy affcct Leader's dghGS in the Fm�ertY(such as a <br /> procealing in banlaupx9,probate, for condemnation mr forfeitore or to enfon�e l�ws or reguLadons).theu S.ender may do and <br /> --- ' pay for whatever is necessuy to prateci the value of tha Property and Lender's right�in the Property. LeodGr's acdons may <br /> ''"�`�� ' i�lude P�►9�& �Y s� secuted by a lien which has prloriry aver this Security Instnunent. appearing in court, PaYlag <br /> _._.. .'::_.:Si�,' _ <br /> — <br />