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fl�is.d�� ":�►�1r"'�ii�dt . .. . .. , , _ _ - . _ _ <br /> • .�_%�7wr�i.e��r•.z•. <br /> :.. _ :i.� ..�i�=�-.�— <br /> .'_ _'� ��-_ - _ <br /> ' • '� `n.��r _.___..—. _ <br /> �):ir ,r.. .:�f..��e��.�"wtt " ��_...�"�° .__— <br /> .,M ri'.._ -- <br /> �a....��:,i�'� _.. ... __... <br /> ,I+P'� ''� *" , <br /> .'�1 ~ , ^ '''1t'`y � _ - -_�- <br /> :� � <br />--� ,I . .�l�� , ° <br /> , <br /> 92— io�ss� <br /> , . <br /> _,�.,..�f : <br /> ___ cnndemnntinn nr other taking af any part of 1he Property,or far canvcyanco in Neu af candcm�atiwt,wo heroby rwi�{twd wnl <br /> .;';;���,.,�! ch�ll be paid to Lender. �- <br /> `�� r. In the event of u total tuking of tho Pruperty. Ihc pmcceds shall he upplicJ lo thc ruinx r�cumd hy Ihl� Sktiurily <br /> `'�•`� Instrument,wheth:r or not then due, wf�h any exccvti puld to Bcirmwcr. In �ttc event�d'u punlul �uki��g uf Uir IR��„y In <br /> '��" � � which the fnir markat value of the Pr�perty immediatcly heforc thc u�kfng ix cyw+l tu ur greu�er ihun Ihe nm�wm uf"Ilw�um� <br /> ��'� �V'�` ` ��,_",'.�, s�cured by thia Secudty Inatrumem immcJimely Nef�rc the laking,unlev�Hcirn�wer un.l I.codcr nthcrwlM�u�rca In wdlinp, <br /> the sums gecured by thia Security Instrument shull I�e reduc�xl hy t0ic uniuunt of dic �+r�KCCda multiplicd b}��hc fuUnwln�; --- - <br /> - , frnction: (a)the toW amount of'tho sumx xecurcd immediAtcly heforc�he tuking,vivided by Ib)Ihe fufr murKCl VYIW 01�Illtl <br /> Prnperty immediately befare the taking. Any bulance xhull bc paid �o prnrowcr. In thc evcnt of'u paniul�wklng oC �Iw <br /> _:� — E'raperty in�vhlch the fair marlcet v�lur nf ihe PmPrrty immcdiuuly befum thc tukinu iK le�.r�hun Ihc untuunt uf�I�c�u�n� � <br /> —�-� � secured immediately b e fare t he t u k ing,un lssr Bortower und L.cnder nthcrwir,c u grcc in wrUfug or unlcxx u{�Ifcublo Iww <br /> ==� ,�,�`'w�� otherwise providea,the proceeds shull be upplied ro�he xuma�ecured by thix Security In�uumem whethc�or n�N the wwnr wro <br /> - - --==�>� ��. '; then duc. <br />-�'�'f��'=�'� If the Praperty is Abandoned by if, afler noticc by Lcndcr to Burruwrr Il�ut Ihe c��nJemnor utl'cr�t��mukr - <br /> - _ �-��, r�+� an award ar settle u claim for demagew,Borrower fullx�a rcxpx�d tu Lendcr wilhln 3�1 duyx alier thv dutc Ihc nulku iw given, <br /> '�'°"��"�i Lender is authorizecl to collect und npply the praceedx,ot itx option, eUhur tu rcstoruliun or repuir uf�he IM�pctiy ur w�iw <br />�. µ�-�+ ; sums secut�ed by this Security lr.strument,whether cx not then duc. <br /> �1� <br /> •N".�..� <br /> ����,o,,.�. � ' Unlcss Lender nnd Borro�ver otherwise n�rec i�writing,uny appllcatiun of pnxccdx to principul nhu 1 nat cx�c �K <br /> � ��' �' postpone the due date of the manthly puymems referted ta in pur�Yrophx 1 ond 2 c�cbunge�hc umuunt uf huch payment.r, <br /> "�''��� � 11. Borrower Not Releasedt �orbeprAnce By Lender Not a WAiver. Exlcnr+io� of thc timc fi►r �ymcn� or <br /> "�'�� � modificntion of nmoni�.ation of Ihe sums,�ecured by thia Securfty InstNmcnt g�unled by Lendcr to uny�urcesxur in imerrht <br /> • i�11'�':-•`. '� ' °"'* af Borrowcr shall not operate to releure the IiubHi�y uf thc orfginul Bnrrowcr iw BimowcrK yucccrsur�in imcrer�. I.rndcr - <br />_ . .�` � `"r�:" � shall nat 6e requi�d to commence praceeJings ogain4t any nuccc�sor in fntcrc�t or refu+c to cxlend timc for puyment or <br /> ;' ,� � • ' i otherwir,e modify nmartixation of the sums,ecured by thi,Security In�lrumcnt by rcuson i►f uny Jcmund mudc by�hc orfginal <br /> _, ,,... .. � <br /> ' ' " ' Borrower or Borrowcr's Ruccessorn in interes�. Any forbcurunre by Lcndcr in excni»ing uny righl or remeJy xhall ncit�x u <br /> _ �•'i'�'�� � ' waiver of or preclude the er.ercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> ' � ;� <:�:�,;� 12. Successors�nd Assl�ns Bound;Joint aad Severul L.iubllilyi �u-RIB��• Th<«►vcnumx und ugrcementti of Ihin <br /> Security Inxwment shall bind and benefit the�ucce�son und uxsign�uf Lender und Born►wer,xubJecl�o Ihe pruvizionti uf <br />�•� �;��!�' �. ' I pnrograph 17. Barcowerg covennnts und ugreementti xhall be j�im anJ xcv�rul.Aoy Sorrower who ca-,igns Ihix Sccu�ity <br /> ;�:�'{���T?'., '' Instrument but doea not execute the Note: lul is cn•signfng�his Securfiy Inxlrumern only tu mi�nguge.gront und convey thut <br /> - , �;��-:: ,�•i t ;',a_ �, Borrower�interes�in the PropeRy unde�the�ermK of thiz Security InstNment; Ibl i�not pcnonully obliuuted to puy�he xumx <br /> _. ���s�:`Y'":.•.� � <br /> `i;.. secured by this Security Ina�rument;und(c)ugreer�hut Lender und uny other B�xrower muy ugrcc 10 rxtcnJ,m�xlify,fortxi►r <br />-�.,,;:�. ` � , . � I or make uny uccommcxlationa �vith r+egurd to �hc terms of�hi�5ecurity In��n�mem or�he Notc without �hut Burn�wer� <br /> -_ _, ;-ew�ti;�,4--, �,� vunsent. <br /> y � 13. Loan Ch�rR�.w. If thc loun sccured by this Securiry Instrument i.subJect �o u li►w which .etr muximum loun <br /> � �..�,•:.� �..r.; <br /> ��', ; charges,i+nd thut Inw iti finully interpreted xo thut the interest or eHher luun churgeti collecuJ ur w Ix�rullccled in connection <br /> • . �,� , . • -��!j '� with the loun exceed the permitted limit�,then: lu)uny+uch laun cbu�ge shull lx�reJuced by�he umoun�necex.rury to rcJuce <br /> ' the churge to the permitted limit;und(b)any sumx alreudy callrcted 1'mm Bc�rn,wer which exceedcJ permitted limi�x will be <br /> �• - ,� refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choosc�o muke thix refund hy mducing�hc�xincipal owed under�he Nutc or by mukfng o <br /> � � dfrect pAymenl to Borrower. If u refund reducex principal.�he reduction will lx�reutcd us A puniul prepaymen�wUhout any <br /> , � ;.,a`.`.• �, . : :" pnepuyment churge under Ihc Nrne. <br /> e „ "��•� '� �� 14. NoUcea. Any natice to Borrower priwickd fur in�hi.Sccurity Ins�rument xhull lx given by dclivering it or by <br /> ^ ' `�� mailing it by fi�ct cluss muil unless upplicublc luw nyuircs uxc i�f un��ther methud.Thc nutice shull he directed to the Pmperty <br /> '�`�"�w°°""� �' � Address or un aher uddrcss Borrowcr dc�ignutex by noticc w Lcndcr. Any notice u►Lcnder shull tx given by fint�las, <br /> i��. �_-�_�__'�.�td, ._'i Y <br /> j� ; .. ' "' moil to Lender's rulJrc,+atutrJ I�erein or any uthrr:Kldress Lender der:ign:etcti Ay ncnice to Bormwrr. Any nntic•e provided for _ _ <br /> f�:- • � • �. A I in this Security Inslrument tihull be decmeJ to huvc txen given tu Bortower��r Lcndcr when given ns provided in thia = <br /> °� , +..=--,. . .�. :` ;� ' pamgraph. <br /> ;� _.,. . " 13. Governing Law; Severabilily. 'This Scrurily Irolniment tihull tx�tovcrneJ by fc�krul luw und Ihe Inw �►f �he <br /> ' • �;;Y , ., ,� jurisdiction in which the Propeny i.lucuted. In Ihe event that�►ny pr��vi.ion ur cluu�e��f�hi.Security Imtrument��r the Notr <br /> � =•�� r conflicts with u �cablc luw.such conflirt tihtdl not:d�frrt olhcr pmvi�ioit+uf Ihi� Security Ins�rumcnt ur�hr Notr which run <br /> � ���'�� ' be given effectPwithout Ihe confliclin€prmision. To Ihix cnd the�rovisfnns of this Securiry In.trument unJ the Nate ure <br /> ,�.. , <br /> • ' fw" dcclured to bc xevcrublc. <br /> :a�t�+�%�_ � � - l6. Borrower's Copy. Borrowrr.hall Ix�give�i�me cunli►rni�d cupy�U'Ihe Notr and�►f�hi,Security In.trument. <br /> �� '' • 17. 11�ansfer of thc Property or a Heneficiul Intcrcxt in Horrower. I f all�►r uny purl uf Uic Propeny ar uny intrrest in = <br /> '�.M ,. ' it is sold or trunsfcrred lor if u beneticiul interc�t in Borcou�cr is u�ld ur tr.antil'crnJ und Born�wcr ix nut a nuturul per�on) <br /> . -- •�,,�,..:�, without Lender's priur written c�msent,Lenckr muy. at iis option,r�e�uirc immeJiule puymen� in fuU af ull sum�+rcuRd by �, <br /> � � �, this Sewriry Instrwm:nt. Huwevcr,this option shall not b�rxcnhcd by Lender it'cxrrc��r ix prohibitcd by f'eJerul luw us uf <br /> the date of this Security Instrument. — <br /> ��� � � If Lender exerciscs thix optiun.Lcndcr.hull givc Borrowcr nut icc��f urrcicratinn. Thr noiirr.hull pr�wlde u�ri�xi ot' �,�,:_ <br /> ."'.°` . • .' `� i nut le�s Ihun 30 duyx from the dute Ihc notice iti drlivcrcJ ur muileJ wi�hin which 13urrawrr mua pay afl.wn,secuRd by thi. <br /> ., . Sccurity Instrument. If Horrowrr I'uih tu pay the+e tium� �xi�ir i�i �h� .xrirsilii�n uf this periixl, l.�nckr muy invoke nny <br /> � � ; I remedic�pern�itted by thi�Sccurity In,trumen�withuut(unhcr noticr��rdcmunJ nn l3urcuwer. -- <br /> t ,. - � 18. I�orrower's Ri�ht to Reingtutc. If Borrowrr mrcl� cerhiin cundfliu�n, liurruwit �hidl huvc thr ri�ht to huvr <br /> � ; � .,-, <br /> � ' enforcemen�of this Security Instrumcm di+ron�inuccl,u:ui}•iimr priar tu d�r r�irl irr ul': I:u S d:�y.I��r,urh othcr�un�xl a+ �_ <br /> ' I <br /> �. °, '"; Singlc Fumlly..Funnk�tue/lYcddle Muc PM1IFOR111NS'1'Nl�1tKn'1' .1�mlum�t'uvrnum� 4i Y B qa��r J�q n�x��r�i �' <br /> �� � <br /> M ..V ...• • �" <br /> � .♦i� ' � •, .. .... . . �Y^.�...�4 -..�_' _ ' ' `. " . . . .r..� . ._ .. . . '. . � <br />'.1a.._ . lr4c�Gh:I1:�'_:41t�'iId'Ll � . . • .. <br /> � <br /> �/ . <br /> L � . ' <br /> f <br /> '.l�l <br /> + ,.1r :�-` .ia„ ..� , <br /> r '� ` � . <br /> � t <br /> ��t ~ „ .. ' <br />