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<br /> a�piicablo faw may spxlfy for reinstatement?f+''fnrr.xale of the Pn�pnty Punuant w any power of s�le contalned in thi�
<br /> Security Insuu�rusnt;or(b)enny of a judgme.nt enfoning lhis Se�urlty Instrument. Those condltions u�e lhat Horrower: ta)
<br /> ____ ___ - pAys Lender ell nums which then would be due under this Secudty Instrument and the Note es if no acceleretion hwd
<br /> - _ - -- occumd;(b)cures any def�ult of any other covcnants or agneemenu�;(c)pay�nll expenses incurred in enforcing this Security
<br /> — Insaument,including.bat not limited to, reASOnablo auomeys'fees; and (d)takes such action us L.ender mey reasonably
<br /> _ °�--_--�_�� roqi�irc ro ascure Uwt the lien of this Securlty Instrument, l.ender'.s rights in the Property and Borrower's obligutlon lo pey the
<br /> sums secured by thls Security ina�rument shall conpnue unchanged. Upon reins�atement by Borrowcr, this Securiry
<br /> - Insaument and the obQgations Qecured hereby shall nmain fully effxtive as if no accalerat�on Iwci occumed. However�thic
<br /> ��
<br /> _•:.:
<br /> �ight to niostate shall not apply in the case of ucceleration uader par�grnp •
<br /> =— � l9. SWe oP Nutei�iuury�ui i.oa�y Se�'vker The Notc ar a paniul interest In the Note(togeth�r wi�h thix Security
<br /> -- - inatrument)may be sold one w more dmeQ wlthout prfor notke to Borcowec A snle may resuit in a chaoge in�he entlty
<br /> (knovm as the"Loan Scrviccr")that collecta monthly pnymenls due under the Note and this Secarity Inswment. There also
<br /> — _ _ _ _ _ - mwy be une ur more chu�gcs of thc l,oun Scrvlcer unrclated to e sale of the Notc. If there is a changc of the Loan Scrvjcer. _
<br /> ---- Bornower will be given wrltten notice of the change in accordanCe with psuagrnph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> --------- will stete the name nnd add�ess of the new Loen Servicer pnd Ihe address to which pnyments should be made. The notice will
<br /> _- alsp contaln any other informatlon required by applicable law.
<br /> ------- Z0. Hpzprdoue Sub�fancea. Borrower chall nat cause or pem�it the presence,use,dispnsal.storage,or relense of any
<br /> --_-�-= - -- --� llaza�'dous Substanccs ou or in the Praperty. BoROwer shaQ not do,nor allow Anyone alr,e to do,anything affecting the
<br /> -- Property that is in viol�tion of any Environmental Law. The pTeceding two sentences shall not epply to the prtsence,use,or
<br /> ---��
<br /> atorage on the Property of small quantit�es of Hazerdous Substancea that are generully recognized to be appropriete�o normal
<br /> - _ --—_ ---- rc�tdentlal uses and to maintcnunce of the perty. -
<br /> - Bomower shall promptiy give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ,_.._�.�_;�,,;'— governmental or regulatory agency or private ps�rty involving the Praperty and uny Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmentel
<br /> �.-_„�� ,,�,�i;,r,�� • Law of which Botrower has actual knnwledge. If Boirower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> - ___�..,. , authodty,ihat any removul or other remedfatfon af any Hezardous Substance affecting the Property fa necessary,8arrower
<br /> _--�-^'� shall promptly take all necessary remedia�actions in accordaace with Environmentnl Luw.
<br />-_ �`"� � As used in this paragrnph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those substs�nces deflned s�s toxic or hz�zurdous substances by
<br /> , Environmental Law and the fdlowing substences: gasoline,kcrosene,other flummable or toalc pevolcum prcxluctn.toxic
<br /> •;�..� ,.
<br /> -.�=:�. pesticides end herbicides,voladle solventx, matedals containing nsbestos or formaldehyde, nnd radioactive materials. As
<br />- • used in this parngruph 20."Environmentul l.aw"means federAllawR und laws of thc ju�lsdiction where the Property is lacated
<br /> `J�=--T';yf^.�``� tiwt relate to health,safety or environmentul protection.
<br /> _.w�, a t' ;i, I� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. BoRawer nnd Lender further covenunt and ugree us follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleradoa; Remedies. LendPr ahall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration Pollowfng Horrower's
<br /> � ti, breach oi any covenant or agreement in ihi�5rcurii�+fnstru�e�i(bui aoi prlar!o acce!eralion untl�r peregr�nh 17
<br /> � .kF'"'n J�.: • unless Applkable law provides otherwise). The notke shall specify: (s�)Ihe default;(b)the acdon required b cure the
<br /> .� �;�::�� �, � -'^j defnult;(c)A date,not less Ihan 30 dAys from the date the notke is given b Borro�Her,by which the dePault must be
<br /> .�` `;;�;'*�=� j ��`��,� cared;nnd(d)thwt foNure to cure Ihe default on or betore the date specified in the notice may result in acceler�tion oP
<br />_,;. ku,?•=,drk•r_,i.
<br /> - the sums secured by lhis Security Instrument and sale of!he Property. The notice ahall hrlher infnrm Borrower of
<br /> -- . ���* y��••�`�''�' the right to reinstAte atter eccelerotfon and the right to bring a court actMn to assert lhe nornexistence oP A default or
<br />_' s•.•�r � .=�� any othe�defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sak. If the default tc not cured an or before the dpte speciifed in
<br /> "' ��:.:».; ,��.��.T, the notice,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in Pull oP all sums secured by thts Secur(ty Instrument
<br /> • Yry•.: , •�• .�..°. without i'urther demnn d an d may invo ke !he power u f s a l e a n d A n y o t h e r r e m e d i e s p e rrnitted b y �p plicAble law
<br /> 4•�;�= �• ,� Lender shall be entilled to collect all expenses incurred in pursutng the remedies provided in this puragraph El.
<br /> ,.�Ki�:;:�:�_'_ iacludioR.but not limited lo.reasonable attorneys'feea and cocls oP title evidence.
<br /> �� ��'�— IP the power of sale ix invoked.7Yustee shall recard a notice oF default in each county in which any p�ri uP the
<br /> �,, ,;�;:,.:.;.�:.._�, ..� Property is located end shall mail coples of such noUce in the mpnner pre.scribed by applicable Inw to Borrower and to
<br /> '°r'.:• 'I�ustee shall give pubBc
<br /> �� � �•�• the other persons prescribed by applicable law. Af�er the time required by upplicable law.
<br /> >..� notice of sale to the persons And in the manner prescribed by applicable luw. 71'ustee,wilhout demond on Borrower.
<br /> •'.�M,t� .w k;;�� shall sell the Properly al public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> ;Y� ;,�;.r,,.;: Ihe notice of s�le in one or more parcels and in any order 7Yustee determine�. 7lrustee may posipone vs�le oPall ar any
<br />,-;; n:j i, . a, ' pArcel of the Property by public nnnouncement At the time nnd plpce of any previously scheduled snle. Lender or its
<br /> • • • � ••� designee may purcl�ase the Property nt any sale.
<br /> ° ���''''�?�"-• '-.` ''�-� Upon receipt ot payment af the price bid. 7Fustee shall deliver to the purchaser'Il�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ��•.- � Property. The recitals in the 7l�ustee's deed shall be prima Pacie evidence of the t�uth of the stalemen�v mnde therein.
<br /> �� 7Fustee shpll Apply the procecds oF the sale In the kNowing order: (a)to all costs end expenses of exercivin�Ihe power
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