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'a .. .. ._ <br /> 1 �_ �Q�:�� �� � � <br /> payments may no longer be required,at the opuai of I.ender,if martgage Insur:nce covernge(in Ute nmount artcl fcrr the perifld <br /> that L.endcr rcquices)psovided by en insurer npprovcd by L.cndcr eg�in baomes aveilablc and is obtained.Borrowcr shall pay the . , <br /> premiums ccc�uired to maintain mortgago Insurnnco in effcct, Qe to providc a loss rescrve,unW tho rcquircment for mortgage � <br /> �,,.::, insurance ends in c�ccordance with any written agreement betwecn Borrawer and Lender or appllcable law. <br /> -� 9.Iespectton. Lender or its agent may mnko r�easn�nable entries upon and inspocdons of tho Property.Lender shall givo <br /> Borrower nodce at the time of or g�rior to an inspocdon spcxifying reasanable cnuse for the inspecflon. ,. <br /> 10.Condemnatbn. The praceecls of any award or cleim for damages, direct or cQnsequendel, in conn�cdon wlih any •. . <br /> condemnation or ather taking of any part of the Property,or for coaveyance in Ileu af candemnadon,ure hereby essigned end ,:;-„;';�<<su; <br /> shall be paid to b.ende�. . `;�� <br /> ,� I n t h e e v e n t o f a t o t a l t a k i n g o f t h e P r o p e rt y,t h e p r o c e r,d s shall be a p plied to the sums securcd by this Securiry Inatrument, ::r�_, <br /> whetl�er or not then dne,with ony excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial teking of the Propercy in which the fair mac ket ,;�`,a� <br /> value of tho Prope�ty immodiacety bcfore tl�a taking i�equal to or gcc.�uer than the smoi�nt oF the sums securcd by this 3ecurity ;��,�'_�-----""� <br /> � Insuument immedlatelv before tho taking. unlcss Borrower and L.ertder otherwise agree in writu►8. the sums secuted by this �,;:�.-_��, <br /> .ti�F''�'.�.�.. _ <br /> Securiry Insuument shall be red�ced by the amount of the proceeds mu�dplied 5y the following frac6on:(a)Qie towl amannt of :..:; <br /> the sams securcd immediatelY before the taking,divided by (b) the falr market value of the Property immediately before t!►e :.�..y�,;��_ <br /> talcing,My dzlancz ahall be paid to Borrower.In the event of a partinl taking of tAe Ya�operty in which the fair market value of the "�.:;�,: <br /> propaty immedjately before the talring is less tban the emount of the sums sect*,red immediately before the taking, w►less _-=��� <br /> Borrowcr and Lende�otherwisc agree in wtitin8 or unless applicable law othecwise provides,th�procecds shall be applied to the :�:,i�^ <br /> :.� sums securad by this Security Instrnment whether or not the sums are thEn due. ..""�''° _ <br /> If the Avpe�ty is abandoned ty Bocrower.or if.after notice by Lender to Sorrower that the condemnor offers to ma,�ke�� �' '� <br /> award or seftle a claim for damagcs,Borrower fails to respond w i.ender�vlthin 30 days after the date thc notice is glven, 4 _ <br /> is nuthurized tn collect ead apply the its opdon,either to restoredon or�epair of the Prope:ty or to the sums secumd �� <br /> �.�,,;. by this Security Insaument,whether or not then due. li�on of roce�eda to rinci ]aball not eatcnd or postpone ' <br /> �.....� <br /> :.,,�t,:..�; Unkss L�entler ead Boaower othecwise agcee w vYnuing,anY aPP Pro P 1� <br /> � `�;,i;;:;`� the dae dace of tho manthlp peyments nfemd to in paragraphs 1 an�i or change[fic amouni ui aucn�iy���Gii�. ` , <br /> • � •. 11.Bormwer Not Rekascd;F�rbwrance By i.ender Not a Waiver. Ext�sion of the dme for payment or modiC�cation x <br /> ' ��f emoctiTStioe�of the sums socured by this Securicy lnstiumtnt grnntsd by Lender W any successor in ir�tuest of Horrowu ehall <br /> _ . {; �t opexalz to rckase the�iabUlty of the orlginal Borrower or BoROwer's successors in interes�.irnder shall not bc rtquired to .� <br /> .•:,��� vnst en successor in interest or cefuse to extend timc for payment or otherwise modify emorbzetion o� : <br /> • .._ ,I,.:�::� comrne�x�proceulmgs eg any <br /> • .,:..,, <br /> ����:�� the sums securod by this Security Instiument by tet�son of any denoand made by tho original Horrowe,r or Borrowec's succ;essors , <br />';`" in inteces�Any forbearu►ce by I.mder in exercising any right or remedy shnll not be a waiver of or p�clude thc cxucise of�ny <br />_'-'°��" . rightorremedy. <br />�- ` � -- 12.Successors Rad Aeefams Boundp Joht a�d&veral Liability; Co-sigoera The wvenants and a�exments of this <br />� Seeurity Inst�ument stn11 bind aad henefit the successocs and a5sagns of Lenda and Barowa,subject to �he pcovisions of <br />; :� paregraph 17. Barower's wvenant� and egra�n�ents sha11 be ,►oint aud sevexol. Any Barowa who co-signs this Sacurity — <br /> -=`�-::-;::.� Inst�ument but daes not exxute the Nou:(a) is casi8nin8 this Securlry Instcument oniy tc� moctgage.Srant and convty Ihat �� : <br /> _-r�'.p�1�••r Boraower's int�cst in the Propa4Y under U�e t,ums of this Security Insuumcnt;(b)is not personaUy obligacod to pay t1�e sums <br /> ti_•ea.S�� � <br /> �Y,t�.�''vr�'1,� secured by this Security Ins�men�end(c)agras that I.uKier and a�y wlur Barower may agroe co e�eta�d.madifY.forbear ar - <br />_��;;,,._-�,�. -� ' _ <br /> -�., . 'r makc any nxommodattons with regard W the terms of thi.s Ses�*ity Ins�m�me.�t or t1�e Note without that Bomower s consa�t <br />�a�;;f�t*#f�'�,:� � 13.l.a�u Ch�r�es. If the loen sest�red by this Socurity Insbrusneut is subjact to a Isw which sets me�dmt�m loon chacges. <br /> �., .... ,�,,ti?;� <br /> .�:`�,�„ � aad thut law is fu�ally inteipreced so that uho int�erest or other{oan charges collected oc W be collected in oonnection with tt�e loen <br />':°..w��:�{.:• eacood the pumiwal limits.them:(a)anY such ban chaTge st�all be rod�ced by the amomu necessary to reduce the charge w da� =_ <br /> �,�,,,:ti;�'" pumival limit;a�d(b)any aums alreadY collocted from Bomower which excaedecl�ennittecl limits will be c�efuncfed co Barower. <br /> �-- .°; �h : ` I,endet may c600se to malco this refund by roducing tho grinccpal owed tu�der tho Nota oe by making a direct paymet�t to <br />����`'�'�,�,��:i:t,�� Borrower.If a refund reduccs principal, the redaction will be treated os n partial prcix►Yment without anY prepsYmcnt charge <br /> w�b�•/3..a . ' under the Note. -, <br /> f�:�j{. .. + i� <br /> ' ^�"'�` � 14.Motices. My notico to Borrower providad ffor in this Socurity lnsuument shell be�ivGn by deliver[ng it or by mailing it - <br /> --�*.�,. .. , <br />- - ....'.�;, . by first class mail unkss apQlicable law requires asu of another method.The notice shall be dirocted to the Property Address or ��. <br /> i • � �it;•'• eny other address Borrower designat�e.v my notico to Ler.der.Any nodc�w Lueder shall be given by 5rst cla�s mail to Lender's ��� <br /> - eddress stated haein or eny other addrs�ss Lender designates by notica to Borrowcr.My aotice provid�d for in this Security ::r� <br /> _�_ <br /> Instrument shall be deemed to have been glven W Borrower or Lender when given as provided in th�s paragra�li. , -__---_-=_-.-•�__ <br /> 15.Governin`LAw;Severability. 'Ihis Security Instrument stmil be govcmal by fcdcral law and the law of the r ����� <br />?_4' � � jurisdicHon in which the�operty is locaud• In the event that eny provision or c�wse of this Sccurity Instrument or thc Notc: r L�,�.�.-..,.--�-..: <br /> . �- conflicts with applicable law,such canflict shall not affect othcr provisions of th9s Secsuity Instrument or the Note which can be ;�.�'�'�°�'; <br /> -� . given effec2 without the contictu►g provision.To this end the provic;ions of this Sa:�ulty Instiume�►t and the Note are drxlarr,d to ,_,.��� t�T ' <br /> :� ; ����,..�:�r�.. <br /> _ be sover2bk. ��,".�'�i�:�e�;F:;.: . <br /> � _ . •;r, Y-u�__ . <br />-- ' t�� Form 3028 0100 � �'�"�'�'� ' <br /> . .. � . • <br /> • = __ - -r_. _ <br /> __ <br /> • Pa .aot e inmau:--- .. . <br /> , ..� • �-6R(NE){9z��l.o� c -- � —_ � �� — - . <br /> �'. .;i y . . <br /> ,, ,,,, <br /> .. • <br /> — ' •; . �. <br /> � ! 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