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' � <br /> .. .� . .� � .... . �.. ....��I4,� <br /> � __ <br /> � <br /> _"�.... . .... . .. , __ . __.'___.� .__ .. ._ ... . ._ . .__ .. ..._"' �_'�'+_l14M,C,/1Yn' __ <br /> .s�. .. .,-`H..�:-- —�---- —..-.�_ .. <br /> �.yvr,RalY?: �. ' �•,_...�..-_ •'_��'�.aR <br /> • ; <br /> '. . ' _ � .� •' . . �y 1. _ . . <br /> . ' -- <br /> - -.._. . . _. - - . . _. . . ...... . .. ._ . .._.. . �u <br /> --� - - — --.._ ,... _ .. .. .... . - - - � � -.: ��----'- :. - . c . „.._ _.�i��,�, - <br /> . . •' `\ . . .. ,> • " .- <br /> , . � . �° �'�.r'��"r mcnt. - <br /> � � !6.Borrower's Copy. Barrowa shall bo gAY�nterest lnf Bo owepy If ull o�anyn�urt o�f thc Prupccry or uny lntcrest i��it is . ' ' <br /> 17.'�'�•ac�sPee a?4h:Ptrop2�ty ar a F�leneiFr.Ll I <br /> � ' sold or transferred (or if a benoficial interest in Borrower is sold or Iransfarred and Borrowcr is not a naturel rson) trithaut <br /> Lender's prior wriucn�igscru�h�notyb�texcrc i s e dnb cLcnder[if ox�crcisc i a prahlbitcd by fcdcrnl inwces of the diatc of thls <br /> Instrumcn�Howc , p _ <br /> :.,,.�; Securiry InstrumenG <br /> ° ..� If Lender eaercises this option.Lender ahell giva Borrower nodce of scceleradon.Thc nadce shaU provide apcdod of not less ' <br /> Uuu�30 days from the date the notica is deliveced or mailed within whi�h Borrower must pay all sums securcd by this Securiry <br /> Insm�men�If Borrowes faJls to pay ihesc s►uns Prior to ihe explrntlon of thi�pcdod,I.cndcr may u►voko eny rcmedies permittecl <br /> � by Ihis Sccurity Instrumeat wIthaut futlhc�r nndce or demat►d on Borrower. gonower shall have the dght to hava •:. -•-. -. <br /> � 18.t�orrower's Rtg6t to Reinst�ta If Borrower meets certein condidons, -.•, �._. <br /> � enforcement of thLs Securlty Instrument discontinued at anY dme prior co thc earller of: (a) 5 days (or auch other pertod os yY <br /> � apPllcable law may spec�' for reinstat�ment)befare sale of Ih�Prope�ty�pursuant to any power of sale contnined In this Securtry ���i�s�,� <br /> � Inswment;or(b)entry of n judg�cnt enforcing thLs Secusiry Insuumeat Thosc conditions ara that Barrower:(a)pays Lender ell -- <br /> ed' N) cures any ..�.� <br /> sums which then would be due under this Securiry Instrun�ent end the Note es if no accelerntton had occurr . .. `„._____ <br /> � default of any other wvenants or agreements;(c)pays all eapcnses lncuned in enforcing this Sccurity Insaument,including,but _i-.;,,; '- <br /> ..:.: -: <br /> nat limitcd to.reas�siaale aaorneys'fec.s;and(d)oalces such acdon as Lender maY reasonably rcquire to assure that the lien of thls �►. <br /> Security Instrumcnt, Lcndu's rights in the Property and Horrowe�'s obllg,anon to puy I�e suns securcd by this Securlry ; �- <br /> . , Insuume.nt shall cofdnu effeed�g��o�ecceleranon had o curred.Howeve,�r,this ght to re state hall not�npply ialthe caso of `•" � --- <br /> hereby shall remaur uUy . .;; <br /> �. acce3cration undcr paraB�Ph 17. ,... <br /> 19.Sa1e otNote;ChAnge of Loan Servicer. T7ie Note or a partiel interest in tt►e Note (to8ethar,with this Security .,,..,::,__ <br /> Instrument)may be sold one or rreore timcs without prior nodce to Borrower.A sale cnay result in a change�n the endty(known .^?:��t,. <br /> •'�$ as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly yments due undu tl�e Note and this Security Instrumen�Theres elso maY be one or „��_,. <br /> ;w.�-�° <br /> more chunges of the Loan Servicer iuixela�o a sale of the Note.If thear:is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be ,-� - <br /> given written nod�e o f t he c hange in acc:or d e n c e w i t h p a r a g r a p h 1 4 a b o eha a a p P�le��oeU,c°��s���� :_ <br /> tt be ::;_'�;r <br /> ' . eddress of the new Loan Servicer aad the address to which puymen _- <br /> infortnation required by agplicable law. <br /> ' 20.Hazardous Substances. Borrmver shall not cause or pertnit the presence, use. disposal, storage, or rekaso of any <br />_______ g�ar�lnna Sahstances on ot in�}tC PtO�er[Y•Borrower shaU not do,nor ullow anyone else to do,anyihing affcetinB►he ProP�Y <br /> " tY�at is in violadon of nn�r Bnvironmu►tal Law.The preceaing cwo seaiG�w��ta2i not��faPP r�iate to normal residcntisl uses s' <br /> . Property of smaU quanades qf Hazardous Substences that are generaUy recognized 7 ; <br /> und w ma►ntenance of the Property. <br /> Bonower ahall promptly givo Lender wrltten nodce of any invesdgadon, clalm. demend. lawsuit ur other aciinn by any <br /> • oveaamental or rogulaLory a8ency or pdvatc parry involving Uie PropertY and any Hazardous Substance or Envimnme,�►tal Iaw ��, <br /> of which Botrower has acwallmowledga If Borrower leams.or Ls noeified by pny goveinmental or n�gulatory authodty.that any <br /> remoyal or other remediadon of any Ha�ardous Subswnce affecting the Propeity is necessazY.Borrower shall 1K°mpuY take a1� <br />�-,°• nocessary rem�lal.actlona in accordance wi�Snvironmental Law. q� <br /> ,; � . p� �cl In th�s Qaragraph 20,"Hazardous Substences" fue ttwse substences defuMd as w�3c or hazanlous substencas by <br /> - , �,., Bnvironmental Law and the followimg substances: gasali�►e,kerosene. other flpmmable or wxic petroleum �rod�scts� wxk <br /> � � pestic�des and herbicides,��oladle solvents,materials contelnin8 asb�t�OS or formaldehyde,and�adioacrive mataials. As used in <br />= , this paragraph 20,"Bnvironmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicflon where tha Prnperty is located that relate <br />- '-`a w health�sefetY or�nvuonmental pro2�cdon. <br />;�.... . <br /> - -• -: •>µ NON•UNIF(1R1VI COVF�iANf3•Borcower and Len�u ftuther covenant and egree as follows: �'�'� <br />=,,-- :,�y: :• „� 21.Accekration;Remediea.Lender stwU g[ve notice ta Borrower prior to accekration tolbwtng Dormwer'a breac6 of <br />-' ;'� a n y c o v e a a n t o r a�r a m e n t in 16is Seci►rt t y Insh'amemt (but not prlor to acceleration under paragrAp6 17 unless <br />-f�;'-: ':� applicabk!aw provides otherwt�e).T6e aotice ehall specify.(a)the default;@)t he sc t i on req u i r e d to cu r�e t 6 e d e t�u l t;(c) <br /> , � p date,not kss ttwn 30 daye flrom the date the eotice b given��rroNw�e*,�byy w�e�����n�� ���� <br /> tAat tailure to cure the de[ault on on c�fore We datc specified -._. <br />-.- by tLi�Security IAStrument and sak of the Property.The nndce nhnll furiher intorm Borrower oi the ri�lt to reiffitah =_.-__ <br /> `�° ''�� after aceekration ond t6e rl�ht to bring u wurt action to assert the non-cxt�tencs af a defxult or any otber de[cnse o� <br />-��R��.;�:��'' ,: Borrower to Acaleratjon and snk. It the default Ls not cwral on or betare We date spectiied in FLe nodce�Lend�er,At ite � - --- — <br />-_; ,,,.� . . optbn�m�+y require ic�medf�te payment in lLti ot aU sums secured by this Sesurity Instrument withont furt6er��nd _ <br />��"�� a� Afld may invoke the powcr ot s�le and any other remed9es perm[tted by eppUc,�bk litw.Lender shall 4e entitled to rnlkct _ <br /> � ,,t.,,._ . .-r..•- <br />�':;+ ,}, All expenses incurred in pursufng the remedies provided in t6b partngrAph 21,inctuding,but not limited to, rewwnnGk �_;;.:-_ - <br />_-. � pttorneys'fees and costa of title eaidence. "=_=----------- <br /> - If t6e power uf�t{e is Involced,Trustee ehall reoord Q notice of dcfault in each couuty in which ony part ot the _u„�_.�.�;:ti_<<_ <br /> pmpeaty is{ocated And shall mofl copiev of sttch notice in the mAnrn:prescribed by�pp(kabk law to Borr�wer wnd to the -���:�.. <br /> e. <br /> _ , " ;, etber persons presc�'ibed by�tpplk�bk Ww.After the Hme required by applicabk Ww,Trustee s6aEl give public natice uf , ,..,s.{�t_���_ <br />- . ' sak to the persans and in the manner prescri6ed by applk�bk Iaw.Tirustee,without demand on Borrower,a6a11 sell tbe ,,-,.?��;'�.��M�,. <br /> property at publlc auctbn to the hi�hest bidder mt We time And pl�ce and under the hrms designAted in the nulke of r,�{e "`�,,.••,�,:„� �x:�,, <br /> . . . �,};,,..� ^,,,��,_"',� <br /> { Form302s O/00 � . - --.�`���M�' . <br /> l '� . <br /> _ .._� (�-8R(NE)roz�al-o� a.p•aai o in�uu.:-- - — ,'•. ." <br /> _ —_ :. , <br /> ,, .. <br /> =_ -_�-__ <br /> _ - - � -- <br />— -- .�� , � .. . '';: <br /> �•-�•-_- - _.___...--..-....�_.. ---- <br /> ..."'___._'.._........'"__._..._.�._'-_'....,.1'_. '.. .. ""' "_"__""_'_" ' _ __"..r'_ .. _"-�___ .. .. . �«J . ��1 � . <br /> .. �..... .. .. .� � . �^ - .� , . , � ., " . . <br /> :) . . , . • . - ., ' <br /> � .� `_, <br /> + .. ' <br /> �. , <br />