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� . . ,. , . .t� <br /> �LSl� � , ',r?- <br /> ._. '.d':�.r�a.. --------�°---°--��-----`--.. .----------__----'--------------.._----._ . .. _:�- ---°°-_- --_— -.--. , <br /> - ...__. . . . __—_. _ __ ._—_ <br /> - -N. . � �'� ' , � • t5 �-^ - —_— <br /> .........,.s�++� " i1.:�,.. ��--� . . <br /> � . ,� ,",�7., .-:__: <br /> „ , <br /> ., ' <br /> - ..i%, <br /> .. _ . . . _� <br /> .. .. --..__ ...--------::`--°- -° <br />_._ ._ ,,� . <br /> .. • � <br /> � �0���� .. <br /> S.NazArd or Prt+perty InsurAnce. Borrowr.�sholl kcep�►c improvcments now cxisdng or hercufter crcctcd on thc Pronerty <br /> . insurcd egalnst loss by firc,h�zards included with�n thc t�erm 'oxtcndod covue8a nnd nny othcr ha�.ards,including poods or <br /> i <br /> flaoding,foe wi�ici�Lcndcs rag�ir�insiunnce•'IT�is Inswanco sh»li be maintnincd in the amuunts nnd for the pcdods that[.cnder <br /> requlres.'it�o insuranco carrfet provicUng Ihe insurance stiall ba choser�by Botrower subject to Lender's approvel which shall not <br /> � be unreasonnbly withheld. If Borrowcr fails to meintein co�era8� a��� ab°vo, Lender muy, at Lender's opdon, obtain <br /> coverage to prouxt Lender's dghta�n Iha Property in accordance with paragraph 7. <br /> " -�� pl�{���policies and nnewals sha11 he accePtabla W I.e�du end shall include a standard mortgage claus�.L,endu shall . <br /> ,,w� <br /> ' have tha rlght to hold�he pollcies and renewnls. If Lender ccquiros�Borrower shaU prompdy givc w Lender a1l coccipts of paid <br /> . premiums a��d renewal nmticcs.In the event af loss,Hom�wes shall give prompt notice to the insurance carriei end L.euder.l.ender ; <br /> may maka proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrowu. •'-�: <br /> Unless Lraider end Socrowu othe�rwise aAreC in wdling�insurance Pcoc�ds shell bG apPlied to restorndon or repa[r of the �. ���. <br /> pt'� •... ,"� <br /> . praperry damaged,�f the restoradon or rcpair is econamicallY feasible an d L�n du's securi ry is not lessened.If tha resWrt►tion or � �*:.�"L';- <br /> repair is not economically feasible or Lender's socurity would be lessened.the lnsurence proceede ehall txs apPlled co the sums ,: A,,',; <br /> �' secured by this Securiry Instrume,�t, whether or not the�.i dae, with any eacess paid to Borrower. If Horrowa abandons the ,..:��:,;� <br /> '"- Properry.or does not enswu within 30 days a nodca from L�ender that the insurance cartiu has aifered to s�dle a���t�� �;,;;�y: <br /> � L,endu may collect the insur�►ce proceat.v.Lender►nay use Ihe praccads W repair ot res►_ore tha Propercy or to pay •;��.�.x�.e..�. <br /> od will begia whcn ihe nodcc Is glven. ~,.``�"•'-� <br /> �• by this Secatity Instnunent,whW�ex or not then due.Tho 30•day peri��n of proCeeds to prjnciPal shall not extend or postpone '- <br /> � Unle�s Lcnder and Barrower otherwise agrce in wridug�anY aPP ents.If undei pac�raph � <br /> � � the due daw of the moathlY PaYmenta refemed to i��pa�agrnDhs 1 and 2 or change tha tunount of thc�� B from damaBa ta the ,�,`:('a-'. <br /> 21 the Properly is acquired by I.endet,Bonrower a right to any insurance Policies and procxds ' - <br /> . � '.;-a; <br /> Prope,�ty preor w the acquisidon shatl pass to Lendu to!he extent of thc isums secured by this Socurity Instrucnc,nt immediauly _�_._ <br /> � prior W the ocquLsidan. Borrower's I.orn Applica�tian+Lea�6olds. - <br /> 6.Occupancy�Preservatbn�Maintenance and ProRection ot t6e ProPn'h'i - <br /> `� Hamwer sha11 occupy�esteblish�and use the l�roperty�s Borrowu's principril residence within s'vcty days after the eaecudon of --- <br /> �• this Sec�riry Insm�ment and shall continue to occupy the PropeitY as Bortower's principal residence for et Least ono year eftei tlw •�� <br /> .j�•_ dete of occupancy. unless Lender othccwLse agrees in wridng, whkh consent shall not be unreasonably withhdd,or unkss c� <br /> cat�►uating circumst�u�ces o�cis�whicn�rc:�cr��t���rc::�'s��cl.A�t*!+�"'chalt not dctuoy.damage or impa�r tha PcopeciY. _ <br /> allow the Property e�o detuiarato. or commit wasta on tl�a Propu�Y. Bomowu ahall be in default if any forfeitur�ectioe or <br /> whether civil or criminal,is 1ae8an that in Lendcr's gaod fefth judgme+►t could result in forfeituro of the Froperty nr _ <br /> other�w'i e8mateiiaUy unpnir the lieu created by tt�is Security Insnument or I�ender's r,ecurity inteies�Bo�rower rrwy cura such a - <br /> � �,�:. defaulc and rainstet�e,es providod in part�a�h causing tho actlon or procealin8 to be dismis.vecl with a xuW►g that,in <br /> '�"�` � Lender's good fatth det�emilnatlon,Pr�cludes forfeiwra of the Borrower's intRrest in 1ha Propaty or otha mataiel i�►P��t of <br /> _--,�:..,,r tGo lien cresud by chi9 Sera�rity Instcument a LeA�er's securitY interest.Boirower shell ulso be in default if Bar�wu.during�he <br /> o er <br />�;�,.� .. !�n�pplicatbn proocss,gave mat�aially falss or innccurate infomlatiQn or statements w Lendv(or fWed w provide La,nda wtth <br /> - •.��s? eny mataisl infones�tlon)ia connection with tho loaa evidenr,ed by the Note. including, but not WNced t,o, n�nt�� <br /> coneeming Borcower's e�oeupancY of the Prop�riy as a prineipal r�esidenee.If tlils Seeurity Inswment is cx►a kasehold,Boaowu _ <br /> ".:�. � �.: s6all wmply with all�he provLsbas of the ksso.If Bomowa acquires fa dtk to tbe PcopertY,tha leasehold end tD�e fce title shall =_ <br /> `:.`--_.:.�... not merge unless L.enBer�ees w d�ax�gar in writing. ts oontainod in <br /> �'� '�';;'.. ', 7.Protectbn o�I.ender'e Rig6ts in the Propertp. If Banower falls w pafocm the covasai►ts and c�noerc�tn <br /> •'�"-,�,'?s� thls Sociuity In.wnunent,a ttKre is a lcgal proceecSing thas may signif'�canQy affecc Lecida's dghts in�ho Propercy(such as a <br /> .��,.�`:� P��B iu banlm�PtcY�Probace.for onnd�annation or focfeicuc�or to eAforce iewa or reguladoas)�tha�L,ender may do and psy <br /> _=.�;'��' for whauvu is neccuurY a Protecc tho value of 1he Propaty and Lender's rights In the Propaty.LezuLa's ac�lons may incl�vk ��..,..,.,.�_. <br /> -- -�•;� �Y�B•�►Y sums socus+ed by a lieri which has priodcy over ttde Socurity Ins3rumenb a�in8 �co�+ PaY�h��b -- <br /> `y-:.-t,���.. attamays'fees and enGe:ing oa ths Pmperty ta makc repairs.Although Lander may t�E��act�on nndu this patagrap -- <br /> _:_�' � dots not have W do so. <br /> _• Any amounts di�bursed by La►der undcr thL9 paragr'aph 7 shnU bacome s�iditional debt of Bocrowu securod by this Socuriry �� <br /> --.-ry���'`-��=-` Insuument [Takss Burrower an�d L,�ndar egme to othcr tenus of payment,these amounts ehaQ bear insucst from ttie date of --- <br /> ...��,...,� ��..... <br />-- ��':.`: disbursement at the Note rate and ahall bo puyable.with interest,upon nooice from Lenda to Borrower req S I►�Ymen� _� <br /> -�";�,"�..• 8.Mort�a6e Lrsur�noe. ff I.ersd�r roguiral moA8a8e insurano�ag a condition of making the loan socured by this uxurity <br />-:,^^�`�;`F�;.. _ <br /> - :°.�-� Incuunneet, Bom�wcr shall pay the preminms roqiaired w maintain the matgaga insurance in effect. If, for any reason. the v <br /> � " . n�ongago insurance oovcroga roquiaed by LentZa lapses a ceavos to be in effect,Borrowu shall pay tho pcemiums roquired W -- <br /> � ' 3', obtain coverage substantially equivalcnt to the marigage insucance previously in effac�et e cost substantially aiuiveltnt to d�a _-_�� <br /> , cost tn Borrower of td�o mongage insurance previously in et�'ect,from an alt�nate mort�ge insumr approved by Lender.If =;�►�:. <br /> substantially oquivaknt mo�tgage insurance coverage is not available.Bornower shall pay to Lendu each month e suni equal to ,�_ - <br /> ° � onc-ta+ellih of the yearly mortEage insurAnet pc�emium Ixing paid by Borrowu when t1►a insurence covcrage lapsed or ceasod to � -�'— <br /> �: be in affec.t. Lender will aocept,use and retain Wese payments as a loss c�eserve in 1iw of moctgage lnsiu�ance.Loss resave _ _ <br /> • ��.: . FeTm sQ20 �1Y0 ':�,_,�ac,�,m=—°- <br /> _ `j — :.y,-_.�1=.Gi=�-- <br /> �-6R NE tan�z�.m P�p�9 0l E �inlUtb: %����,.r„_ <br /> . . -i l 1 - r:r_..;�.__ <br /> . �� . :-�;• - <br /> x, <br /> �>.�� a ; �v_ <br /> -_..-- .S .; ;. , �.m. .-'.�f; <br /> � . <br /> • .,�-�_..-,:--..—*�,� : <br /> .--�-•-•--...._�_-�-----�------------��-^--�---- . <br />- yt�:;���. --,.:-.r_-�_--....--�-.--�...-- . , _ „ .. ' • <br /> . A . <br /> -, - " _ .. ' .. .. . .', .. <br />— ' � ., <br /> _ . . .. _ .. . z R.��'. .. � , .. • ... <br /> " � (• <br /> ' .. .. . .� ., �.�.. --,-- . _____," �._ . _' . <br />