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:`r� �- <br /> �� � , , �� � . �_y;.� <br /> ------.._._..------�_-- --- ----.»,--�--� � _�W..�:,.,::�.�,� <br /> �_.��,�,...._.--------..__.._._ .._.... __ _ �._,,._..: <br /> r� .. ----'---,.i«�y.,+a.sp�;._.__ <br /> , � ' ......:.:u. :1�r•.. ' � _ ' . . ' �..,s. _-_ ._.- <br /> � <br /> . .. . . �" . , � ' _ --;.. <br /> ., _ <br /> ---"_.� --�---'-----------'— --�------ . ., _ _ ... <br /> ,�.. <br /> �� .,�t.,.�•. <br /> ., . <br /> � . �� - .; . ' � ..,. _ <br /> .. . ..... ..... .. <br /> . .. ..._.._...... ._- <br /> ,�... . <br /> .. .,. �"gg� �QS��� ---. <br /> � • '[i0t7fiTHfiR WITH ull tha Impmvcmcnts now on c�reafu:r crectcd on thc propexty,und all eascmcnts, appurtenanccs,nnd „ � <br /> fixtures naw or hGrcaftcr u part of tho property.All rcpla�cm�:nts and addittons shoU�lso bc covcred by this Security Instrumen� <br /> All of 1ha forcgoing is refcm;d to in this Sccuriry Instrumem as t�o"Property:' <br /> BORRQWER COVIINAN7'S that�orrowcr is lu�vfuAy saisc�l of ihc estatc hcrcby convcyed and has thc dght to gmnt and �� <br /> ' convey the Property and that tho FiroPertY is unencumberul. except for encumbranees of m.cord. Aoirower warrants and will ,� <br /> � defend genernlly tho dde tc�she Propeny against all claims and demands,subject to any encunibranc�s of record. <br /> • THIS SBCUFt1TY INSTRUNffsN'f combines uniform covenants for national use end non-uniform covenants with limited <br /> �-�^"``' variations by jurlsdlcdon to consdtute a uniform security instmment coveting real property. <br /> '"� LTIYil�ORM COVENMITS.Botrower and Leaidcr wvenant end mgree as follows: �' <br /> 1,PAyeient at Pr[ncipal and Inttrtsl;Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall pcomptly psy when duc the . <br /> principal of end interest on the debt evidenced by tha Note end any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. , . .�•, <br /> • 2.Funds tor Taxes aad Insurwnce. Subject to applicable law or to a writter► waiver by Y.ender,Borrower shall w �.•. ' :� <br /> �• Lender on the day monthly paymcnts urc due under thc Note.until the Note is ppid in ful1,u sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly texes ��'���°�-�� <br /> . ;;�•.��;: <br /> end a�scssments which may attain priority over this Securiry Inswment as n llen on the Praperty:(b)Yearly lcasehold paymcnts . .'.��,r= <br /> ,,.:. <br /> or ground rents on the Prope�ty.if any�(c)Yetuly hezard or pmperty Insurdnce pre.�niums;(d)Yearly flood iusurance premiums,if '::�>._-,_� <br /> e�Y: (e)Ycarly moRgage ins�rance premtums,tf any:and(�eny sums payublo by Borrower W Le�►der�in accordance with the �t�_---- <br /> . pmvi�io��s of pa�agr"aph S, i�n Ilcu of the psyrrttnt of rnor��e insumJtce pre-mtems. These itcmn arc catled"Escrow Items." ���---�v <br /> .�,;,,:t.',v <br /> Lendei may,at any tirne,collect and hold Funds in an emount rtot to e�cceed the meaimum amount n IGnder for a fedu�lly relatr,d �r .� <br /> . ,,:;��- <br /> mo�tgoge loan may require for Borrower s escrow account undar the fcderel Real Eswte Seukment Iarocedums Act of 1974 as �.,,,,_a� <br /> • � emended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 e1 seq. ("RHSPA").unless another law tl�at�applies to the Fwnds sets a lesser - . __ <br /> , amoun� If so.Lcnder may. at eny dme�collect and hald Fl�nds in en amount not to exooed tha lesser amoun�Lender may �..w� <br /> � estimate tho amount of Funds dua on the basis of cwrent data and reasonuble estimates of eap�ndiUUes of fuhue Hscr�orv Items ut �x��_ <br /> othciwisa in eccordance with appllcabk law. ''�.�-� <br /> The Funds shall be held in en insdtudon whose deposIts are lns�ucd by n fedetal eatity(including , ..�-- <br /> � Lendcr.if Lender is such en insdturion)or in aa►y Federnl Home Loan 8ank.Lender sl�all apply the Fnnds w pay tho�SCrow _-- - <br /> Items.Lendu may not charge Borrower for tw�ldlug and applyiag the Funda.annually ru�alyzing the escrow account,or verifying - <br /> ° � the Escrow Ite.�ns.unlcss I.ender pays�orrowu interest on the Funds end appliceble law perrnits Lender w make such a charge. _ -- <br /> _- =;�-.r�'..:,Ltr.�'sc�;re�uir^Mr�w�r en�ay a one-dme charge for en indeQeadeut real estste tat[ rePOrtinS s��used by _: <br /> ' I,�der in connecdon with this 1oan,unkss applkable law�rovides othsrwise.Unless an agraana►t is made or applicabk law �,'_- <br /> roquires inuxest to be paid,L.ender shall not be required to pay Botrowu any intuest or eaminga on the Funds.Sarnwa and �- <br /> , L.cnder may e�oo 1n writinng.however.thet interest st�all bo paid on the Funds.I.ender st�all givo to B��svwer.withaut charge,an _ <br /> annual acc�ntIng of tbe Funds,showing credits and debits tn the Funds and�he purpose for w h ic h ef�u:�d e b it ua t he Fu n d s was _- <br /> - made.The Funds are pk�dgal as additi�onal sxurity for all surns soc�al by this Security IIa�ewment �-, <br />-� �• If Ilre Funds held by I,enda ra�ceed the aaxounts peimiusd co be held by applZr.abk le�w,Lender shall ecconnt W Borrowa for _. <br />"",w �,� _;;;��, � �he eacess�nds in accordana with the requlrements of applkabk Iaw.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any ticr�e ls _ <br /> . . ,,;,,;,,,, ; not�ufficient w pay the Bscrow Items when e�ue,Lender may so�otify Bo�rowu in writing, such c�se Barower ahall paY <br />�;; . �; �I�cndcr the amo�nt nec�ssary to matce up the deficicncy. Borrower shall make up the d�clency in no moro thao� twelva <br />-;..,�. . montiilY PaYmeats,et Let�der's sole discretion. <br />���.:s`� Upon PaYment in full af all aums secured by this S�urity Instmment,Lender st�all prompdy cefund to Bormwer eny Fund.g <br /> ;.:'�.�., <br />-�•'`,t�?q,`•` - held by Laider. If,under paragreph 21.Lnnder shall acQuire or sell the P�operty.Laendu,Pda W the acc�uisipon a sa1e of�he <br />-- ''�`�T�'' property� s�all apply any Fu.nds held by Lender at the dmc of acquisition or sale as a credit ega[nst the sums socucrd by thi� _. <br /> ^ :.t.;..s. , <br /> ,�„",��.`,�;;''.:. Securiry Ins�vmen� - <br /> --=_�;a`:,,� 9.�lppii�tion aP Fn'ments. Unless applicable law provldes otherwise�all paymu�ts rer.�ived by Lrndu untler�raratgraphs --- <br />�����`��-�rF. •_ 1 snd 2 Sht11D bC epplkd:firSt,W enY P�+�Y <br /> :�;.�, • ment churges due undsr the Note3 second,to art�ounts payabk under paragraph 2; _. <br />,.;,_;:,„ �" ;, thud,w intaest principal due:and last,to eny lato charges due unde,r the Note. _ <br />—:=:;�..:.: 4.Ch�r�es:Lkoa Bo:rower shall pay all taxes. asses,wnents,ct�arges�fines and imposttions amlbutable co the Propaty <br /> -°'-��,,. ��.:. which may anai�n priarlty over this Securlry Insuament,and leasehold paymEnts ar graund rents.if any.Bormwu these <br /> :;.;,:�;�_�'-� obligations in the ma�►ncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not p�id in It�at maaner.Bonnwer shall�►ay them oa timmo din�dy w the <br /> �:�:�:"'�",�":w pason owod payment H�mower �tiall prompdy fumish to Leader ell nodces of umounts to be paid unda thss paragraph.If � -- <br /> -:°`-'�•' �;..�` Borrower msdces these paYments direcdy.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr acceipts evideacing the payments. - <br />�,,,:,it b!'!r'T''}�•. _ <br /> --'=='`-= ie�'= � Boirower shall promptly discharge any lien whnch has priority o�ver this Socutity Instn►ment unkss Bcxrawer:(a)agroes 9n <br /> ,:..'.�� •�i�.'�sti .- <br /> -...�_._ , .r• wridng to tho payment of the obligaaon soc�ucd by the lkn in a manner a c c e p t a ble to�.�endex;(b)cunusts in good[sith she llen _ <br /> :.�.:,'. . <br /> • by� or defends against enforcemei►t o� dle lien in. legal procoedings which in the Ler►der's opinion operate to pnvent the , _-- <br />�`�:' � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of 1ho lia►an egreement satlsfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to -- <br /> -��-! , thla Securlty Instrumen�If C.ender detr,rmines that any parc of the propesty is subject w a lieai which may at�in priority avu d�is <br /> � ;�?,, , Sac�uity Instn�me,nt,Lender tney give Boaower a notice identifying itie iien.Bomower shall satisfy tho Uen or take one or more �•;,�:r�- <br /> of tho actions scc farth above within 10 days of tho giving of nodce. .:� <br />-`•�•. ' ; Form 9020 9140 '���_:�=. <br />— ;,:;ri•=.- <br /> _ . • �•eR(NE)coz�2�.o� Pao•zo�e inniai.: ,;�t.,,•.e_.. <br /> n-�.. <br /> ��.�..�.....� <br /> ,�C�rSi t-= <br /> - . '��T,'�' <br />— .,.., ...,,: <br /> „�;..,.. , <br /> - � <br /> = z '_'_ <br /> , . � . <br /> ... „ <br /> � � ... <br /> - --��----�----._.�-__..._�--._._.—a_-___.-...--,-�...�--�,---z.e ae�a�. -_ <br /> .. .. .. • . ♦ , <br /> . _ , . � . . ' ., ' .. ,,,•' _ _ , <br /> - � � . - , ., � ' ' � ,���a� . ,_„ � . . <br /> - .. . � - .. ., �., . i; . . . .. . <br /> - ' - ., . � �� � ' -., ` �.. - <br /> � ' � ... � . 1. <br /> - ��.� __."�_— . _I.. ��. . <br />