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'Proceeds")In cannectlon wtth condemnat4on or otRer takinp ol lhe Propeity ar part thereof,or for conveyanco In Ilau ol candemnatlon. <br /> ------- 1en�isr snnii bo sntitiaU at�ts o�iton to commencs,eppc�ar In nncl pror�ecute!n Ite awn namo nny nazion or proceedl�s�,and ehn�ll alno <br /> .# ba ami�let!to inuke any carnpro�i9e or soit{orno�t In con�ectlon wlih cucfl takinp or damago.In tho ovant any pohton o11P�wrc�peR�le h- <br /> � so taken or damefled,lendar�I�all havo ihe op;ion In Ite sole an�i absoiut�dlscratbn, to apply aH auch proceacls. efter d��ductinp ° <br />.'_�� IMratrom al coete end�xpon�es Incurred by it In connactlon with auch Procaedo,upon eny ind�te�lnass e�curW hsroby a�d!n euch <br /> �''`�:'"��,, order ae Lender may d�lermine,or ta apply all eucfi Procoede,nftar euch deductlana,to the rs�toratbn af tM PropeRy upon euch corr <br />-°�-•r�� d i t l o n a as L en d er may d�term i n e.My a p p l�c a t b n o f Pr o c e o d a to(n r k b t e dr�at a l�a l l not dxtend or po�tpor�ths dua dnte of Nn <br /> �..�...,s.:;' Y p�►Y' <br /> _�"��-' , °. menta und�er the Note,a curo sny de%ufl Nbrourxkr or hereunder./►ny unapplied lunde ahsll 6s psld to Truetor. <br /> • � • A.PeAortveence by �Lertcb►. U�on th�occuner�cA of e�n Event a}IMfn��li herei�nd�r,or if eny cct I�tc.ken er t�pat pror;,:.dlny � <br /> -`,-i���•a,; canmenced wh�h materislly offocte Lend�t'a Intero�t In 4he Prop�Ay,Lender rr�y in ite own dlecrotbn,dut w{thouF ob�ipet{on lo do eo, <br /> �'�i�� end with�ut notke to or demend upon TNata end withoui rere�sir�p Truaror trorti any oblfgatlon,do any ecl whlch Tn�ata has syresd <br />_.�-.�..R�.�, but teiled to do end may atso do any other act It deema necessary to protect the secunty hereof.Truetor shall,Imrnedlately upon <br /> :��� demand therofor by Lender,pey to Lender all wats end expenaes Incurred and 6ums expended by Lender in connection wlth the exer- <br />�..�� cise by Lender af the faegolnp dghta,together wlth Intereat thereon,�t tho detauit rate provlded In the Note,wtNCh shall be eKkbd to <br /> ._;: ;,�, the Indatrtedness secured hereby.LerK3er shall nat Incur any tiabitity because of anythtng it may do or omit to do t�erow�der. <br /> 0. Na=ardaus�t�rt�{s.Tmstar shall ksep tt�e Propsrry {n compllar►�wilh all spplica6le tawa,ordlnancds and re►putatlona - <br /> `�'":�:,' � relatlnp to Indust�9al hyplene or environmentel protectio�(cMiectivsy reteiTed to heroin as`Envlronmental Lewa7.Tnieta shall kssp <br /> .��;.`�: ��. � the Property free trom ell eubstances deamed to be hazerdoue or toxia under any Environmental relsrred to hersln <br /> =;;_-r as'Hazardoua Materiats"). Tmator hereby warrents end represents to Lander that there are no Hazardoua Materials on or under ths <br /> `���'�'=�'� P 'TNStor hor� a rees to Indemnl and hoid harmless Lendar, otflcctrs,empbyees and aper►b�and any a�csa. <br />'�'�� �.�� ��Y' Y D �Y k0 oNr�ctors, <br /> �__�,�R�� sors to Lender's intoreat,from and egalnat eny and all�talms,damepes,tosses and Ilabilities a�isinp In connection with the presence, <br /> ,� use, disposel or transpc�rt of any Hazardoua Matedals on,under,irom or ebout the Property.TH[FOREGOINl3 WARRANTiES ANQ <br /> -"'��=- RBPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLI4ATIQNS PUFISUANT TO THE FORE(301NG INDEMNITY, SHALI.SURV�V� <br /> "'"'-""� RECONVEYANCE OF TMf a DEED OF TRUST. � <br />----_:-�� <br /> �- 10.Acslgnmenb o�A�nb.Trustor herel�r e v}$ns to lender,and grant�Lendcar a cecurily interest fn,eA present,tuture ar►d <br />-<���i��; after adsfng rertts,tssues and protlte of the PropeRy;Fnavaded that Trustor shall,until the ax:unence of an Event ot Oefault,hereunder, <br />_�'�':�� have the►i g ht tp coitect and retaln such rents,Issues aret�proflts as the y become du e e n d p a y a b l e.U p o n t h e o x u r re n c e o f e n E v e n t o f <br /> r., ,' - Defauft,Lender may,etG�ea in pe�son or by agen4,with or without bdnging any acUon or proceeding,or by e recehrer appointed by e <br /> h�fi'� court and vfilhout eega�l�8he adequacy ot its secur(ry,�nter upon end take posae�lon of the I�roparry,or any part thereo},(n Its uwn <br /> �ame or in the name d e5�Trustee,artd do any acts which It deems rtecessary or desirebte ta preserve the value. markembiifty or <br /> -_--��-= c�entebuity nf tho Propedy,or any paft thereof or tnterost thorein,or to Increase the Income thsrefrom or protect the eecuriry t�reof er�d, <br /> _-_-_- - wflh or w(thout teking poss�ssbn of tho Property,sue fo�or othervrise col{ect ihe rents,issues and pro(its thereof,lncluding those past <br />----- �iue and unpatd,by notify�ng lenante to make paymenta to Lersder. Lender may applyr rents,issues and proQte.less ooels end axper�s. <br />-_ __ ms ot operatbn end co�k�i�n�ncluding attomey's tees, to eny Indebtedness secured hereby,ell in such order se Lerider may de�er- <br /> � rnine.The entering upai c�Td taking possesslon of the Property, Me coliectbn of such rents.issu9s and pro�ta,a►xl tt►s ap�Ncetlqn <br /> Yhnini,i a�ei�rn�iKi w�ai cr�i cura or warve any deiauii or noiice oi deisuit i�ereunctar a inval�dete any act tlonp In roepone0 b s�x� <br /> _ -= defauk or pursuant to sach noUce ot detauit and, notw(thsta�ding the contlwence in possessbn of the properry of the oo1lectipn, <br /> recetpt end appl',caticn oi rants,issues or pro8ts,Trustee and Lender shall Ne enUiied to exercise evary�fght prov{ded for in any of the <br /> -���� Loan Instruments or by!aw upon occurrence of any Event of Delauft,(rictuding without limitatbn the r�ght to exe�ise the power of sele. <br /> Further,Lender's rights arxi�medies under this paragraph shau be cumulaUve with,and in�o way a ItmimUon on,Lerxier's dghts and <br /> _ �gmadles under any ass�nrnent of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender.Trustee and the receiver shatl be Ileble W <br /> atxount onty tor those rents actualiy rocehred. <br /> � 11.Evenls of DM�u1L fie toil�wing ehall constltute ars Event of Default under thia Deed of Trust <br /> (a)Failure W pay any Instaliment of pdnclpel or Interest o!eny other sum socured hereby when due; <br /> (b)A breach ol or defauR urxie►any provislon contatned in the Note,thls Qeed of Trust,any of the Loen ir�stnxnenta,o►any <br /> other Uen or e�cumarance upon the Property; <br /> (a)A writ of executlon or attachment or eny similar pror,ess shall be entort�d agsinst Trustor whtch shell bec�ne a Ilen on <br /> the Property o�any porlion tliereo}or interest theriain; <br /> (d)There shell be tiled by or against Tnistor or Bomower an action under any present or Acture federel,sffite or other s6Mute, <br /> lew or reQuladon relating to bankn�ptcy,Inssotveocy or other rellef tar debtore;or thero shall be eppo(nted any hustee,receh�r or <br /> IquWetor of Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part ot tL�e Property,or the renis,lasuea or proflts thereoi,or T�ustor or Borrower <br /> - shall maka eny general asslgnmenf far the 5enefit ot credtors; <br /> (e)The sale,transfer, lease,essignment,conveyanCe or turther er�umbrance of all or any part of or ony Interest�n the <br /> PropeRy,etther vduntadly or Involuntadly,without the express written c�nsent of Lender,provided that Tniator shall be permit- <br /> ted to execute a lease of the Froperty that does nat contaln an upBon to purchase and the term of wh�h does not excsed one <br /> yea� <br /> (�Abandonmant of iho Property;or <br /> (g)If Tnistar!s no1 an tndlvkival,the Issuance.sele,Vanster,asslgnmeni,conveyance or encumbrar�ee of more than(It a <br /> oorporatton)g toW of percent of ita Issued end outstanding stock,or(if a partnership)a total of peti <br /> cent of parU►ershlp Interests,or p(a Iimited Itabiliry corrapany)a totef oi percent ot the Itmited Oabiifry compa- <br /> ny tnterest4 or votlng�ht�during the pertod thls Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the pro�erty. <br /> 12.RertMdiN;Acala��tlon Upnn Ddauk.In the event of any Event of Detauft Lender may,without notk:e excapt as requtred <br /> — by law,dec�aro all ir�lebtedness secured hereby to be due and p�yeble and the samo st�all thereupon become due and payable with- - <br /> out any presentrnent,demand,proteat or notk;e of any kind.fiereafter Lender may: _ <br /> (e)Qertwnd thet'Trustee exer�lse�the POWER OF SALE granted hsreln,and Tndstoe shall thereaftar cause Trustors inter- <br /> - est In the Properly to be sold and the proceeds to be distdbuted,all In the manner provided In the Nebraske Tn,�st Dee�b Act; <br /> (b)Exer�lse eny and all dghts provtded for in eny ot the Loan Inatrumenta or by law upon occurrence of eny Evont o! <br /> _. . _�_ oeta„�;and <br /> _ (c)Commer�Ce an action to foreclose thle Deed of Tnist as a mortgage,appoint a recetver, or speciflcalty entorce any ot the <br /> ==- a�vc�nants hereol. <br /> � -- . No ramedy herein coMerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender ia intended to be exclusive of any other romedy herein,in the Loen <br /> - _—= Inalruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulativ�,shall be In additlon to every otteer remody gfven hereunder, <br /> ___°--- in 1he Loan fnstruments or now or heroafter exiudng at law or In equity or by datuta,and may bo exencised concumenUy,Indepondentty <br /> __ -�_� orsucceslv�ely. <br /> _' .ry� 13.TttutN.The T►ustea may res(gn at any dme w(thout cause,and Lender may st any time�nd without causa eppolnt a sua __: <br /> ��� cessor or subs�tuto Trusiao. Trustee shall not be Ilable to any party,including w(thout Ilm(tatfon Lencler,Borrower,Tnistor or any pur- �.,., <br />______ chasor of ths Property,tor any lose or damage untess due ib reckless Qr willtul mfsconduct,and shail no�be requlred to take any ectbn <br /> ~--='ta. in connectian wltfi the entorct�ment of this Deed oi Tn�st unlecs Indomnified,In writing,tor all cos4s,compensation or expensas whl�h °-- <br /> :�'�� may ba associated the�with. In addiUon,Trustee may t�coma e purchaser at any sale o}the Property�udicial or w�der the power of ��- <br /> .=��y:�-, sae granrod heretn);postpone the sale ot all or any portlon of the Property,es provided by law;or seU thg Property as a wPiol�,or tn ;� <br /> ��ti;�,���' aeparate par�eis or loffi at Trustee's discredon. <br /> _-:s:,,•:.:� 14.FMa�r►�ExpHf�.In the event Tn�ctee sells tha Properry by exercise of power ot sale,Trustee shall be entitlod to epply <br /> ��;':�'� any sa{e proceeda flrst to payment o}all costs and expenses of exercising power o}salo,fncluding all Trustoe's fees,and Loncier's end <br /> .;.;:. ��'� TNStee's nttomey's fet►s, ar,tualiy Incurred to extent permitted by epplfca,bie law.U the event Borrower or Trustor exorcises any dgM <br /> �' provlded by law to cure an Event o!DetaulL Lender shall tpa entitled to recovee irom Trustor all ca�te and e�cpenses ectually Incurrod as <br />'��~?�`•'`�} a resutt of Trustora detauit,includfng without Iimitatbn nll TNStee's and attorney's feea,ta the exte�t pertnftted by appllcai�{e law. <br /> -�.� 16. Futun Advancss.Upon request of Borrower. Lender may,at ite option, make additiona!end tuture advances and read• ��:�-� <br /> - vances to Boaowe�.Suc.h advances and readvancos,wtth Inter�est Shereon,sh�ll be secured by this Deed of Trus4.At no Nme shall the r`_.. <br /> ,,��}_ <br /> ' �--------•-----_.—.-•—_:sT�;:n:------�------ts---_.---• ..._..._._._..__.._... .------------.__. <br /> ,--.._.--_ _-,,.,.r.,—M-_-.-_— <br />- .. . ,.�.�, ., _ ..,�.�...,.. _� .---..,��...._-- - ----- <br />