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Lender shafl not be r6qulred to commence proceedtnps <br /> epalnat such auGCessor or retuse to extond time(or payment or otherwisA modity amortizatbn of tbe suro�a eecured by tl�la <br /> Deed of Tnist by reason of eny demanda mede by the originat�ornnwer and BoROwers auccessore In interest. <br /> (b)l:ytt�►'e Per�ere,Without eNectin�the Ilabil(ty ot eny other per�on IIaWe for the�yment o}any ob0yatlon hereln men• , <br /> tioned,and wkhaut aitecdng the Ii�n or charqe o1 thia d�eed o1 Yrust upon any poRlon of the Property not then or theretofore <br /> releanod as securiry for the full amount of aSl unpakl ohligations,Lender may,(rom iime to time and without notfce(f)roteasa <br /> any pereon so Ilabte, (Iq extend the maturity or after any of the terms of any such oblipations,(Ili)prant other indulger�ces,(iv) <br /> release or aonvey,or ceuso to be released or reconveyed at any time at Lendar's option any parcal,portlon or all of tha <br /> PropeRy,(�)teke or release sny other or addRbnal securiry or reconvoyed at any tlme at Lenders opt�an any parcel,portion or <br /> aU of tl�e Property,(�i)take or reiease sny other or addidonal secu�Ity tor any obllgaUon herei�mentioned,or(vii)make compo- <br /> sitions of other arrengementa w(th debtor�fn reiation thereto. <br /> (c)Ea��oa by L�r Not�WNvM.Any fwbearence by Lender in exerclsing any dght or remedy hereunder,or olfl- <br /> erwise attoMed by eppYcabb law,shell not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such�ight or remedy.The procure- <br /> ment o1 insurance or the psyment of taxes or other{lens or charpes by Lender shall no!be a wstver or Lender's right to acceler- <br /> ate tt►e maturity o}the Indebtedness secured by thls Oeed of Trost <br /> (d)Suec�awn�nd Assiqns Bout�d;Jofnt�nd.e�i�wral L{�bftity;Gptbns.The covenants and egreements here(n con- <br /> tatned shaN bind,end the riphta harounder shall inure to,the respactive suxessors end asstg�s of Lender and Trusto�.AN <br /> covenants and agreements of TNStor shall be jofnt and several.The c�Y;nns and headings of tha paragraphs of th(s Deed of <br /> Trust aro for convenfence only and are not to be used to(nterpret or def,ne the provisbna hereot. <br /> (e)R��t tor Nolic�i.The partles hereby request tRat a copy of any not4ce of default hereunder and a copy e5 any n�i'w� <br /> of sale hereunder ba meqed to esch party to this Deed of Trust at the address set torth above in the marmer�rroscnbed by <br /> appifcabte law.Except tor any other noNce vequlred undar eppikabl�law to be given in another manner,any notice provided br <br /> In thls Deed of Trust shall be ghren by mafling such notke by cortitied maii addressed to the other parties,at the address sai <br /> torth ebove.My notice provided tor in thy Deod oi Trust shall be eHective upon mafl(ng in the manner desisnaled herein.lf <br /> Trustor Is rtwre than one person,notk:e sent to the address set toRh above shritl be noUce tQ all su�persons• <br /> (Q I�sp�ctlon.Lender mey make or cause to be made reasonab{a enMes upon and inspections of tt►e Properiy.Prw'ided <br /> that Lender ahali pive Tmstor notice pdor to any such inspection spscitying reasoneble cause therator related to tsnders iMtir- <br /> est in the Propenyr. <br /> (y)R�cor►wy�nc:�.Upon payment ot all sums secursd by this Dead of Trust,Lerxier shall request Tmstee to reconvoy the <br /> Property and shall sunender this Deed of T�ust and all notea evidsncing Indebtedness secured by thls Deed oi Tnast to <br /> Tnistee.Trustee shall recAnvey the Ptoperty,without warraniy and withcut charge to the person Iegaily entltled theTeto.Trustor <br /> shall pay aQ costs or�'ecor+datbn,tf any. <br /> (iij�fui�0 �ivywa��.°.--�t',u�� 6i$i6asii6At.A���ii;3�a��a+^Miity�Y,r 2tso��lisiasii L`t!!`..^. !':2�.TP•� �!gk�;o�anta <br /> lsndsr undar tha Nsbnslca UnHortn Ccarunordal Code e$ecuriry iniar�est U all qxturos,equipment,and Wher persaTial properh► <br /> used in oonnecsion wNh the real estate or improvements locat�ed thnroara,and�ot olhe�dedared or deemed to be a psr�d <br /> the real estate s�cured hsreby.Thfs instrument shall be constn�ed as a Security Aflreement under sald Code,end the Lender <br /> shall have aN the rights a�d ramedies of a secured paAy under said�uude(n edditbn to the rights and remed0�3 under tlsie <br /> paregraph shali be cumutat�ve with,and in�o way a limitation on,LendePa rt�hts and remedies under any other�ecuriry agree• <br /> rr�nt signed by 8orrower or i'n�stor. <br /> m Lbns�nd Encumbr�ncM.T�ustor hereby warrants and represents that there!s no defautt under the provlsions oi eny <br /> mortgaye.deed d hwt�lease or pur�chsse ca►troct descriMng aq a any paR d tha Property�cu other oaNract.k�stnxr►sr�t or <br /> a�reemen!conatitutMg� lien or�agatnat ell a any peR of the Propertyr fcdlectivey."Liens7.exlstin�ae of ths <br /> date d this Oead of T�us�and thst any end ell existlng Liens remein urunodified except ss disdosed to Lentfer In T�uators wrd- <br /> ten dtsclosure ot Ilens and encumbrencea provided for hereln. Trustor ehall tiroely pertorm ail of Trustor's obllyations, <br /> cr�venants.representeBons end w�rrantles under eny and ell exist(np�nd tuture L{ena.�hall promptly torward b Lender copios <br /> ot a0 nodces of defaull sent In cautiecHo��with any and eil existkq or future Uene,end shNl not witho��t Len�ers prfor writMn <br /> caaent in any mennerrt�odiry the pro�v(aions M or allow any future acNanoes uncbr sny existiny a tuwre Wens. <br /> 01 M�i�+tiaa of P�ym�nEe.UMess otherwise requfred Dy law�suma pak!to Ler�x iiereunder.Inck�d�p wNfiart kNta- <br /> tiw�paymeryts of pnndpel and Interest.insuranoe pr000ecia�ca�demnatlon procseda and rent�end profits.sheM be e�pPlied b3► <br /> l,,c:�r to ltes�tnQtt:sM ds:9 erKl o�irtg from TntMQr anel borrower tn euch order as Lgnder In its sole discr�etion deems desir- <br /> abls. <br /> (k)S�v�bi�itY.It arty provisbn oi t!►!a Dead ot Tn�st oaMkb with appNCable lew or i�dedered invdid or allx�nn�lae unen- <br /> tor�csd�ie,aud�conflkt or ImraNdiiy shaq not attect lhe other prov�sions of fhis Deed ot Trust or the Nole wfAch can be ghren <br /> etfee!without the oonNetlrq proviston,and to!1�!s end the provisfons of thfa Deed of and lhe Noie are d�dered to be ee+�- <br /> erat�ls. <br /> (I)T�.Ttte terms"7rustor'arxi"8omowe�'shall ir�dude both slnpular end plural.and vAten 4he 7nistor and Laotrowe�are <br /> the sare►e person(s).those tertns as used In tt�is Deod af Trust ehall be intorehenpest�le. <br /> (m)Go+Mrnf np Law.Thls Deed of T�ust shall be govemed by the laws ot the Stata of Nebraska. <br /> Tnxstor has exe�uted this Deed ot Tn�st as at the date writton above. <br /> 4/.� /��,� _ <br /> Will'am �: Shel ton Trustar inistor <br /> ��-u.�tl y!;��X�'��� <br /> oanne M. Sheltnn Trustor Trustor <br /> , ti: <br />