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' � i;� Sf �� � G L P�`3 4�_. <br /> ;��� �1 h 7 r� � a a m � — <br /> � �;• ;� nt c'� -c o � � <br /> v j1� � � !S' c� N.,. a -*� o. <br /> �a • p � "'�1 � F� <br /> � � � � � � M <br /> � � n <br /> O <br /> ��\ R1 p � � � � �_._. <br /> � + �� r �.7 N , �,/� G <br /> Q . � � C� `� � A '� � <br /> �v � ....v <br /> \ <br /> � fv ~ � �� � <br /> � � <br /> DEED OF TRUST WiTH FUTURE AG�VAtdCES � <br /> a <br /> THt3 OEEO OF TRUST.ia mads ae of tP►e 26th day of_November � 199� 'bY end e►non9 \C <br /> theTrustor, William c`_ Shelton & .7oannP M e on, u� ' <br /> whosemail(ngaddressis �1055 Edna Drive. rranrl Tclan(I. N�s�$��In'Trusto�",v�lwtharoneormoro), � <br /> theTrusteo Five Painte Bank. a Nebras�Ca Corp�ation <br /> whose maiNng address is p•0. �ox 1507, Grand I sland. NE 68802-�507 (teerein'Tnutee�,end <br /> th988I18fldaql. ti'i��° p-?—;Ax8?3nlr a Nnhra..9l(c1��'.•..^•"'•a^nrat i nn - <br /> wfwsemaH(ngaddressis p Q.RB�r 1�'i(17 l`ranrl Ialanf3� NF �oon�=yF07 (h8fAZ11'l.6(K�9�• <br /> FOR VALUABLE GONSIDERATION,Includfng Lendele extensbn of credit idantNied hereln to w� i i t a,n (' Sh P 1 t nn � <br /> .._ _ .. e� � tl n e►� attl� �ali f _ <br /> (herein"Borraver,"whether one or more)and Q►e t�uat t�uin croatea,u�a�ea+�w <br /> of whk�Is heraby adcnowiedged,Trustor hereby irrevocably yrents,transtere,conveys end sssigns to Trusiea,1N TRUST,WiTH _ <br />- POWER OF SALE,tor U►�benefft end sacurity ef Lender,und9r anc!aubJoct to the terms and Gond�►icx�s herelnaRer sot toRh,nhe real <br />- praperty described ss tolbws: <br /> Lot Six (6) � Block One (1) , Gosda Subdiviaion� City of Grand Ieland� <br /> Hall County� Nebraeka <br /> Topether wlih all bulkAnps,Improvemente,tixtures,otreets.alleys,passageweys,easement�.d9hte.P���aPPun°�o <br /> located theroon or In anywlse peateininp Meretu,and the rent�.Issuea and Proflb, roverafo�ae and remainclero tharoof.uid su�ch por. <br /> sonal proportyr that Is euached to the Improvemente so as to conaUtute a fixturo,Includiny,but not limited to,hea�ng nnd coolk�9 e4u� <br /> ment;and topether wlth tlse homeotead or madtal Interests,((any,wh(ch interests ara hereby rnieased and wahred�all of�,k�dud� <br /> irp�ap{acements and eddiUons thereto,Is hereby declared to be a part of the real�state secured bY the uan oP thts Desd a Tn�t�nd <br /> all of ths bregoin�beiny reterred ro hereln as the'Property". <br /> 'fhts peed d Trwt shell secure(a)the�payment ot the pri�clpal sum arxl interest ev{denced by a promtssory note a Grodit a�ros� <br /> ���„� November 26. l.997 _ .�,havtnp a maturiiy date oi De cember 15� 199� <br /> in the odginal pdndpal amnunt ot S_49,.999�..�.� � encf any and eU modiflcations.oxx'lenalona end rendwala <br /> tliereof or thereto and eny end all tutura advances end readvances to Borrower(or eny of them if rtaro than o�e)hereur�der P��1 <br /> to one or more promissory notee or credit eyreements(here(n cttlled'Note"�:(b�the PaYrneRt af other eums edvanced bY Lerxkr b <br /> - protect the secudty of the Note;(c)the pertonnance ot ell cove�ar►ts and asj+eaments of Trustor set toRh herein:end(d)all ptseent wxl <br /> {uwre�rtdebtedness and obltqaUons of eorrower(or eny of them M more than one)to Ler�ier wtwttier direct,irxfir�ect,ebsotulo or oontln- <br /> • yent and v�hether arising by note,guarenty,overdreft or otherv+rlse.The Nate,this!?eed ot Trust and any end ull other docurt�en� that <br /> secure the Note or otherwfse executed tn connectlon therewlth, Includ(ng without Ilmftation fluarar+tees, security agreementa and <br /> assfgnments of k+ases an�d rents,shell be re4erred to hereln as the"Loan Inshumonts'. <br /> Trustor covena�ts end egrees with Lender ee tdiowa: <br /> �, p�,y�Q}���.All Indebtednoss secured here�y shall be pald when due. <br /> 2. 7itl�.7ruator Is the owner of the Properly,has the right and authority to canvey the Rroperty,and wuranta that the Ilen Creat- <br /> ; ed hereby Is a flrst snd prbr Ilen on the Property,except lor Uens and encumbrertces set totth by Tn�stor in wrillny end de8vered to <br /> Lender betore executlon ot thla Deed ot Trust,and the executbn and de�ivery ot this Deed of Trust does nrli violate any contract or <br /> other obilgation to wh!ch Trustw is subJect. <br /> 3.Texes,A�tartHntr.7o pay 6efore dolinquency all taxes,spec�al assessments and�11 other char�ea ayalnst�o flroperly <br /> now or hereatter bvled. . <br /> 4.Inaur�nc�.To koep the Property Insured aflalnst damape by rire,hazurds included within the tertn'extended coverage',end <br /> such hazards as Lender may roquire,In amounts and with companies ea:�pt,�ict+�to Lender,naming Lender as en additionat named <br /> insured,wiih loss payable to the Lender. In case of loss under such pol�les,the Lentier is authodzed ro adJust,coliect end compro- <br /> mise,sll ctalms thareunder and shatl have the opUon of apptyfng all or part oi the i�surance pn�ceeds fl)to any Indebtedness�ecured <br />- �.e.,e�u�a�vi ln m�rh nrtiar as Len��nHV detdlilU116.QIS to the Trustor to be used tor the repa�r ax�estoration of the Ptoperiy or(fti)fot <br /> .�..�..�-•---•- -•--' -- -- <br /> any other purpose or obJect satistactory ta Lender without uf[ecting the Ilen ot thfs Oeed ot Trust tor the fai!smount secured"ne�ei,y► <br /> betora such payment ovor took place.Any appl�ations of proceeds to Indebtedness shal{not extend or pa�,�.�e iho d�e date ot eny <br /> paymenta under the Ploto,or cure any default therounder or hereunder. <br /> 5,E�crow,Upon wdtton demand by Lendar,Trustee shall pay to Lender,fn such manner as LecKier may cieslgr+ate,suHicient <br /> - sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or moro ot the fol{�wing:(1)all texes,assessrsnenta end other charges egak�st <br />= the properry,(il)the premlums on the praperty insuranoe required hereunder,(fii)tho premfums on any mortgago insurance required by <br />-` Lender. <br />-- 8.Mdnt�nanw,R�In trttf Compllanc�with Lew�.T�usior shall lceep the Property In gaod cundiUnn and repalr, shatl <br />:�� promptiy repalr,or re�tace any Improvement wh�h may be damagect or destroyed;chall not comm(t or pertriit any waste or detor{ora- <br />,p� tlon ot the PropeAy;sha�!not remove,demolish or substantialty alt�r any o}the ImRrovements on the Property;shall not comm(t,sutta� <br /> - or permft eny ac!to be done in or upan the Property in vlotation ot any law,ordlnance,or regulaUon;end shall pay and pranptry dis- <br /> = cherpe at Tnrsta's cost end expensa all Ilens,encumbrances and charpea Ievied,Imposed o�eccassed epainat Me Property or e►►y <br /> '° part thereot. <br /> 7.Emtn�nt Domsln.Lender is hereby asslgned all compensatfon,Awards,damages and other p8ymenta or reliel(hereinafter <br /> r+ec w�trm�s�rr w«o nn we , <br /> A��w�u�r m�a a cumwe.r,r ana s�*a ti�o�nn.��cw+.ere�ru <br />