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TRAN3F[R OF THE PfiOPEFITY;AE38UMP�ION.If etl or eny part o}th�prop�Ay or Int�roat thtroin la aold,trenslotrod or <br /> oth�nvW conwyod by Yrustor wiihout Oonoilclary's prlor writton co�sonL excl�dt r�p(n)tho croAtlon ef a Ilen or cncurr�b�anco <br /> oudordinet�lo thl�O��d of 7ru�t, (b)chs creetlon of n purr.he��monsy eecurfty Inla sail for houe�hold appl!antAO,(o)a Iren�t�r[ry <br /> d�vlts,do�ant or by oMratWn af taw upon th�d�nth o}��olnt t�nanl o►(d)Ih�pu�s t olany Nets�hotd Int�net of thn�y�en or I��� <br /> , not contafnlnp en optbn to purcha��,�uch action I�a bnech o}thi�apr��mmt,�nd B�Mfici�ry m�y,at B�n�ficl�ry't optbn,d�af�n� <br /> ell th��um�s�curad by thl�De�d o}Trust to b�Imm�dl�t�ly dur�nd pnyabN,oruua Ih�trutt��to fiN a notic�of d�}auA. <br /> Bsn�ficlnry thell haw►waW�d�uch optbn to�ccoNrat�H,prtor to th�ssk,tranthr deonwyenc�,B�n�ficlary�nd th�p�rw�to N.�� <br /> whom lh�prop�rry Ia to b�soW or transf�rnd aach apn�m�nl in wrilinp that th�er�dlot �uch por�on I���t�stactary to B�neficlary '�Y, , <br /> � and thal lh�Int�n�t payabi�on th�rums o�cund by thl�p��d ot Trwt�ha11 bo a1��s chrat�s�t d�nsficMry sh�tl requ��t. �a <br /> -?+ 8. ACCELERATION UFON DfcFAL'LT;REMEDIEB;BALE.Th�idlur�by th�7rutta to mak�any paym�nt o►to po►form�ny o1 �y ' <br /> N� th�t�rms end cond'Rbn�o}th�Not�,or any nn�web,modiRcatbn�or�xt�mbnt th�erbl,or lh�paym�nt ot�ny olha Ind�bt�dn�u <br /> s�cur�d honby or in tha p�tMrmt�nc�of any o}th�cov�nant�or ayrNm�nt�h�uundx�hal ls�a bn�ch oithN�tpra�rn�nt�nd th� �� <br /> ..�,,,� B�mficlary mny d�clan a ddauk and may d�ctan all�ums�scund h�r�by Imrc��drt�ly du�and pay�bh�nd th�r�m�sha <br /> th�nupan b�com�du�nnd peynbN wRhout pr�s�ntm�nt,d�mand,prot�st or noUa olNy kind,TN�naft�o,Bsneflcl�ry may d�Nw ., <br /> to Trosteo a�vriuen dectsratlon of detnuk nnd demend Mr enle.Trustor npreeo nnd h�reby prente th�t fhs Tn�st�e eh�ll haw th� �� ` <br /> ,, power oi sedo o1lh�Proporty�nd i1 BQna?iN.�,y d.�cid��th�Prop�rty it to h�told N s hd d�posit wfth Trutte�thW Dsod ot T►utt and ,,,�.- <br /> .'�. th�Nota or na'�a a��any othu ci�.,�;t�1^a eYirlr<��cinp�xpmddurn s�cu�ed h�uhy,nnd �hal!d�liwr to Trutt�s a writl�n notic�of = - <br /> doteuk and.,�..-�caa ca rauss c�a t��;�e:iy ea na cokl,and TrutUO,In turn,ohall pupu�a slml'.nr notk,�In th�torm requlr�d by law, �'•"'� <br /> . � Wk.L�h aha:l 6�ciu.y fi:ed f�r rs..^s:�Dy Trr:q:e�. r'ti <br /> '� (a) Att�r th�Iepse of aueh�;m�aq may be roquind by taw tolbwlnp th�rocord��bn af Notie�o10�1nuk,and Not�o of D�iauk �':'` <br /> and NoUa of 8Aie havinp bNn piwn ne rpulnd by law,Trwtsa,w8houl d�mend on TruMor,shnll sdl th�Prop�rty In on� -_- <br /> or m��parcNe and In�uch ordn as'Ceuttor may d�t�rmin�on th�dab and Ih�tim�and plsco dulpnabd in sald Notfc� <br /> � otS��a,at�ublb aucttan ta tho h,�t:a.:.bidd:r,tha purchaco pNra payab� Inc:ch in ia�.iul monoy of the UnRed Sfat:a al <br /> th�t5�na a9 sab.Th�p�non conduFtinq th�eaN may,for eny caua h�or tlu d��ms�x�»di�nt,ponpon�th�saN trom v___ <br /> tim�So tim�until it shall l»compNbd and,In�wry�uch cae�,�otkr o1 postpon�m�nt shall b�piwn by pu6ib d�cl�rntian }.. .._ <br /> • th�reof by such p�non at th�Hms and pinc�last eppolntsd for th�saN;p roNdod,H tho oal�ie po�tpon�d for lonp�r thnn �;'�� <br /> on� Q1)day b�yond th�d�y das�r�rd in th�Motk�o!8a1�,not�c�th�raol�haY b�giwn In th�sam�mnnn�r eo 4ho 5��: <br /> oripireat N.^.41Ce O}BAI�. TfUttN�lneN c,:;�cut�and ddiwr to th�purchue r h D��d conwyinp th�Prop�Ry to sold,but , - <br /> without any xov�nnnt or warrenty,�r;�:+crc�,or impli�d.Ths ncftale In th�Deb of any mann�n or facb�hall h�conclushr� - <br /> proot o}th�truthiuM��a th�no}.Any pirson,InGudmp without IimiMtion Ben�&lary or Tru�tN,may purehas�et th��al�. ,4 <br />- (b) YYhm Trustw s�ilo ptnausu�t to th�powm h�nin,Trustu shall eppty tho qocNds o}th�saN!o paym�nt o}lh�cost� �+�-- <br /> nnd�xpmsu of�xarc��inn th�pow�r of�nN and of th�saN,includinp,willaut UmRntbn,the pnyment of Tru�t�s'�Fvp � .},'t�`•� <br /> � � Ineurr�d,whkh Trust�u'��'o��ehali not In th�epynpat��xc��d th�IobwNp amounta basod upon th�emount s�cur�d �` <br /> � .• h�nby nnd romalning unpaid:6 parantum on tho batence thsreot andthonlo th�R�m�In subparepreph(o)In th�ord�r <br /> � the��tet�d. <br />_ �,::i, (aj i►inr payiny mr ii�ms sp�cii�o in�ubparayrapn �'oj, ii in�sai�ia m�TPVeN. or in�prop�r couri and oinii wii"s oi = <br /> for�cio�ur�nnd snlo if Che eaN b pursuant to�udkfel for�cbturs,the �r;�b�of�tl�shall b�applied in th�ordor etated i:`;� <br /> b�bw to the paym�nt og �r,.:. <br />_ (1)Atlom�yi fNe and cosb of cofbcTwn: •x:-�::=' <br /> . .. (2)�oet mf eny ovid�nc�of titi�pro�i��rafi in conn�ctbn wHh such sa0manc3 elany revanw nqulrod to�a pald; -� <br /> r,,.;�._.,,,, '• (9�Aflabliflatbnt ocetnd bythio Tei�s1 tlnsd: - <br /> ,`•�=.i ,t' {4)Tho tamNnd�►,H uny,!o th�peraon IogaHyr�ntitNd thmto. -- <br />_�..,:,••,�;.:�..:r . - <br /> °� - «�s-. 7, ADDITI ONAL 8�CURlN IN97qUMENTB.Truator,at its�xp�ns�,will�xauG Nd ddivet to th�B�nNickry,prompty upon -' <br /> �'�"'` --� d�mand,such s�uety Instrumsnte as may M nquk�d by Bsn�flciwy,in torm end suhtana utlsixe�ory to B�nrfic °- <br />�:;,;:.,,, lary.oowrinp -- <br /> -_��--._;;� �ny of th�Proprty conwyod by ihia D��cl o}Tru�t, which acuriry Instrum�nb sinY b�edditbr�d s�curity for Trwtor's fekhtul R <br />""`- p�r(omisnw of all th�brtnt,eownenU�nd conditbns of thh D��d of TrutG th�pron�sory not�n t�eur�d h�r�by,and Rny othor <br />"Wt',�•��i4 s�curity Instrum�nh�x�cut�d in eonn�ctton with thb hnn�nctbn.Such InstrumsnU��ee1D� ncord�d or fil�d et Trustor'��xp�n��. -- <br />_�uru IY}l . <br /> ����y� 8. APPfNNTMENT OF SUC�ESSOR TRU8TEE. B�n�fielery mny, hom tlm�Salmo,by a writt�n In�um�nt�x�cut�d and <br />�=•1���� ar.4cnowl�dp�i by Btn�ficlary,malNd to Tructot and ncord�d In th�counry or counG� In whlch th�P�op�rty b bcat�d end by -- <br /> =z"�:':�'RT� � othcrnh�complylny wRh tfis provkbn�o}ths applkabi�I�ws o}the 3tnt�o}N�brs�k�eubtldub a wcc�aor or sucas�on to the - <br />-_----�q 7ruetM nam�h�»In or adlne h�nund�r. --__ <br /> _ - � 9. IN8PEG`TIONB.B�R�ficlary,nr ib ap�nts,wp»ssntatiw�or workm�n, mro u aNrodz�d to�nta at any r�naonabN tlm�u�on - <br />�;,,7,y,.^ or In any pAd ot th�F�rop�rty for th�purpon ot inspktlnq th�sam�and!or th�purpo�rof p�dormN�p any ot th�ach R i�euthor'rrecl —'= <br /> � :� to p�rtorm und�r Ih�t�rms af the[Oond oi Trust. R�,�,�„ <br /> t,,� , _ <br /> �,,,�,` � � 10. OPTIC�N TO FORECL05E.Upon th�occurnna of any�raech nnd upan th�d�ckratbn of d�f�uk h�nund�r,Bon�ficfary '°""-'n" '" <br /> -�,�;;,;�;,:,� � shnN hew th�oplbn to toncb»thh Deed of Trust In th�mennsr provld�d by lawtor tM for�cbsun ot mortQag�s on nal prop�rty. <br />