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� ' .. <br /> � „ , <br /> c�1�161i f'. , ' � ._ _ _.---- , <br /> uts�w., : � �.,�. r1 . . , .. . . ... <br /> ,• . <br /> ' - . �:''fa}�, ir•� •R�.. . � . � � . .. .� -' . _- �-. .. .- ...._n... .._.... _..''.7��j'p.'�+f}'_, "' <br /> ' u. .'.._. .. ,: <br /> ,,y y1[��� . . . ...�. .. .. .w+. �. �r�.. <br /> �.� <br /> . ... .. "� .. . <br /> vY1yl�+lwMIrYM�1�" •� .. � • .•• - ^.. <br /> ... . .. .. . .. . � <br /> l _ .... . .. _ ._. . . -� <br /> �.L��i4<<-- <br /> � <br />-- ....... .. _._ �. !":�'�Q�urn. T._..u.�, .�t�..,,�.o■.,.wm mainteln wtth In�ur�n aADrov�d by Bm�fiGary, inauranc�with roap�ct tu th• • , '. <br /> � -- <br /> ,, Improvomento r,nd pornonal Miropatty,conetltutinfl the PtupeYry,apalnel lot�by tin,Ilphtninp,tornado,nnd othor ponle end hszarde <br /> ' covend by tlandard�xt�nd�d cov�rnp�mdoram�nl,In nn amount oquat to at IQaAt onn Nundred percenl of tho tull ropincomont <br /> vh��th�no}end infuranc�apAlnrt�uch othor he=erdp cnd in eu�h amoi�nt�a�u cuatomarliy carned by ovmare and op�rntoro o} <br /> ��kmler prop�rtNe or e�8�rnficiary may r�quln tor It�prot�ctbn.Truitor wlll comply with tuch othu reqWnm�nts ns Bm�ficlary mtty -• <br /> trom tin�e to tim�raqu�st for th�protQCtbn by Inturanc�of th�Int�n�te o1 th�re�p�ctiw partin.All Intumnc�pol�ci�s mantain�d <br /> pursuant to tht�D��d of Trwt�heH n�m�Truator nnd 8�n�ficlery�s In�und�,as thou r��p�ct�w Intonttt may appear,and provld� <br /> � thet thon shall b�no canallAtbn ar mod�lcation wRhout no Naa than 16 dey�prbr written notif4eAtbn to Truet��and B�n�ficlary.ln � • <br /> � tho cvont nny policy he►eunder le not renewsd on or baton i6 days prior to tt�oxpiratbn dnte,Ttust��or BenNiclary may pracure <br /> ' � such inouranc�In eccordanc�wflh th�provlsbn�of pnrnpraph AB hu�of.Tru�tor�hall d�uv�r to B�n�ticiary the onginel pol�aea o1 <br /> � Inauranc�nnd nn�wRis lh�r�o}or m�mo copin of such policl��and an�wab th�r�o}.Failun to furnish ouch insuranca by Truntor, <br /> , or nn�wals e�nqulr�d h�nunder shatl,et tho optlon o}Ben�ticlary,conftitut�a d�tauR. • <br /> �:;:;,•�`� � � b, TAXEB,A99E89MF.NT3 AND CHAiiQEB. Trustor sh�ll pay ail tax��.aos�ssmmb end oth�r charp��,includiny,without � <br /> ,. , •ro� � limketlon, finss end Impooitione attributa6ie to th�Prop�rty, and Nenhold paym�nt�or ground nnte, if nny, b�fore tha aemo <br /> b�com�d�linqu�nt.Truetor ahall promptly fumbh to B�n�ficlary atl notka�ot amounts duo under thfc parepreph,nnd in ths ovant <br /> Truetor ohell meko paymmt dlroatiy,Truttor shall Wromptly furnlch to Bonofieinry raceipte ovidoncinti such�aymenta.Trustor shnll <br /> pny ali kucee and nn�ssm�ntt which mey be bvled upon Beneficinry'�fnt�r�st horaln or upon this Oood of Trust without reQard to ^ <br /> any law c�at mey bs enncNd Imposing�ayment oi th�whole or any part thoroof upon th�Bmaficfery. , ���?•�' <br /> �:?err:.t•. <br /> tt� <br /> , 8. ADDITIONAL LIENS AND PRpTECT10N Of 8�t��FICIARY'8 BECURI'fY,i'ruator ahnll make�II paymonts ot intoroot and . ,-:.—�• <br /> principnl and pnym�nts of any other charAes, faea ae�d �xp�nseo contrectad to be pnid to any oxisting Iion holders ar prior �, ��_��' <br /> i. � 1•�'��` <br /> b�n�flelarws und�r eny prbr dcad ot trwet ar mortflape bHon th�dnt�lhay ara d�linqusnt and promptly pny and dioehargo nny end r �� <br /> all other INm,clnimt or ehargei whkh may J�opnrdi��th�s�curiry prant�d h�nin.It Truttor tafit to make nny sueh pnyrnant or fails • _ <br /> - a7�.=-- <br /> ta parfurm any of tho covananta mr.d�groemente contnined In thfa fJad of Truet,or in any prbr mortga0e or deed of tnaet,or if eny _.�... <br /> ' acdon or proc�odtng is commencsd wh�h mst�rialy afhct� B�n�ficlnry'�intonst in th� Prop�rty, including, but not limited to, ' :�_"'Y+�;�_ <br /> �? �mtmnt domain procaedinpa,or proceodings Invohrinp a d�c�d�nt,or il Truator fnilt to pay Tructor'a dabte genornity ae thoy boeome •• � � <br /> �� due,th�n BenefiGary.4t18snefictnryrs oplbn and wilhout noUce to or demand upon Truator and without reloesing Truator hom any '����y�= <br /> ' Y� obligntbn h�reunder, rnay mak� avic� sppeeranca�, disburs� such eume nnd talce such action ns if n�ceaoary to protect ;;�:� <br /> • �`� Benefi¢(nry'� intoroet, inciuding, but nat limR�d to,dlsbun�m�nt o1 reasonebl�attom�y'e t��s, pnym�nt, purchase, canWet or . �, <br /> ,.�� compromisa ot any ancumbrance,^.hnrpa or INn,and�ntry upon th�Propsrry to mnko npnire.In th�w�nt thet Trustor chaU tail to :=;,�_:;,: <br /> procure insurnnc�or to pay tax�s,aeaaasmonG,or any oth�r cha��p��or to mak�any peym�nts to any�xlstiny prior li��holdore ot - <br /> bsn�ficlario�,B�n�ficinry may proeure ssuch in�urena end maka such paymm�Any amounts disbun�d by Bsnofiaery nursuent to <br /> this Parapraph A.8�hall becoms addRoonal indebt�dnsss of Tru�to�acursd by thi�Daed of Ttuat. 3uch emounts shnll be pey�bN 1`''_ <br /> upon notk.� irom B�nsficlary to Trus2or nqwctlnp pnym�nt th�r�of,and�hell War(nitast from th�dat�of disbursemant at tha <br /> � ret�payabN hom tims to Iim�on ouls3�+nding principnl und�r th�Nob unkaa payment of Interost nt such�reto wouk!br arnU¢ry to = <br /> , ,-� epplkabN Iaw, In wh�h ev�nt such wmounu shaN baar Int�nst et th� hiph�st rnto pormissihte under appllcabN law. Nothfng =Y <br /> ' ' car.!�'r:ad!r.lh.�»PL"CZiw�.y p R w�wn ri,rjmro Bmei'iclary to Incvr enV�xPena�or tak�ar+y actlon horounCer. <br />- _ 7; .�, <br /> '�'` � 8. IT 13 MUTUALLV AGREED THAT: <br />- 1, ASSIGNMENT�F FiE6IT8.Bonoficlnry shell have th�riqht,power and suthor'�ty durfnp th�continunnc�of thle do�d of fruat <br /> ' �t'is 1� to collect the rents,iaaus�end profda of ths Property nnd of any p�rsonal prop�rty bcat�d th�rwn with or wilhout taklny poasaeston <br />- •� •,•'`„�,;lf�±,;�� oi the pra,�arty afhct�d h���by, and Truetor h�roby nbsofut�ty and uneondRanelly eapn9 a0 sach rente, ksu��end prMhs to <br /> � �;';;�i:��� Ben�fidary.B�neficlnry,how�ver,h�reby contmte to th�Trustor's colbction end rst�nUon of wch rsnts,iasu�s and prolito as thay <br /> - '� �S� eecrus end b�eom�pnyehl�so bnp es 7ruetor(e no4 et sueh tlm�,In dofault wRh nspact to pnym�nt of any ind�ht�lmq s�tund <br />- ' ' '�"''"� he�by,or In th�p�do►manc�ot eny npn�ment h�nund�r.Upon eny such d�fauk.B�n�ficlary mey�t any 6m�,�fther in p�non,by <br />�'•`�"� '' ey�nf, or by a nalwr to b�n{spofnted by a couM,without notla end without ngard to th�ad�quscy of any securityr fo►th� <br /> ' ' � Ind�bt�dnm h�nby s�cund,(e)�nt�r upon and tnk�posasabn ot th�Prop�rry or any pat thawt,and in it�own nem�w�tor or <br /> ,. : �µ " olh�rwh�collect such nnte,fttu�s nnd profitt,Includlne thoao past dw and unpeld,and apply th�ramo,Na cosN and�xp�nssi <br /> of operatbn end colNct'An, Includlnq nasonAbl�ettorn�yi b�t, upon Rny Ind�6t�dnns e�cur�d h�nby, and In such ord�r at <br />=.��'x'��°� B�nsficlary mAy d�t�rminr,(b)pertorm wch ects ot npalr or protectbn as may b�n�cQSSnry or prop�r to conaerw ths vnlu�of tfis <br /> ,_.z_..;. <br /> �;� .:�,`t•.__,�� Prop�rty: (c) bea�th�oema�or any pert th�rwf tor surh r�ntal, hrm,and upon sunc�onditlons a�its�udym�nt may ktab or <br />- _'',;�`j�,"r� brminat�,or adJutt ths torms nnd cortdiibnr of axlttlnp Ndsss.UnNfs Truttor ArH!6oneficlary th�rw}ayre�othsrvvlf�In wrRiny, <br /> ��'.:'�}+8ti� an�appNentlon ot nnte,lssu��or ptofit�to eny Ind�bt�dn�ss��cund h�roby�halt not�xt�nd or po�tpon�th�dw dat�ot th� <br /> -���:�� Inatallm�nt pnym»nh as provid�d fn aeW promlasory nob or chanpe th� nmount of auch indnllmmto.Tha ant:dnp uFen ar,8 <br /> - �-��"���. taklny pcssusbn of th�Prop�rty,thr collwtlon oi such nnb,kswa wnd profib,end tho appllcatbn tharoof as afor�seld,sha11 dot <br />��r' �'�'!;�,� wafw or cun nny d�fault or notia�of d�fnult h�r�undsr or Invelldet�any act don�punuant to such notks.Trustor afso naswne to <br />;�i;;:",��tz:i B�n�ficlary,at turth�r pcu►ity for th�putormanae of th�obllyetbm s�cur�d hnroby,aN pnpaW ants and nll moNofl whkh may T <br /> -- � hnw bNn or may hsrmaR�r b�d�po�iNd with sald Trustor by nny NtsN of th�Prop�rty,to s�cun th�paym�nt o1 any nnt or <br />_-n°� �� demap��,or upon d�tauh In tho p�rtormanc�of nny ot th�proWsbns h�nof,Tru�tor apru�to d�llwr wch nnb and d�po�fts to <br /> �-*�-;.±��:' B�n�fielRry.D�iiwry of wrRt�n notla o}B�n�ficlary'��x�rch�of tA�riyhte pnnbd h�nln,to any tenant occupylnp�atd pnmis�� <br />"'V'-�"`' shaM h�wtficNnt to nqutr�sald tenant to pay nnt to th�B�n�flclary unbl fuAh�r nodc�. __ <br /> �.�ti�v�i+•:_,. <br /> '' c 2. CONDEMNATICtN.ff titN to nny pert ot th�Prop�rty shnll b�taksn In cond�mnal'an proc��dlnye,by rlQht of�min�nt domeln <br />,�jy;`�� �,�'_ or clmiMr actlon,or ahe�tl b�sold und�r thr�at of cond�mnation,ell awnrd�,damnpos�nd procNds aro h�nby etslpn�d and�hall b� <br />��;„",�""' ppld to B�n�ficlnry who ahnll apply�ueh awarde,damny�e and proa�do to th�surr�aocursd by thls Oaad of Truet urith th��xwa�� , <br /> • -- H any,pald to Truttor.Ii Trustor rac�iw�eny noUco or otht�r Intorma!bn re9arding aueh actlons or procwdlnys,Trustar�haN piw _ <br />_ � -"',,, prompt writtan notka th�nof ro B�n�flclary.Benshcinry shall hs entitlod,at ib opfi�n,to comm�nee,app�er fn and pro�ecut�in its �: <br /> • own nnms any such ectlon or procNdings end ehall�e mtittad to mak�any eompr.;mb�or sottlemmt In conn�ctbn wilh eny such --- _ <br /> - , �� actien or proeNdlnpe. " - <br />•�. ' X 3. FUTURE ADVANC�B.Upon requsst of 7-:,s.Ur,Ben�fielary et Bemficiary'��ption,ptbr to nconwyance of t?s�Prop�rty to _�"' <br />- Trustor,may mak�futun advanc�s to Truslor. :u�h tutun advenas,wfth Int�nst ffienon,�hall b�s�cund by th(a Trust Qoa� �;,_�- <br /> -� � wLoi�svidenc�d by promltsory nateE eteNa�tha3 r.eid not��en s�cur�d h�nby;provW�d that nt r.a Um�shall the acurud pHrta�nl �°� <br /> _ .` T futuro advenc�s,not Ineludinq wmy advanud t��roteet th�a�curiry,oxead Two liundr�d psrr�nt(20096)of th�oripinnl principal ��+'=v`- <br /> `� �'� chtountt s�curM hervby. �`=�w y. <br /> e�t�,..__' <br /> 4. REMEOl�S�OY EXCLU31V@.TrustM and B�n�ficfay, and �ach oi��cn,�hall b� �ntiU�d to �ntora paym�nt and «F� <br /> - _t.r�°'"�d_ ,,.,r,,.,,,.,,,,.„�.,,,,;�,d•he.dn�u or o6NaetJone seeund h�nbY and to�xacls��11 r�flht��nd powm undsr tliw D��d ot Trutt or ��j, <br />___�_.z�___ ."___:�y P—.._...._"_ '. _� _ _____ r . <br /> � under eny oth�r a9n�m�nt�x�cut�d in conn�ctbn h�rswilh or Any law�now or h�r�atbr In torc�,nctwRhstendlny tom�or an ox ce <br /> ••..�� such Ind�bbdn�ss end obligatbno��cur�d h�nby mny now or h�t�sR�r 6s cthewls�a�cund,whathor by mortyap�,d��d of truu2 '� <br /> � p{�dp�,INn,ealpnm�nt or oth�rwk�.N�Rh�r th�acc�ptanc�of thN D�d o?7rust�or its�ntorc�mont whothsr by eourt ectton or <br /> punuant to thr pow�r of�al�or oth�r pow�ro h�nln contelnM, ahell prNudic�or fn any mnnn�r att�ct Truat��'e ur B�noficlarye <br /> ' _. rfpht to naliz�upon or�ntorcr any ath�r s�curity now or htnaft�r h�ld by Trusta or B�neficlery,R b�1np nyn�d that Trust��and <br /> Beno}kfary, and sech of th�m, shall h��ntillsd to�nforce thls D�sd of Trust and any othsr e�curit�r now or h�neR�r h�{d by <br /> B�n�ficlary or Trwt�a In such ordor end mu�n�r n�th�y or�Nh�r of th�m may in tfi�lr nbsotut�dlscr�tbn d�t�rmin�.No nm�dy <br /> - h�ntn conf�rnd upon or r�arwd t�TrusU� or B�n�flclary 1s Int�nd�d to b�sxoluehre of nny oth�r nm�dy h�r��n or by law � <br /> providM or p�rmNt�d, but�ach �hall M eumulatiw end shall b�In eddilbr+to�v�ry oth�r ram�dy phnn henund�r or naw or <br /> h�nnR�r�xlstlny et law or fn eqully or by�tatut�,Cwry pow�r or r�m�dy prov:ded hsnued�r thh Ds�d of Tru�t to Trust��or <br /> „ B�n�flclary or to wh�ch odh�r of th�m may b�oth�rwl�s�ntRNd,mey b��x�rc�s�d,cancurnnty or indop�ndsntty,hom tlm�to tlm� <br /> and n�oft�n�s may b�dwm�d sxp�dNnt by Trutt��or B�n�fiefer�and�Nh�r o}th�m mey pursu�incansiet�nt nmwlN�.Nothlnp <br /> �_;, henM shall t»eonttru�d ss prohi6dl�np D�n�flclary hom���klnp�d�flcl�nCy�udpm�nt�aunst th�7rustor to th��xt�nt such ectbn <br /> _ � Ir p�rmitt�d by law. <br /> • . � 0p1071 NeDratk� 0073:0.0.1 , - <br />- 1., <br /> � I _. . _ .__. . _ ... - <br /> I .-. � ..__. <br />