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^ . , 7:1, , , i..J,.y r �r' _ <br /> ..iti .�•f���.' .. %5�.: - . <br /> •1 � �� . .• � .. .. � � . .. . . r�i,`.y -. <br /> ... . .. . _ � . .. - <br /> . � „ . . . . . . �PVe -- . <br /> . .� �. . ., 1� i�rw <br /> . <br /> .. . . . ._ �'�1 _......._..1.r.�....�.... .... _ ._._. .. . . .. _..• l..- -- <br /> .Fil�..�ar�. . �., � ..� ., P .,: .�..,,r i.�.. ..., � . . _� I,L+4i��: --- ....._:.y...�:.::4... <br /> .... - , ,�.:r.s,;.°-��1 't..w'�1-_.�.,..i�l11y1�R1�IM�Mypywtw.�.M�...++....a�r+�.r.�ww.00rwrrea—i� __ i�....�.____.w..........._.....��...�..:i:a.�.:..::^:xY.!Ifli•n'iq!i!w�wti+-'. <br /> �.i <br /> . . .�`I�t <br /> . :,,y,:i 01 - <br /> F � <br /> � • 16, RCCONVEYANCE f!Y TRU9TEE.Upon writt�n nqusst ot B�nefitlary�tatinp that all tum�cac�rad h�nby hbv�bs�n pald, � _ <br /> " { nnd unan eurnnder o}thle R�rd Af Truet and the Not�to Trustn kr cana�l'mUon end ntmtlon and upon pnym�nt by Tru�tor ot �' <br /> ' Truetao'o faoe,'fruetee ehell reconvey to Truatnr,or th�puean or peroono Iepnily onHtlad ther�to�wdhout wauaniy,any wo��E���at ` <br /> � • �, , ; thW Prop�rty then h�id h�nund�r.7ha ncit�l� In �uch raconv�yencsr o} any malture mr(actu ehall bo conctualvo proot oi lha <br /> , :,� � Iruthtuinear thsr�of.Th�prant��in any uconv�yanc�mey b�dacribod ar"th�p�reon or pa:�ons lopaly entill�d th�nta.° - <br /> }, ttl. NOTICE9.Exc�pt for sny notl�vs,demandt,nqu��to or othar communfcatbn�nqulnd und�r applkabta lew to b�atwn In 6�_ <br /> anolhrr mnnn�r,whm�vsr B�n�Hclary,Truotor or Trutto�piws or�orv�e any natic�(ncludinp,withou!limftntlan,notk:�ot d�i�uk �- <br />• � �,�� and notla oi�al�), d�m�nds,raqu�sts or oth�r eommunkatbn wNh r��p�at to thh� O��d of Truit, �ach tuch notks, d�mend, <br /> �qu��t or othe communlcetbn shall b�In wrding and�hell 6��f(octlw only If th�anm�le ddn»nd by p�rsonal s�nAc�or I�mail�d �= <br /> '�by r.�rtltNd mail,pottapo pnpaW,eddr��ad to th�addnn aa sN fo�i'ri sl ti�e b�innlizy of lhia O:od�}Truwt.11ny pnrty may a!any �,. <br /> � � •ehnnp�Rs addr�ss tor such notla�by dNhnrinp or mailing to th�oth�r pttrty h�r�to,�s afor��ald,e not��of sucli chsnp�.Any _ <br /> . . r� . ��otla hersund�►shrll he de�med to haw b��n phren to Trurtor or B�n�flclary,wh�n qlwn In the�mann�r d�sipnat�d horoln. o�- <br /> ,`.��= , ��: <br /> 17. HEQUEST FOR NOTICE.TYustov Rnd�n�flclary h�reby rMu��t a copy o}any nottc�o}d�fauh,and n eopy of eny notic� E;� <br /> ^�. i�aM thsroundsr, b�mall�d to �ach p�rson who h a pnrty h�r�to et lh�addnss set todh ior euch p�roon in eilhsr ths firot :"_ <br /> ! --� parsqraph of thls Q�od ot Trutt or b�bw. Tn�stor - `�` <br /> �, <br /> � 18. CiOVERNINQ 41►W.Thl�D��d of Trutt shall b�povsmed hy th�Inwa ot Q1��S2a;�u}Nebrneka. - <br /> 1 B. BUCCE9SOR&AND ABSIQN8.Thu D��d of Trust artd a!1 c�sma.conditiona nnd ob:i9e►tiana h�roin,nppt�2o a�nd Inure to <br /> th�b�n�fit o}and hlnde all partNs h�reta,th�lr h�in,I�pab�e,dmvism��,psroonal repr�ssntatives,cs�:cc�esora und aasigns.Tha <br /> j{'�,��i� � t�rm's�n�fickuy'thall msan th�own�r�nd holdor of th�Note,wh�th�r or not nart�d as Bon�l9ciary t��rsin, <br /> 20. JOIN7 AND SEVERAL UA8ILITY.AN cowrt�nh�nd ayram�nb of TrustorehAY b��olnt and s�wral. <br /> .:u`.._ . <br /> ����''�"� 21. SEVERABlLIYY.In th��wnt any on�or mon of thr provbhm contain*d��this ANd ot TrwA or lh�PVa1a or eny oth�r � <br /> :��.;.�s,_' _- <br /> -_--.; , security Instrument phron in conn�cHon with thM trertiectkm�hsW tu�r►y nason b�hald to b�InvaNd,UNQeI or unsntarc�abM In any <br />:����}a.�'���• nsMFt,such Invalidity,Ill�yality,or urs�nkrcoabflity shall,at th�oyfian ot Ben�ficiery,not aflsct e�a�mth�r provlatan ot thh Oe�d o9 <br /> ,�::.:,. <br />--���!±�r� Trust,but thi�[�d of 7rust�hall M cbmtrued a�H such Invalid,fll�yat,ar unonforcoaDi�provlslan had nw�r b�m contaln�d h�rsln � <br /> � y.;,�r��� or th�reln.l4 Me li�n olthls DNd olTrust Is Invnlid or un�ntorc�abN a�to�ny F►nA m9tfire debt or if the Nsn h invnlld or un�ntorc�abN <br /> •�:a�� tts to any pnrt of the Pr�p�rty,the unsscund or pxR�ally s�cured portbn of th�d9n1 ahn➢k»eompNt�y pald prbr to th�pnyment of <br />_;;;aS��.,� th�am�fnlnp�nd s�at+red or pattlally s�cund partian of th�d�bt,and�II peym�n7n mad�on th�d�bt,wh�th�r valuntnry or undv <br />'f?:°'�;.�� tonelowr�or othm�n}arcam�rt:s�;'i�;�or prot�der�,thell b�consld�r�d to haw 6�on first paid on pnd applNd to 1ha 4ull payment <br />-•_°�;,',;;" of that portbn o1 ths d�bt whlch ix c�a2��rscund or not tully acund by th�Il�n o}this D��d oi Trus4 <br />�°-��=+�+� 22. NUMBER AND aFNDER.Wh�nw�t usE�h�roln,th��Inpular nurnb�r shRll fnclud�th�plurat.and th�us�of eny gendar <br /> -�.�s'�9l� �haU b�appUc�l:+'m t�all psnd�n. <br /> --= 28. ACCEpYANCE BV TRUSTF�.Ttutt��acc�pb thls Trutt whm thb DNd of Trust,duy�xscutsd and acknowNdg�d,Is <br /> �,� rna6a a publio ncord ne provfd�d by law. <br /> --- - 2A. TFlUSY�E LIABILIN.8o bny a�th�T�ustN shall act in flood faRh e�d h relianc� upon notic��and olh�r Iniormatlon <br /> ��--- whfch R,tn it�wl�dls�x�don may dMm to!»nll�bM,�nd w bnp ae Trustx��hell�x�rck�r�aeonebN prud�nw�nd cu�in ih <br /> --- � adminktr�Uon her�pnd�t,TruttN aha11 not b�IIabN tcr any bss or damay�s�uttainecl or Incurr�d by th�Truttan or any B�n�fwiary <br /> or by Rny oth�r p�rnnna whom�o�wr,R b�inq�xpnstly�tlpulat�d that th�TruetN thaU b�Itabls ony tor it�oHrn pron+n�plip�no� <br />--. — and wfqful d�Muk in tho pnmNn. <br /> — IN WlTNESS WHEREOF,Tru�ta itn�ox�cuUd thk MuUr PNd of Trust Form and by th��Ipnt�p h�r�of�cknowbdp�s M�t h�hao <br /> nad end nah�d a tuU copy h�r�o1 and und�rstRnd�MRt ite tems,conditions and conbnU an tutly incorporat�d Into M��ctwsl <br /> De�d o}7ruat hs dpn�d o}�wn d�t�h�nwith. ' <br /> /.t a�����-�� . <br /> o erx r-o iCo <br /> --- SS,.o,�.., ��.1�.�a..9�..��, _ . . <br /> _ � e Ia TT.-Krolikowsk:t � <br /> ':``;.� Hall <br /> - -- BTAT�OF NEBRA6KA,COUNTY OF , <br /> The fourpolnp Instrum�nt wa�acknowlodp�d ba?oTa mo thlR 6t1lday ot_ December �g 96,by Rober.t P7. � <br /> Krolikowski and Sheila M. Kro3lkoti�ska.`;husban-Ic an wi �e <br /> � G4NEAAl NOTAHY•Shte ol Nebros "O"'�''''�10 <br /> pARLA M.PQLAK <br /> '.`-`�„� "ta Aty Canm.E�9•Juh 71� � _ <br /> �-�� <br /> r�.��,� My commis�ebn�xpU�s. � <br /> ___�"� <br /> _°���� <br /> __: _-.��. _ <br /> - ,�ti:� � <br /> p�''�`���� BTAT�OF Nc'"�"8{�S.KA,COUNTY OF__ <br /> _;..-�.c��r.:�� <br /> �;+.��. <br /> �:-•;•��.�:? Fiu�d(or rscord and�n4�nd In Nvrrarfcal Ind�x on r„ . 1�_.�..,�et o'c}ock _M„ _ <br /> -,�,:m,b�`'�'' nnd rocordod st Sook ,Peg� ,or msUument�do. ° <br />-_?�y�: . <br /> °-�Jr�,�Y�. _.. <br /> - 5•�.{;�j,�`� -. <br /> -- ' .�••.� COUtRyMD�Pu�Y�H11�� °.. <br /> -L:�!'.i:{�Li+t Rp4waD�pNyR�pl�WrofOMd� <br /> s.-.��i.,�j,4. � <br /> ...•t�.. <br /> . �, <br /> _��'i'7�'�-� , <br /> .w,.•...:r . eofm�t�wr.�. ao�san.w <br />