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y.i� , <br /> '.'s�«�"'' <br /> ��y' ,, • ,. ' [ � .. A <br /> ,,�,�ne�iq.n,� �� - ..-- - - - . –"'i�'L- , <br /> „ • � � _ ._.-.-. -..... _ . . <br /> ., <br /> . .. � _ <br /> . .__ , . . <br /> � � ,�r�sv.k�'i�w+ .. .. . .. . .... _.. . <br /> . �y .._ <br /> e insurtuttce coverege(in tha�ounl���o�tl�e�en�od `�s <br /> p�ymcnts ma y no longer be rcquirecl,at tho option of Lender,if mortgag urtu <br /> � thnt I.endcr requires)provided by an insurer npprov e d by L en c ier ng u 1 n b e c a m c s a v A i l a b l e u r�A i s o b i n i n e d.A o r r o w c r s h n ll p a y t h c <br /> premiums requited tci maintain mortgage insurance in cffect,ox Go pPOVide n loss resePVC, undl the rc�uiaemcnt for monan�e <br /> insuronce cnas in eccordance with emy w►duen egrcement ir�.tween Bo�rowca and I.ender or appltcnblo law. �dcr ahttll give <br /> � 9.Inspectioa. Lender or lts agent may make rasonable enuies upon and inspccHons of Ihe Property. <br /> 4 BQrrower no6co at tho dme of or prior to an inspectlon spccifying reasonablo cAUSe for the inspecdon. <br /> 10.Condem�tion. 'The procoeds of any awerd or cl�n for clamagcs,dirocc or conscqucndel, in connecdon with any <br /> c4ndemnarion or other tAking of any part of the for conveyance in Ueu of cc�ndcmnetion, are hereby assigned and <br /> .. ��+. �shaU be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property.tho proceeds shail ba ePPlied�tho sums secured bY thi�Socurity Instrumcnt, <br /> ,:�� ' whsther or not then duo,wi�h any oxcess paid to Borrower.L�ihe event of a partlal tekin8 of the I'roperry In which thc fair market <br /> ••.�..:`°r°'� value of thc Property Immedlately befon tha takin8 is e4ua1 w or g�eatec tha"t1�e amount of the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument immed3ately before the tnking, nntcss Borrowet end Lender othciwise agea in wrlBnB+ the sumu socured by thia <br /> , 3ec�uity instrument shall bo reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplie.�l by the foDawIng fracdon:(a)the total emount of ._ , <br /> 6 the sums secured immediately beforo the taldng, dlvided by N) �e fair market valuc of the Prope�tY in'uncdiatcly befare thc . _�... <br /> � tairing.pny balence sha11 ba paid W Bonowcr.In thu evcnt af s pnrdal tskln8 of tho Propucy in which tho feir mfuket valuc of the •.�_�,\-� <br /> � pcope�ty Immediately before the taking is less then the amount of the sums sec Qeda m�ediate1�9 shal�be a�p ll�d c�l�e , ���� <br /> ' Botrower and Lendtr otherwise agrec ir►wridng or unless applicable luw othecwise p ..L;;== <br /> , � sums secured by this Sccurity Insuument whether or not tho sums ere then due. o;__ <br /> � If Ihs Property is abandoned by BaROwer.or if,nfter nodce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor o:�'us to malce sn `� <br /> award or seule a clalm far d�mages,B��rotires fa�1s W res�d to i.c.nder wirhin 30 days aftet the data the nodce is given,Lender <br /> .� is authorjzal w wUect and apply tho its opflon.either to restotadon or repair of the Property or w the sums scciued ��:�? <br /> by this Security Y��ssrwnent,whetdiei or nat then due. - <br /> Unless Lencler and Bormwer otherwlse sgres in wr�tinB+�Y ePP�icadon ef procee�ls to prf�►cIpal shall not eatend or postpane r�=_ <br /> �':'"-- <br /> the due data of the monthly payments ref�red to in Para�ePhs 1 and 2 or change tho amount of such payments. _ <br /> ;'�" il.Borrower Nut Rela�se�d;EbrbeArance Tiy 4er+der Not a W+dver. �xt��sion vf thc dme for payment or modiflcution ��-- <br /> 'r; - .' of amorti�ation of tho sums secured by this Securiry Inswment gcanted by Lender w any svc�eswr in in►erest of Borrower shall =- <br /> not opuste to relea9e the llabllity of the od8inal Borrowa ar Aotcower's successors in intcrest I.endu st�aU not be requiral to �� <br /> - • comm�,nco pmceedings egainst eny suc�cessor in intcrest or refuse to extend mcn2 for payment or otheewise modify amoctiu�don of <br /> the suma secured by tl�is Seeurity Inst=umeae by mason of any demand mac�e by the original Bomoau or Barower's saccessora <br /> in interes�Any forbearance by Lender in oxercising eny r18ht or remedy shall not be a waiver of or precludo tt►cs exercise of anY _ <br /> �:�.�,:"< <.-- <br /> +;�,,,.,: ii�n v�acu" . <br />'.'�-� ��, �2.Suoc�ae�rs And Assl�ns Bound;J�t And Several l.abi�ty: Casigaers.'It�e oovenamts and agc�ts oi �his <br /> _ � � ; Securlty Instrumait shall bind and benefit tbe successora end asstgns of Lender and Bermwer. subjoct so tl�o provisions of <br />"-;;�l,� ':. :} para�ph 17. Baar�ower's cove�►ants and eRreemri►ts shall 6o joinc and several. Any Borrower who caslgns this Securlry <br />..-���"`'�;•�; �. Inswment but doos not execute the Note: (a) is co•signing this Securiry Inswment only w mortgege,Brant end convey tbat <br /> :;'�;:�r;+`�� � $onower's intaest L�tha ProPe�'under tho terms of this Securlry Instrument; (b)is not pusonallY ebllgated to pay tho sums <br />-:�:'=:f''f�� � sacurod by this Socurity Instrumrrit;and(c)agrees thet I.encler and eny other Bomnwer may ogree w cacte�d.modifY.forbesr a <br />���;�_;����;�i m�o any eocommod�ons with c�egard W the temis of ttds Security Insa�un�At or the Nou without tlwt Bosrower's caissnt <br />-� ,:,�„�""�'M..� 13.Lan C6Ar�es. If tho loar►securai by this Security Instrumrnt is subject no a law which sets mauimum loan chorges� <br /> � =r.- . end that law is finally inWp�cted so that d�e interest or othu loan cherges collocted or to ba collectod in conl►ectbn with tho IoM► <br /> .i-1 �� <br /> =��w�_� exceod the permiuoA limits,tlien:(a)any such loan charge shaU bo roduced by the amount necessary to reduce tho chArge w Ihe <br /> �.`�__`"�" pem�iteaf lirni�and N)aqy sums already collecud frate Hormwu which eacxded pemiltud Wn.its wlll be refunded W Bocro�va. <br />��� I.ender may choose to mako this refwND by ceducing the princlpnl owal under the Note ar by makt�g a diroctma►t char e <br /> ____- -�� Barowex.If a ref�uid ceduces principel. the reducdon wW be trcated as a p�ial pre�aYment widwnt enY P�Y 8 <br /> -_-�_,---� undu the Note. . <br /> -_- ---_�-,� 1�.Notbes. Any notke W Barnwer provided for in ti�is Secu;ity Inst�umc.-�t shail br.givca by Qclivcring it or by t�Ui,:g ii <br /> ��,-_-:,.�� by fitst class mail unkss epplk�b7e law requlre.9 asc of enothcr method.The notice shaU be directed to tho Propa'ty Address or <br />_�,�;�,�o any orha address Barowa designates by notice to I.endv Any notice oo Lender shall be give,�by fust cla4s mail to La►du's <br />--,y;��� addness st�ted ha�eia or ony other r�cldress Lendu deslgnates by notice to Bocrower. MY notice provided for In this Securiry <br /> ,.��— Inst�nptt sha116e damed to have been given w Boirowa ot I.ender when given as providod in this panigraph. _ <br /> =_,,��- iS.Governim�Lsa;5evera6i�ty. This Securiry Ins�met►t shnll be govemod by fedaal law end the lazv of the <br /> -�-:��*-,� jurisdktion in which the Propercy!s locaced. In tho event that enY Prmvision or clause of this Security Ins�urna�t or the Note <br /> "-::�,�. conflicts with applicabb 1aw.such coritllct shaU not affect other pmvlsions of this Sr.curity Insuument or the Nota which can ba <br />-:��" � given effoct wIthoat tho conflicting provision.'Cm lhis end the pro�isions of this Security Instn�ment ead the Nota aro declared to <br /> �°..,'`."�;�: be scverab3e. <br />- ' , Form 90�� YIiO <br /> Q•eR(NE)(i2t2).ot P�p�4ole tnitld�: _ <br /> � 0 � � . "'�� —. <br />� ' . �l� , , . �'R.^1F�'. <br />..� t�}.�' ^ . . . ' :� `^_'Z�L._`•y• • .� � .a - <br /> T <br /> ..."1!� t . , ...- n . . <br /> . <br /> .�._'_.... - .__ _ _. .._. ._.. . _ . <br /> -_______ .—_ _ .__ ._ ,,. <br /> � <br /> �. .._.. _-_.___.._-, ."._._____"._ _._"_S�_ .�._'_. c___. •: •."•'_ <br /> _ ._.._._."_�""T' ..... -:_'__"___' _.-.-: ....; _- .. - .._.. ...._ ._ ._. _ _____.._._._ '_.______ ----.__._.--z......_. __ -.. _._' __.._ -.__._ ._:._- _: <br /> . . �1 7: { .� . .. ... : <br /> ; .. . .i , _ ." 1... <br /> o t�) ' <br /> • � � <br /> - . . . .. " 'q ' <br /> ' ( . � , . . ' ' ' 4 . . , - � ' <br /> ' � ..-� .. .. - ' . .:.�t�� . .. . .. <br />.. - ., . - ,� �� , . � � <br />".i <br />�... .. „ . � �� � � �_. ° , . <br /> i <br />