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,� <br /> �",,�.� . � <br /> `�# , . '. <br /> :'�,-: ., ' . .' , - —�y.c;.��'�n��: ,�� . .'.�'�•- <br /> .. - -.+�NY�/�fi'� . - . - •.l,ffJ MIw�wM��v.. �V.��V..��r':� <br /> ....v� .Lar.7�::L�� _ . . � ..' . . . . . .. ..�.__ _ <br /> .._.. .__ �Ir�R�!hM"NR.::-"' "' __""_ " __' ._. ........ <br /> .... �YTIw�..-_ <br /> S_ __L.. ". <br /> . � �- �O3�� -,�.��__�_ <br /> S,Nazxrd or Property Insurance. Boaowcr shu?l kcep thc imgrovements now cxiedng or hereat2cr er�tcd on e perty <br /> insuretl t�olnst loss by Cre, ht►�rds included wiUiin thfl tcrm "extended covernge"and any othr.r hrt�.ards, including tloods or . <br /> flooding,for which I.ender requlzc;s ix�surnnce.This insurunce ehutl tw malntained in tt��amoun49 and for thc periocis titttt i.ender <br /> requlres.'ilie insurenca carrler providing tho lnsutance sha�l ba chosen by Bonawer subject to Lendcr'o approvnl which shall not <br /> . be unrcasonably wtthheld. lf Borrower fails to maintain covcra�ga dcscdbcd ubove. Lendcr may, ut l,ender's opdon, obtain <br /> coverago to prouxt Lender's dghts in the FropertY in o�crsordanco wlth parugraph 7. <br /> All insurance policies end renewals ahaU be acc�r.ptahle to Lendu and shall include n sta�dard mortga�e clause.Lender shall . <br /> have ths right to hold thc polfcles t!rt�renewels. lf I.encter rec�ulres,Borrower shall prompAy givo ta Lcndcr nll eeceipts oF paid <br /> Q , � premiums and renewal nodces.In the eveait of loss,Borrowu shall glvo prompt nodce to the insurence carrier and Lender.Lcnder <br /> c may mako proof of loss if not mado promptly by Borrowu. <br /> �^�""""� Unless I.cndu end Borcower otherwisa egreo in wdtln8. in8urancc Procceds shall be applicd to restoradon or reQair of the <br /> "' �"'* Froperty damaged,if the restoration or repair is economlcapy feasiblo end Lendtr's secunity is not lessened.If the restoradon or <br /> repair is not economicaUy feagibto ar I.ender's securlty would bo lessened,the insurance proceeds shatl be appltal to tho sums � <br /> ' scxuretl by thls Sccurity Inswmcnt, whet�er or not �hen due, wilh any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower ebandons the <br /> Property,or does not answer withln 30 days a nodce from Lender that the insurance carrler has offercd to scule a claim,t�en <br /> Lender may collect thA insur�nce proceeds.Lender may use the proccxds to repair or reswre the Fr�perty or ta pay sums secured :�';1=-: <br /> b�r Ihis Stciuiry Instxument,whethec or not thers due.The 30•dsy perlod wIll begin wha�the noHce is given. .'W,° <br /> " � Unless Lcnde�r and Borrower otherwiso agree in wtldn8��Y�PPllcadon of procc,eds to pdncipal shall not extend or postpone -.. <br /> � ;� the due datc of the monthly payments nferred co in pareBrnPhs 1 at�d 2 ar chengc the amoemt of the payments.If under paragraph ��°�r�ff' <br /> •:S:MryF�-�-� <br /> � 21 the Property is acquired by Lendu, Horrower's right to uny insutance policles and procceds resuldng from damage to the ��.-'.-� <br /> t,� l�mperty prbr to the acquisiaon shall pass to 1-ender co iho ostent of the swns�ured by lhis Security Inatntment immcxiiatety _ <br /> � <br /> , � prior to the acquisidon. ''�:=;�'--- <br /> � 6.Oc�upancy�PreservAtbn,IVlatntenan6e an@ Protection ot tbe ProPeKyi Borrower's Lostn Application;Leaseb�oWs. �:;��° _ <br /> ; Borrower shall occupy.establish,and use ttw Pruperty as Borrower's principal residence wlthin sixry days after tha eaecudon of ��;�-�.i;.',.,= <br /> . th1�Security Jnsuument and sf�all condnue to occupy the Propaty es Ha�wer's principal residence for at least ane year aftu the -�.�.�.p <br /> � clate of oceupaney. unless Lender otherwise agcees �n wr►tin8� Wdkh consent shatl not be unreasoaably withheld, or unless �'�"."-____ <br /> r,w:._�__ <br /> eatenuating cIrcumstances exist which a�bayond Borrowu's control.Borrower shall not destroy,damage ar impuir the Propeity. ��;� <br /> allow the property to detulorato, or commit wagte on tha Pro{x�ty. Borrower shall be in ckfault if eny for€eiWre ecdon or <br />-. pmceeding,whether civil or bo8un th�t in L�nd�'B 800d faith judgment could result in forfeiWre of the Property or � <br />- o�Lse mat�cyally impair the lien created by thls Security Instrumeat or Leuder'R security interest.Bomnwes may cure such a <br /> � defauls aad provided in p4ra�greph 18�by cansing the acdon or�noceecling W be dismissed wit��ruling that,in -- <br />- ,� , �.uttiet's gaod iaitn duamir�aiiix,��a,l�f�:f�itu.:.Bf L�°sts��,�.�� �.�no�►�r�,�pnn�r,ty�±r�uhr�materiAl im,oairment of <br /> �:. the 11en creaud by this Secur3ry Insocumetit a Lendet's socurity interest Batowu shall aLso be in defeult if Ba7awu.during the <br />-.�.. - loan applicstion pcocess,Save matt�rially felso or inaecurote information or statcments to I.ender(or failed to provide Lendu with <br /> J,. <br />�:+�,;� any matersnH enfortnatian) in connectbn with the loan evklec�ced by the Note. including�but not llmited t0. representations <br /> '" . �a�ceming Barrower's c�ocupaacy of the Pcoperty�a a principel nsiderrce.If this Seeurity Instrument is on a l�avehuld.Borrower <br />� � ' <br /> .L y11.:..� , <br /> ;$wi;,ti;.<, shell compty with all the provisions of tfw Icase.If Bormwer ao9ulres fee dtlo to the Property.tho leasehold and the fee <br />-.: .� not marge unkss I.eader agroes to tho mecga in wridng. <br />�°'F'.�, ::;' 7.Protect➢on of Lender's Rijhts fs tbe ProP��3'. ��� <br />_=,, -��T.,. �f Bar�ower falls to perf'mm the covuiants end ts containal in <br /> - e,�•� a�� <br /> 7�..� ...,-.e.�r this Securiry Instcumen�a thete Ls a kgal pincoodin8 thu may significanily affect Lendu's dghtv in tha Propaty (such ag a <br />- pmceoding in banlc�uptcy.Probste,fcx cond�8on or forfeipuo or w enforce lawa or regulations)�then Lender muy do and PBY <br />`.=�„'w.�;;;,,, fa wh�eva is axessary w protect tha v�lue of d►e Pmpaty end I.ander's rights in tho Propeity.Lenda'a ecdona may include � <br />-�--��=-��,�� P�Y�►8 �ny surtu sxurnd by a!kn which bav pdorlty over this Secur[ty Inshumcnt, aPP��B in co�ut.PaYIng rea9onabb <br />�....-"f�'�"�� at�omcys' foes a��d entsring on the Property to make r�sirs.Although Lendcr may talce acdon under thls puagrapl�7.Lender <br />__.�,_F'•"•'`�] (�ry'.S INX 11aV0 t0 d0 SU. <br />___-�-"'� A.hy�muu^ss �Q �•�ESI by L��u arutrr this pareg�enh 7 s�ell become addisioaal debt of Bamwer socurai by this Security <br />��=�;`�� Instrumaat Uakss Bonvwa end Lenda sgree w othar tnrms of p�yment,tts�sa�rnounts shall bea�'incaest Crom the date of ` <br /> '�'±`�=-;�'�'� cliibunement at t6e Nore rate anci st�all be payabk�with interes4 upon notice fcom Lenz3er to Borrowcr ro4�8 PaYn►en� <br />�T--�"��� a iasuranoe as a condition of makin tite loau secered by thLv Secuel <br />�n.:�s��t� B.Mar3gage IaisurA�ce. If I�enckr i'Wuic+ed mortSaB 8 �Y <br />�:���:'�••<. ums required w maintain the e snsurancc i�effec� If� fa any reason. the <br /> . ..�-�,.,.� In�tnunent, gor¢nwer slwll pny the pc+er►il �BaB <br />������. ��S�Be insuranco cover�ge rcquirod by I.eayckr lapses a ceases o�be in�'ec�Borrowa shall pay the premiums roqulrod a� <br /> ir� � -- abtain oover�ge subsmatially equivaknt to the matgago ins�nce praviously in effaxt,et a cost substantially oquiv�lent co the <br />--- ._-j cost w Barrawu of the mortgage insurance Pcoviously in effect� from an altunat�mortgage insurcr apprnved by L,�nder.If <br />�t..- ; <br /> �ra..• <br />-� �..�� substsntially equivaknt mo+tg�ge iqs�uanas coverAge is not availab�e,Borrowa shaU pay to Lcndu each month a sum eqnal tn <br />�"'�'`�.`':°#•, on�rwclfth of the earl m e insurance Fnmium btsing paid by Borrowa wlx,�the insurance coveaage lapsed or oeASOd w <br />.-;�. ::.w� �::.� . ba in effect Lender wi11 eca�cep�use and m.t�in these PeYments ns a loss reserva in Ueu of mo <br /> �_ _^ : 4• rt88Ba insuiance.Loss reserve <br />�`'' ,. Form�02i O1v0 <br /> �.° "' �•8A(NE)1a2���.0� pap�9ol0 i�m�i•: — <br /> _ •, <br />-- �.�:.:t 'e �:rrn� l� �: -'�=_� <br />� �� �i';;-�i.:i'u._ <br />- � --.1�Y.1T .. . . .. � ,S.i�.c� ..«.• . . ,. � � � - ' �^yl� <br /> — ,t, .': AC �� , . , <br /> . It�'�rJ .� .. . '.' r ': ... .. .�' - <br /> ' ' . e 2 - - . " . . 4`�.+ <br /> ___ _. __. _ _.._. _ . _._ __ _ —_--.—____.— _ _ —_ _ —__ __ _ _ _ -- __ <br /> __:___ _..:_� _ ___ .'.-. __ .. _ _ .__.. . . __ _ _ _ _ _-._.-_ ,_-.,. ____ _•„c- __-_ .-_._ ___ .. _ .. ..._._ ___ _.. . - . <br /> _ . <br /> . . , . . .. __._ "..-.. _ __. -i�.:.. <br /> . . . . �� _. . t . <br /> . .. . . ` Y i. . <br /> _ . , ' . .. _ . :,T._�,: <br />. „ . . . . . .. . . , .. . . �:. � .�: <br /> _ . . - , ' � .v'. ... �.. <br /> . ' - . . ' . ';•;>. . <br /> . , . ' ' � .. � � � � ' <br /> .. ,. <br /> __— � . . 1 .._..� <br />