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. . ,,,� . <br /> ±%�� . .. . <br /> „ <br /> _ < . „ , <br /> .;. . •- I" ---...... .�� �....... _ .,�eT� <br /> . .:.: .•__ , <br /> "T��1i'Y•'..�...,. , _ '1 -+is+.e�t4.w.i�.....:-. • ... .�tm H°.-.�-.-...�.�:-�rrwn,,,� - - <br /> Y <br /> h•� <br /> � �.�fK �f J�M6R+I._.- _ - .... .L�l . . .... . .. . ...� "�_^-'. . <br /> . .. . _ " ' . .. �y-1lTe:. <br /> Y' � <br /> � , �Q.� �U�S�'r9 --_-- <br /> 16.�ormwer'e Copy. aoreower ehnll ba glvcn Ano confoemcd copy of tho Note ond of thi3'S�ucuriry Instrumcnt. <br /> 17,Trwn.sPe�01 tlhe Pm�erty or p Beneticial Intevtst in RoPrawer. If ull or ony paet of the Property or rany interest in it is <br /> � 601d 0P tPQi1S�CFfC�(OP 1�A�h.RCficful intei��;st in Dorhovier 1� sold op trensferrcd nnd Dor�o�ver is not n rtt�tum,l pe!r�on)��ithout <br /> � Lender's prior wdttcn cansent�Lender rnny,at its aption.requiro Immediuto pa�mant in fnll of nU sums secured by t�is Socurity <br /> . InswmenG Howevu,this opdan ehell nat be eaercised by Lender if oxerciso is prohlbltcd by federal law t��f tho daw of this � <br /> •' Secur(ty InsOratncnt. <br /> If Lender exerelses thls opdon,Lemler stiall give Bo�rowar nodce of accelecadon.'ihe nodce shall provido a pertod of not Iess � <br /> t than 30 days fmm the dato the notico is dcllvcrod or mailed within whkh 3lorrowu must pay ail suma sccured by this Secwity �„ <br /> � Ir�suumenG If Borrower.fuils th+�sa summs�ptGu.tu e expiradon of this perlod,l,cndcr may invoke asiy rc:modles permittcd <br /> by this Security Ins wuiwut��nra'x�iwtice oi��� � o�I3aar�wa. <br /> •. ����� 18.8ormwer's R !to RetesUMe.•��H rHonower ts cr,rtain candidons, Dorrower shstU have tho rlgh¢ to hava <br /> °-� enforanxm of this S url 'Uu�enent dl9otintinued 8t any timo prbr to the earlicr of: (a) S days (or such ather puiod av <br /> appllcabb law may spec rtlns�ument)bcfote sak f tho Property pursuant to any powcr of sale containa9 in this Sccurlry <br /> i� Instrument;or(b)entry o a judgment enfarcing this Security In�umenG T1�ose conditbns ara that Horrower:(a)pays Lendu all �,' <br />,.,.,.,�,...__�.. � wrccl•(b)cures eny �. <br /> I � sums which then would be detio undex this Security Insuument end tho Noto as if no er.celeration h�d occ , : : <br /> default of any other cover�ants or agreunents;(c)pnys all a�per�sss incurrcd in enforcing lhis Security Inswment,inclnding.but ��_ � <br /> � not Ilraited w,reasonabk auomays'fccs;ar.�(d)takes such action a�Lender may reasonabiy requira to assuse thet th�lien af th;s � .. <br /> � Sccurity Iasttumcn4 1.endu's rfghta in the Propaty and Borrowu's obllgauon to pay tbe sums secured by this Secwiry .-``-- <br /> • Instrument shall condnue unchanged.Upaa reinstatement by Bomnwer, this Socurity Iastrument and the obligAtions secured �--- <br /> �: hereby shall rem�in fully effecdvo ag if no acceleradon had occuned.However,this right to retnstate shall not apply in the case of �'-- <br /> accelcradon underpareB,��ph 17. �`_ <br /> 19,Sak of Notei Change ol Loan Servker. 'It�e Note or a paztial intsrest in the Note (togethu with this Sec�uity �`; <br />, ° Instn►mu►t) may ix s�ld ex�e or muro t�nes wlthout prbr noticce to Borrowu.A sale may msult in a change in tho entity(known - <br /> no e <br /> as the"Loan Savku")tl�at callocts monthlyp�ymants due under�he Note and tLis Secunty Instrumen�Thr�e aLso muy be one or <br /> �.�- more cha�►ges of Ihe I.aan Se��vlce� unrelaied to e sate af ihe I�late. If th�e is a ch:,�ge�f the Loan Srsvku.Borro�ves will be � - <br /> ,. , given written notice of the changa ln eccordAnce wIth 14 above and applkable law.'Itio nodce wW state the name and � <br /> address of tbe new Loan Savka snd the addrass co wh h payments should be msde. �e not3cce will also conuun eny otha <br /> infomiadon required by epAlkabb law. _._ <br />.- K�. � 7A.lla�rdous Subata�. Botrowa shall not c�uua or pemut the presence. use. dL�osal, storng0. or release of any <br /> ' Hezardons Substaaces on or ln the Prope�ty.Boarower shall not allow anyone eLse to do,anything effecting the Propaty <br />_ ; _� that is In viu1tion of an finvironmental Law.'R�o proceding two sentences sh�ll not apply to the presence,use,or st�rage on Ihu <br /> Property of small qnan�tks of Hazarda�s Substances that are generally rccognized w ba approp�iace to normal nsidersta!uses _ <br /> r'k�, and w mainnenance of the Pro�ty. <br /> t�1 - Bomnwer shall prnmpdy givc Lendu wrluen notioe of any invcstfgadon. c1aLn,demand,lawsuit or other�:don b any <br /> oy::� e <br />� •�'°'� ovemnxntal a ce or vato L�volvin tlw P�oQaty and an Hazacdous Substaace or Envi�nnmai I,aw <br />_'�r:,__�. . B S��Y o B�Y P� P�Y� 6 Y <br /> - of which Barowu has acwa�knowkdga If Borr�wu kams.a is aodtied by any govunmet�tal or regulatory antl�ority►.that auy <br />_=��'i:'i 1. removel a othar remaliadon of any Hatiucbus Substance af�ecdng the Ptoperty is�eoes.9ary,�arrowu shall promptly talce all <br /> ,y�r�,� . n��r r�.�i�!:,,�.,.^�so stt�crd:�•�:;ts E^.:�ir�..s�t�I.sW. <br />-�:,..; ..:;• As used ln thls paragraph ?A, „Hazardous Substanees" are thoso sulsstances ckfined es o�xic or hazacdous substauces by <br />-�.��:'�; BnvimnmenW IBw and the following snbstanccs: gasoline. kerosene. othei tlammable or wxic petrok�n�prodncts. ooxic <br />=LL�"`-r�;►'�•;. pe,uicides and herbicides.volatilo solveats.materlals co�taining asbesws a fom�sildehyde.end r�dioacdve mute�als.As usod in <br /> �`.:�!3!� th}s 2A�"Envlronmeatni"means fo8eral�ws and laws of the JurisdkHon whue the Property is�ocated that nlate <br /> _y:� to tkalth�ex�a envImnmental proteclipn. <br /> _ , <br /> -��t� NON-IJNI�ORM COVBNAN't'S.Bormwu and I.etNler furtt�tr covrnant aad egroe as follows: <br /> _�:�,,,,s� 2X.Aocekratbn;Remedsea.Leoder shall�ive eotke to Sorrower prbr to acaferadon folla�win�Borrower's 6reacb of <br /> =°�.-��� any oovenant or a�rament in Wb Security Instrument (but not prbr to Aooekr�tion under puajrap6 17 unie�t <br /> �`;� �pylk�bk la�prnvida ot6er�ise).TYe notive�baL Mecity:(�)U�e delaWt:(b)t6e�ction reyuired to c�u+e the def�Klt:(c) <br /> ----_ �date,aot fea�t6as 30 d�ys(1rom t6e dak the notioe ie�Wen Fo wh�Cb Wc dehult mu�De cural;and(d) <br /> ------� tb�t fs�ilure to cYre tbe def�Wt on or b�toro tLe date speciried i�tbe noUa�y reaWt m�ca9eratioo ot tbe suma eecured <br /> by t61�Secwrlt�Instrnment aad aaik of the Prnpert�.TMe sotice�wil(tirtLer ia[orm Borraw�er of tYe rf�Yt to reieaqt� <br /> � s1teX AC�xk�rnNon snd t6e right to bri0j� rnurt�ta a�cert t�noa-existmoe a�a detAUlt or�ny otber detnae o� <br /> ---_-- _- �z..�..W�a z.�...'-r:�a e..-1�^�.��t����a:.�!:b e�s!�:���e►�be�es�e E�e d�rs sgec�!�!h+Ehs r+oticx,l.ender,at hs ` <br /> uPtion,may requLre Immedhte ps�ynaeat in fwll o��11 aume eecured by t6ie Security Imsfrs�neet wkhout Wrt6er demA�d <br /> -- --- and may invake tLe power of s�k and aay otber remedke�arwhted by appdca6k lae.I.rn�ler alull be entitkd t4 co}3xt <br /> __.----= W expea�s fecun�ed in pwesnia= the reetediee provided ia thie p�ragnp6 21,fecludin�,bat not Writed to,re�eoaable <br /> --- attorneya'ka ud co�a af'titk evkkna. <br /> �� U tLe pOwer ot eaMe is invoited�7kustee sliall redMYi a noNoe ot deta�ult io eac6 county in whk6 u� part of the <br /> Propp�y tg bated�nd s6a11 n�Il oopks of euc6 eotke iu t6e maaner prexribed b�applicabk I�w to Borrower aatl to the <br /> .-- — Ml�a�perwee prescribed by applicabk 4w.Atter fl�e time rtquL+ed by epplicabk law�'['ruetu shall give pubile not➢�e ot <br /> - .---- eale M tbe persone antl fa the mpnper Prescribed by ppplicAbk low.'t�l�stee,�itbout dem�nd on Borrawar,ehsill eteil l6e <br />�`���' PropM�at pubtk�uction to tLe hl�hest bWder At the timie�nd plwe ond under the terms dest�nat�ed�n t�e iaMke ot e8e <br /> =—�.-;���i <br /> �.�K <br /> �M1�I <br /> _ ri,^.�i'1';.:y _ <br />-_;:�.�.:�s.: Fo�m 002� oi00 — <br />-�:�'-K���;--`�' �•eH(NE)ro2�2�.0� �■p.a m e inniau: <br />- °y. ,.n. <br /> - . :', '��q �,�' . r,� �_ <br /> __•.Lw.` '; � <br /> .•,a: '�1 �.. <br /> �..... ,�m.:.�.--- - . . •_- <br /> 1 -'°e"r`` <br /> i. 7• i `ii. , �'}j' _ ,.,��k:.:(i fr, -4'NA �,�r- . , .� . _ <br /> _ .,f . - -. , . . . :�,`f_,`�i. . 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