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�. . <br /> �� ' � .. " � <br /> �::� � , �, , „ �, ,: <br /> � , : <br /> _ .. . <br /> . _ ..._ <br /> _ . <br /> .�.. . .. ,. . . _ <br /> ..,,,.__.�..w•,w,��:,_. .... .. ... � ...... .. _.. .. ... . .. .. • .. _.. .. . .._.�,..+YY.+.±!�i�« . _--:._ <br /> �� <br /> � ' �•V c _ <br /> 96- �,G9�6� � �;�:; <br /> TO(3&THBR �VI1'H nQD U►e improvcmcnts now on c�rcafeer eracu;d on the property,und all eASCme��ts, ap�wununce.9, ond <br /> fixtures now or here,�fter a part of th�properry. Ail replacernentx and addidor�s shsill nlso i�e covered by thls 5ecurity[nswment. <br /> All of d�e foregoing ie refei7ed to in mis Securlty lnsuumcnt av 1he"P�operty." <br /> BORROWER CAdB�J,ANTS IhAt H��nowcr is lawfully sclsed of iha cstatc hcrcby comaycd und httiv the dght w grant and ,_ <br /> ' comcy tho Pcoperly and that thc Praperty Is unencumbcrcd. cxcept for cncombrana:s of record. Borrower warra�is and will <br /> defend generally the dtle to the Pcopeny egalnst all claims nnd demands,subject to any encumbmnces of record. <br /> 'fFIIS SH�IJRITY 1NSTRllIN1iNT combincs uniform covcnante for nadonal usc end non-uniform wvenante with limitcd <br /> variatfona by Jurlsdlction to cAnstituta a uniform sccuriry inswment c;ovcring rca!property. <br /> . ,� � UNIFORM COVHNANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant end agrce es followa: <br /> 1.FAyment of Priacip�stl and Enteresh Preppyment and Lpte GdArges. Sorrow�r shall prompdy pay whcn dac �hc •� <br /> ;....r•�^"" princlpal of and interest on the debt cvidcnccd by the Noto und eny prcpaymcnt end late chargcs due undcr tho Not�_ • <br />, ��w��►: 2.Fueda tor Tnxes and Inaurance. Sub,jc;ct w appllcable law or w a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sh�ll pay to <br /> Lender an the day monthly paymenis ena duc under thc Nota,until the Notc ie paid in fuU�a sum("Funds")far�p)yearly taxcs • <br /> and assessmcnts which may attain pdority aver thls Securlty Instrument as a llen nn�he Piroperty;@)ycarly lcaSehold payments • <br /> � or ground renis on 1he Property.If eny;(c)ycarly hazerd or property insura�►cc�premiums;(d)yciuly flood insurancepremiums,if � ��' '° <br /> any;(e)yearly moctgage insurance premiums,if eny;and(�any sums payablo by Baaower to Lender,in accordaneo with the "�F'�'w"h's <br /> ,�� provisions of paragraph 8, in lIeu of the payrnent of mortgaga insw�nce premiums. '1'heso items ere ca.l4�d"Esuow Items." °�',� <br /> ,,,'-� <br /> ���� Lender may,at any Wnc,collect end hold Funds ln an amount not to excad the maxlmum amount a lender for a fcd�r�Uy r�leted ••.;'..��.-`' <br /> j mortgage laan may require for Borrower's escrow account undes the federal Real Sstate Seqlement Procedures Act of 1974 as :'•� .;�`��- <br /> � emended from ame to dme.12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 er siq. ("RESPA").anless a�other law that epplles to the FSuads sets a lessu ?�=•= <br /> '� «mo�usE.If so.I.endes may,et eny tlm$.callect end hold Funds in en empnnt not tc�e�cc.eed the lesser amonnt I.endu may -:i:'���.._ <br /> � e,timato the amonnt of Funds due on tlw basLs of cwxrr►t dala and reasonable esdmates of eapendipues of fi�ture Fscrowv Items or �:�':��._, <br /> � othe.rwise in aocordanca with appHcable law. r='01��=- <br /> 'Rie Funds shall be held in an insKtudon whose deposics arc insur�ed by a teden3l agency,instrumentelity,or enury (including `:_"s=:,':�;: <br /> ..� Lender.If Lendtr is such an insbwdon) or i�� any Federal Homc Loain Baak.Lender shall apply ttte Funds to�ay tho Escrow __'_�-- <br /> * Icems.I.ender may nat chftrge Borrower for holding and applyiag the Funds. annuelly analyzing the escrow occoun�or vedfying i°_. <br /> the Pscrow Ittms,unlass Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law peimits Lender to makG such a charge. �"- - <br /> However,Lendu may roqWre Borrowa to pay a one�timc charge for an independent real estata tax nporting serv�e usod by �___ <br /> � Lender in connecdon w(th this loan, unless spplicabk law provides othetwist+.Unless an agreement is mede oc epplicable law <br /> ',` .,� requires intexest to be paid,Lcnder st�all not be requirod w pay Bomowe�any uiterest or eaznings on tho Funds_ Borrower ond <br /> , Lender may agroo in writinng,however,that intc�est shall bo paid on the Funds,Lender shall give to Bosrowu,without chazge,en <br /> • Ann��rn�mNn��f rhe Fnnda chnwina credirA and debits m the Fund.c end the nu�ose for wlvch cach debit to Ihe Funds wav <br /> mude.'Itie Funds are pkdged av addiHonal secuinity fa all sums secured by this Securlty IasLrument <br /> . � If tho Funds held by I.endei aaceed the amamts purnitu,�f w be held by appHcabla]aw.I.ender shaU account to Bo:rower for <br /> *�.'!� . the eacess F�1�nds in Bccordance with the roquiu+emuits of appUaable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lendel et any tlme i� <br />==`=����r;+�" not sufficient to pay the Ssraow ItRms ahen duP,Lender may so notify Bottowet in wridng.and,in such case Borirowe�sltall pey <br /> �-"� '' '`�� to Lendu the a�nouat ne.cessary to malce up the deficicncy. Borrower shaU mako up the deficiency in no mon ttaan twelve <br /> �,; <br /> .:.�.�,:�..� <br /> -:,��sr�r.'_14. . monthlY Perymenis�at LetidePs sok discretton. <br />�,;-�,��;�;;"., � �A�P�Yment in full of all sums secund by this Secucity Instrumcnt,Lcndar ehall promptly refund to Bortowa sny Funds <br />;;:;;,�,:•,::�. held by Lendrr.If.unda peragta�h 21,I,endes shaU ecqnite or scll the Fropaty�Lendet.prlor to the ecquisitio�a 5ale of the <br /> -_�?:r.,,� Pcoperty.sheU eppiy any FucWs held by Le�sder at the dme of acquisiflon or sale�s a credit against the sums socurc�by this <br /> :^, Sceurity Insrrument <br /> ��� 3.Applicatbn of Poymesta. Unless appllcublc law provides otherwise,ell paymuits reccived by Lender unda p�regraphs <br />_..4,.�,�.�,,,� 1 and 2 st�all bo applied: flcs6 w anY P�Y�t charges due onder the Noto�seca�d�to a�nounts payabk ander pa�gra�h Z; <br />. a.:,�;-���;,�,� �tiird,to intaest duo�fourth�to princtpal due�sad last,to any late chacges duo wder the Note. <br /> ;__.�,: 4.Clwe�es;Ltaos. Bomowa shatl pey all ta�ces, assessmente,charges.fines end imposldoas aaributabk ta�he Propaty <br /> - -_= which may attain priority ova this Seciuity Insaume,�t,and kasehold psyments or ground rents.if any.Horrower Flull pay these -- <br /> _=�'' o6liguions in the menna ptovickd in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manna�Boaower shall pay them on dme d'ue�ctly to the <br /> -�'� (xsso� owal paymen�Bormwu aha11 procnpsly fumish W Lender all notcces of amounls to be peid under this paragreph.ff <br /> -�,�.'�� Bamwa rtwkes these ptyments direcdy.Barowa st�all promptly fumish w I.ender recRipts evjdencing the paymea�t� �_ <br /> _._. Bosrower shall P�P�Y di.sct�argo any lien which has priority qver this Securiry Tnsuvment unless Bomower.(a)a�roes fn <br /> writing to the peymens of tho obligation socured by the !kn in a ma�uier acceptable to Lendrr;@)contests in good faith the l� <br /> ` �"4��' by. or defends ag�it�et enforcement of the lien in,legel pmceedings which in the Lender's opinion operale to prevent the - <br /> --_^�—'� enforcemcnt of the lien�or(c)secures fmm the holdc� of thc Uen en ag�eement sausfactory w Lendcr subordinatieg the lien co ° <br /> -�"'''�'�-�- this Socurity InsO�ument If I.cndcr deUem�ines that any pa�t of tfie Property is sub,ject w a Uen which may attaiti priorit�+over this -- - <br />���;:"-��•��:= Secwity Insnument,Lenclu may gtve IIorrow�r a nodce ide�idfying thc liai.Borrower shall sadsfy the Hen oc taYoo�e or more = <br /> •:� :,.-�<< <br /> =�_ �_ :: of tho actions set fotth above within 10 days of the givtng of nodco. = <br /> � - �.. :r,:�,, Forn� aosa vroo �_- -- <br /> ,_�;..,, _ <br /> - �•6R(NE1lo2t21.01 Pap�2 ot e Idl�4s; -' „ <br /> _ ^�7+.�:, _ <br /> ;''r;, <br /> .. '.��:'t-�-r: <br /> i � �.'i�<i�.'^'..,"-_=° <br /> . !l� _' <br /> _r:'v:,_ <br />- . • i::`-:i;•- <br /> �w�....�.-� r. :c.z:...-.� <br />. .���� , ._'_—.-•^-�•-,._ ... '� .;�_�',:i.: . . r��` v- <br /> . .... <br /> � __•_ !_�_ . r • ' , <br /> -= -- _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - °-_ -- -_ -- °- _ -� _ _ _ _ _.._ _ �r`' <br /> �� -- __ _: _ . _ _-- _ - -- - -_ - --- -- � -- - - - -__-° -- _ .. - <br /> . � -, , -,� <br /> . .. "" � . <br /> „ . " � . <br /> ,� . <br /> - ` .. . . .. �. ., � , <br /> .. , � . .� _ . n .. . .. <br /> ., _ � . . .� - �;,`�i. . '_ ' .. � . . <br /> � .. . . � ' ., i.. ' . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> : � , <br /> , <br /> . .. ' , ..> .� , • <br />