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... • ' . , �,, r,,, . a. <br /> `�i:r.�, <br /> � . . .'Hi1.� :;��- _ <br /> .._��—� �(�' �'y�{� <br /> .__. . —_-- _� _' ____— — .� ... � �. <br /> �q� —�__ _'. ! , ' . . . .. ..•.lYI� '1 ..��.;•l��� <br /> .�ti -.v�.l�,.—..; , . ., ..�A�...-i..�c,:.a��rxva.v:n�WYMra�7datat:.c..`.:. . .., .. . . . , ..r,*��w�Y . _. <br /> �`ro'. .. . L,,_ ::�Ti�`3i�" <br /> , f . . _. ... . , �:'�_- .._.� <br /> .. V— .. ".. '�•aS�i�p1Y,�.p-rv. <br /> , �.G9556 _ <br /> • 16. Ii�Prower's Copy Aorro�ver ehall l�.given une conformed copy of the N�te and af thin ecurity Instrument. ' <br /> � � 17. Trnn��or �f 4he Peoperty or n Heneficial Intere5t in Aorrower. If nll or uny part of the Property or nny <br /> intereat in it ia sold or transfarred(or if a beneficial intereat in Borrower ie sold or tranaferred and Borrower i�not n <br /> natural porson)without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,et ite option,require immediate payment in full of - <br /> all Aume secured by thie Security Inetrument. Howaver, thia option shall not be exorcieed by I.ender if exercise is , <br /> � prohiUited by tederel law an�P the date of thie Security Inetrument. ' <br /> It I.ender axarcises thie flptian,Lendar ehall give Horrower notice of acceleration.Tha notice shall provide a period <br /> of not less than 30 daye from the data the notice is delivared or mailed within which FiorrowQr muat pay all sums secured • <br /> by thie Su:urity Ineteur�ient.If Borrowcr fuils to pay th�e sums prior to the expiration of thia period,Lender msy invoke • <br /> • any remedIes permitted by this Security Inatrument without further notice or damnnd on Borrower. • � ,. <br /> 18. Borrowor's Rlght to Roinetato. If Horrower rneete cerwin c.onditione,Borrowor shall hnve the right to have <br /> entorcament oi thie Securit�Inetrument discontinued ut any time prior to the earliar of: (n)S deys (or such ather period <br /> ..�.:.e+� • ne applicuble law may specify Por reinetetement)before sale of the Proporty pursuant to any�ower of sale contained in <br /> . �- thie Security Inatrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. fhose conditione ere that ."� <br /> � Hotrower: (a) pays L.ender all suma which then would bo dua under thie Security Instrument and tha Nota as if no , :::�'- <br /> accaleration had occurred; (b)cures any defnult of any other covanants or agreemente;(c)pays ni�expens�incurred in ���;:��.`�` <br /> entoscing thie Security Inatrument,inclu ding,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees;and(d)tal:es such action as � • ';<��<,;�'�.,•�� ._: <br /> '6" - �`:r.Ai'.ilPe!7:--.. <br /> • ' Lender may reasonably requira to assure that the lien of thia Security Instrument,I.ender's rights in the Property and t;�,' :-�,;,. ,� <br /> � Bornower's obli�ation to ay the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continuo unchanged.Upon reinstatement ' r�''�`;i; �:;��' <br /> '` by Borrower,ttus Security Inatrument and the obli ations secured hereb ehall remain full effective es if no acceleration <br /> ., � Y Y ;::��.�':' -- - <br /> had occurred.However,this right to reinatnte shall not apply in the case of accelerution undor paragraph 17. :�+�'-` <br /> �� �' 19.Sslo of Note;Change af Loan Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in tha Note(to�ether with thie Security '���""` <br /> ���":._.-- <br /> �` Instcument)may be sold ona or more times without prior notice to Bonov�er.A snle may reault►n n change in the entity �_ v <br /> � (known ae tha"I.aan Servicer")that collec:ts mon8hly payuzenteduo under thc Note and thia Security�Instrument.There —�.�:_ - <br /> �` slso may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to q sele of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan , ,:�::. <br /> �' Servicer,aorrower will be iven written notice of tha chsn e in accordance with aru ca h 14 above and a licablo law. �"'i�: <br /> P g PP rz�,._:_. <br /> ' � The notice will stata the name and address af the new Loan�Servicer and the address to w�ich paytnents should be made. —,,_��: <br /> The aoticcs will also contain any other informution required by applicable luN. � <br /> 20. Hnzardous Sobstencos.Honower ehnll not cauae or permit the presencc,,use,,or releaso of w„u <br /> .�,,.� '� any Hazardous SubAtances on or in the Proparty.Borrower shall not do,nor nllow anyone elea to do,anything affecting �_�-= <br /> � •-,:::.:;: � the Property that ia in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shell not apply to tha presence, <br /> . � `�' r' use, or storage on the Property of aYnall quantitie.9 of Ht�zerdoue Substences thet are senerally recognized to bs �'�� <br /> ���' appro�priate to normal residenttal usaa and to maintenance of the Property.. �i;;:�::�m� <br /> , Bonower shall promptly give L,ender written notice of any investigution,claim,demund,lacvsuit or other action by <br /> � �-! � any governmental or regulatc�ry agency or private party involving the Property and anY Hazardous Substanca or <br /> ' "�'`'`��G� Bnvironmental Law of which Borrower has actuel knowledge.If Borrower learne,or ie notified b�any governmontel or <br /> t'E..'� � SASL BI1 TCiriOV8j OI' Oi}leT icmccii$i101i Oi "aij� iioZ3S�t3L'S vu��.871Cv urr�:7SS� t�:C p!^�E:'t� :° -- _ <br /> , . � ,.;:.;'• regulatory authority, y <br /> •�:�;... <br /> - necessary,Borrower ehnll promptl�v take all necessary remeclinl actions in accordance with Environmental w. <br /> '' ' As used in this paragraph 20, Hazsrdous Substences"aro those eubstancea dafined ae toxic or hazardoue substences <br /> "'`° "1 by Envirdnmental Lnw and the Yoll�owing substances:gasoline,kerosene,othor flammable or toxie petroleum producta, <br />.: �� taxic �pp�icides and herbicides, volatila solventa, mnteriale containing asbestos or formaldohycla, end radioactiva <br /> �:::yry`�':"'s•:4.� • F_--• • � e <br />_;�:�„.-,�t,: ,, matenals.Ae used in this paragraph 20, Environmental Usw meanA federnl lawe ond lawe of the jurisdiction where the <br /> -=�����sr • Property ie located that relate to health,safaty or enviranmontal protcction. <br /> °" �-•" ' '"� NON-UNIFORM COVEIJANTS.Bonowor and I.endor furthercovenant end agt�e as follows: _ <br />_°�`_',`�� 21. Acceleratioa; Remedies. Lendor ehall �ive notico to Borrower prior to �cceleratian follawiag <br /> B o r r o w o r's b r e a c h o f a n y c o v e n s n t o r�greoment in this Securit y Inatrumoat(but n�t prior to acceleratioa <br /> �°y-�.=��;.�� under ptra�raph 17 unlosa�pplicable law providea othorwiso).Tho notice shall specify:(a)thd de fault;(b)t he <br /> -�_="=°��`q,.� actioa required to cure the default; (c) � date, not less than 30 d�ys trom tho date the notice ie �iven to <br /> -'_��;��,��o� Borrower. by which the dofsult must bo curad;ead(d) th�t fdlure to curo tho def�ult on or beforo the dato <br /> �--'�°�� specified in the notice m�y reeult in acceler�tion of the sum�secured by thie Securit�Inatrumaat�nd eale ot � <br /> °�'��`-"r-�� the Property. Tho aotice ehall lurther iniarm Borrower oi the ri�ht to roinatate�Tter accoler�tioa and the � <br />-��"'�'��� rieht to brin� a court action to essert the aon�existenco of� def�ult or�ay other detcnae oi�onower to <br /> - ----_-- acceleratioa and salo. If 46o detaait is no4 cueed o��ae balarc the dato cpecified in the aottce, L,onder, at its <br /> -"'� option, may r�quire immedi�te paymonit in full oi dl �ums secured by this Security Inetrument withoot <br /> T.vy�' further dam�nd aad m�y iavoke the power oi sale�nd any othor romodies permitted b�► applicablo law. <br /> ''��_w�'� �,eador shall be entttled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing tho remodiea providetl in this paragcsph <br /> �. :�: <br /> -<�r� 21,includia�.but not limited to.rwson�blo attorneys feos and costs o!titlo evidence. <br /> _ -a <br />