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w. � <br /> i. .��1� ., " ,,, ,•���v�:..',�,,,:,i��: <br /> —�' � ,. , ° - -- ,�_�. . �`i r i S?;- <br /> , .. . .�� �J��r, . ._. . . . . '�`:. .. . . - -- ,�,,,..1�.+'.c+++:...�.JiP7NR��+rit,t�11 _._,,'�_���Ya�l� -.. <br /> . . <br /> ,�, ..��.N.r.r�rnt4.ww.....w,....�• uc....•... . _ — �nnar:r,.. . .. .. . -----.- . -'.. .... ...- — <br /> _.� _..�=_�_ . <br /> . _ �,��..-...r._ ._::. ... __ . . . . ....•. �kfi... -._ <br /> . .� . _.. . . . . � �1���� �b��.i�`°+[. <br /> � ��h,r�`Crv::. -: <br /> � ' "}, `f. <br /> . nY thc optinn of I,ondor, il mr�r�gnRo inr�urnnco c:e�vernge (in tho em�unt end tor tho paricid thet I,�ndor rcqii f�q) ,., •�,. <br /> �r��vicleG ry nn inm�ror np�r��ve�i by I.oncicr QE;nln becames ovnilnblo nnd in�ihtnined,Hnri•ower nholl pt�y tho pra�futnu , <br /> rec{+dred t�a maintain meirtgag� Innurence in ottect, ur t�� pruvida e lur�� rese�rvo, until tho rcyuiran�ont Pnr r��urqgr�{{o '�,•,`,'�, <br /> ineurenco ende in�cccarclenea�vitheny wretton�greajment hotweon Hnrrciwor nnd I,�ndor or epplicablo Inw, ��"�� <br /> . y,InsReutian,l,�nde�or i tn�Qdnt mey meka ree��nabla ontrleq u�C�n end innpectlon��i�t tho Property,I�:Y►dr�r shall . <br /> � giva l;c�reawor nndco at the timo�d��r prf��r t��an in�pection npecltyin6 riarumablo cnu�o t��r tho Inr��cati�m, � . . <br /> ;� 10, Condomn�tlem. 'I'ho�r�:eede af any ewerd o� cldrn tar demege�,direct nr amneyuontiel,in��cmn��ticm with <br /> any condomnetlon or athar taking c�f eny pert ot tha I'roperty,ur Pc�r cnnveyence in li�u c�t c�ndomn�ttnn,nre hc�r�by �. <br /> ' asslgneQ and ehall bn peid to I.endor. .�, � <br /> .. ;•';r,��f�� En the event ot e tatal takingot the I'raperty, tho proceeds ehell be epplied to the sumH seaurcd by thit�S�curity i;.,,�,:;4��° <br /> � Inetrument,whether or nat then due.with eny oxces.�paid to Aorrrnver.In tha ovent oP e partial teklna��P tha Pr�(x�rty in ';��"• 7 <br /> - * •�.:...;. �•_. <br /> which tho feir merket valuo of the Froporty immedietely betoro the teking iA equal to or great�r than the amount of the : •.�..;.,;c <br /> ������ aums secured by thie Security Inatrumant immediately betore tha taking,unless Dorrower and I.end�r othurwice agrea �i,:`:;..,�... <br /> ' � in writing,tho sume secured by this Sccurity Inetrurnent shall ba reduced by the amount ot tha proceed�multiplied by ^;,,,;, ;�.. <br /> • tha tollowing iraction:(a) tho toml amount of tha eume secured tmmediataly bcfore tho takinp,divided by(U)tho fair ;�.,'+•,�,,;:�� <br /> •<,f.S�.-d <br /> � � market valuo of tha Property irnmediately betore the taking. Any balenca shall ba paid to Borrower. In the ovent o!a eS,_�l Jh�+-� <br /> �• . �; partial taking of tha Property ir��hich the fair market value af the Property immediately befora tho takina ia less than =w::__= <br /> ' :� the amount of tha sume sacured im mediatoly betore the teking,unless Borrower und Lender otherwise agree in writing �+�-��_ <br /> or unlcss applicabla law otherwise� provides� the proceeda shall be applied to the aume securcd by thls Security ��?%�~f__ <br /> LL. , IiYStrument whether or not t he sums are t hen due. - <br /> ',�'.,: �" �!f tha Property ie abandoned by Borrower,or it,after notice by L,ender ta BorroMes that tho condemn�r offers to _ <br /> • ' r�ake an award or settle a claim tor dameges,I3orrower faiis to respond to Lenc�e: �vithin 30 days aftar the date the _.__ <br /> ��� notice is given,Lender ie suthoriZed to callect and t�pply the proceeda,at ite option,eithor m restarntion or repair of the e,,,_ <br /> � Property or to tha sume secured by thie Security Insttument,whether or nat then du�. �--_ -� <br /> Unless Lender and Borrowerotherwise a�ree in Nt�ting,nny applicntian of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ��;,,,.,_ <br /> •�i�;'r�:'-:�` postpone the due datd of the monthly paymente ro,erred to in p�►grnphs 1 and 2 or change tha umount of such - <br /> :;;,;, . � : .. ` Payments. "� <br /> _,����+`j,r��.��.� 11. Bonower Not Released; Fo�3�taraaa By Lender Nmt n Naivar. Extension of tha time for payment as <br />�._;,�:'.-; mvdification of amortization of the suma secured by this Security Instrument grnnted by Lender to any successor in �,�;,y <br /> �b•:c�;�: <br /> •-�•+4'�'�'" interest ot Borrower shall not aperate to release tho liability of the original Borro�var or Borrower A auccessors in •�-<_ <br /> ��..,_.r.. <br /> ,..;s:��c;� . intareat. Lender shall not be required to commenctl proceedin�against nny aucceseor in intereat or refusa to extend --- <br /> =w y"1'�'� time tor paym�nt or otherwise modity amortiza4ion of tho sums secureid by this Security Instrument by reason of nny — <br /> ..:��^.� ..�,. <br /> �w� : '•�• demand made by the originel Aorrowar or Borrower's successoce in intore9t.Any forbearnnce by I.endor in exercising <br /> �-:`<��a:��.:<� any righc or mmaiy nunia i,oi�v a w�,;��r af ar�,:.,..:v�e Yhe s�erci�Qf enY rig},f�,*rRmP�y. � <br /> �; � .k.:". <br /> ;,f�f�:..••° 12.Successora aad 1LssagnA Bound;Joint and Seve��l Liability;Co-aignorn. The coves�ante and agreementrs _- <br /> _;,`•:�,�.�;�4', of thie Security Indtrument sh�ll bind and benefit the succeasors and assigns of Lander and Borrower,subject to the ____ <br /> ___='�;a.s��`' � provisions oY paragraph 17.Borrowet's covenants and agrcements ehall be joint and scsveral.Any Bonower who co-signs <br /> -__ <br />