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'Cru�tefl ehvll�pply the praceeds uf ehe eel�tn tt�o tollotvine arder; (s)to�!i co�ts <br /> and erp�enre� ot Axerci�in� the power oi eale, �nd tho e�le, includluQ tho paymcnt ot tho 'ttu�tee'e tetle <br /> �otu�ll3►inr•urred,not to oxceod � pq�� � at tho principd smount at tho note at the timo at <br /> the decl�r�tloa ot doi�ult�eud re��anebie�ttnrneye'leen�a pormittod by I�N; (b)to dl eume secured by thim <br /> Seuurlty Instrument;and(c) any oYCeae ta the porson or poreone leedly entitled to it. _ <br /> 22. 1lteconvoyaaca. Upott peymont o4 ell eums encured by thie Secueiey Inetcurnent� Lender shall r�quc;st TrusYC� � <br /> to ra:onvey tAe Property nnd ehell surrond�r thie Security Inetrument and e11 notea evidencing debt secured by thie <br /> Security Inetrument to Trustoe.Truatea shell recoiivey the Property without wananty and �vithout charge to the porsan <br /> ar peraons lcgally entItlod to it.Such person or persons ehell pay eny recordation coste. <br /> 23. Substituto Trusteo. Lender,st ite option,may from tima to time remave Trustee and appoint a euccessor <br /> trustee to eny Trusteo appointed heteunder by an instrumont recordeA in tha county in whiah thia Seourity Instrument ia <br /> recorded. �Vtthout conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shell eucceed to sll the title, powor and duties <br /> wnfened upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br /> 24. Request for Noticos. Borrower requeata thnt wpies of the natices of defeult and eale ba eent to Barrow�•'s <br /> addrees which ie tha Property Address. <br /> 25. Itlders to thlo Security Instrunneat.It ona or more ridera are axecuted bi�Borro�ver and recorded toget��r <br /> with this Security Insuument, tha covenante and agreemente of each such rider sha11 be incarporated into and ehs11 <br /> amend end su�plement tha covenanta end agreemente oi thia Sccurity Inetrument ea if the rider(s) were n part ot thia <br /> Security Instrument.[Cheek applicable box(es)] <br /> Adjuatable Rate Rider Condomiaium Rider 1-4 Family Rider <br /> Cstaduated Paymen212ider Planned Unit Development Rider Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Ridar Second Home Rider <br /> VA Rider Other(s)[epecify] <br /> BY SIGNING HBI.O�rV, Borrower accepte and agreea to tht terms and cov�ante�ontained in this Seourity <br /> Tnstrumcnt a nd in any rider(e)axecuted by Bonower and record�pytth it� � � <br /> Witnessea: � -� ' <br /> (Sesl) <br /> L �� -Horrowor <br /> . ��/ (Seal) <br /> �� x I�� -Borrow�r <br /> (Seal) (Seal) <br /> -Borrower •Borro�ver <br /> 5TATE OF NB19kASKA, Couniy as:pp�, <br /> Tho[nregniag inatrument was acknowlodged beforo me this 6� dny of � , 19�6 � <br /> bY Ci�t]L9� L 1Q��D J�i 1C T��I, 80�I BII�,� PS�Q�H, . <br /> Witncse my an end notnn at �� �,� . in sai County.the atoresaid. <br /> � <br /> My Co�tamiesion EYpires: <br /> No! r !'ublic <br /> CENEML NO1RA1.gpw K�� <br /> � ' � JHN�;IF"':�L SCH�1•ir1DY <br /> �.,. �MfCN-n' %co.F--� '�� <br /> — _�, <br /> !�—BRWq�s��:ao� a�.e.e e Eerm 802� �/90 <br /> - �—��'�� y�!M(� i w����;�__y�+,��x.• �ir1t�: ..-.w+r, -_--�'=----_ . . <br /> -__ �/ .,41,r:�,_f' S�,`.IL4�F� _�°'►�t7w1eS��.ff3'u�"��.'.'tlp, t�f{.�, _�, <br /> ���.�SY�+*� —T.�-i•S�-:-:•::S�,j .. -.�--_ :.+V.�I�C V�K .�- _ <br /> .-:��'F..59��A`h+}. 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