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. , . .. . . , <br /> i• �wV�� ' ' • , • 1 � . . �'Y._-. <br /> �_ � _ ' �: .'_ <br /> —_'__---__ .l_ _-__— <br /> , �ehr�r�..•.ttiy.l.,.+.,�,�•••.r.wN�a�«..ti...�thw��vrnsn^KC.e+y.=cwr.►Wt�r.dt�G�n `�J�►'rM+�-•� .-- . .. . _ : _��:. .: <br /> .� " . ''�.�-�M�� 6�Nf4-K,t.. ....__. . - - . . . °. . . . . �-. <br /> /�QC c ai.i]^ <br /> .•_ ef.� �.. �,11�7�7�Ui �-�, <br /> . ' S. Ha�ard c�r Pr�pxicty lnsusmce. Aorrawor Ahnil kcap the improvemontc�n�w exieting or hereaitor orected on �' <br /> � � the Property insuecd uaainnt l�:�s bY tire,hniarde inaluded within tho term"vKtonded cover�ge" nnd eny other haznrde, <br /> including Pluodr�ne flandin�,fur v+hicl► I,ender rcnuirc:s innuranco. 'l'hir� innurnn�:o nhnll bo mnintained in tho ame�unte <br /> enc!t�r tha peripde tht�t I.�ndar requires,'1'ho innurencu corriLr p�mviding tho infsuronco ehnll Uo char,en by Horrmver <br /> .� ' � subJect tn i.�ncter'e nppravol•+�hich ehell n�t bo unrea�nably withhvld,ii liurnnver tnilr+tn melr�tnin covorago descriUed <br /> � abovo. IAncl�r may,nt landr�r's aption� oh4ein cuverege m pre�nce l,ender'A rightca In the Prn{wrty in acccfrdenco with <br /> +� p�r�graph 7. <br /> � A11 dn9urance polir,ion �nd renewslA ehall bo ncceptahla to I.ondor end ehell incl�u�d'�e����hell�prompt y�give to <br /> I.endci• �hn1l hnve thc righs to hold tlzo�x�licics�nd renewnle. If I.endcr requireA, „ <br /> " ._� Londee nll receipte ot�n�d promfume uad renowal natices.In tho avent of losa,liorrower shell givu pror�ipt nc�tice ta the <br /> -�-� i n s u r t�n�c R c e r r i e r a nd I.endnr.I.cnder mey make prnaf c�t iaes if not mado promptly by Aorrower. <br /> �;�{ Unlcrs I.ondor and Bo�•rotiver atharwiso a�ree in writing,ineurt�nce proce e ds s ha l l b e epp lie d t a r e s t o r a t i o n o r r a p a i r <br /> � of tho Property damaEccl,i�the restoratian ar repair ie economically teaeible and L,ender's security ie not lessened.If the <br /> • re9torntion or repair ia n�t ecanomically teasible or I.ender's securlty would bo lessened,tha ineuranca praceede ehall bo <br /> s � applie�i to tho sume se�cur+:+d by this Security InAtrument,whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower.If .t' <br /> c <br /> b Hattowae abandone tha Raperty,or d�es not answer within 30 d¢ya a notice irom 1.ender that the insurance carrier hae <br /> �' oftored to settlo a clnim,th�+n I.ender may collect the inaursnce proceedA. Lender may usa the proceeda to repair or ��- <br /> restoro the Property or to�Say aums secured by thie Security Inetrument�whecher or not then due.The 30'day period will _ <br /> �. � begin when the notico ia g�ven. _ <br /> Unle�s I.oncler end Borrower otherwise agreo in writing,any application ot proceeda to principal shnll not extend or __ <br /> _ • , ' postpane tha due dnte of tihe monthly paymenta raferred to in paragcapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. <br /> � If unc��r part►graph 21 thu Property is acquirad by I.ender, Borrower'e right to any insuranca policies end proceeds � <br /> Pa <br /> resulting from drsmogo ec�thd Prog.."rty priar to the ecyuisiti�n shail pass to Lender to the axtent of the sums secured by ` <br /> this Se�urity Instrum.�ntimmediately pnor to the acquisition. _ <br /> b.Occupancy,lE°�tes�rv�tioa.MaiuteAance and Ptotection of the Prop�rty; Borrower's Loan Application; _ <br /> Loeseholds.Borrowc�r shall occupy,establieh,and use the Pi•operty as Borrower's principal residence within eixty daYs • <br /> � after tha execution oi thi� Security Inatrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrawer's principal "' <br /> :;;�;. residence for at least�na year after thv date ot occupancy,unlesa Lender atherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall <br /> � :�� .: <br /> +.,.., � not be unraesonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumetances exist Nhich are beyond Borrower's cantrol. orrower <br /> ;,,„n• ehull not destroy,damo�e or impair the PropertY,a11ow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the PrapertY• <br /> Bnrro�ver ahall be�in dofault if any torfeitura action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is lregun that in Lender's <br /> '- :-..`'•"� good faith judgment could result in for[oiture ot the Property or otherwisa materially impair the lien created by thie <br />��:�: "' � ° Security Instrument or 1..ender'e security intetest. Borcower may cure such a default and reinstete, ae pravided in <br /> ;:.:�•,'�, paragroph 18, by cauning tha action or proceeding to ba diamissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith <br /> ;,��;;tl. , decerminaiion,prectt;�ss farfaiture of t!:e�a*rowP-*'s,ntesreat in the Property or other material impairnsent of the lien <br /> -��`__�,_;:;�� creat,ed by this Se;curnty Instrument or Lender'e security,interest.Borrower ehall also be in default ii tiorrower,during <br /> __�-�;;;�;�:j.; the laen upplicatian pracese� geve msterislly felse or inaccurnte infarm�tion ar statements to �.ender (or failed to <br /> =_::v��:� provido Y.ender wich.any matenal information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Nota,indudiug,but not <br /> =--� limited to,repre�emtations conceming Borrower's cecupancy of the Property es e principal residence.If this Sxurity <br /> °==��� Instcument is on n let�ehold,Borrocrar eball comply with ell tha provisions of tha lease.It Borrower acquires feo title to <br /> V�-=-�-- the PropertY,tho leosehold end the tee title shall not merge unless I.cnder a�rces to tha merger in writing. <br /> �::,.�.,�,��. T.Protectic+n ot Lender's Rithts in the Property. If Borrower[aile to pertorm tho covenxnta end agreements <br /> - -- containod in thia Sacurity Inatrument,or there is a legel pracceding thet may significnntly aftect Lender's righte in the <br /> -'`�'"�<_.;,,�-,�� property (such es e proceedin8 in bankruptcy. probate. tor condomnation or torteiture or to enforco lawe or <br /> -����-�- ragulation�), thesn I.rnder may do end pay tor whatever is nxessary ta Protect the value of thn Property and I.ender's <br /> righto in tho Pr�ncsrey.I.onder's nctians mey includo paying any sume riecured by n lien which hae priority over thie <br /> - Sxurity InstrumAnt,nppearing in court,pay�ng taasonable attornoys'fas and entering on the Property to mnke rapaire. <br /> ----- -= Altltough I.onder nszy take action under thie parngrnph 7,Lender dces nut heve to do so. <br /> .: <br /> =-�'� Any amounta d'aoUursod by I..ender under this paregcaph 7 sha11 becotne edrlitional dobt of Bonower secured by tlus <br /> � --� Ser,urity I�►st�uc��ent.Unlc�B�rror�er nnd Lcnder agree to othGr tsrrne oi pnyment,these amounta ehall bear interest <br /> --- from tho dato of dint�ursement at the Note rato and shall bo payable,with interest.upon notice from I.ender to P�an'o�cr <br /> _ --= requcstin8 PaY��.ont. <br /> -- 8.Martgs►aa I��suttnce.It L,endor required mortgaga insurence ea a condition of mnking the loan secured by this <br /> Sxutity Instrun�ont.Borrower shall pay the premiume required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect.If,tor any <br /> —_'"�= roason,the mor4gnge insurance coverege requirad by Le�der lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bonower shall pay the <br /> -- - premiumo roquirecl to obtain coverege substantielty equival�nt to the mortgago insurana previously in effect,at a wst <br /> �,;.,� eubeiantially aluiv�l.ent to tha cost to Borrowcr oi the mortgage insurence previously in effect, from an alternato <br /> �-���:�,�; mortgag�: inaurer upproved by Lender. If substantielly equivalent mortgage lnsurance coveragg ie not available, <br /> ___-��� $or�ower shall �ny to Lender cach month a sum oqual to one-tweltth of Yho ycarly mortgage insurancc pr�mium being <br /> _:,�;:_,� ,, paicl by Borroa mr when tho inauranc�coveraga lapsed or ceased to be in�ftect.Lender will accept,use and retain these <br /> __;-s,3�,:;id�e?��,� payrrto.nts es a loss reserva xn. lieu of mortgage �n��runca. Loss reserve P8Yments may no longer 1oe .requirod, <br /> _ _'_£`S�ITV'#�� <br /> �;��� <br /> 'E..:,T-S uS�r.. ('{ <br /> Y , F�rm 30! 9� <br /> -- c.��<' �-6R�VEltosis�.ot v.p a o�e Inn�ai�: <br /> -:;�'rs'�'��'��.� <br />-- .':;,;,�#�.. <br /> ' -=-�^ _ <br /> . , , _ <br /> -� - ' � , . . �' �II`�' <br /> ..n ' � �._ .. . � . • - . .. <br /> . <br /> . � .. ' <br /> _ . .. <br /> 1 ;. 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