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Paymoat of Peincipal�ad Interoet;Prup�yrnerat�nd Late Ch�rgcs.Aorrower ehall promptly pay when duo c <br /> ,�;�� tha principal of and intere9t on tha debt evidenced by tho Nate and nny prepayment and 1 ate charges due under the Noto. _ <br /> �„ 2. Funde tor Taxoe and Insur�nce, SuU;sct to applicnble law or to a written waiver by Londer, Horrower ehall <br /> � � pay to Lender�n tha day monthly payments aro dua under tho Note,until the Note is paid in full,a Aum ( Funde") for: _ <br /> �• ::.� (a) yearly taxes and aesessmente which may uttain pri�rity over thia Security Instrumentas a lian on tho Property; (b) _ <br /> i � yet►rly leasehold paymenta or�round rents on the Proporty,iP xny; (c�yearly hazard or property insurnncs premiurne; _ <br /> `f (d)yet►rly flood insurnnc�pramiume,if any; (e)yearly martguga insurance premiume, if any;and(f)any eume payable <br />' by Borrower to Lendos,in accordf►nce with tha proviaionn at parograph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance _: <br />- premiume.Theso itcrrna are called "Esorow Items."Lender may,at any time, collect and hold Funda in an amaunt not _ <br />� • to exceed the mtucemum amount a lender for a federelly relsted mortgage loan may require fot Borrowet's escroN _ <br />;;�• <br /> � '��•�,� account under tl�e federal R�sl Estate Settlement Proceduces Act of 1974 as amended from time to tima, 12 U.S.C. - <br /> {�...j:..._`l.. � <br />��,�;., -,;;.:.:,. � Sectian 2b01 et seq.C��P�")� unleas anothar law that spplies to the Funds sets a le�ser amount.IP so,Lender may, _ <br /> �••�,; at any time,cullec4 and hold�un d s in an amouat noL to esae d t he lesser emo u n*. i,e n d e r e n e y e s t i m a t e t h a a m o u n t o f _ <br /> -��r4'::'. <br /> t::,•,:t'�1;k„•,.•, , Flmrls due on the basis af current data attd reasonaUle estiYnatea of expenditures of future Escro�v Itema or otherwise in _ <br /> ; '=�•:� � ac�ardance with applioable law. <br /> ,.`ir.., .. <br /> .� `:,���° The Funde et�sll bo held in a+i inatitution whcrsa deposits are insured by a federal agency,inatrumentulity,or entity - <br />��: �;;:;.:.:��s . <br /> ���'� (inclUding Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shnll npply th�k�unds to <br /> v,"• ,,. <br /> ';:'w pay the Escrow Items.Lender may not chargs Borrower for holding and applying the Funde, annuully anulyzing the <br />��-:,ri T:::f. . escrow account,or verifying tho Escrow Iteme,unless I.ender paya Borrower interest on the Funds and np�xl���ablcs law <br /> .�.�_.�•. <br /> �: permita Lender to make euch a charge. Hnwavor, Lender rnay require Borrower to pay a one-timP charge for an <br /> T"'�'"� independont ru►1 estate tax raporting service used by t.ender in connection with thie loan,unless applieable lew provides <br />�;;;��,;�Y�• otherwiso.Unlese an agreement ie made or applesable law roquires interest to be paid, Lcnder shnll not�e required to <br /> "_`•`°=`�- � Borrower an interest or earnin on the Funds. Horcowor and Lender may t�g�ee in wri:ing,ht�w�ver,�tfiat interest <br />=�'__��';c;,�_ PaY Y P� <br />�'��rr:,�w ehall be paid on the FuLnde.I.ender shall give to Borrovrcr,without charge,an an�►iis1 accounting oP 3fie Fu�n�is,sho.w��1ing <br />'_-—�-�:•-�n`.� GPO�lllti Itll4 4GUlttl t�!Zttv�Lnuo SIIu,wi°v y�::q.L)w^P fL`:19r�:lL �'..°rh�a�it 1f1 tI�P_.Rl1i1l�A NBrs T11flL�C.Tt18 FU11�9 lIP�•DiP.dRcY ES <br />�.""�"`�"'�"����(� additionnl security tor�ill suma secured by this Security Iiustrument. <br />_—�':;u.._-- <br /> -_,,,���,;;;:,�� li the Funds held by Lendet exceed the amounts pormitted to ba held by applicablo law, L,�snder ehall account to <br />__;.-;;���� Borcowor for tDe excesa Fun�ls in accordance with the roquitarnents of applicable law. If tho amouat of the Funds held <br /> -- by Lend�r at any time is not suFficient to pay ths Ficrov� Itoms when due,I,endBr may so notify Borrowrr ixe writing, <br /> �="�= nnd,in such case Borrower shall pay to Lendcr the amount neassary to make up the deticienoy.Borrower ehall meke <br />—__-- up tho deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> --�- Upon payment in full of all eums securod by this Security instrument,Lender ehall prom�tly refund to Borrower <br /> —_-—� any Funds held by Lender. It,under paragraph 21. Lendcr shall acquiro or sell the Proparty, Lender, priar to tho <br /> �.�s;;,,� acquisition or eale of the Property,shall apply c+ny Funds held by Lender at the tima ot ucquioidon or sate es e credit <br /> -- - againsR the sums exurad by thie Sceurity Instrumtnt. <br />---- 3.Appltcatlon of Paymeats. Unless applccnbto law provides otherwise,all payrnente received by I,ender under <br /> - - paragrephs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prcPayrnent charges due under the I�Toto; s�ond,to amounts payable <br /> — - und�er paragreph 2;third,to intorest duo;fourth,to principal duo;end last,to any lato charges duo under tho Noto. <br /> - 4. Ch�rjes; Liens. Botrower shall pay all tauem,esse�rnents,charges, finea and impositiona attzibutable to the <br /> _ ----= Property which mey attain priority over thin Security�nstn�ment,and len�ehol�l payments er ground rent�,if any. <br />- -- � Borrower shall pay these obligations in the menctcr providod in paregraph 2,or�f not paid in that mnmuer, �Bot�'ower <br /> shall pny them on timo dirx4ly to the person ov�od payrnen� Borrower shall ptomptly furruoh to Leitder a91 x�otices of <br /> amounte tv be paid under tlua paragraph.If Borrowex�makcs theae payaaents directly, Borrowcr shall prom�tly furnish <br /> to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br />,..,.� Borrower shall promptly discharge any licn wt►9ch has priority over this Security Instrumont unless$rarawwer.(a) <br /> -------= agroes in writing w the payment of the obligation cecura3 by the lien in a msnner aoceptablo to Lender;(b9 cantesta in <br /> - = good faith the lien by,or defends against cntorcem�nt of the lien in,legel proccedings whiah in the Lendar's opinion <br /> -- operate to prevent the entorcement of the licn;or(c)socurts from the hotder of the lien nn a�rcement satisfactory to <br /> - Lender subordinating the lien to this Security In�trurn�nt.IP L.ander d�termines that any part of the Propetty ia subjxt <br /> _ -_-----�'�`�' to a lien which:nay attain priority over thia Socurity In�^trument.Lender may give Borcowor a notice identifying the <br /> --� ��' lien.I3orrower shall eatisfy the lien or takcs ona or more at the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of <br /> _I:y�}:���� IIOLICC. <br /> ._::.o-�;.��iF3„�,1Y.yi <br /> _ ;'�;:",Y'," Fsrls 801� <br />--- - ' }� � �-6RUYE)t9:u�o� e•s•t.�e <br /> r�z 1,�- _. InItINs <br /> - si,:i <br /> �;L�.. <br /> '�Y-. <br /> �- . �rnt��.n.r -T _ __ _- _ <br /> .. ' <br /> . . .. . . � -.� . '_ _ <br /> :. . . . .. .Yi ' ' ._ ' <br /> .. <br /> .... <br /> . . . . . �"� 'L� . <br /> n • __ <br /> _ • �:�i!i�t�-�_'..:�:i�' �t.� <br /> _ _ = _ _ _ - -_— -- - ' <br /> .�_ - - - - - _ - -- - - - _ - __� __ - -- _... <br /> ..e.#� "�`��+°.. "�.�:'�- • . <br /> .. • . ` `y�� �� ', .� � . rA .., „ :y . . � ;' <br /> .. � �A ,, � ' •• .. . � .. .� . {' . �� . <br /> /S <br />,_ ' ., ' ' . . . . . �I • .. � .. <br /> . .. , � ' �t• f�f;tYr•:_ .. <br /> ;'` ,.'• .� " V . � , � (S '•�i''1��� •4 . r ., . <br /> �'�� <br /> . . . . �i':-. . . <br /> � � .. � � � . • S " <br /> .. . "-__.__ ..- �.._.�_�_. _. . ___._-_. <br />