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<br /> �rruceeds")I�connectlon wilh candeutnatlon or oiher tRklnD ot the Proporty or psrt thoroot,oP(or conveyance In Ilou of condAmnallon.
<br /> Londer ehall be entftisd At ite optlan to com�nance,a�ear In and prosecuta In Ite uwn nam�eny action or proC�edlnpa,end shall elsn
<br /> k►o�ntitled to muke any comproml?o or astHamnnt h�connoctton wilh s�ch takinp or damafle.In the eveM any portlon at tha Property le -
<br /> �o takan or dameQecl,Lender al�all havs Ihe optlon In Ite sote and absolute dlocrotlon, to appty aU uuch proc�eda, nft4r daduc4ln� _
<br /> therairom ell Coate end expertsea Incurred by It Ui cainectlon wtth eu�h Proceeds,upon eny Indebt�dnass secur6d haraby ar�d Iri euch _
<br /> orde►ee Lender mey cklermine,or to apply all such Proceeds,afler s�x:h deduct{or►a,fo the reslor�t{on of tho Property upon euci�ovn�
<br /> ditbne as Lero�er may determine.Any applicaqon of Procaede to Indebted�eaa ahall not extond or poatpone the due date o1 eny pay
<br /> ments uncNr d�Nols.a cun e�ny del�ult th�rsunrfs►or h�rounder,Any unapplled lunde ahall be pakl to Truator.
<br /> p,ParfornMnc�by Lmclor,llpon the occunence of an Event of Delault hereunder,or II sny aat Is taken or Iggal proceediny
<br /> carfrns,�cac1 ti�:kh mataria{ty a:tscta Lst�r�:,r'�Intora�t In th�Praparty,Lcnd�r may In it3 oem c�lscret�n,but wlthout ablipatlan to do sa. �
<br /> and wBhtwt notice to or dem�nd upon Ttuetor eu�d wlihout rotsasing Truator Irom any obl{pation,do any act which 7rustor hae�reod
<br /> �ut talled to cfn snd may elso do any other ect it deeme neceaeery to protect tha eecudty hereof.Tnestar sheli, Immeiilatety upon
<br /> demend therofor by Landa�,pay to Lencier ell coate and exponsea Incurred end suma expended by Lender in connecUon with Ihe exer-
<br /> ciee by Le�der ot Ihs fa�olr►Q rlphte,tt�qetiser with Intereat thereon et tho detault reto provkfed In the Note,�h�h shull be added to
<br /> the indobtedneaa aecured hereby,Lender shall�t Incur any Ilebflity becauso ot anythinp It may do or omit to do hereur►�ar.
<br /> 9. ?I�mrdouv M�t�tl�is.Tn.iator ehall keop the ProEseriy In compilanco with al! applicable lawa,ardinances and re0u�elio�e
<br /> relatinQ to intlustrlal hy�lone or environmentel prote:tlon(�ilectirely retarred to f�ere{n a�"Envlronman4al Lawo").Trusior eheell keep
<br /> tfie P�opo�ty Iree Iran ell subatencea deemed to be hazardous or toxlo under any Environme�tal Lawe(colfectivety reb�red to heroln
<br /> aa"Hazardoua MateNala').Truator hureby warranta and ropresente to Lender thM there aro no Hazertbus Materials on or under the
<br /> Properry.Trustor herc�by agrees ro Fndemnity ancl hofd harmtess Lender,its direator»,ofhcers.employees and eger►ts,and any�ucces•
<br /> sas to LendOrs Intrto�t,from end apainst any ar�d all claima,demagea,losses end Ilabilltios adsing In connect(on wiri�thn presence,
<br /> use,disposal o:trsnsport ot any Hazerdoua Materiala on,under,from or ebout the Property. THE FOREGOIN�WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.AsslQnnNnu of t�nl�.Tncator hereby assi�ns to Lender,and grante Lender e secu�ity interest iri.ail present,f�ture and
<br /> atteP arlsie�y rente,Iasuee and profits of the Property;provlded ti�at Trustor shall,untfl the oa:uRenca ol an Event of De(a�it,heraunder,
<br /> have the ripht to col6ect and retaln such rente,fssues end proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occuRerx:e caf sn Event of
<br /> Default,Lerxle�may. eilher in peison or hy egent,with or without bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receiver aQpolnted by e
<br /> couR and withoiit regab to tha edequaay of its securi.y,ente•r upon and take possessfon ot the Propadyr,or any part thereoi,in iis ov+n
<br /> nerne or In the namv ot the Trustee,end do any acts wh�h it deema necessary or desJrebie to presarve tha velue,marketability or
<br /> sence�ry a a�e Propeny,o►a�y part thereof a Irtterest therefn.or to increaae the incomo the�eirom or protect the securiry hereol end,
<br /> vrith or without taking possessiqn o(the Property,sue tor or otherwise collect the rents,issues end prolite ther9of,inciuding those past
<br /> due end unpa�d,by noGlying tenents to make payments to Lender.�ender may apply rente,issues and profito,less costs m»d psxpens•
<br /> ea of operaUon and coOecUa� includinp attomey's feAS,to ar►y indebtedness secured hereby,eH In such order as Len�bes may deter•
<br /> mk�e.The enterkg upon and taking possessiw►of the Prapenty,the coilei.�tlon of such rents,Issues end profite,erid N,��pP�icati�n
<br /> thereo}ss atoresafd shall�wF cure or waive eny defuuR or no:ice of detault hereurxier o�Invalidate any act done in reaponse[o suci�
<br /> deta�n o��,rs„a��:o s�,�n�onc� ot deta�n end, notwithstanding the continuanoe In possessan oi fie properiy or inn ai�:�,�:��
<br /> receipt end eppl�atbn of�nMs,Issu�s or profits,Trustee and Lentier sha11 be enUtled to exenci�e every rlght prarided tar in enY oi the
<br /> Loen Instn.ments or by Iaw upor►occurrer�ce of eny Event o}DefauR.Induding without IlmNatlon the dght to exeridse the power of eale.
<br /> FuAher,Letxie�'e ri�t�ts and remeclras under thls paregraph shall be cumulative w(th,end tn no way a IImNaUon on,Ler+ders riphb a�d
<br /> remed{ee wxler em+ss�qnme�t o!lease9 end rents reoorded agelnst the Property.Lender,Tru4tee and the reoofv�x ehall be liabla to
<br /> account ail y(or Wo�sa rents actually recelved.
<br /> 11.Ewnb oT OMa��t.lhe tAllowkq shell oonatitute an Event of Defeult un�ar this Deed of��uat:
<br /> (e)FaNure to PaY enY InstaNment of pdrv.�pel rx IMMeat of any dher aum securod heroty when due;
<br /> (b)A hreach ot or deleuR undef any provisbn ca►tefned fn the Note,thfs Deed of Tnret,any of tl�e Loan instnxner►ts, a ar►y =
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrence upon tM Proparly;
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or attechment or eny stmilar prxass shall be enlered eyainst Trustor wh�h shall becorne a IN�n on
<br /> the Property or any porUa�thereoi or tnterest thsrein;
<br /> (d)Thero shaH be fited by or a�elnst Trustor or Bom�rnrei an action under eny present a tuture fadenrl,state or Wher smiuW,
<br /> law or r�eyulat�on rok�tlng to bankruptcy,insohrenoy or other rellet for debtors;or thero shaN be eppointed any trusbe�reoeiver c+
<br /> liquldator of Truslor a Bonawer or oi all or any paA of the Proporty,or the rents,is.s�ws a profits U�ereot,or Truelor a Bom�wer
<br />- si��l r►a�e sr.y Qsr.aml:,wlgnm�nt tor tha G:.�nsli!ot cres�itors;
<br /> (e)The sa{e,transfer,lease.esstpr►ment,corwBYanoa or fuRher�ecumbrence of NI or eny paR M or eny InteroRt h the
<br /> Property,either vofuntarNy or Involuntarily,without Iho express writton crornant of Lender,provld�ed lhat Tn�stor ehall be pemwt•
<br /> ' ted to execute a lease of the PropeRy that doea not oontain an c�pUon ti�murchase and the te�m d)which does not exc�ed one
<br /> yeer,
<br /> (n Abe►�xnent of the PropeAy;or
<br /> (9) If Tnustor Is not an tndividual,the issuence,sa{e.transter.asstgnr�nont,corneyance or e*rr�mbrarxe of more tlsan(if e
<br /> coiporatipn)a total of paroent of its issued and outsterttlt��stock,or(if a partrier��t►iq)e totel of per•
<br /> cent of parn�rehfp interosb,or(if a limlted Iiabiliqr oompanY)a totel of percent of the INnited Nabiliry compa•
<br /> mr(nteresta or votlng dghb dudng the period thls Deed of Trust rertfetns a Iien on the property.
<br /> 12.Rem�dN�a;Acc�don Upon O�hutL In the event of eny Event of Deteutt Lender may,without notico except as r+equired
<br /> by law,dadare aN Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payebie with-
<br /> out any presentmeM.demand.protest or notice of any klnd.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a)Oe�t�and that Trustee exer�cise the PaWER OF SALE prer�ted herefn,and Trustse shatl the�eafter cause Tnutar's Inter•
<br />= est In the Property to be sqid and V�e proceods ta be distributed,NI In tho maru�er provided in the Nebreske 7ruat Deeds Ac�
<br /> (b) Exercise any and sll rtghts provided for In any of the Loan Instniments or by law upo�nccurrence of arry Gvent ot
<br /> Defeui�end
<br />- (o)Commen�en actlon ro toreclese thla Deed ot Trvst as a mortsage,eppolnt a rocolvor,or specificaly enbnce enY of the
<br /> covenants heteof.
<br />- No remedy hereki conlerced upa�or reserved to Trustee or Lencler Is ir.tended to be exctusive ot cir►y othar remedy heret�.(n ttie Loan
<br />= Instruments or by Iaw provlded or permitted,but eadt shall Q�e cumutaUve,sha11 be in additbn ta exery cthar romody ghren her�uode�.
<br /> In the Losn Instmments or now�r or hereatter exi&tlng at law or In equfry or by statute,and may be exe+rise4 concurrenty�fndepet�da�
<br />= orsvo�esively.
<br /> t4 T�ura Thn Tn�Ym mnv rnclnn af nnv tirfw�ulthmd C��!'a.affd L0(1[jB!fTISV 9I Bt1Y U(ife BIIf�W�WIl�C8U9g 9�irt 8 SUL�
<br />- ..��._�o..�—••-----
<br />- cessor or subst(tute Trustee.Trustee shall not bo Ilabte to any paRy,indudh�g witlwut Iimitetioi�Le�der,Borrower,Trustor a emy pur-
<br />�� chaser of the Property,tor any bss or damage unless due ts recklesa or vriilful misconduct.and shalt noi be required to tak�e any ectlQn
<br />+ tn connectbn wi�t�e enfarcement of thls Deed of Trust unless IndemnNied,in wriHng,tor all costs,compensatfon or expenses which
<br /> i may be assoclated therewiN. In addiUon,Tnistee may become e purchaser at any sals of the Propsrty Qudk�al or under the pawer ot
<br /> _ sato granted herefn):postpone the sale ot all or any poAlon of the Property,as provided by law;or se8 the Property as a whoie,or-in
<br /> � separate parcels Or lote at Trustee's discreUon.
<br />.� 14.F«s�nd Exp�nsN.1�the ovent Trustee selis tho Property by exercise of powor ot sale,Tnistee shall be entEtied to appty
<br /> = eny sa{8 prooBeds finst to pnyrnent of ell costs end expen�►s df exerdsing power of eale,tnctuding al!Trustee's fees,end LenOer's and
<br />-� T�ustee's uttorney's tees, actually lncurred to extent portnftted by appllcable iaw.In the eve�t Flo�rowet or Trustor exerctses c�ny reght
<br />-= provlded by law to cure an Event of[�fauM,Londer shall be entiUed to rocover from Trustor all oosts and expenses actualy incurred ad
<br />