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<br /> :�. 96- ��►951�
<br /> prir►cl�al amount o1 the Indebtedne$s secured by thie Deecf of Trust,not Inctudin9 suma ndvanced t!f•pmteci tPie security o}thla Qee[f o1
<br /> Trust,excee�the orbinal ptlnclpal amount statetl hereln,or S.___.�=Q�A•�iv� ,whlchevor le greator.
<br /> 1E1.MIRC�il�n�oue P�avislons. —-
<br /> (a)Banower Nc2 Rtl�aec9.@xtenslon o1 tho tlno(or puyrr,aM or���odfllcAtlon�f c�rnoRlxAtlon a!tii�euma c�curotl by thls �
<br /> Daed of Tn��t 4ranted by�.ende�to any succeasor In Interost ol Borrow.er ehail not operate to release,in arry manner,the Ilablll•
<br /> ty o1 the orlpinal Borrower and Borrowere euccessore In intereat. Lender ehail not he required to commenca proceedl►tps
<br /> epulnet sueh euceeeaor or retuae to extend time tor payment or otherwlae modly amortlzatbn ot tho eunc►s eeeured by thle
<br /> Deed ot Yru�t by reason of any demande mude by the orlatnal Borrower and Horrqwer's euccessoro In Intsreat.
<br /> (b)L�ndK'a Pow+n.W�thoul aflsclinp Me Ilabfl(ty o1 eny oMer penon Ilabte tor ths payment ol any obNpation hereln men•
<br /> qoned,end wlthout sflectinp the Ilen or charge of this Qeed ot TNet upon any portbn of the Propertyr not then or theretotore �
<br /> r�iea�sd es secudty for the tutl amount o4 all unpatd obli�ai{ons, Landar�uay,4eom timo to dm�crtd�althout ncst!co{I)rele*s9 �_
<br /> eny p�rson so Ilabl�, (II)sxterxl ths maturlty or�tter any ol th�tormt ot any such obll�tlone,(III)prent other Induip�rx��,(w)
<br /> release or conv�y,or cauee to be releaeed or reconveyed at eny tlme at LendePe optlon any parcel, poRbn or all of the
<br /> property,(v)take or retease eny other ar Additlonal security or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optbn�ny parcel,�wrtlon or
<br /> ell 01 th�i Property,(vi)teke or retease any other or additlonal secudty tor any obligatlon hereln menYkmed,or(vil)make compo-
<br /> sltlons of other arrenpemente with debtors in relatlon thereto.
<br /> (o)Forb��nc�by L�xMr Not�WaIvK.Any forboarance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth-
<br /> erwlse attorded by appucable law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise ot any auch rlght or remedy.Tha procure- _
<br /> ment of insurance or the payrt►ent of texes or�ther Ilens or charges by Lender shall rtot be a walver or Lendera right to acceter-
<br /> ata the matu�ity of the Indebtedness secured by thfs Deed oi TNSt
<br /> (d)Succ�swn and Assl�ns Bourxl;Jolnt�nd 6�vsral Ltabiltty;C�ptlons.The covenants and ar�reements hereln con-
<br /> teined shali b:nd,enci the righta hereurtder shell Inure to, the respective sucr,ess�rs and assigns ot Londer aRd Trustor.All
<br /> covenants end agreementa of TNStor shall be Joint and several.The captlons end headings of Uw paregrephs of thla Deed of
<br /> Trust are tor comrenience only and are rwt to be used to Interpret or define the provisior►s hereof.
<br /> (e)R��t tor Nadc�s.The p�rtles hereby requeat that A copy of any not�e o!detauit hereunder and a copy ot any no:ioe
<br /> ol sale heraux;ar ba maEiad to e�ch p�nyr to thls D4ed of Tru�t at the addr9es sat toAh ebove In the manner prescdbod by _
<br /> eppl�able law.Except for any other notice requirAd under appllcable law to be given in another man�er,any notice provided tor _
<br /> in thls Deed of Truat shaU be gNren by matling such r�otice by certitied malt eddressed to the other partles,et the eddress sat
<br /> torffi abme.Any notice provided(or In U�Is Deed oi Trust shall be eftective upon malling tn the manner destgnated herein.If
<br /> Trustor Ia more then one Person�not�e sent to the addresa set forth above shatl be notke to�ll such persons.
<br /> (�Insp�ctlon.Lender may make or ceuse to be made reasonable entdea upon end Inspectlons of the PropeRy,provided
<br /> that lender shall give Trustor notice pdo�to any such Inspectlon specitying reasonable cawse ther�,for related to Lendefe tnter-
<br /> est fn the Property,
<br /> (g)pleconwy�nc�.Upon payment o!all sums securod by ihls Deed ot Truat,Lender shall request Trustoe to reconvey the
<br /> Property end shall surrender this Dee�!cf Trust and all notes evldencing(ndebtedness secured by this Deed of Truat to
<br /> Tnistoe.Truslee ehall reconvey the F'roperty,w�thout warn►nty end without charge to the psrson l�gaity entitled tAeretn.Trusta
<br /> shall pay aN costs or rocordat►o+��it any.
<br /> (h) p�rsona�pnpp�rty;Security Aflreemenc. As additianal secudty for th9 payment ot the Note,Yrustar herebyl grants —
<br /> i w.�nn.��nfnr the R�abreske Untform Commanclal Code a eecudty tntereet in ell Hxturea,equipment,and other peroonal properly
<br /> usAd fn connectlon wilh the real estete or Improvemonte located thereon,and not otherwise Cecwreci or deertied io be s pari oi
<br /> the rea�estate secured hereby.This{r�slrument shail be construed as a Security Ilgreement under said Code,and the Lendar
<br /> shall have all the dghts and remeQiss mf s secured paRy under said Code In additlon to the rlg�ts and remedies under this
<br /> pfuag�h 9l�all be cumutative with,and in ra way a Ilmitatbn on,Lender's righte and remedie�s under any other security agr�ee-
<br /> mentsigned by�orrower orTrustor.
<br /> p)L9ens�nd EncweM�,rancM.Tn�stor hereby warrante and represents that there Is no default ursder the provfstona of eny
<br /> moAgage,deed of bvat, Isase or purchase contreat dencribing all or any paR of the Property.or other contract,Instrument or
<br /> aynemem constNutlnp a Ilen or encumbranoe aQatnst ell or any pan of the Property(collecNvely.9-lens"),exxli►►UUnp as of the
<br /> date oT 9his Deed of T�ust.and that cu�y and all existinp Liens remafn unrrAdified except as disdosed to Lender{n Tn�sta�s writ-
<br /> ten discbsure ot Iiens and encumbrancea provided for herein.Truetor ehall timely pertorm ail of Trustor'e obligations,
<br /> oovenants,repreaentaUOna end warrentiea under any and all exlsdnfl end futuro I.lens,shell promptly forwerd b Lender oopies
<br /> of eN notices of detadt seM(n connectbn wIM any end ali existing or tuture Llena,and shall not without Lenders p�ior w�iBen
<br /> ��t in any manner modity the provision�ot or albw any tuture adver�ces u�xle�any exiadnD or tuture{ieiu.
<br /> (D AAW�d Pwyrt�b.Unless otherwlse req�ired by law.eums pald to Lender herounder.Uclud�9 without knita-
<br /> tlon paymento o!prtndpal and Interest.insurance proc�eds,condemnatlon proceeds and rents end profks,ehaN be appNed by
<br /> Le�xier ta the amounts due and owinp from Tn�stor and borrorver In such order as i,.ender In�ls sde disaeNon deema dosin
<br /> aL�le. -
<br /> (k)S�wrN�itity.If any Provlsion ot thla Deed of Trust canHicts with epplkaMe!aw or Is deciered InvaNd or ottts�wfer urbn-
<br /> foroesble�such conf4ct�mr knraiidNy ehaN rat aHect Qt�e other provlsbns of thb Doed W T�ust or the Note ret�icb can be pfven
<br /> eft�Ct w;thout the conAictinp provlsbn,a�d to thls end 9he provisbna of thla Dees1 al7rust end the NMe aro dedared to be sev-
<br /> erablo. —
<br /> (q Tiem.The tertna'Tnutta"a�"�8orrower sha�l Induda both singular arW Qlural,arxi wtson the'�rustor euxi Borrower are
<br /> yie sarr�e pereor�(s).Gw�e terma as a�s�d in tfila Deed of Trust shatl be Interichangeeble.
<br /> (m)Gov�rnlop 1.ew,This Daed ot Trust shall be goverrted by the laws of the Siate of NeOraska.
<br /> T�usta has executed Urfa Deed of Trusi as of tt�e date wdtten ebove. �
<br /> _ . , e -
<br /> �
<br /> Judith Ann Chriatenaen . 3ingleTlt�ltCron TN�
<br /> - -- Trustor Tn�stor
<br /> �
<br />