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Broedvell Grend Ir�land. NE. 6BB02-1507 �����•���, <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lenders ext¢�nsbn ot credit identfiled herein to <br /> (hereira'Borrower,"whe�ar one or more)end the trust henetn created,the rec,�et(at <br /> �t whict►Is hereby acknowled�ied.T�ustoc hereby irrevocebiy granta,trar�tots,conveys and assigns to 7rustee, IN TRUSY,YY3'i41 <br /> .__.. .�__� <br /> POWER OF SALE,tor the beneNt and securtty a�Lender,under and s�aajeCt ta tne terms an�i wndiiio�s i�ereinana��,����a�a•� <br /> pf0�ot One� Hun�r���enty-Five (12S)� of Huenev�.eta 5ubdivieion, en Addition �o <br /> the City of Gran�D Ielend. Hell County, Bi�brabka. <br /> Toyattx�r with all bu►kiings,improvement�,�xluros,streets,alleys,passagewaYs,eagements.righte,privlteges and eppurtet►enoea <br /> located thareon or in snywlse pertafnin9lt►en�to.and ttk+rents,issues end pr+oflta.reve�slons and rematndare fhereof.and such per- <br /> son�l propoAy tliat fs atter.hed to the Irr�rovemente so as to constitute a flxture,Including,but not Iimlted to,heatMg and cootinp equip- <br /> menr and topether yv�h thq homestead af marftsl tntereste,if eny,which(nteresla are hereby ro{eased and wehrerl;ail M widch,Indud• <br /> inq replacerne�ts and eddiUons thereto,is hereby declarod to be e part of tha �eel estate secured by the Iien ot this Dee�d d Trus4 and <br /> aA oi the toregoing being reterred to herein as the•Property'. <br /> This Deed of TmsY shall secure(a)the payment ot the principal sum end interest evidenced by a promissory note or credPt oyree� <br /> mant da'wci_ ►�e�►+e s*n i996 ,having a maturity date a! . <br /> in ihe orlginal principal ar�wunt ot S_ q��100.@9 _,and eny en�eil mx+iflcatior.�,extemalons And r�movvats <br /> thereof or thereto and any and all tutura advances end readvaneea to Bortower(or any ot them If more ihan one)hereunder p►�rsuant <br /> to oroe or more pmm(ssory notes or credit agreementa�heretn called"Note"D;@I the Pa9nnent oi othor sums edvanced by Ler�der b <br /> protoct the eecu►iry of the Note:(c)the Pe�tortnance of ell covenanta and agreements of T�usror set forth herein;ant!(tn all preseni�nd <br /> tu{ure(ndeaedness end oblignUons of Borrower(or any ot them tt more than one)to Lencter whether direct.(ndirect,Absolute or conikt- <br /> gent and whey�er A�iuing by note,guarerity,overdratt or othervvise.The Note, thb Deed of Trust and any end efi otttt�r clocurt�ents thnt <br /> seCUre the Note or o2herwise executed in connectton therowith,Including withaut IimitaUon guarantees,security ayteementa end <br /> ass►qnmento ot loase�and rente,shall be referred to heroin as the•Loan Inatrumen4s". <br /> Trustor oovenaMS end egree�wfth Lender as tdfows: <br /> 1, payrtNrK ot Ind�bbdrwss.All indebtednsss secured hereby shall be paid when due. <br /> 2. TNN.Trustor Is the owner ot the Propertyr,has the r�ght and authority to ca+voy the Proparty,end warrants tt�at the lien creat- <br /> ed hereby is a tirst end pdor tien on the Proparty,except for liens and encumbre�es sot torth by Troutor in writlng and delive�+ed to <br /> Lender before execution of th{s Deed of Trust, and the execuUon and detiv�ry oi this Deed of Trr�t doas not violate any contract or <br /> other obllgstion to wh�ch Trustor Is sub}ect. <br /> 3.Tax�s�AsNS�m�nti.To pay be4cre dolinquency a!1 texes,speclal assessmants and a8 oThar charges ageinst the Property <br /> naw or hereatter levled. <br /> 4.Insunmc�.To keep tho Property insured opainst dameye tiy 8ra,hazards InaludE+d within the term'oxtendsd coverege'.end <br /> such hazards as Lender may requtre,fn amounte and wid�companies acceptaWe to lendcr,naming Lender as an addiUonai named <br /> Insured,with(ass payaWe to the Lender.In case ot loss und�r such p�nlicles,the Lender is authoritect to edJust,cWlect end�rnpro- <br />`" m(se,ell clairn9 lheruundar[ind shall havo tt►e opUon of app�ying ali or part of the(nsurance proceeds(q to any indebted�ess secured <br />� herehryr end in such order as lender may determine,(if)to the Trustor to be used tor the rapair or restaaUon ot the Property or{iii)tor <br /> eny Wix+r puryo^�e or object seUstactory to Lend�r withnut aHecltnp the Ilen cff thls[)eed of Trust fcx the fuH emount secured hereby <br />- �r.�no m,rh navment ever tnok nlace.Mv euptications of praceeds to indebtedness shall not oxtend or postpone the duo date at any <br />- paymants under ths Nota,or cure nny detault tfiereunder or hereunder. <br /> 5.Es�row.Upon written demand by l.endsr,Trustee stuiti pay ro Lender,in euch manner as Lereder mey do�iQnate,su(ficient <br />- suma to enabte Lender tn pay as they be�iame due one or more of the foliowing:(q all taxes,assessments end other ctsarges a�aktst <br />- tho i'roperty,(iq the premiums on the proporty insurence rea�ulred hereunder. (II!)the prem(ums on any mortgage insurance required by <br />� Londar. <br />� G.Maynt�nancf��i�patr,� �nd Complist�witl�l.�ws.Trustor shall koep the PropeRy In good condition and repair, shatl <br /> - pr�mptly repa{r,or replace eny improvement which may be damaged or dostroyed;shaA not commft or permtt ar►y waste or deteriora- <br />;� Non of the Frcperly;shall not remove,d�molisli or substentiaily alt�sr any o!the Improvemo�ts on the Properly;shaH not commR,sutter <br /> s or pertn(t any act to be done In or upon the Prapeny In violation of any low. ordinance,or reguiatfon;end sha�l pc►y a�xf pranpdy dis- <br /> - charge at Trustors cost end expei�se ali Ilens,encumbrances and cha�pos levied,Impnse�d or accessed egalnst the Properry or eny <br />_° partthereo}. <br />- 7.EmltNnt Dom�ln.Lender la htlreby asslpned ell compensaUon,awards,damay�s and ott►er payrt�ents or reiiet(herelrtafler <br />— Ncaa�p�o��.o�•ro..o�� <br />'� O��Hrmre.+�acaw�ron„rwis«v+e��w^nu,a�wawa — � - <br />