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I .�_ :� _ , 'f� ` ; `t;. ;f:�. ;�__..1 ... ., . <br /> � ..w'} . . . . , , , � ,�? '!(�Ik� .`1 <br /> __ �. __._.. '.�cia —.._'_--_ _ _— , _-__ _._�.__.._. <br /> ., . . '}��f:1w.... . . . .�. . . . . . . . . .._�..,,.,t� --.__. <br /> , ...; ,.y►� Ym¢ ... �.+.r.........+:..a.�_....�...�..�.�.,r..Mw.r----'-- °-.- -- <br />_,'/i iil���� .. . <br /> •'��": � p '1�� y <br /> ; 7'dC3ETIrIER Nl'Pll nU thc improvemcnla now or (ier�aRer crccted on the properly,1nd nll c�c�hehts,nppurtenanccs,and_ <br /> fi��urca now on c�re�Rer n pnrt nP Ihc prnpsrty. All re�+lcccmcnts nnd ndd'etlons ahnll nlso bc covcred by Ihis §ecurity ���j - <br /> lnstrutncnt. All of Qic forcrolnr is refcrred tn in tl�is Securlty Instrument ns the"Pmp�rty." <br /> BOItRUWl31t CQVF:NAN7'S th�t Ilorrowcr es Inwfully sciscd oP tho es��ic hcrcby convuyed and lias�he ri�ht to grnnt nnd <br /> �`�� ronvey the Pr«nerty nnd thnt �he Pr�perly is unencuntbxred, except for eucumbrnncea af record. Norrower wnre•nnts nnJ will � <br />- • r�s� defeiut genercdly the IiUe to Uio Pr�iper�y ugninst nl!clatms a�id demm�de,subJat t��nny enc►�mbrnnces of recorcl. � - <br /> 7'HIS SGCURITY INSTRUM�N7'cumbines uniform covennnts (ur nndonnl use nnd non-uniform cavenlirts wiU� limited <br /> ��n�*,� �`� vnrintions by Jurisdiction tu constitutc�unlfi�rm sccurlty Instrmncnt cmering rc�l property. <br /> "�'• UNII�OttM COVENAN'TS. Darra�vcr and Lcr.dcr cavenant and ngree as folluws: _ <br /> '. " l. Payment of lh•incipnl �nJ Intcrest; Pre�tny���ent �nd Lutc Cl�org�v. Qorrower ahall promp�ly pny whcn Jue the <br /> '%�'''�� prhuipal of and interest on the debt evidencccl by Uie Nate nnd uuy prepnymen�nnJ Inte chnrges due under the Note. � <br /> � 2. Funds i'or Taxcs nnd InSUrnucc. SubJect to npplicablc Imv nr to a writtcn wnivcr by Lcndcr, Borrower shall pay to <br /> I.cndcr an the clny monthly payments nrc duc under the Note, until Uie Note ia pnid in full,a sum("Funds") for.(a)ycarly tnxe,9 <br /> �� � nnd nssessmcnts whtch may aunin prlority ovcr this Sccurity lnstrument ns a lfen on the hroperty; (b)ycaPly lensel�old paymcnts <br /> �� or growid rents on llie Property.lf nny;(c)•ly har�rd or property insurnricepremiums;(d)yenrly qood insu�•ance prei�siwns, <br /> � . if nny; (e)yearly mortgage fnsurnnce prcmiums, if nny;nnd (Q nny sums pnynble by Horrower to Lender. in :�ccardnnce wiih <br /> .,.y_ the provisions of parngraph A. in Ileu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.Tltese items nre c.111ec1"L�scrow Items." <br /> ' ... ... L.cnder may, nt any linte. callcct nnd liold Fuuds in nn amount not to excecd the maxfmum amount n Iender for a fedemlly, <br /> " rcluted mortgngc I�an m�y requfre For Horrowcr's escraw nccoont unJcr thc federnl Reul Estata Setticment Prc►cedures Act of <br /> _�y��l,�'�„ry,',: 19T4 as umended from timc to timc, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 et sc�. ("RESPA"),unless a��othor la�v thnt npplies to Uu Funds <br /> --�•_�' sets n lesser emount. If so� Lender may, nl any timc. collect anJ I�old Funda In nu amount not to eaceed thc lesser n�nouuq. <br />_=, "4�"� Lender may cstimnte t6e�►monnt of Punds due on the basis oF current dntl and ra�sanable estimates of expenditures of future <br />"�`�"u'� frscrow Items or otherwlse ln uceerclunce with npplica.ble law. , <br /> _-4�;�`� The Funds shnll be held in an Instltution whose deposits nre insu�ecl by n federnl agency, inst�umentnlity, or entity. <br />._y�u:;� (including L.ender�if L,ender i5 such on institution)or in any Federnl Home Loan Bank.I.ender shull apply the Funds to pny the <br /> __V�,��� Bscro�v items. L,ender may nni churge Borrower for I�olding And npplying the Punds,nnnunlly nnalyzing the escrow nccount,or <br /> .,���-- --� verifying the Escrow Iteins.uuless Lender p�►ys Borrawer interest on the Funde and applicable Inw permits L.end=t to mako auch <br /> --"="�'� a cl�arge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one•time charge for an Independent real estate tax reponi�ig serv}cts <br /> l5y���� usal by Lendr.r in cannecHon with this.l�an, unless applicable law provides atherwlse. Unless an agrecment is made or <br /> -=`�°'� applicublc inw reguires f��tcrest�o be paid, Lender shnll not be requi�ed to pay Borrower nny interest or unrnings on tl�e Funds.� <br /> _-��'���� Borrower and Lender may agrce in writing, hawever, that interest sh,dl be paid on the Funds. Lender shali give to Borrower. <br /> -__= without chnrgc, An annunl nccounting of the Funds,showing credlts mid debf�s to lhe Funds nnd tlte purpose for whIch each' <br /> i�culi iv iiic�uuds was made.'j'iu Funcis nre piec3ged as addicionui secui iry tur eil sums secured by this Security Instmment. <br /> _�� lf the Funds luld by Lender exceed the nmounts permitted to bc held by npplicnble Inw,Lender shall account to Borrower: <br /> .t for tlu excess Funds in accordancc with the�equirements of npplicable Inw. If the am�unt of the�unds heid by I.ender at any, <br /> ,�`tr tinx is not sutllcient to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may sa notify Borrower in wridng,nnd,in such cnse 8orrow�sr <br /> - shnll pay to Lender the nmount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shnll make up tht deficiency in no marc thn�. <br /> twelve monthly pxyments,at L,ender's sole discretion. ' � <br /> Upon payment in full o�all sunu securcd by lhis 5ecurity Instrun�ent,Lender ahnll promptly refund to 9orrower nny . <br /> Funds held by Lender.If, under paragrnph 2 I,.Lender shall acquire or sell tl�e Property�Lender. prlor to tl�e acquislclon vr sale. <br /> of the Propeny,shal)apply eny Funds tield by Lender at tl�e time of ncquisxtion or sale as a credit against Ihe sums secuted by <br /> � this Securiiy Instrument. <br /> 3.Appllcatton of Peyments.Unless appl(cable law provide�otherwise. nll payments rec�ived by L.ender under pnragrapha; <br /> 1 and 2 shell be appliaf: first, to any prepnyment chnrges due under the Note;second,to umounts payable uncler paragrapi�2;; <br /> third,to interest due;fourth,to princinal due;and last,to nny late chnrges due under the Note. <br /> _ 4.Charges; Lle�u. Borrowcr shull poy all taxes, assessn�ents,charRes. fines nnd lmposiNons uttributnble to tl�e property ' <br /> whlch u�ay attain priority over tl�is S�curity Instrument, nnd leasel�old payments ot ground rents, if any. Horrpwer afiall puy <br /> - these obligntions in tlu monnar provided in pnmgraph 2. or if not paid in llmt mnnncr, Dnrrower shell pay them on tinx dirtctiy <br /> to thc person owal paynunt.Borrower shnl) procnptly Furnish ro Lcnder nll notices of amoants to be paid under ihis pzrag�apl�. <br /> if Borrower makes tltese payments direct{y,IIorrower sl�all promptly furnish to Lemler recelpts evidencing ll�e payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly clischnrge any lien which has priority over this Secu�ity Instrumeat unlcss Borrnwer: (a)egrees in <br /> writing to tlu pnyment of the obUgatinn secureJ by Qie lien in n mm�ner ncceptnble ro I.ender,(b)contcsts in good faith the llen <br /> - by, or clefends agninst enforcemeut of ihe lien in, Ie�al proceeciings which in tlie Lender's opinion operate to prevent tl�e <br /> �enforcenxnt of thc lien;or(c)secures from the liolder af Uie lien an agrcement sntisfactory to Lsncler subonlinating tho lien to <br /> tliis Secnrity Instrun�ent. If Lender dctermi�ics lhat nny part of the Property is�ubject to�lien rA�icli mny rttnin priority aver <br /> this Secudty Instrument,Leuder m�y give Borrowcr a notice idcntifying the lien. 8orrower sitn33 sntlsfy dtc lien or tnke ont�r <br /> __—= n2ore of tl�e actions set forth nbove witt�in 10 days of the giving af notice. , <br /> __.__.__ ' ' Fa�m 3028 9l90 <br /> °— — P�p�2 0l 6 <br /> _ i,J`51�. , <br /> . -r�T�- <br /> ?S� � <br /> _ .__'^`Sli� <br /> -�7���1 <br /> y�T�^"'�..� , __ _ _ _— �� . _ ... . <br /> 4 _ <br /> j�'_'�; �� . . . . . . . . . . . . –_-_�- r .nr.- . <br /> ., ..,. <br /> '—" ' . _�,.. _ _. _ . • . , .w�. <br /> ,, • x.��-- � <br /> � � • -;. <br /> .:,,,�.. � _ _ --_ --- - - -_ -_=_ - - _ <br /> r .. ,.: � <br /> .�� .�^.- - . .. <br /> ... <br /> �,..i., , .. .2:. ,.,�.; ��°: :,,�.,� <br /> ,�R�_�..rF'`�ggg _ .. '- -y�11�.. r. �.,,yi•�. :/.•.. .. . <br /> ^�`.P_S'iir y:S.��.� . ....��.�:�� . . 'c <br /> "��p}:�r';}'�*� . ' � ..` ' .:1' <br /> 'l:,s.. . � :, . .. . , �;i� `..a.� �?,�_ .. �� ly`. <br /> ,'t` r <br /> r,i- i. . .. . .... . . , <br /> -- . �� , .. . � . ; � . . '. ; <br /> - . . , `. .'�tJ_ .� ' . . <br /> -� • � ... � • •. �r � .. »�'IlL.����.�.`"k,+�'k��� . l' , <br /> ���•�w ��!'i. . . . .� . ,T I ,��� . ., . <br /> � ;�7 , .. '��� . <br /> ._ il�f�`��� ' " ' . Ce " ' � } '` „ <br /> . � . ":• �;x .. •�-•��— _ . <br />