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i -� , ` <br /> �'�M�.r...•..- - �— � ---��._,..:'.�_. --° --- -- <br /> . , <br /> • y � K ...:.., — v�r - <br /> . , <br /> , . , <br /> ' ��'�asa+a- ' <br /> . �.,.�,� . .. .,. <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . .. � .rear <br /> ' rr.rr...«..�.1.] --�---- ....__.. .. .. -------- • . <br /> - .i} . ...a...,...�...... .... .. ......._._ ' ...._......... .. .. ..... ._. . . . .._'__ ' A�lt� <br /> ��')aF��d�F _ <br />-:.i;.v�'�'i�� : �uQ�, ��a�J~Q� • ' � <br /> . � . „�y_ !- <br /> S. Hc�zs�L d o►• l'roperty 1►isurnnr.c. �c�ii�I�ulc I 1�vit1 i►clltcitcrm1�c tc idCd`covcrn�r'!�un�l onY 1i��1 cr'hnznrcla�cl►i IuJing ;.: <br /> � I�roperly insurcd ��nlust lass by fire, hnznr Is � <br /> .� n�oaq or non�i�,a• for which l.enJercnrrierc�ro1vidingCthe'Insui:wccislmlllbel Iu�sen�hy,Ilurruwer,subJcct1�u��Lciu�ier!R�nppm�v tl � <br /> :��.. lhal L.cnder rcquires.'f he Insurnnce I <br />' A' '� �vhtclr�l�all not be unrensonr.bly witlihcld. If Il��rrutiver (nll9 tu mz+ininii� covernge descrfbcd nbove,�dcr may, ��t l�;nJcr's �_ <br /> _::� �. .;� oplinn;ohtnin caverngc�o pru�cct L�cndcr's rf�;lus In tlic Ih�opcily in uccurd�urcc wllh pmnJ,ruph 7. - <br /> � � i�tisurnncc pulicics �md rencwals shull Iwnla.�If�I.cnJcr��rc��lrlc.w,�Ilnrri�werisl alli1proinptly gfvc�to'I.c•ndcr ull reca�1.5 of <br /> shall 'c Ilic rigltil to hold thc policies nnd renc � <br /> '_,�y�� r;�id�nlums and renewul notices. D�lNe event of Insg.E3urrowcr shall Fi�'c prunql�ituticc tu thc insurnnre ri�rrtcr unJ Lcncter. - <br />'r'"•���� l.c�tdc�mny mnkc proof of(oss if not mndc prumptly,by Iit�rtowcr. � <br />.A _ Unlcss Lendcr nnd I3orrnwcr a�alr tc1ni►•ngrecununi eally fc+�siblcn iJ'Lc:ndcr St�secu►ityrsln�Ics citcd11lIF ll crresh�rathm or � <br /> - •• � Pruperty dmn�geJ.if tlte restora�ion P _ <br /> ... .. , rcpai�•is not uonomlcoily fensible nr L.endcr's securit"c'��c�ev Ui a y execs9�p:�id�►� Bo ruwersl�IPIB•ro ver nba�uli osuthc = <br /> �'�.� <br /> � secured by Ihis Securiry I»strument, w1ieU�er or n� <br />:_.;;�� " m sums <br />, �, . Property, or doag not nniw�c`�'+Ce�i��oc ed�9 1.��ac�e�ii y�tu5c tl e� procecJs�toUrepnir orrrestiore tl e Pr tGertytor to'� �y� t un <br /> LcnJcr may coliect tbe P <br />`;:��;, sr.cured by this Security I+�otrament.O`'��'�isernt�ce'�in avrttin�,r�►9�R1 PI'cuuonyo'f proceedset�i�rincip t;slgllenot ext:��d or . -- <br /> �' � [)n(ess Lender and f3orrow�r R _ <br /> ,`;: �; <br />-,:P"'?'���;�., � posirrone tha due dn�e oi tlte montltly pnyntents referr�eJ to in pAr�Brap�is � aid 2 or changG dic nmount uf'tlie payiacn�.s• lf - <br /> -,.;s;.-;±�1� <br /> ,.r��•�};;,�i�� under pnrag���tli 2l ��1�p io[�v��e ac�uisit�'�nysl�inli pnssBu Le Jr.rslo g►c c teut of the su�ssecurcd by Qiis Sccurity Instrument <br />'-;�::;:,r::� dnmaBc ta¢1�e Ncoperty pr <br /> ,: .�i:•�. . <br />:=u�., innnediatcly pri��lo thc ucquisitian. <br />- "�••� �." 6. Occupno�cy,Preservat[uu� 1�9n9ntenmuc nnd Protecttun uf the Property;Iiurro�ver's Lonn App«catloni Leifzdeo s. <br /> `�•4^s!::L�� Bnrrower shull occupy.estaNlisB,o+td use tlte Property ns Borrower's principal residenee witl�in:�ixry di�Ye aner the execulion of <br /> :':__"?' �— this Security Instrumaet and shall continue to occupy ehe P:e;:erty es Borrowe�'s principal residence for at Ieast one ycar nRer <br /> _-- Y--— the date of occupnncy.unl exist which`'are ibeyon Born:�ter's controLCDo ower�shlllt not�destroy Ad1n��Se'ordi pa r the <br /> :;;��� <br /> cxtc�iunting circumstmues <br />::;;;;��r_�� Propeiiy, nllow the Properiertc v Itor criminal,io�begun li at in7lJendert's�gr� aol�Ju gmenticnuld r�sult iuiforCe tntcrof lu <br /> _____� nctimi or proceedii�g, whetl� <br /> ------ Property or othcrwise ntatc�iully lmpnir dic licn crc�ted by this S�aus n,�the�ncti�i or'r�o¢ececlin�t r bc d'�missed wi h ae�ultng <br /> P g <br />----- — curc sach n default and rtinstate,ns provlded in parnSrnPh 18,by g , ,,tefault tf <br /> `<�r � Q�at� in L,emiers gooci fa+ii� dNMe�i:sa'.iQn, �r�cluJes Corfc:ture of Uie[3orrower's iuterest in the Property or olher material <br /> ;�;�m� <br /> impainnent of d�e licn r►�eated by this Securily�VL�nu��f ially falsc or•iiuccurnt infon ation or statomcnts ro Lcndcr(or failcd <br /> --=;�_; Bor�ower.during the lonn applicutim�process.8 <br /> -�--� to provicle Lender with any���nBcsrrower�oceu�aney of tl etProperty as aiprinc pal r�Je cel lf tl�is Saur tp I sbruin nt is on a <br /> to,representntions concernii g <br /> -=�� teASehoid, Borrower shnll com(�1y witl► alI the provisions of thc lease. If Burrower acquires fec title ro the ProExrtY� t u <br /> leasel�nld and tiu fee titie siiall not merAc unless Lender�grees to the merger in writing. <br /> —= 7.Prolection ot i�►ide;e[�tgliQ i n p'�n o►'�P��`�g'tl at�n ny s'gn fi`a�tlye�ffect `Lr.nder's11rights �the Property(sucl��a <br />_-____ Uiis 5ecuriry Instruinent.or t ti 8 . <br /> - procecding in bnnkruptey,probate, for condeinnatioib oc forfeiture or to enforee Inws or regulutions).lhe���cd s net ons nay <br /> p�y fi�r wliatever is nccessary to protect tlu value of tlie Property and Leudcr's riglits iaa tlie Property•rin in court, paytnB <br /> -f� i�xlude pnying any sums secured by n lien which l�as priority over this 5ecurity Instru�aent, app� S <br /> ocasonablG attor�xys' fees und entcring on tlie Property to make rep�irs.A�thougl�Lcndee i�:ay take actton u�xler tbis plsaBraP�► <br /> 7.Le�xler does t►M have to do so. <br /> - - -_ Any antounts disbl��jPoW�d��°�ndcr�g ee to n Itier terms ofcpaytnentathese an otu�ts s1B Ilrbcae intcrcai f omtttic - <br /> `-- - S c c�p 3 ry I n s i n i t u e n t. U a n n u t i c e f r o m L e n J e r to Dorrower nquesting <br /> `�-- date at'disb�trsement at the Note ratc and shall bc paya b ie, wi t h in t e r e s t, u p o <br /> .� <br /> -- <br />