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, _ oi . .•���c� <br /> � � � ; ... , . ' 't -._.._(� - <br /> , <br /> .. �i <br /> � � ' � . . .- :,'' .. . ,. - --. <br /> . <br /> ' f�°r`'n'a" ----._. / ... - --- — �i I:::. <br /> �-'-=�_' • . . <br /> .-- ���}i • � <br /> ,. <br /> . : . � '••r�i�DliMw��r., .e .. . �. ,. . _ <br /> -...,u .........�._..,.,.a,.�,.�._.._._........��_.......�.___... .... ....._< � ._. . ... . . _.........J_.� . - - - ---�° -� <br /> '",�,_:.�"� , <br /> ^4����. ��,, 1���8 . <br /> � ��ayntenls mn��louger be rcqulicd.'�ins'urerlu�xi de I by Len Icr�nHnin����°��G4 nvnil l�le nnd s`'ubininc I'�po�ruwerlsli 11 pny - <br /> thnt Lcuilcr rcqulres)pravide4 by u� 11 <br /> ti►e prentiiums requlred tu mnintufn i�'ur,g�iUcn n�reement�beiwcen�[lorr�wer�nn I ILender or opplicableelnw���iremcnl for m��t8nge - <br /> ��; insurnncc cnds in accordnucc wi�li m� 6 <br />_ . �' �.• ' 9. Inspectl��n. Lcndcr or Its ngcnl nmy makc rcasouubic ci�trics up�n nnd ins��cclinns of Ilic Propcny. l.cndcr shall �ive - <br /> Ue�rruwer nnUce�t tlia time of or p��ior to nn Dispection s{►ecifyinb re�i�nnable cnuEC for tlte Inspecticm. <br /> ,... ' .�;.�' l0. Condcnu�alion. Thc pr��cec�lfi of n��y °`rorcrpf, orfPor euirveyn ue�in'licu of amdcn nnti m, nrc I c'reby a.ssigncd�nd _ <br /> - '' cc�nd�mm�tion ur odtcr tnkii�g af nny pnrt af Ihc P p Y <br /> - s1�n11�c p�id w S.cndcr. • <br />=`� - In tl�e evcnt of n t��tol�nking of thc Property,the prucccds slmll he npplicd to the sums S curc�g y ty i�.ti'`5ycurfry Insh•umcnt, _ <br /> _� , whcthcr ur nat Ihcn J o,cwitb"„�cdintcly bcforc U�c tak ng is�c��ual to or grentcr tl nn�tl e�nn�ifiit ol'tixKUn��sec'icd�by thie - <br />--=--�; nmrkct vnlue af Uic T r p y - <br />- . Security Inslrutnatt luuticcliutely bcfi�re llic tnkB;o nniount�uP'�hecpracceds'��»ul iplicd i�y tlie follmvinn�frnc ion��(n)ctheC ot�i I � <br /> °• , �� t�ile Sccurity lnstrument shnll bc rcJuced by �I = <br /> ��� nmouttt of thc sums secu�r� immedintcly before the toki��g, dividcd bY t��) Uu fnir m:uket valuc of lite Pro��eriy immallotely <br /> ,y,�, lsefure tlie tuk�ng. Any bnl�nce shaU be pniJ to Ilorrower. In Qie event of a �n�lin� �aking o�the Property in which the fnir <br /> . + mu�ket vnluc of thc Property immeclintely befotc the taking is Icss tlmn llie nmount of thc sums secured innnedlately befnre���^ <br /> taking, unless Borrower nn� Lcnder oQtcrwise agrcc in writins or unlcss npplicnblc la�v oUicnvise provides, the procecds shu11 <br /> � ,; ��'~' be applied to thc swns sccured by thi9 Security lnstrument tivlicthcr or not tlic sums arc Uien due. <br />-=,'��'`' If tl�e Property is nbundoned[�y Borrowcr,ar if,nQcr natice by Lendcr to Borrower�hat d►e condemnor oifers to nmkc nn <br />_`";,'t�;;.;; mvur�l or cettle a claim for cfan"i A��.BO���W ace�eds�nt its option�e Uier to restor�uon o�repa irof�che P operty atr ro thesums - <br /> ;.r.,,:,�r. Lender is nuUiorized to collect pp Y P . . <br /> -� - secured by this Security Instruinent.whether ar not then due, • <br /> Unless Leuder nnJ Borro�ver otherwisc agree in writing, anY npp�ication of pracceds to principai sfiall not ezt�nd or <br /> °;�' � postpone the due date of lhe monthiy pnyi��A'c�'jtt�t�i�p�o,sa��nfver���x�ensfon�oE�he in e Por payment or m�aciification <br /> :x;;;." 11.BorrorvcrNot�Releascd; Forb 3' <br />`:''���' ' of amortization oF Uie sums secured by tliis Securtty instrument grnntecf by L.ender ta nny successvr in interest of Borrower shnll <br />,�n�: � not opemte to release the linbility oF qie origina]Borrower or Barrowcr's success�rs in irderest. L.enc��r simll not be requfred to <br />��_=��� commence proceedings ogainst eny successor in interest or refuse ro extend time for paymee�t or athcr�vise modtfy amortfzution <br /> _�"�� t of the sums s�cured by tliis Seci+dty Instrument by rcason of any demand made by the original Bonowcr or 8orrower's <br /> -_ - successors in interest. Any forbcfuunce by Lender in exercising ai�y tiglu•or remedy slinll not be n waiver uf or preclude thc <br /> `�."��'�; tsc at'atr t �,��r r��nMly.' ' ' '• � <br />-- c�ciC j:•e... <br />--�'M_��� 12. Successnra nnd Assigus Dnuncl; Ja1nt aud Sevcrnt L[ubility; %o-signecy.T..e�a���:is� �i� ^orrt.tflents oP il1iS <br /> --_;��� gecurity lnstnmune•shal! binds�iid bencfit ti�e,spccessons apJ pssigns.Q�C.ender,and Barrpwer, subJect to the provisions oF <br /> -=-='= putagrnpli 17. Borrotver's �oveuan�s and agreemel��5 sl�all be joint und severnl.-A�y �b�rower wlio co-.�iign�n2�lc�s"VSec�`i�ta <br /> lnstrtmunt but does not execute the Notc: (a) is co-signing this Secw•iry Instrunicntt anly to mortgoge;g <br /> — (b)is not personnlly obligntcd to pny tlie sums <br /> - - Uorrowe�'s interest i�i flie Property undor Ihc.,4�!'it�s Uf this Sccuriry Instrumenr. <br /> --- -� securat by tliis Seeurity Instrument;nnd(c)ngeees thnt l.ander and any olhe��as•rowet may agree to extend.malify, forbear or <br /> _ mnke nny uccommodatlons with ngard ro the terms oi'thfs Securfty Instrument or Q�e Note wfUiout'ihat�orrower's consxnt. <br /> -- 13. Loan C6arges. if U�a laan secured by this 5ecu�ity I�istrunient is subject to a Inw which sets maximum loan charges. <br /> - und ttiat lew ts finally interpreted so tteat the interest or otlur loan chargas coliectal or to be collected in conreection with the <br /> loan exceed the permitted lfnfits. tlien: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by d�e nmount necessury to roduce tl�e charge <br /> ro the permitted limit;enJ(b)any sums nlrenclY collected from 13orrower�A�ich exceeded pe'rmitted Ilmils wil� be refunded ta <br /> Bqnovur. Lenrler muy cl�oose to make thia refund by reducing Uie principnl owed w�der tl�e`Ni terera mentkwiU�outt ny _ <br /> , pnymei4t't0 Horrower: lf a rrei'und reduccs pri►►cipal, the rcdyc4la�. wlll,be trauted ��t,p A p �', ••..,,, , .. <br /> prepayment charge under tl�e Note, , <br /> 14.Notices. Any noticc to Borrow c r p r o v i d e d f o r i n t 6 1 s S e c u r i t y lnstrument shnll be given by'deNvcr`tiiq�it or by`iriaiil�g�' <br /> It by flrst class mnil unless npplicAble law requires use of nnolhcr n�ethod.The notice sliaQ be directed to the Property A d dress <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by nottce lo Lender. Any notice to Le��der shall be given by tirst class mail to <br /> Lendcr'a address stnted licrciu or nny other address I.ender Jesigna�es by noticc to Burrowcr. Any notice proviJal for in tliis <br /> Security[nstrument sl�oll be dec�ued tn liuve bcen giveiZ to liorrower or Lende►•whea given es provided in tl�is parngt�Ph• <br /> 15.Gover»iug l,nw; 5evernbilily. Thts Security icistrument sliall be govemed by falernl luw and the law of llie <br /> � jurisdiction in which Uie Propeny is locatecl. fli tl►e Event thiU any provision or clause oF this Seeu�ity Instrument vr tlu Note <br /> . cm�ilicts wtth epplicnble Inw,such coutlict sl�t►II not affect nll�er pravisimis of thls Se.curity[nstrument or tlie Note whicl�can tre <br /> � given eFfect wlUiaut Uie conflicting provisibn.1'o this eird the provi'sions•of d�is•Security lnstrument nnd the Note nre declurul <br /> to bc sovcraUle. <br /> ---_�.,`� � 16.uoti•rower's Cnpy.Dorrower sh�ll be given one conformeJ copy of Uie Mote nn�uf this Securiry Iustriiment. <br /> �---- Form 3028 8l90 <br /> -y�-�.z.�:� <br /> � ..�i'e`�`ue'�.'1'il�if�e� Paae�01 E <br /> -_..V= <br />