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i 1 . . . .Y,(•� . i . - .. <br /> /' � ... � �, wi-. — <br /> i <br /> .� � .. ' ''I����S:.='�.'_- <br /> . : .... .—_ • _. _—. _. __ ..���L�it r_..__ —_ - _ _ __ <br /> . . '� . .�'� �li�.__ _. .� _ <br /> ' ! • 1 �C/J'1'yf_.�l ' GAYn.R w1�.iK..h��'1�u1R8�"�!l11�TM.SLs•.._.n�:.'.K-........a_i-..._.. ' _-__._"_ <br /> � <br /> """'.. ._ ... . <br /> . .. <br /> ..�. .'�f��.� "... " .' ' ... .. . . .__"""...._ ... _• . . �.�,Q <br /> ..�t LL..w.MMdMKIW��aw�rrrnr...�._....�:. . _. <br /> T <br />-.P;�t�y^� — <br /> �,y,; y�' --- <br /> � � , �.. gg-� 1(��9� �..,� <br /> � 1. pa ny �en� oF Indot�tc�dn�ss. To pay when due► the principal of� end the fntorest <br /> �:.,_. <br /> on� ths lndebrednos� r�vidonced by �he note� chQrgss� F�es and ull ath�r sums as pro- <br /> „ ' � �ided in tho loan lnstruments. � <br /> �� <br /> � 2. Ti.tle. Tru�tor is the ownor of the property and has the ric�ht an� euthnrity �-;" <br /> t.�� �xar.ute this Qeed af Trust in respec:t. tn i.nP psnnerty. �'� <br /> ,, ��. �:_: <br /> 3. �ane„^ s end Asse�sments� To pay� when due� all tiaxe9, spe�ial ascoa�mant� _ <br />�-��"` end all atiier charges against the prnperty, befure the same become delinquent� and. -- <br /> -..� in the e�ent 8anoficiery shall so require. to add to the payments requirod under =_ <br />� -`�`` ' the note secured hereby� such emount es may hn aufficient to eneble Beneficiery to <br /> �� pay auch taxes� esspssments or other charges as thoy become due. __ <br /> • G. Insur�nce. To keep the imprnvements naw or hereafter locaiced on Cho real � <br /> �� .�.� estato descrihed herein insured againsC damage by Fire and such othcar hazards as <br /> . 8eneficiery may require• in emaunts and comp�nie3 acceptable ta 8oneficiery. and <br /> . "' with loss payable to Beneficiary. In case of lass under such policies� Beneficiery <br />':.�is�.'.' is authorized Co adjust. collect and r.ompromiae� in its discretion� all claims there- <br /> ;;.�;� under and, at its sole option. is authorized to either epply the proceed� to the <br />=,;i,�:�:::� res�:oraCfon of tha pra�erty or upon the fndebtedness secuse� hereby r but payments , <br />";:'-n�� required by th� note shall continue until the sums s�cured hereby are paid in ful�. <br /> �,:..�;;:v. <br /> --'±�.:� 5. Reuair, (rlaintenance and Use. i�� Nrinrptly repair� restoro or re�uild any <br /> .� buildings or improvements now or hereafter on the praperty; to keep the property <br /> _��_�� in good condition and repair� uithout waste and free from mechanics or other liena <br />-''.-,�� <br /> h;��� not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof; ta not make, suffer or perm t any <br /> ��-;A�� nuisance to exist nos to dfminish or impair the value of the property by any act <br /> -.;��:� or omission to acti and to comply with all requirements of law With respect to the <br /> -;�,,:,, propericy. <br /> -"i`�� . � �rt thersafi �t�al� t!� <br /> _��� ti. i.onnemnation. in the ev�.ni, i.i�e: NiuF�aa�y, �rr a�y �^ <br /> taken by eminent domain. 8eneficiary is entitled to collect and receive all compensa- <br /> ---y�,� tion which may be pai�i for any property taken or for damages to property not taken. <br /> - and BeneFici�ry shall appl.y such compensation. at its op�ion, either to a reductfan <br /> — of the indebtEdness secured herefoy or to repair and restore the property so taken. <br /> 7. Performance � 8eneficiarv. Beneficiary may. but shall heve no obligation � <br /> `'�`�� to. �in any act whlch Trustor has aqreed but fai led ta do, and 8eneficiery m�y also <br /> ��.�e1�e �lu .my a�:l, iL dee�ns r►ecessary l.0 ��i•uL�:cL LI►u 1 iun li�r�uf. 1 rusQ:�r ayre�:s Lu r�:Nby. <br /> upon dertiand, any sums so expended by BeneFiciary for the above purposes. and �ny <br /> sum so expended by Beneficiary shall be added ta the indebtedness secured hereby <br /> and become secured by the lien hereof. 8qneficiary shall not incur eny personal <br /> liability because of anything it may do e�r �mit to do hereundor. <br /> 8. Assiqnment of Rents. BQneficiary sha.11 tiave the right, prawQS And authorfty - <br /> during the continuance of �.his i3aed of Trust to co�llect the rents, i�sues and profits <br /> of tiie nraperty and nf any personal prc�,perty loceted thereon with or without takfng <br /> ���� possession of the prop�a�ty affected her�by� and Trustor hereby ebsoic�tely and uncondi- <br /> �'�-'� tfanal�y assigns all such rents� issues and profits to Beneficiery. 8encficiary. <br /> however� hereby consents tn Trustor's collection and retention of such rents. i.ssues <br /> � and profits as they aacrue and become payabl�, so long as Trustor is not. et such <br /> time, in default witfi� respect to paymtnt of any indebtedness secured hereby, or in <br /> — t�t�e p�rfurmance of any agreement hese�a*�cior. If any event af default described here- <br /> aPtar lii respect tn this need uf' Tcu:;� :.��nll Iwuu �zr.curred end be continuing, Deneft- _ <br /> �'�� ciary� as a rnatter of zight and without notice to Trustor or anyone claimi�g under <br /> =- - = Trustor� and withaut regard to the �ralue of the trust estate or the interest of the . <br />-_�_="-= -- Yrustor therein, shall heve the right to apply to eny ceri9rt having jurisdfiction to <br /> :_;s;; appoint a receiu�r of tF�e pro�erty. <br />• - �.�:�--_� . <br /> --�-_--� g. Transfor of Propesty. If all or any part of the property or any interest <br />--==-���.��•� of Trustor therein is sold, transferred ar further encumbered without the express <br /> .---�=:� or uritten consent of Bnneficiary, Ben�ficiary may� a� its sole optinn� de�lare all <br /> :-,, selm, secured hy this Deed af trusC to be imrnediateiy due and payable ancf proceed = <br /> _`-"�'��� a., a►.e ..u...n,aine e..setn►,tn s.�, t1� ��.�n.. *1,e rinFn�.lt nrrn�ic�nr,a rnntainael hwrpin_ <br />�s�,-:, �: � ..... ...... ...........�.... ......��....�.. .... ... :.......� ...... ..�....._- r-�'----••- --"---•'-- -- -- �- _. <br />�'"�.�..a:3•S:� : �. <br />-��.��;��;,;„� 10. Events of Default. Any of the fnllowing events shall be deemed an event E <br /> �:.�__.�:�-; . !. <br />,,:;��,;.•:w, .,t of default hereunder. i <br /> _';�.;t�:�• <br /> ��, <br /> +'�:=.�- �j�: ;, <br /> .. (a) Trustor �liall have failerl t.n mal<e payment af any in- _. <br /> � stallment nf interest. principal or principal and intierest ar = <br />: ��..�" ; driy ol.her sums secure� lier�l�y mli�rn �lu�; �. <br /> . .�e . <br /> . .�.r � _ <br /> _ �•�` <br /> _ � <br /> yinu.•r• -2- = <br /> ' � - <br />