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To payo when due� all taxes� speciAl assessm�nts `� <br /> and a1Z other charges again�t the property� beforo the samo bocome de�inquent� and, <br /> in 1;he ovent denQfir:iary shall eo require. ta add to the payments roqu�red uncier ' <br /> the note secured hereby. such amount as may be s�fficient �o eneble deneficia�y to <br /> pay such taxes� assessments or other charges as they hecome due. — <br /> G. Insurance. To I<eep the imprnvc�m�nt.s nnw or hiereafter located on the real - <br /> esCate described herein insured againsL dr�maye by fire and such other hazard�; as <br /> Bzneffciary may requfre. in amaun�s and companies ecceptable to Beneffciary� and <br /> iaith loss payable t� Beneffciary. In case of loss under such policies� l3eneficiary <br /> is authorized to adjust� collect and compromise� in its discretion. ell claims there- <br /> under and� at its sol� optfon. is auChorized to either apply the pracQ�ds t� the <br /> restorat.ion of the property or upon the indebtedness secuced hax�ehy, hut payments .. <br /> reyuired hy the note shal.l conti�ue until the sums secured hereby are paid in full. <br /> ,. Reuair, f�'laintenance and Use. To Nrum�tly repair, restore or ret�uild a��y <br /> buildings or improvements now or hereafter on the proper�yi to keep the property <br /> in good condi.i:ion and repair. without waste and fres from mechanics ar other liens <br /> not expressly subordinated to �he lien hereof; to not mak9. suffer or permit any <br /> nuisance to exist nor to diminish or impair the ualue of the property by any act <br /> or nmissian to act= and to cc�mply with all requiremei�ts of law with respect to the <br /> property. <br />- �i. .r.�ii7��ifi."+�2'L`.^.. Ir. t�2° a��ur2i� I�x� rr�i�n�'f�� nj` ar�� �,1ai`t thwranf� Rfla� � �IE+ , _. <br /> taken by eminent damein. 8eneficiary is entitled to collect and receive all compensa- <br /> tion may be paid fnr any property taken or for damages to property not taken� <br /> and Benefiriary sh�ll apply such compensati.on, at its option, either to a reduction <br /> of the i�debtedness secux�ed hereby ar to repair and res*Qre the property �a taken. . <br /> 7. Performance by BenPficiary. �Beneficiary mby, but shall have nta oCligat�on ' <br /> tn, dn any a�:t which Trustnr has aqreed but f�j led to do. and Beneficiary may also <br /> �lu any :u:L IL �f�ems necessary l.0 �iruL�cL Lhe: li�i� liertuf, lrustor agrees i.a r����y� <br /> upan demand� any sums so expended hy Beneficiary Fnr the abou� purposes. and any <br /> sum sa expended by BenPfiGiary shall be added to the indebtedness ssc��red hereby <br /> and become secured by the lien hereof. Beneficiary shall �ot fiicur any personal <br /> liability because of anyttaing it may do or anit to do hereunder. <br /> 8. Asslqnr��r�t of RCnts. Beneficiary shall have the right, power and authority - <br /> during the conti:nuance o� this Deed of Tr.ust to coll.ect the rents. issues and profits � <br /> of tt�e {�roperty and of any personal property located tnereon with or wi�bhout taking <br /> possessitm of the property affected hereby, an�i Trustnr hereby �bsolutely and uncondi- <br /> Lional,ly assigns all such rents� issues aneJ proPits to 8eneficfary. Beneficiary� <br /> �t�owever. t�ereby consen�s ta Trustor's collecl:ion and retenticn of such rents. issues <br /> and profits as they accruQ and became payable� so long as Trustor is noL. at such <br /> time, in default with rospect to payment of 9ny indebtedness secured hereby. or in <br /> the peaformance of any agreement hereundex�. If any event af .dofault described here- <br /> after in respect tn this f)eeci ut' Tru�;t :;I�nU li�v� nc��lrred anV bo cnntlnutnq, [ienufi- <br /> ciary. as a matter of right and without notic� to Trustor or anynne cS.aiming under <br /> Trustor. and withaut regard to the aalue of the tr►es� �state or the in��resi: of the <br /> � 7rustor therein. shall ha�e the right to apE�ly to any court having jurisdiction Lo <br /> appoint a receiver of the property. <br /> 9. Transfer of Property. If all or any part of the property or any interest <br /> of Trustos therein fs sold. transferred or further encumbe�ed withau'� the express <br /> nr written consent of Beneficiary. Beneficiary may� at its snle option, declare all <br /> sums secured by this Deed of trust to be immeciiately due and payable and proceed <br /> to the rernedies avail�able to it under the default provisions contained herein. <br /> _ 10. Events of Default. Any of the following events shall be deemed an event _ <br /> of default hereunder: <br /> - (a) Trustor shall have fail��l L�� make payment of any in- _ <br /> = stallment of' interest, pr.incipal ur principal and interest nr <br />= any oCh�r suros secure�f h�rel�y wli�n ilu�; <br /> _Z_ <br />�� <br />� <br />--- <br />�y -- _ <br />